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MATRIX NUMBER 2022812738
Title: Experiment 4 Soil Bulk Density
i) To collect field samples for bulk density measurement.
ii) To determine bulk density and factors that affects soil bulk density.
iii) To compare bulk density of compacted soil and non-compacted soil.
Soil bulk density, which also serves as a gauge of a soil's health and compaction
potential, is one physical analysis performed to assess a soil's physical features. The bulk
density of the soil is calculated by dividing the weight of dry soil by its volume. The total
volume of the soil is made up of the combined volumes of its solid constituents and any pores
that may contain air, water, or both. Soil bulk density, DB, is expressed as:

𝐷𝐵 = 𝑊s/𝑉𝑡 = 𝑊s/Vs + Vp

Where Ws is the mass of the solid material, Vt is the total volume that will include
volume of solid soil materials (VS) and volume of porosity (VP). The bulk density and
porosity of the soil reflect the size, shape, and arrangement of the particles and voids. Soil
bulk density is another helpful indicator of soil permeability and root development. Knowing
the bulk density is necessary to calculate important soil properties such soil porosity, soil
moisture transport within a profile, and rates of clay formation and carbonate accumulation.
High bulk density means that root growth is restricted in the soil due to the limited porosity
and permeability of the soil. Meanwhile, low bulk density soil is frequently sought for the
best air movement, which implies aeration, and for the circulation of water through the soil.
Soil bulk density is important as it reduces inaccuracy related to variations in soil density at
the time of sampling, this improves the validity of comparisons during experiments.

Field Sampling
1. Sampling location was identified, and any surface of vegetation was cleared. The
entire sampling cylinder was pushed into soil and a scoop was used to clear excess
soil at the top of the sampling cylinder. A piece of wood was placed over the cylinder
and a hammer was used to hit the sampling cylinder to ease the insertion of the
sampling cylinder.
2. A shovel was used to dig around the can to remove the surrounding soil and the
sampling cylinder. The soil from the top and around the edges of the can was trimmed
so that the volume of the soil is the same as the volume of the can.
3. The labelled cylinder was covered with its lid.
4. Steps 1-3 was repeated for collecting four soil samples with different compaction
Laboratory Work
1. The plastic cover and the soil samples from the sampling cylinder was removed and
spread on paper to remove debris and rocks by hand and the samples was air dried for
1 to 2 h. The debris free samples were weighted in a pre-weight aluminium boat. All
the weight results were recorded in Table 3.6.
2. A sieve (2mm mesh) was used, and the soil samples was screen dried over a large
sheet of paper such as newspaper. The rocks and other large debris were isolated and
immersed in a 100 mL graduate cylinder filled with 30 mL of water. The displaced
water volume represents the volume of the debris. The volume of displaced water was
recorded in Table 3.6. The pre-weight, sieved soil samples was dried in an oven at
105°C overnight.
3. The dried soil was put in a desiccator and each sample was weighted in its container
when cooled. The dry weight of the soil samples was recorded in Table 3.6.
Data tested: Soil bulk sample
Tested by: Nor Fatin Idayu Binti Rosli
Sample number: 1,2,3,4
Sample description: Around FSG’s building
Table 3.6: Weight of Soil Container, Air Dried Soil, Oven Dried Soil; Volume of Sampling
Cylinder, Debris and Rocks for Determination of Soil Bulk Density

Parameters Unit Soil 1 (non- Soil 2 (non- Soil 3 Soil 4

compacted compacted (compacted (compacted
soil) soil) soil) soil)
Weight of g 2.3952 1.5697 2.5994 2.1318
Weight of g 47.4530 42.7610 66.9868 94.0064
soil + air-
dried soil
Weight of g 23.4544 20.7393 35.9274 18.0769
soil + weight
of soil
Weight of g 23.4544- 20.7393- 35.9274- 18.0769-
oven-dried 2.3952 1.5697 2.5994 2.1318
soil, Wov = 21.0592 = 19.1696 = 33.328 = 15.9451
Sampling cylinder
Radius, r cm 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
Length, l cm 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3
Volume, cm3 178.13 178.13 178.13 178.13
Volume of debris and rocks
Initial mL 30 30 30 30
volume, VI
Final mL 45.0 42.0 42.0 55.0
volume, VF
Initial mL 15.0 12.0 12.0 25.0
debris, VD
Volume of mL 178.13-15 178.13-12 178.13-12 178.13-25
solid + =163.13 =166.13 =166.13 = 153.13
porous (VF
= VTS –VD)
Soil Bulk g/cm3 0.1291 0.1154 0.2006 0.1041
Density (DB)

Volume of Sampling cylinder:
VTS = πr² l
VTS = (3.142) (3²) (6.3) = 178.13 cm3
The bulk density:


Non compacted soil 1: DB = 21.0592/163.13 = 0.1291g/

Non compacted soil 2: DB = 19.1696/166.13 = 0.1154 g/
Compacted soil 1: DB = 33.328/166.13 = 0.2006 g/
Compacted soil 2: DB = 15.9451/153.13 = 0.1041 g/



