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3, MARCH 2021 1037

Analysis of the Reliability of LoRa

Qahhar Muhammad Qadir , Member, IEEE

Abstract— This letter studies the performance of a single analyzed [8], throughout of uplink has been theoretically ana-
gateway LoRa system in the presence of different interference lyzed [9], LoRa’s link level performance and network capacity
considering the imperfect orthogonality effect. It utilizes concepts have been experimentally and analytically analyzed taking the
of stochastic geometry to present a low-complexity approximate
closed-form model for computing the success and coverage frame transmission period into account [10] and experimental
probabilities under these challenging conditions. Monte Carlo and simulations results have shown that packet loss due to
simulation results have shown that LoRa is not as theoretically imperfect orthogonality is an issue in LoRa network [11].
described as a technology that can cover few to ten kilometers. LoRa vulnerability to a number of interference justifies the
It was found that in the presence of the combination of signal-to- need for researches that study the success probability of LoRa
noise ratio (SNR) and imperfect orthogonality between spreading
factors (SF), the performance degrades dramatically beyond a packet. [4] and [8] have studied the outage probability of LoRa
couple of kilometers. However, better performance is observed frames. Exploiting the positive correlation between the signal-
when perfect orthogonality is considered and SNR is not included. to-interference ratio (SIR) value and success probability, this
Furthermore, the performance is annulus dependent and slightly letter presents an SIR-based analytical model to quantify the
improves at the border of the deployment cell annuli. Finally, success and coverage probabilities of LoRa frames under
the coverage probability declines exponentially as the average
number of end devices grows. imperfect orthogonality in the presence of different inter-
ference using stochastic geometry concepts [12]. Our work
Index Terms— LoRa, LoRaWAN, IoT, LPWA, long range, is different from literature as it reduces the complexity of
success probability, outage probability, frame loss, packet loss.
computing these probabilities under all possible interference as
explained in Section II. [4] did not take the LoRa imperfect
I. I NTRODUCTION orthogonality feature into account and compared to [8], our

L ORA [1], Semtech’s solution for low power wider area

network (LPWAN) [2], [3], among other technologies,
has appeared as a strong candidate for the IoT applications.
proposal serves as a low-complexity approximate closed-form
model for computing the frame success probability in LoRa
Perfect orthogonality for LoRa network, i.e. frames that are The remainder of this letter is organized as follows. Basic
set with different spreading factors (SF) are orthogonal to understanding of LoRa interference and its robustness tech-
each other and do not cause interference, has been assumed niques are explained in Section II. The studied problem is
considering that there is at least 16dB co-channel rejection formulated in Section III. Section IV presents a model for the
between any different SF couples [4]–[7]. This assumption success probability of LoRa frame under different interference
however, has not been taken by others when analyzing the scenarios. The proposed model is evaluated using simulation
performance of LoRa networks [8]–[11]. In order to have a in Section V. Finally, Section VI concludes this work.
more realistic scenario and include the effect of all possible
interference, this letter also considers imperfect orthogonality
between SFs.
LoRa has attracted the attention of researchers. [6] has
reported that two LoRa devices can use different SFs so In D2D communications such as in LoRa, transmitted data
long as there is no a significant difference in their received is mainly not as critical as the user data since the next message
powers. LoRa scalability and packet outage probability have can update previous lost messages. In smart metering for
been analyzed in [4]. Although densification of LoRa gate- example, the central station can wait for the next periodic
ways contributes to higher number of Co-SF interference in message in case of the loss of previous messages. It is
the lower SF tiers, it can enhance the scalability, maintain however not always acceptable. Critical IoT applications such
an adequate coverage, and is expected to increase network as IoT-based healthcare messages are sensitive and thus require
capacity [7]. Frame error and symbol rates were approximated redundant delivery.
through deriving low complexity formulas [5]. For a single- Efficient mechanisms must be used to enable data commu-
cell LoRa network under imperfect orthogonality condition, nications possible over the wireless technologies that operate
the success and coverage probabilities have been analytically in the industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) band including
LoRa. Packets are lost in such environment due to collision
Manuscript received August 7, 2020; revised September 27, 2020; accepted
October 26, 2020. Date of publication October 29, 2020; date of current which eventually results in link delay excess caused by resend-
version March 10, 2021. The associate editor coordinating the review of this ing the packets which have previously been lost. In practice,
letter and approving it for publication was A. Mellouk. wireless technologies use a number of mechanisms to mitigate
The author is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Salahaddin
University - Erbil, Erbil 44001, Iraq (e-mail: collision including carrier sense multiple access with collision
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LCOMM.2020.3034865 avoidance (CSMA/CA) or ALOHA protocol, compliance with
1558-2558 © 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: European University Cyprus. Downloaded on September 26,2023 at 08:10:10 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

