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Tidal current energy potential assessment

in the Avilés Port using a three-

dimensional CFD method

Rodolfo Espina-Valdés, Eduardo Álvarez

Álvarez, Julio García-Maribona, Antonio
José Gutiérrez Trashorras & Juan
M. González-Caballín
Clean Technologies and
Environmental Policy
Focusing on Technology Research,
Innovation, Demonstration, Insights
and Policy Issues for Sustainable

ISSN 1618-954X
Volume 21
Number 6

Clean Techn Environ Policy (2019)

DOI 10.1007/s10098-019-01711-2

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Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy (2019) 21:1367–1380


Tidal current energy potential assessment in the Avilés Port using

a three‑dimensional CFD method
Rodolfo Espina‑Valdés1 · Eduardo Álvarez Álvarez1 · Julio García‑Maribona2 · Antonio José Gutiérrez Trashorras1 ·
Juan M. González‑Caballín1

Received: 3 November 2018 / Accepted: 27 May 2019 / Published online: 31 May 2019
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019

Tidal energy is considered as an energy resource of maximum interest in both technical and research fields due to its largely
unexploited energy potential. The use of hydrokinetic microturbines is now an attractive option with reduced environmen-
tal impact. The first step to evaluate the feasibility of a hydrokinetic microturbines installation is to perform a study of the
velocity field characteristics and therefore the energy potential available. Up to now, different numerical models, of one, two
and three spatial dimensions have been applied to evaluate the tidal potential in large areas. Due to the high computational
resources needed, they include simplifications, like avoiding a precise study of the velocity in the vertical dimension, result-
ing in incomplete estimations of the available kinetic energy. To complete these estimations, the research presented sets out
a methodology to evaluate the current effects, velocity profiles and the energy potential derived from tide movements in an
estuary or port by solving the full Navier–Stokes equations. It also considers the water–air interface in the numerical scheme.
The methodology is based, firstly, on the definition of a three-dimensional geometrical model of the geographical area of
study, and then, the complete model is meshed with finite volumes, where the full three-dimensional Unsteady Navier–Stokes
equations are solved. The methodology was applied and validated with a three-dimensional water–air numerical model of
the port of Avilés (Spain). In conclusion, water surface elevations, averaged speed cycles, velocity profiles as a function of
depth and tidal power and energy data have been obtained without the usual simplifications, which will mean an evaluation
more accurate when assessing the implementation of a power generation system.
Graphic abstract

Keywords Tidal energy · Computational fluid dynamics · Three-dimensional model · Averaged velocity · High resolution

* Eduardo Álvarez Álvarez
Extended author information available on the last page of the article

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Introduction of pre-commercial developments are the Maine project

