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Unit 1

Words: reluctance, be reluctant to do sth, clutch, progress, intricate, overlook, misgiving

(a feeling of doubt or worry over a future event), trace, invade, exertion, struggle,

Phrases: throw into (force to do), time to time, make……out of, cling to the belief 固守信念
cling to the hope 抱着一线希望 cling to one’s own view 坚持己见 cling to the habit 固守着某种
习惯 cling to one’s possessions 坚守财产不肯放弃,come into view, burst into laughter/tear,
bust with joy, burst out laughing, go on with sth, a matter of, bring about(make sth. happen), give
rise to ( fml to be the reason that sth. happened, esp. sth. Bad and unpleasant), resort to (to turn
to sth (usu. bad) as a solution because there is no other way), present itself/themselves ,in vain,
find one’s way to, take over

Grammar: usages of would, Here and there 放句首时倒装,否定词放句首倒装,副词放句首倒装,


Expressions: have no basis ( no evidence, groundless without good reason), there is no question
of eg. 1.There is no question of his honesty. 2. That way, there is no question of whether to keep
or delete e-mails. 3. There is no question that the cheapest Belgian chocolate is better

than anything you can buy in America. 4. There was no question of ever returning to the
paradise of home 1.make one’s way to/towards the door 1. 艰难地向门走去
2. bow her way out of the room 2. 边鞠躬边退出房间
3. push her way out of the hall 3. 挤出大厅
4. shoulder her way through the crowd 4. 推攘着挤出人群
5. worm his way into the organization 5. 混入组织
6. beg her way back home 6. 一路乞讨回家
7. inch one’s way up the mountain 7. 一步一步挪上山
lined with

Patterns: it is no (not much) good, it is no (not any, hardly any, little) use ,it is useless, it is not
the slightest use, it is worth (worthwhile),there is no (good, use)+doing
Eg. It is no use doing what you like, you have to like what you do.
It is no use bandying words with her.
I think it is no use telling them about it.
1) I walked alongside my father, clutching his right hand.
2) …this was the day I was to be thrown into school…
3)…we walked along a street lined with gardens
4) I wasn't convinced.
5) I did no believe (that) there was really any good to be had in…
6) How could all this have happened in half a day…?
7) Here and there stood conjurers showing off their tricks…
8) Extremely irritated, I wondered when I would be able to cross.

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