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MInistry on Arts and Socio-Cultural Affairs

Annual Christmas Party

December 1, 2023 @ SFSTS Inner Garden

2:30 Preparation
4:30 Bathing
5:00 Spirituality
6:00 Minor Preparations
6:15 Program Proper

Opening Prayer
Opening REmarks
Presentation Team A (Pre-Theo,1st and 2nd Year)
Game 1 c/o Pre-Theo and FIrst Year
Game 2 c/o Sophomores
AVP September
Presentation Team B (YSPF, 3rd Year)
Game 3 c/o YSPF
Game 4 c/o Juniors
AVP October
Presentation Team C (Seniors, Buelo)
Game 5 C/o Seniors
Game 6 c/o Buelo
AVP November
Grand RAffle
Christmas Message of the Rector
Traditional Mano and veneration of the Child Jesus
Videoke Night
11:00 Reset

ATTIRE - SHirt, PAnts, SHoes

Team A - Green
Team B - BLue
Team C - Red
Priests - Yellow
Staff - White

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