in the Bay of Fundy (Canada) and the RITE project in
Tidal energy is the result of the movement of ocean water New York (Ocean Renewable Energy Coalition (OREC),
volumes caused by the influence of the moon and sun Verdant Power 2012). These prototypes are suitable for
lesser extent. It includes the potential energy derived by nearshore locations where high kinetic energy can be har-
height changes in sea level, harnessed in tidal barrages, nessed (due to the influence of tides) to provide energy to
and the kinetic energy present in tidal currents, harnessed local demands, reducing the effects on the environment
using tidal current devices (Bhuyan 2008). The worldwide (Alvarez et al. 2013), as well as the investment and func-
theoretical tidal energy has been estimated at around 7800 tioning costs required.
TWh/year (Huckerby et al. 2012). Regardless of it being These projects have embraced research into both the
a constant and largely foreseeable energy resource (Saad development of numerical models with specific software
and Taleb 2018), the challenge to improve its large-scale tools (or codes) to perform estimations of the energy
feasibility remains. Considerable investment, ever increas- potential of tidal currents as well as microturbine designs.
ing maintenance and operation costs together with a poten- These studies are still under development, but its impor-
tially significant impact on the environment are all to be tance is very relevant since, as clearly indicated by Lewis
considered to meet such a challenge. Nevertheless, and in et al. (2015), having a precise estimation of the tidal energy
spite of such obstacles, it is currently attracting both inter- potential and also optimized microturbine designs (Culley
est and investment (Rourke et al. 2010). et al. 2016) are key factors in guaranteeing feasibility of a
To date, tidal energy utilizations are mainly based on tidal array.
tidal barrages which harness the potential energy of tides. Up to now, different numerical models (regarding the
Although this technology can be considered mature, said equations solved and the code used) have been used to
facilities have significant repercussions on the environ- study the hydrodynamic of tidal flows over extensive areas:
ment (Hooper and Austen 2013) and their feasibility is one-dimensional (1D), two-dimensional (2D) and three-
restricted to few locations (Executive Committee of Ocean dimensional (3D). These models must consider different
Energy Systems 2015). numerical difficulties including complex geometries, large-
During the last decade, new lines of research have been size domains and the determination of the free surface which
focused into the design of tidal current energy devices represents a mobile boundary condition. Therefore, the mod-
called hydrokinetic turbines, known as tidal current tech- els must assume certain simplifications in order to obtain
nology (Heesterman 2017), which are based on wind tur- a compromise between accuracy and computational costs.
bine designs (Vanzwieten et al. 2015). The first technical There are two main simplifications that have become the
solution proposed was the design of high-power turbines standard approach: using low resolution meshes and evad-
(> 500 kW) to be located in offshore areas to minimize ing a precise study of the velocity in the depth dimension. In
any possible environmental ramifications (Glaser 2007). some cases, it has resulted in inaccurate estimations of the
Different companies interested in the design of tidal high- available kinetic energy (Evans et al. 2015).
power turbines have proposed different prototypes (Ver- 1D and 2D hydrodynamic models are based on solv-
dant Power 2006). Considerable outlays in addition to sub- ing a depth-averaged form of the differential Shallow
stantial operation and maintenance costs have undeniably Water Equations so-called Saint–Venant equations. These
limited their further development. equations are obtained from the continuity equation and
Even during last years, different specialized centres momentum Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS)
offer infrastructures to perform specialized prototype tests equations, integrating them over the water depth. They
like the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC, UK), also assume incompressible flow, hydrostatic pressure
the Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Cen- distribution and do not take into account the effect of the
tre (NNMREC, USA), Fundy Ocean Research Centre for vertical length scale, as it is much smaller than the hori-
Energy (FORCE, Canada). But the reality is that only a zontal. That allows to obtain the horizontal depth-averaged
few installations are connected to the grid, for example the velocities and the free surface height, in large domains
plant of the SeaGen company in Strangford Lough (UK) with affordable computational costs. 1D models are the
with two 600-KW tidal turbines that was commissioned most simplified option, suitable when the tidal currents
in July 2008 (Devine-Wright 2011). have a predominant direction. The information needed
Recent projects have attempted to come up with a to elaborate the geometrical model is reduced (transver-
new approach based on low-power hydrokinetic tur- sal sections separated a certain distance), and the results
bines or hydrokinetic microturbines (Vennell et al. 2015) can be obtained in very little time. Examples of recent
arranged in arrays (called tidal turbine arrays). Examples studies of tidal currents using 1D hydrodynamic mod-
els have been performed in the East river in Manhattan

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Tidal current energy potential assessment in the Avilés Port using a three-dimensional CFD… 1369

