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Who Are You?

Damage and Healing

d6, d6 d6, d6
Names I. To determine your ancestry, origin, and motivation, roll 2d6 (two six-sided Hit Points. When you take damage, you lose that much HP. When you run Monsters: HP
dice) on the table below or simply choose one entry from each column. out of HP, pain knocks you to the ground; after a minute or after an ally helps
1. A-C 1. People
you to your feet, you rise with 1 HP. To restore yourself to your maximum HP,
Alaric d6 Ancestry, Origin Motivation Peasant: 2
take a few minutes to rest and bind your wounds.
Anton 1 Dwarf, the mountains of Faerie. I want a kingdom to bow to me. Soldier: 4
Armin 2 Elf, the forests of Faerie. I crave danger and excitement. Lives. PCs start with three lives. (NPCs only have one.) Each time you take Merchant: 6
Blaise 3 Halfling, the hills of Faerie. I want to retire in carefree luxury. damage greater than your remaining HP, you lose a life. When you run out Assassin: 8
Bronwyn 4 Human, the big city. I want to help people in need. of lives, you die. To regain a lost life, get a good night’s sleep in a safe place. Knight: 6
Cedric 5 Human, the countryside. I want history to remember me. Wizard: 8
Boss monsters (in italics on the righthand table) only take damage once
6 Human, the frontier. I must resist oppression and tyranny.
2. C-E per combat round from the single best attack against them. 2. Wilds
Claude II. Choose a starting kit from the list below. You also start with (1) a lantern, Fairy: 4
Cyril (2) a sword, a bow, and arrows or equivalent weaponry, (3) food and water, Wolf: 8
Making Progress
Dagmar and (4) gear for climbing, camping, and cartography. Hag: 6
Declan At the end of each session of play or whenever the GM says to do so, award Tiger: 6
1. Veteran. Game dice, scar, smoke pipe, souvenir from the war.
Digory yourself 1, 2, or 3 Experience Points (XP) based on the criteria below. Bear: 8
2. Scholar. Chalk, monocle, two spell scrolls (see Skills and Spells).
Elias Troll: 8
3. Exorcist. Garlic, holy symbol, silver dagger, stake, wolfsbane. 1. You showed up to the session: 1 XP
3. E-H 4. Burglar. Caltrops, collapsible pole (10’), crowbar, lockpicks. 2. You just so happened to work toward your motivation: 2 XP 3. Classic
Elwin 5. Hunter. Animal trap, animal treats, pet hawk or hound, whistle. 3. You went out of your way to work toward your motivation: 3 XP Goblin: 2
Emery 6. Noble. Hand mirror, musical instrument, perfume, wine bottle. Skeleton: 4
You start at Level 1. You reach Level 2 when you have 2 XP, Level 3 when you
Fabian Big Spider: 6
III. Roll for a name on the lefthand table or make up a name. Your starting have 6 XP, and Level 4 when you have 12 XP. Each time you reach a new
Florian Ooze: 8
and maximum Hit Point value (HP) is 6. Optional rule: You may start with level, you can either (1) increase your maximum HP by 2, (2) acquire a new
Greylond Lich: 12
(1) a maximum HP of 5 and a skillset or (2) a maximum HP of 4 and a spell. skillset and increase your maximum HP by 1, or (3) learn a new magic spell.
Heyden Dragon: 16