The objective of this experiment is to collect field samples for bulk density measurement, to
determine bulk density and factors that affects soil bulk density and to compare bulk density of compacted
soil and non-compacted soil. The soils were collected from four different locations. Non-compacted soil 1
(NC1), non-compacted soil 2 (NC2), Compacted soil 1 (C1) and Compacted soil 2 (C2) Samples were
collected using the sampling cylinder, sieved to isolate rocks and debris before oven-dried overnight at
105°𝐶. Heat applied at this temperature is efficient in evaporating water contained in soil pores and on the
surface of the soil, but no organic matter is lost. (J.C.Tarafdar, 2017). After subtracting with the pre-weighed
aluminium boat from its total of oven-dried soils, weight obtained are such; NC1=21.0592, NC2=19.1696,
C1=33.328, C2=15.9451. The bulk density of each compacted and non-compacted soils was calculated using
the formula:

DB = 𝑤𝑂𝐹 𝑣𝐹

Results for NC1, NC2, C1, C2 bulk density obtained as respectively; 0.1291 g/cm3, 0.1154 g/ cm3,
0.2006 g/cm3, 0.1041g/cm3. The conventional measure of soil density is bulk density, which is defined as
the proportion of a soil's weight to its volume, usually represented in grammes per cubic metre of soil. Bulk
densities in undisturbed soils range from 1.0 to 1.4 g/cm3, with sands and greater depth in the soil profile
having higher bulk densities. (Minnesota Pollution Control Agenc, 2021). From this theory, it shows that
bulk density can be affected by the depth of soil and types of soil. Compacted granular soils have greater dry
densities, ranging from 1.84 to 2.16 g/cm3, than clayey to silty soils, which have densities ranging from 1.36
to 1.84 g/cm3. (Goldsmith, 2001). This proves that the soil samples collected in the area are not granular
soils and in addition non compacted soils have higher bulk density than compacted soils.
Error Analysis:

From the experiment, several errors that may happen are random errors.Which might happen
during collecting the bulk sample. While putting the sample into the sampling cylinder the soils are not
compacted thoroughly into it. That makes the inside of the sampling cylinder are not very dense. As it
happens it will affect the calculation of the debris and rocks that will also affect the density of the soil bulk.
Secondly, another random error which specified in environmental error might happen while measuring the
soil. As the sample of soil is light hence a bit of wind can blow the sample. Thus, it will affect the
measurement of the oven dried soil as the particles of the soil is easily blown by the wind. And lastly,
systematic error might happen because while looking at the reading scale graduated cylinder, the
measurement of the cylinder might not be accurate.


For this experiment, safety precaution is highly important as dealing with sand might affect
human’s health. It has been known that soil contains lot of microorganisms such as bacteria and virus that
will lead to health problems such as stomach-ache and fever. Besides that, inhaling particles of soil can
affect breathing problems and can also lead to sore throat. Next, as the experiment uses tools like hammer
and scoop to collect samples. It is highly suggested to use it cautiously. As hammer can be dangerous if it
not used properly.

To ensure that it is safe while doing the experiment, it is highly recommended to wear the correct
PPE. Which consists of gloves, and masks. And after handling the soil sample, it is suggested to wash
hands thoroughly and to avoid touching face, mouth, and nose before washing the hands. Next, by
ensuring that no hands or any body part nearby before using the hammer to hammer the soil sampling
cylinder. And to also ensure that while using the scoop, it must be handled properly. To avoid any injuries.
For determining the density of the soil, other suggested method that can be more efficient is gas
displacement method. As it is a fast analysis technique thus it doesn’t require lot of time to get the result.
Although it needs a large amount of sample, but it is suitable to measure density of soil as it calibrated
sample chamber to weigh the volume in the presence of hydrogen gas.


In summary, the aim of this experiment is to collect field samples for bulk density measurement,
to determine bulk density and factors that affects soil bulk density and to compare bulk density of
compacted soil and non-compacted soil. Using the bulk density formula, the results obtained were found to
be; 0.1291 g/cm3, 0.1154 g/ cm3, 0.2006 g/cm3, 0.1041g/cm3 for NC1, NC2, C1, C2 respectively. Factors
determining bulk density values include the depth of soil and types of soil. Higher compaction of soil has a
higher value in bulk density. Thus, the objectives of this experiment have been achieved.

1. Arshad M.A., Lowery B., and Grossman B. 1996. Physical Tests for Monitoring Soil Quality. In:
Doran J.W., Jones A.J., editors. Methods for assessing soil quality. Madison, WI. p 123-41.
2. Goldsmith, W. (2001). Determining Optimal Degree of Soil Compaction for Balancing
Mechanical Stability and Plant. 1-9.
3. Density Determination of Solids and Liquids. (2022, December 14). EAG Laboratories.


1. What are the different ways to determine the volume of sampling cylinders?

- One of the ways to determine volume of sampling cylinders through geometric substitution which is by
measuring its length and radius and substituting the values into V = πr2h volume formula of cylinder.
Another way to determine volume of sampling cylinder is by collecting the initial and final volume
through water displacement.

2. How does bulk density affect the amount of roots in a horizon?

- Bulk density is a factor that can determine how roots grow in a horizon. Higher compaction in a soil or
higher bulk density can cause difficulty for roots to grow. This is because higher bulk density can impact
the movement of air and water through the soil. Thus, reducing roots growth.

3. What would change soil particle density or soil bulk density due to soil compaction? Why?

- Increase in soil compaction increases soils bulk density. Higher in compaction also means that soil
particles are compacted or very close to each other, thus, decreases in amount of pore spaces between

4. In an ideal agricultural soil in good physical condition, approximately what proportion of the
total volume of the soil is comprised of pores?

- 50% solids and 50% pores

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