(New York, USA) (Spurlock et al. 2008) and in the Nalón Three‑dimensional model of the Avilés Port
river (Alvarez et al. 2016) both using HEC-RAS (1D)
free code. In contrast, 2D models are suitable in cases The port of Avilés, a channel of 5000/160/10 m of length/
of abrupt variations in the geometry (narrowings, curves, width (average)/depth (nearly constant), lies at the centre
etc.) where the currents are highly bidimensional. How- of the northern coast of Spain (Fig. 1). Its location makes
ever, these models have higher computational costs and it a geographically ideal hub for international trade, mainly
they require more accurate information to elaborate the with the American continent and Northern Europe. For its
geometrical models. Examples of recent studies of tidal favourable location, the port provides a key outlet for the city
currents using 2D hydrodinamic models have been per- of Avilés and indeed for the whole Principality of Asturias.
formed in the tidal strait of Pentland Firth (Scotland, UK) This site has been chosen due to the availability of experi-
(Martin-Short et al. 2015; Adcock et al. 2013), around the mental data that can validate this research and its proximity
Irish coast (O’Rourke et al. 2010) and at the ría of Avilés to consumption points in the city of Avilés that makes it
(Spain) (Avilés Port Authority 2004) using in the three attractive for integration into smart city grids.
cases Mike 21(2D) commercial code (DHI 2016); and in
Pentland Firth (Pérez-Ortiz et al. 2013), Skarpsundet tidal Geometric model
channel (Norway) (Lalander et al. 2013) and Portland Bill
(Dorset, UK) (Blunden and Bahaj 2006) using Telemac The geometric model used has been obtained by using
(2D) free code. geographical information from Opensource Geographic
Regarding 3D models, the hydrodynamic of tidal flows Information Systems. The bathymetry definition has been
is studied solving the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes obtained from the navigational chart “n° 4052 (INT 1854):
(RANS) equations with hydrostatic simplifications that can Ria de Avilés” of the “Instituto Hidrográfico de la Marina
lead to the imprecise calculation of velocities and water Española”. The navigational chart has a scale 1:7500 and
depths, mainly in scenarios highly three-dimensional flows is included in the International navigational charts of the
scenarios. There are different published hydrodynamic Atlantic Ocean, Spanish North Coast, edited by the “Instituto
studies using these models: the Irish Sea and North West Hidrográfico de la Marina Española” in December 2005. For
European shelf seas were studied by using Regional Ocean evaluation of the water velocity field and sea levels, the zone
Modelling System (ROMS) (Lewis et al. 2015; Neill et al. between the port mouth and elbow of the port was divided in
2015) free code; the Bay of Algeciras (Spain) (Sammartino cross sections to the flow direction, at a constant distance of
et al. 2014) using the free code Massachusetts Institute of 50 m (Fig. 2). The sections were identified using the distance
Technology general circulation model (MITgcm); or the to the port mouth which corresponds to x = 0.
Strait of Malacca (Sumatra) (Sakmani et al. 2013) and the The geometric model is designed to reproduce the bipha-
Pearl River estuary (China) (Chau and Jiang 2001) using the sic scheme of water and air. The bed of the port is horizontal,
free code Princeton Ocean Model (POM). and the height is 16.2 m. It is the sufficient height for taking
In general, the model complexity increases (1D, 2D or into account the evolution of the mentioned biphasic scheme.
3D) with the site complexity and accuracy of the solu- Contour irregularities that do not have any important reper-
tions needed, but up to now with important simplifications cussion in the results and which imply a high increase in
(Legrand et al. 2009). These simplifications have drawbacks
and, in some cases, do not provide good results (section
variations, vertical speeds, depth). Therefore, it is of maxi-
mum interest the use of other models that include a study
of the flow in the vertical dimension. A first approach has
been presented by the authors of this research in González-
Caballín et al. (2016), proposing a 2D longitudinal model
(including depth and length) to study the hydrodynamics
of the port of Avilés. This investigation proposes the use of
tridimensional biphasic air–water models (3D) that solve
full Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes with Computational
Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods (Timilsina et al. 2018). That
makes it possible to achieve more complete descriptions of
the water velocity field (tidal currents) and water surface
location, therefore reducing uncertainly in the evaluations
of the hydrokinetic power and energy that can be obtained
by using microturbines at different sites and depths. Fig. 1  Avilés Port location

