Zakat - Third Pillar of Islam

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Practice of Alms- Giving (zakat) in Islam

Zakat is the third pillar of Islam and thus carries immense significance in the life of a Muslim. Zakat
has been derived from the word, ‘Zakat. It means to increase, bless or purify (Purification)
In Islamic terminology, Zakah is the portion of asset that is made mandatory to be spent in the
ways specified by Allah
Zakat was made compulsory upon Muslims in 2 A.H in the following words in Quran, “And spend
of your substance in the cause of Allah...Do good for Allah loveth those who do good.”
(Al Baqarah-2:195) It is an act of worship which benefits mankind. Muslims believe that
paying zakat purifies, increases and blesses the remainder of their wealth.
Zakat according to the Quran and Hadith
The significance of Zakat can be deduced from the fact that it has been discussed 32 times in the
Holy Quran and only 6 times without the reference of Prayer. "And perform As-Salat and give
Zakat and obey the Messenger (Muhammad SAW) that you may receive mercy (from
Allah)." (Surah An-Noor 24:56)
Zakat is the provision of wealth from the wealthy Muslims to those who are financially weak and
unstable as the Prophet (SAW) commands, “It (Zakat) should be collected from the well-to-do
and distributed among the poor.”
Obligation of Zakat
Any, Muslim who possesses a certain number of possessions equal to Nisab for a specific time
period (one year), he is liable to pay Zakat.
The Nisab & Various commodities according to their Nisab
Nisab is the minimum amount that a Muslim must have before being obliged to Zakat.
The Prophet himself, on him be peace, established the niṣab values for all five categories of Zakat
able wealth: personal, business, agricultural produce, livestock, and discovered or prospected
troves. The nisab amount varies according to the category of wealth. Such as,
If a person has 7.5 tolas or more of gold, 2.5% of it is due as zakat, 52.5 tolas or more of silver,
2.5% of it is due as zakat. If a person has 40-120 goats, then one goat is due in zakat…..

Recipients of Zakat
According to the Holy Quran, Surah At- Taubah 9:60, the recipients of Zakat are the people who
do not possess wealth equal to Nisab.
Zakat can be paid to 8 types of people mentioned in the Quran.

Alms-tax is only for the poor and the needy, for those employed to administer it, for those
whose hearts are attracted ˹to the faith˺, for ˹freeing˺ slaves, for those in debt, for Allah’s
cause, and for ˹needy˺ travellers. ˹This is˺ an obligation from Allah. And Allah is All-
Knowing, All-Wise. Surah Taubah 9:60.
People not entitled to receive Zakat
The recipient must not be Well to do Muslims, not belong to one’s immediate family; such as
spouse, children, parents and grandparents cannot receive zakat including descendants of
Prophet SAW and non- Muslims. Other relatives, however, can receive your zakat.

Conditions where Zakat is not allowed to be spent on

Zakah cannot be spent on the burial expenditure, payment of deceased person’s debt, construction of
mosque, school, bridge or other public utility because none of these cases fulfill the condition of
zakat that the recipient must be the owner of the Zakat money.

Importance and Benefits of Zakat

Individual Impact
1. Generosity:
Man is naturally greedy and his thirst for more and more material gains never satisfies. Zakat
is a sort of journey from inside to the outside. He learns to come out of the race of personal
interests and think for other human beings. He extends financial help to the poor and the
needy. It cleanses an individual from avarice, selfishness and miserliness. The Holy Quran
“And whoso is saved from his own avarice such are they who are successful” (Al-
Quran 59:9)
2. Sincerity of Faith:
Zakat is also called “Sadaqa” which is derived from “Sidq” which means truth. Proper
calculation of assets and capital for the sake of excluding prescribed amount for the poor
and the needy, is an ample proof of the individual’s sincerity of faith. It also shows his
complete submission to the will of almighty Allah.
3. Self-Purification:
Zakat, on one hand, purifies the individual who gives Zakat from selfishness and
indifference, while, on the other, it purifies those who receives Zakat from the feelings of
haltered against the wealthy people. Thus, it creates love for others in the individual and
saves him from self-indulgence and ego-centricity.
4. Obedience to Law:
It makes an individual a responsible and obedient citizen. The Holy Quran says, “O you
who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the messenger and those of you who are in
authority”. (Al-Quran 4:59) Divine orders are, in a sense, is a training to make a person
obedient to laws, to become civilized and cultured.
5. Special financial Aid:
Zakat is distinct in all other forms of charity in contemporary society, as it also seeks to
relieve an insolvent from his unsettled debts. It also provides necessary financial aid for the
wayfarer who unexpectedly faces financial risk regardless of being rich or poor.