local regulation policies such as listen before talk (LBT) TABLE I

and duty cycles implemented by LoRa. They also implement T ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONS OF A L O R A N ETWORK , 25 B YTE M ESSAGE ,
BW = 125KH Z , R R ADIUS AND 6 A NNULI [4], [13]
automatic repeat request (ARQ) to resend the lost packets.
Additionally, there are more reasons of packets loss in LoRa
technology. Packets are sent on channels that are randomly
selected for each transmission. Although, the implementation
of frequency hopping is considered a way to avoid interfer-
ence, it can also lead to packet loss due to the fact that end
devices (ED)s may hop to an already occupied channel [13].
LoRa has gained popularity from chirp spread spectrum
(CSS) (LoRa patent modulation scheme) and quasi-orthogonal
settings of SF. These unique features however, could not {0, 1, 2, . . . , N } denote EDs and j = k ∈ {7, 8, . . . , 12}
perfectly protect LoRa signals from interference. In addition denote SF s. Let Xi (t) be the transmitted signal of the desired
to frame loss due to signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) being below frame from ED i which is subject to 1) additive white Gaussian
the SF specified threshold (θSF ), LoRa signal depending on noise (AWGN) with zero mean and variance N = N0 +
how the SFs are set, is subject to other types of losses caused N F + 10logBW dBm [4], where N0 is noise power density
by interference. Frames, when are sent with same SF, are in dBm/Hz and NF is receiver noise figure in dB, 2) “max Co-
subject to an interference called “Co-SF interference”, as well SF interference” from n, n > 1 concurrent signals Xn (t) of
as to another kind of interference called “Inter-SF interference” the same SF , where Xn+ (t) is the strongest interfering signal
even if they are sent with different SF. There is also a among them, 3) Co-SF interference and 4) SF interference.
possibility of having both (Co-SF and Inter-SF) interference. When Xi (t) is subject to AWGN only, SNR can be given
The aggregate of Co-SF and Inter-SF interference is denoted as Pi |hi |2 (di )/N , where Pi is the transmit power of ED i in
as “SF interference” in this letter. We refer interested readers mW, |hi |2 is fading coefficient as an exponential independent
to [4], [8] for more details on different types of interference identically distributed (iid) random variable with mean one
in LoRa network. [14], and (di ) is the free space path loss of ED i at
di distance from the gateway. From the Friis transmission
III. P ROBLEM F ORMULATION equation, (di ) = (4πd λ
η for the wavelength λ and path loss
We consider a LoRa uplink transmission of EDs which exponent η which is greater than 2 nearly for all kind of links.
are uniformly distributed around a single gateway over a Xi (t) survives the noise if SNR is at least as the threshold θSF ,
deployment area represented in a multi-annuli single cell of i.e. condition P[SN R ≥ θSF |di ] is met. Solving for |hi |2 ,
disk shape and area A as described in Table I. We characterize the success probability considering the SNR only PsSN R can
the interference in the wireless network using Poisson Point be quantified as follows:
Process (PPP) Φ. N EDs, where N is a Poisson random    
2 N θSF N θSF
variable with mean N̄ = ρA, are represented by random PsSN R = P |hi | ≥ |di = exp − (1)
Pi (di ) Pi (di )
points in the region Ξ ⊆ R2 with intensity ρ > 0 following
an inhomogeneous PPP. ED i has an Euclidean distance di As mentioned earlier, Xi (t) is also subject to Co-SF and
km from the gateway within the cell radius R. Furthermore, Inter-SF interference. We consider two possibilities for the
each ED respects the regional 1% regulatory duty cycle τ Co-SF interference; the received signal is 4 times stronger
restriction, and communicates with the gateway over a flat than the dominant signal Xn+ (t) of the same SF, labeled as
Rayleigh fading channel. max Co-SF interference [4] and stronger than the sum of all
An SF that may not be completely orthogonal to other SFs, signals of the same SF, labeled as Co-SF interference. Let
is set to each ED depending on its distance from the gateway Γ denote the SIR threshold required for the desired received
by the network server. EDs use ALOHA protocol and share a signal to be successfully recovered. Equations 2, 3 and 4 give
single channel of 125KHz bandwidth. We further assume that the lower bound of Γ considering max Co-SF, Co-SF and Inter-
both transmitter and receiver have isotropic antenna of gain SF interference respectively.
equal to 1 and only LoRa EDs are operating in the ISM band, 4Pi |hi |2 (di )
thus no interference from non-LoRa devices is expected. Shar- ΓmaxCo−SF = (2)
Pn+ |hn+ |2 (dn+ )
ing of SFs among EDs, will impose the possibility that two
Pi,j |hi,j |2 (di,j )
or more frames are transmitted with the same SF, thus cause ΓCo−SF = N (3)
Co-SF interference and possible loss of frames. Interference m=1|m=i,j 1m,j Pm,j |hm,j | (dm,j )
between frames transmitted with different SFs, i.e. Inter-SF Pi,j |hi,j |2 (di,j )
interference is also possible. Although, Inter-SF interference ΓInter−SF = N,12
m=1|m=i,k=7|k=j 1m,k Pm,k |hm,k |2 (dm,k )
is not as critical as Co-SF interference for LoRa network [4],
[8], it is considered as a cause of interference in this letter.
where function 1m,j indicates if m EDs other than i transmit-
IV. S YSTEM M ODEL ting with the same SF j as i’s, function 1m,k indicates if m
In LoRa network, there is a possibility that EDs use same EDs other than i transmitting with SF other than j and hm,j
or different SF s as of the desired signal. Let i = m ∈ and hm,k are iid random variables independent of hi,j .