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the calculation times have been removed (Fig. 3). The final
geometry includes two volumes that initially represent the
air and water initial conditions, allowing enough air space
for the tide rise. For reproducing the sea tides, a user-defined
function based on the equivalent water pressure level vari-
ations is applied at the port mouth in a rectangle (in blue),
defined as a water pressure inlet (Fig. 3). This rectangular
zone is a simplified representation of a large open sea zone
that has been modelled, so that the water inlet does not affect
the velocity field at the river mouth.
The model’s upper part is open allowing air to flow in and
out. The figure also includes the location of the points (­ P1,
­P2, ­P3; at x = 100, x = 1500, x = 3000) where the maximum
depth-averaged velocity values have been measured by the
Avilés Port (Avilés Port Authority 2004). Those values have
been used for the numerical model validation.

Numerical model

The numerical model is based on discretizing the geometry

in different finite volumes (or cells) where the Unsteady
Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (URANS) flow equations
are solved with specific boundary conditions. In this case,
the equations are solved using the commercial CFD ANSYS
FLUENT V13.0 computer code.

Fig. 2  Avilés Port (including cross sections)
The geometric model was meshed using a structured mesh
in the simple geometry areas and a non-structured mesh in
the more complex geometric ones. That solution allows a
compromise between calculation time and accuracy of the
results. The structured mesh is composed of regular quadran-
gular prisms of 10 m of side and 1 m of height and regular
triangular prisms of 10 m of side and 1 m of height (Fig. 4).
The total size of the grid is of 321,648 cells, with vari-
ations smaller than 0.7% of the averaged velocity val-
ues in the validation points when a greater number of
cells are used (Fig. 5). A quality analysis of the mesh
yielded very satisfactory results. The magnitude of the
equisize skew was 0.1 for 92% of the mesh cells. This
parameter quantifies the skewness of the cells formed.
Values near 0 indicate more regular cells, which have
a higher probability of obtaining satisfactory results.
Figure 6 show the quality result (using equisize skew
factor) of a mesh fragment. To ensure convergence,
it has been controlled how much the residuals had
decreased during the calculations as an additional
measure of convergence. In that way, ANSYS FLU-
ENT allows to normalize the residuals by dividing
Fig. 3  Geometric model contour and location of velocity measure- them by the maximum residual value after the itera-
ment points tions that are considered necessary. In relation to the

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Tidal current energy potential assessment in the Avilés Port using a three-dimensional CFD… 1371

Fig. 4  Mesh detail

0.230 stability of the model, the convergence is defined with

velocity aer 4,500 s in secon x=100 m a value of 1­ 0−5 and for each time step. Those values
0.210 are reached after less than 150 iterations. According
to the limits of convergence, the maximum oscilla-
tion of the speed with respect to the stability of the
0.170 solution are below the maximum value fixed by the
Cells number (x106) convergence criterion.
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Volume of fluid model
Fig. 5  Mesh analysis The volume of fluid (VOF) model has been selected to study
the dynamic of the biphasic (water–air) flow regime as it
is the most appropriate for free surface flows (Chen et al.
2002). The model is designed to study the evolution of the
interface between for two (or more) unmixable fluids (Hirt
and Nichols 1981). For this purpose, it uses an approach
based on calculating the volume fraction ratio of each phase
in every cell of a fixed mesh (Eulerian technique), since the
volume of a phase cannot be occupied by the other.
Properties (density, viscosity, etc.) in each cell are vol-
ume-averaged values of the phases, calculated using the
volume fraction ratio. Both phases have been considered
For describing each phase unsteady movement and its
free surface, the model solves for every cell of the entire
domain the following governing equations:
Volume fraction equations,
( )
𝜕 𝛼air
( )
+ ∇ ⋅ 𝛼air ⋅ v̄ = 0
Fig. 6  Equisize skew of a mesh fragment 𝜕t