Communal Impact
As usually all the Islamic commands start from the individual and travels to the
establishment of an ideal community of the people. Zakat, in the same way at first builds
character of an individual and then brings a lot of impacts to the society. The collective
impacts of Zakat are as follows: -

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1. Promotes Harmony and Justice:
Zakat bridges the gulf between the haves and the have-nots. In capitalistic economies, we
see that the wealth accumulates into a few hands and the condition of the poor further
deteriorates. One of the purposes of Zakat is to avoid such social disparity. The Holy Quran
says: - “This (Wealth) may not circulate solely among the rich from among you (Al-
Quran 59:7).
2. Social Security:
Zakat functions as a social security for all. Those who have enough money today pay for
what they have. If they need money tomorrow, they will get what is necessary to help them
live decently.
3. Flourishes Economy:
Zakat is not levied on the income rather on the savings and hoarded items. So, the person
who pays Zakat every year, prefers to invest his wealth and get it increased, in this way, the
literal meaning of Zakat is ‘Growth’. The Holy Quran says, “That which you give in Zakat,
seeking Allah’s countenance, has increase manifold” (Al-Quran 30:39)
The Zakat has impact on social life of Muslim Society. This helps increase production and
stimulates supply because it is a re-distribution of income that enhances the demand by
putting more real purchasing power in the hands of the poor.
4. Circulation of Wealth:
Zakat keeps wealth in circulation and thus it benefits the whole society. The holy Prophet
(SAW) advised his companion Mua’az bin Jabal, while he was proceeding to Yaman
“to teach them that Allah has made it obligatory for them to pay the Zakat from their
property and it is to be taken from the wealthy among them and given to the poor”
(Bukhari). Thus, Zakat helps a lot in decreasing poverty. If proper Zakat system is
established, the poverty will vanish away from the earth.
5. Develops of Brotherhood:
Zakat brings the people closer to each other and ensures real brotherhood in the true sense
of the word and spirit. The holy Quran has made performance of ‘Salat’ and payment of
‘Zakat’ both as pre-requisites of Islamic brotherhood. The Quran says: - “But if they repent
and establish worship and pay the poor-due (Zakat), then they are your brethren in
religion” (Al-Quran 11:9)
6. Promotes Piety and Taqwa:
Zakat is obligatory on the wealthy people. If someone pay Zakat, he is just performing his
duty assigned by almighty Allah. He is not doing any favor on the poor and the destitute. If
someone does not pay a due share, he will have to face wrath of Allah on the Judgment
Day. Narrates Abu Huraira (RA) that the holy Prophet (SAW) said: “No owner of the
treasure who does not pay Zakat (would be spared) but (his hoards) would be heated
in the fire of Hell and these would be made into plates and with these, his sides and
his forehead would be cauterized till Allah would pronounce Judgment” (Muslim) That
is why the Zakat givers are themselves thankful to the receivers as they are helping to fulfill
their duties.
7. Discourages Beggary:
If everyone pays Zakat from among the haves, no poor and the unfortunate would have to
resort to begging. Islam on one hand, ordered the affluent to care about the destitute and,
on the other, prohibited the poor and the needy from stretching hands before others.
Narrates Abu Huraira (RA) that the holy Prophet said, “Whoever begs from people so
as to accumulate more riches, he is asking for a live coal (fire) from Hell, so let him
ask for a lot or little” (Ibn-e-Maja)

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8. Promotes Peace and Prosperity:
Zakat ensures social justice by bringing financial balance among various strata of society.
It decreases the crime rate and terrorist inclinations among the society. Thus, the whole
society strives together and achieves development and prosperity. Equal distribution of
wealth curtails the rate of unemployment and reduces chances of economic recession.

Types of Charity in Islam

SADAQAH - Charity ZAKAT AL-FITR/ Sadaqah tul Fitr
is referred to as any act of kindness done by be given by the head of the family before
one Muslim to another, he it smiling or the start of the Eid-prayer. to the poor
financial support for their daily living etc. and less privileged.

2.5% of a Muslim accumulated wealth calculated yearly, and the proceeds should be
distributed among the poor and needy, more specifically saving distributed to the eight
eligible groups .

Difference between Zakat and Sadaqah (Charity)

Zakat Sadaqah
• Wajib (Obligatory) • not Wajib (Optional)
• obligatory on specific wealth • not depended on any kind of wealth
• specific amount (2.5%) • can be given in any amount
• specific conditions • not any condition
• one full Hijri have passed since • given at any time of year
acquiring the wealth equal to Nisab • can be given to anyone
• must be given to certain types of • no such obligations as every act of
people kindness is sadaqa
• whoever dies and owes zakah, his • no obligation to pay on the behalf of
heirs must pay dead ones.
• who withholds zakah will be • no punishment
• could not be given to one's • may be given to one's ascendants and
ascendants and descendants descendants
• could not be given to non-Muslims • could be given to non-Muslims

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