4. K-O 4. Gothic
How to Play Skills and Spells
Kerrigan Zombie: 6
Lionel The game is a conversation that loops over three steps: first, the referee or There are four skillsets and 18 spells to choose from. The four skillsets are… Ghost: 8
Maeve “Game Master” (GM) describes your situation; second, you describe what Mummy: 6
1. Briarborn. Hunting, foraging, survival.
Morgan action your character takes; and third, the GM describes what happens. Ogre: 6
2. Fingersmith. Tinkering, picking locks or pockets.
Myron Werewolf: 8
When the GM is uncertain and can think of an interesting consequence for 3. Roofrunner. Climbing, leaping, balancing.
Orla Vampire: 12
failure, they ask you to roll dice. Judging the situation and factoring in your 4. Shadowjack. Moving silently, hiding in shadows.
5. O-S skillsets, the GM sets the target number at 6 (easy), 8 (normal), or 10 (hard). 5. Mythic
To cast a spell, roll 2d6. Use common sense to determine a spell’s effects and
Oswald Medusa: 6
To commit to the action, roll 2d6. If the total result is greater than or equal to how high you roll to determine its potency. On a 2 (“snake eyes”), something
Perrin Manticore: 8
the target number, you succeed in performing the action; otherwise, you fail. goes horribly wrong; on a 12, you do something amazing! On a 7 or more,
Quinn Minotaur: 8
you cannot cast the spell again until the next sunrise.
Robyn Cyclops: 12
Soren How to Fight d6 Wizard Spells Illusionist Spells Druid Spells Genie: 12
Sybil 1 Control [Element] Disguise Face & Hair Create [Weather] Sphinx: 16
In each round of combat, first every non-player-character (NPC) gets a turn,
2 Glue or Grease Invisibility (mostly) Hold Breath Long
6. T-W then every player-character (PC) gets a turn. Exception: Surprised NPCs do 6. Iconic
3 Impose [Emotion] Flash of Light or Dark Move Like [Animal]
Tess not go first. On your turn, you can move up to ~30 feet and take one action. Mock Chest: 6
4 Intangible Projection Minor Scent Illusion Speak to Nature
Tulley Growlyhoot: 8
To make an attack, roll 2d6 and ignore results of 4 or more. The sum total of 5 Levitate (vertical-only) Minor Sight Illusion Tangle of Vines
Vanora Rust Horror: 8
the remaining results is the amount of damage you deal to your target. 6 Interrogate Corpse Minor Sound Illusion Track Prey’s Scent
Vesper Shifter Beast: 8
Wilmot Exceptions: Boss monsters roll 3d6. If your target is weak to your method of Spell Scrolls. For each spell scroll you start with, choose a spell; the scroll Mind Guzzler: 12
Wolfrik attack, roll 4d6; if they are resistant, roll 1d6; if they are immune, roll 0d6. lets you cast your chosen spell until it turns to dust on a roll of 7 or more. Eye Tyrant: 12
Ruins and the Hidden Map

d6, d6
Random Events When you explore a ruin, only the GM starts with a complete map and notes
detailing the content of each room. Your access to information about the ruin
1. A-C
depends on the difficulty setting your group chooses from the list below…

Adopted a child
Awarded medal 1. Easy. You start with a complete but unlabeled map.
Bizarre new pet 2. Normal. The GM gradually reveals the map as you explore.
Bought the inn 3. Hard. Choose a player to map the ruin based on the GM's verbal
Broken limb descriptions. The map can be as simple as a flowchart with rectangles
Caught disease to represent rooms and lines to represent connections between rooms. ANALOG ADVENTURE GAME
2. C-G
Cursed by fairy Optional: Gold and Glory
Drafted for war
When you spend a session exploring a ruin, instead of earning Glory for
Duel scheduled
challenges overcome, you earn 1 Glory for each of the following that is true…
Fell in love
Given a quest 1. You (and your party) stole the ruin’s main treasure.
Got married 2. You stole at least half of the ruin’s side treasures.
3. You stole all of the ruin’s side treasures.
3. I-L
In a coffin Notes: You cannot spend stolen treasure in a town; you must find a buyer in
In the stocks a big city. When you start a new adventure with an old character, roll on the
Insulted a lord lefthand table to get an idea of what happened to you and your money.
Insulted a guild
Joined a cult
Luck, Reactions, and Morale
Letter of thanks
To resolve uncertainty that comes down to sheer luck, the GM rolls a d6; the
4. L-N
higher the result, the better the outcome. Alternatively, the GM can roll 2d6
Lost a bet
and take whichever result seems more likely. The GM uses this method to…
Lost at sea
Lost in Faerie 1. Reactions. Determine a monster’s first impression of your party.
Lost reputation On a low result, the monster is cautious and treats you like an invader;
New identity on high, the monster is curious and treats you like a new neighbor.
New tattoo 2. Morale. Decide whether a monster or group of monsters attempts
to flee from combat. The GM checks morale when a lone monster loses
4. P-S
half its starting HP or when a group loses half its members.
Roof on fire Optional: Wandering Monsters
Signed contract
If a ruin houses one or more wandering monsters, about one-third of the
Someone died
rooms in the ruin will be marked with a star or asterisk in the GM’s notes.
Spilled secrets
When you and your party enter a starred room, the GM rolls a d6.
4. S-W
If your party is moving quickly, you encounter a wandering monster on a 1.
Started a cult
If your party is moving cautiously, you encounter a wandering monster on 1-3
or a sign that a wandering monster is nearby on 4-6.
Thrown in jail
Unruly mob Unless you or another player says otherwise, your party moves cautiously
Won election when exploring a room for the first time and quickly when passing through
Wrong clothes to get to another room.
NSR Tim B., 2023, CC-BY 4.0

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