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𝛼water + 𝛼air = 1 (2) Table 1  Density and dynamic viscosity values of water and air
Navier–Stokes momentum equation, Density (kg/m3) Dynamic viscosity (kg/m s)

𝜕 v̄ Air 1.225 1.789 × 10−5

𝜌⋅ + 𝜌 ⋅ ∇ ⋅ (̄v ⋅ v̄ ) = −∇p + 𝜌 ⋅ ḡ + 𝜇 ⋅ ∇2 v̄ + F̄ (3) Water 1.025 1.003 × 10−3 (Chen et al. 1973)
where 𝛼water , 𝛼air are the volume fractions of water and air,
respectively, v̄ is the velocity shared by the phases, 𝜌 is the
volume fraction-averaged density, p is the pressure, ḡ is in Eq. (1) were discretized using a first-order scheme while
the gravitational acceleration and F̄ is a volume force to a second-order scheme was used in those of Eq. (3). For the
introduce the effect of the surface tension and wall adhe- spatial discretization, the second-order upwind methodology
sion. In this case, the latter effects are negligible. Equa- was used with the pressure staggering option scheme for the
tions 1 through 3 contrast with the simplified ones of the pressure, as they make it possible to obtain a better accuracy
2D and 3D existing models (mainly simplifying the vertical with swirling flows (Andersson et al. 2011). For both phases
momentum equation). In those cases, the water depth is cal- (water and air), the turbulence was simulated by means of a
culated as a variable with only the momentum and continu- k-epsilon Re-Normalisation Group (RNG) model with stand-
ity equations of the water flow. This methodology resolves ard wall function. This turbulence model has a good degree of
the full Navier–Stokes equations for obtaining an accurate accuracy for recirculating and swirling flows. The algorithm
description of the velocity field and uses a biphasic scheme Pressure-Implicit with Splitting of Operators (PISO) was used
(air–water) for obtaining a detailed location of the water to resolve the flow governing equations. This method has been
surface. As a result, a more complex but precise model is especially designed to obtain high efficiencies (stable results
obtained. with reduced computational resources) in calculations of
unsteady flows (Shamloo and Pirzadeh 2008; Ketabdari et al.
Boundary conditions During resolution, volume fractions are updated on each
time step in the different computational cells. With this
Two boundary conditions were used in the model to repro- information, the interface position is reconstructed using
duce the effects of the tides in the flow: a pressure of planar surfaces (piecewise linear scheme). It assumes that
101,325 Pa (normal atmospheric pressure) in the air outlet; the interface between two phases has a linear slope within
and a function that simulates variations in the water level the cell (Hyman 1984) which has been probed to better cap-
due to the tides influence, in the water inlet. The last one ture the surface interface than other reconstruction schemes
was applied by a function defined by the user (user-defined (Fig. 7). For each time step, the convergence criteria was to
function or UDF). The UDF input parameters are mean sea obtain normalized residuals smaller than ­10−5.
level, the amplitude of tides and tidal period (44,700 s for
semidiurnal tides). This function also considers the density Simulation methodology
of sea water (1025 kg/m3) and the gravity (9.8 m/s2).
The other boundary conditions imposed were a uniform The numerical model was tested during a spring tide and
velocity distribution at the inlet and a constant static pres- neap tide cycles with values of sea level and amplitude of
sure at the outlet. Second-order discretizations were used tides (to adjust in the UDF of level boundary condition) sup-
to convert time-dependent and convection terms to discrete plied by Avilés Port Authority (Table 2).
values. The pressure–velocity coupling was established by The maximum depth-averaged velocities of the points
means of the PISO algorithm. Turbulence was simulated by used in the model validation P ­ 1, ­P2 and P
­ 3 (Fig. 3) are 0.25,
means of the standard k-omega-SST model together with 0.12 and 0.10 m/s, respectively (Avilés Port Authority
standard wall functions to calculate boundary layer variables 2004). To obtain those values, a direct reading current metre
(the y+ value is less than 70 on the bottom surface and 250 (Space Technology Systems, model DNC-3) has been used.
on the side of the estuary). During the 44,700 s of each simulation cycle, a time step of
5 s was used with satisfactory convergence results.
Solution parameters