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Fig. 1. Success probabilities under SNR (black), max Co-SF interference

Due to the multipath effect, the envelope and phase of the (red), Co-SF interference (green), SF interference (blue) and SNR & SF
received signal fluctuate over time when travels over Rayleigh interference (magenta) versus the distance from the gateway di Km, N̄ =
fading channel. This fluctuation is due to the fact that the 1500, R = 12 Km.
amplitude of the received signal is modulated by the fading
 2  with mean square Ω =
amplitude α which is a random variable in Equation 9. A LoRa network of N̄ = 1500,R = 12Km and
α and PDF Pα (α) = Ω exp −α
2 2α
Ω , for α ≥ 0 [15]. The six equal width (12Km/6) annuli as characterized by Table I,
received SIR ratio Γ is proportionally related to the square of α was assumed for the simulation. Complete list of network
and thus to the envelope of received signal, and its exponential parameters and their values used for the simulation are shown
PDF for a given threshold a can be given by 5 [16] in Table II. Fig. 1 shows the averaged success probabilities
  under SNR, max Co-SF, Co-SF, SF, and combination of SNR
1 −a
PΓ (a) = exp , a≥0 (5) & SF interference over 105 random realizations of Φ in the
Γ̄ Γ̄
deployment region Ξ.
where Γ̄ = E[Γ] The overall trend of success probabilities under all interfer-
For FSK, the modulation used by LoRa, with coherent ence conditions decreases as the distance from the gateway
detection (i.e. no phase impairments), the rate of error
√ Re increases. Although, depending on the deployment environ-
can be expressed as the function of Γ, i.e. Re (Γ) = G Γ , ment, LoRa is theoretically expected to cover few to ten kilo-
where√function G(x) is defined by Equation 6 and for x > 0 meters, its performance dramatically degrades after a couple
(i.e. Γ > 0 which defines the valid lower bound of Γ of kilometers. However, the degradation in performance is less
that can be received by the gateway), can be simplified to noticed when max Co-SF or Co-SF interference is considered,
Equation 7 [17] but is highly affected by noise or combination of Co-SF and
∞ Inter-SF interference. The combination of noise, Co-SF and
1 y2
G(x) = √ exp− 2 dy (6) Inter-SF interference is further degrading the performance,
2π x thus disqualifying LoRa for long ranges beyond a couple of
1 x2
G(x) ≤ exp− 2 (7) kilometers.
2 The considerable difference between the performance of
In order to find the outage probability Po , we average LoRa under Co-SF (same justification is applied to max Co-SF
Re (Γ) over PΓ (a) by solving the integral in Equation 8 scenario) and combined Co-SF and Inter-SF scenario can
which then can be simplified by Equation 9. be justified as Co-SF interference is annulus dependent due
∞ to that fact that the interference domain of EDs, using the
Po = Re (Γ)PΓ (a)dΓ (8) same SF as of the desired node, is within annulus, but the
0⎛ ⎞ interference domain of EDs in the combined Co-SF and Inter-
1⎝ Γ̄ ⎠ SF scenario is within the whole deployment region Ξ, as in
Po = 1− (9)
2 2 + Γ̄ addition to interference that might be caused by EDs using the
same SF as of the desired node, EDs with different SFs may
Finally, substituting Equations 2, 3 and 4 in Equation 9, also cause additional interference and thus has a combined
quantifies the outage probability of LoRa frames under max negative impact on the performance. It is also observed that
Co-SF, Co-SF and Inter-SF interference respectively. The the performance is slightly improved at the border of the annuli
product of outage probabilities under Co-SF and Inter-SF due to the striking saw-tooth effect which is considered a LoRa
interference represents the joint outage probability of SF inter- unique feature. Finally, it’s worth mentioning that similar
ference. The success probability Ps is then can be computed trends of success probability are reported by literature [4], [8].
as 1 − Po . Finally, an exponential drop in coverage probability under
considered interference conditions, is noticed as the average
V. M ODEL E VALUATION number of EDs grows except for the SNR, which does
Monte Carlo simulation was used to verify the success not depend on N̄ (Fig. 2). Increasing N̄ reduces Γ, which
probability in Equation 1 and outage probability complement eventually declines the coverage probability. Sharp decay of

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further validation of the model. Furthermore, the impact of

different SF combinations on ΓInter−SF can be studied.
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