The constant values of water and air densities and viscosities Results and discussion
used in the simulations are shown in Table 1.
The implicit method (iterative) was used for the tempo- The tests were performed in a computer with a i-7 processor
ral discretization of the flow governing equations in order to and 8 cores which were selected to work in parallel. Each
improve stability with respect to the step size. Time derivatives complete test lasted 14 days.

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Tidal current energy potential assessment in the Avilés Port using a three-dimensional CFD… 1373

Fig. 7  Interface position

Table 2  Avilés Port tidal data

Mean sea level (m) Amplitude
of tides (m)

Spring tide 12.250 3.94

Neap Tide 12.195 1.27

Maximum velocities and sea level: model validation

Maximum velocity values were obtained during the spring

tide test. Figures 8 and 9 show contours and vectors of maxi-
mum values of velocity in the free surface obtained during
flood and ebb tides of the spring tide test. In both cases,
the higher values of the free surface velocities are about
0.35‒0.40 m/s and appear between the mouth of the port and
the middle of the port’s elbow. Consequently, the velocity
magnitude decreases with the distance from the middle of
the elbow down to 0.00 m/s at the end of the port.
During flood tide, it is noticeable that the pier location
inside of the channel elbow causes the flow to separate
from the inner side being displaced to the elbow exterior
side. Therefore, higher velocities appear in this zone. This
effect is maintained from the entrance of the elbow (section
Fig. 8  Maximum free surface velocity contours at flood tide (spring
x = 880 m) up to its middle, decreasing velocity values with tide test)
the distance to the channel mouth. As a consequence, dis-
placement swirls appear in the pier.
Similar effects (flow separation and swirls) appear during Authority. That validates the numerical model developed
ebb tide. However, in this case, the flow is separated towards in this research.
the exterior side of the channel and the higher velocities are The results present a high concordance with MIKE 21
mainly concentrated in this zone. As in the case of flood tide, code (DHI 2016) in study of the Avilés Port Authority, to
the effect is also maintained in the same area (from the mid- be a comparison between 2D and 3D model. The differ-
dle of the elbow to section x = 880 m) decreasing velocities ences that can be found are because the simulations with
values with the distance to the channel mouth. MIKE21 models were carried out before the last dredging
Taking into account these findings, it is clear that the of the estuary, while the CFD simulations were performed
hydrokinetic energy is mainly concentrated in the area from with the most current sections. The straight section at the
the channel mouth up to the elbow. In the elbow, the energy mouth was narrower than it is now, causing a slight increase
is concentrated in the outer side with lower velocity val- in speed in that area.
ues in the inner side and the pier. In the reference points A substantial difference between 3D and 2D is the flow
­P1, ­P2 and ­P3, the maximum depth-averaged velocity values behaviour in the curve. In Figs. 10 and 11, it can be seen
obtained were 0.29, 0.16 and 0.05, respectively (spring tide), that in the widening at the beginning of the curve near the
similar to those measured in the study of the Avilés Port mouth of the estuary, MIKE21 model predicts a dispersion

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occur in the corners are being collected when the flow in the
channel re-enters after the broadening zone. Therefore, more
accurate information is obtained with the proposed model
that is necessary for a possible microturbine installation.
In relation to water levels, in the different sections, the
water surface levels obtained in the tests show an evolution
that correspond to the variable pressure applied in the inlet
of the model. For example, in Fig. 12 the variation in the
water surface at section x = 100 m is shown.

Velocity cycles

For the different cells and each time step, the results of the
water velocity were obtained during spring and neap tests.
For example, Fig. 13 shows the absolute value of the mean
water velocity at the section x = 50 m, with the sea water
surface boundary condition. The period of the velocity
cycle corresponds to approximately a semidiurnal varia-
tion (44,700 s). In Fig. 13, the effect of the flood and ebb
tides can be seen, as well as their acceleration and decel-
eration phases. The absolute value of the velocity has been
selected (without considering the flow direction) because the
Fig. 9  Maximum free surface velocity contours at ebb tide (spring investigation is focused in studying the hydrokinetic power
tide test) and energy, which are proportional to the cube of absolute
The water impacts at the end of the port (wall condition
of the flow, while in the CFD model, Figs. 8 and 9, the cur- in the model) provoke effects of signal noise and dispropor-
rent lines follow a more logical trajectory according to the tionateness between positive and negative velocity cycles.
inertia of the flow. There is no widening of the flow, but it Figure 14 shows the evolution of average velocities obtained
is seen how the flow tends to deviate towards the outside with the section distance from the mouth in the spring test.
area of the curve. In the 3D model, the flow separations that Section 880 corresponds to the beginning of the elbow from

Fig. 10  Maximum free surface

velocity contours at flood tide
using MIKE 21 (spring tide test)
(Avilés Port Authority 2004)

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Fig. 11  Maximum free surface

velocity contours at ebb tide
using MIKE 21 (spring tide test)
(Avilés Port Authority 2004)

Fig. 12  Evolution of sea level during flood tide (x = 100 m) (spring tide test)

the mouth. In the neap test, velocities are quite similar in the
different sections (see Fig. 15).

Velocity profiles

The velocity profiles for each mesh element were obtained

using the defined model. Figure 16 shows the velocity profile
at section x = 100 m during flood tide sequence of the spring
tide test: acceleration phase (4500–9900 s) and deceleration
phase (9900–15,300 s). Figure 17 shows the velocity profile
at section x = 100 m during ebb tide sequence of the spring
tide test: acceleration phase (28,800–35,100 s) and decel-
eration phase (35,100–39,600 s). In both cases, the velocity
Fig. 13  Averaged water velocity at section x = 50 m versus sea level
profiles show a non-uniform velocity distribution depending
boundary condition (spring tide test) on the depth, and the existence of higher velocities in the

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acceleration phase (4500–9900 s) and deceleration phase

(9900–15,300 s). Figure 19 shows the velocity profile at sec-
tion x = 880 m during ebb tide sequence of the spring tide
test: acceleration phase (28,800–35,100 s) and deceleration
phase (35,100–39,600 s). As in the other cases indicated,
the velocity profiles are non-uniform and a rotation of the
profiles is detected during ebb tide because of the flow sepa-
ration in the elbow.

Tidal current power and energy

The obtainable tidal current per 1 m2 of cross section is

calculated using Eq. (4) for a section i:
( )
Fig. 14  Evolution of mean water velocity at different sections (spring Pi (t) = ⋅ 𝜌 ⋅ v3i (t) (4)
tide test) 2
where Pi (t) , vi (t) and 𝜌 are the tidal current power, mean
velocity and the seawater density, respectively.
The maximum values of the tidal current power per cross
section were noticed from sections x = 100 m to x = 880 m,
where maximum velocities were detected, decreasing as the
distance to the port mouth increases. Figure 20 shows the
values at different sections obtained in the spring tide test.
For each test (spring and neap), the kinetic energy of the
tidal current is calculated by integrating the results of instan-
taneous power. The energy of a year is then calculated with
the Eqs. (5) and (6):
EYEAR = EAV_cycle ⋅ 705 (5)

ESPRING_cycle + ENEAP_cycle
EAV_cycle = (6)
Fig. 15  Evolution of mean water velocity at different sections (neap where EYEAR is the tidal current energy per year and EAV_cycle
tide test) is the mean energy value per cycle (44,700 s). In these equa-
tions, it is assumed that in a semidiurnal tide, the spring and
exterior side during ebb tide because of the flow separation neap periods are alternative each 7 days (approximately) and
in the elbow. there are 705 (365·24·60/44,700) cycles in a year.
Figure 18 shows the velocity profile at section x = 880 m In Fig. 21, the results of annual tidal energy in different
during a flood tide sequence of the spring tide test: cross sections of the model are shown. At the mouth of the

Fig. 16  Flood tide velocity profiles sequence at section x = 100 (spring tide test)

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Fig. 17  Ebb tide velocity profiles sequence at section x = 100 (spring tide test)

Fig. 18  Flood tide velocity profiles sequence at section x = 880 (spring tide test)

Fig. 19  Ebb tide velocity profiles sequence at section x = 880 (spring tide test)

port, a maximum value of 28 kWh/m2 is obtained with an hydrokinetic turbine (Chen et al. 2015). The power that can be
exponential diminution up to the distance of 300 m from the obtained with those devices is calculated using expression (7),
port mouth. It is followed by a smooth diminution of energy
( )
from 300 to 880 m of distance. P(t) = ⋅ Cp ⋅ 𝜌 ⋅ A ⋅ v3 (t) (7)
The three-dimensional model allows also to obtain the 2
power (at different times) and annual energy density maps where P(t) is hydraulic power; Cp is the power coefficient
at diverse depths, corresponding to the use of a certain tidal (variable depending on the turbine type); 𝜌 is the seawater

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1378 R. Espina‑Valdés et al.

Fig. 20  Tidal current power at different sections (spring tide test)

Fig. 22  Tidal current energy obtained with turbines (Cp = 0.35) at

water surface


In this research, a methodology based on the resolution of

the full Navier–Stokes equations using CFD techniques in
a 3D biphasic (air‒water) model is presented in order to
reduce uncertainly in the description of the water veloc-
ity field and the kinetic energy potential derived from
Fig. 21  Tidal current energy at different sections
tide movements. The biphasic model is based on the VOF
scheme taking into account water depth effects as they are
necessary to select placements for future tidal array micro-
turbine installations.
The methodology was applied to the port of Avilés. The
density; A is the swept area of the turbine rotor, in this case mesh of the model was made using quadrangular and trian-
1 m2; and v(t) is the flow velocity. gular prims finite volumes, where Unsteady Navier‒Stokes
The energy (per m­ 2) is calculated using expression (5) and (URANS) and the continuity equations were solved. A user-
the methodology used in the cross-sectional case. defined function is used to take into account the semidiurnal
As an example, the case of using Gorlov microturbines tides evolution. With the selection of adequate parameters,
(Cp = 0.35) (Gorban’ et al. 2001) has been calculated. The tidal simulations were carried out and the model further bolstered
annual energy map at free surface level is shown in Fig. 22, with real data. A variety of results were obtained includ-
while Fig. 23 shows the energy map at 2 m over the riverbed ing those affecting water surface elevations, mean velocity
(Z = 2). They represent the annual energy that can be obtained cycles, velocity versus depth profiles, potential power and
situating microturbines floating at water surface (Fig. 20) or energy that can be obtained by using a microturbine design.
submerged, anchored to the bottom, with rotors located at 2 m The zone from the port mouth to the middle of port elbow
from the riverbed (Fig. 23). In this case, the first option leads has been distinguished as the zone of maximum velocities
to better energy results. where the maximum energy value is obtained at the mouth

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Tidal current energy potential assessment in the Avilés Port using a three-dimensional CFD… 1379

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Rodolfo Espina‑Valdés1 · Eduardo Álvarez Álvarez1 · Julio García‑Maribona2 · Antonio José Gutiérrez Trashorras1 ·
Juan M. González‑Caballín1

Department of Energy, University of Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain
Hydraulic Institute, University of Cantabria, Santander,


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