Obt553 - Au QP-2

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Reg. No.

Question Paper Code :X10827



Agriculture Engineering


(Common to Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Computer and

communication Engineering, Electronics communication Engineering, Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering, Medical Electronics, Information Technology)

(Regulations 2017)
Time: 3 Hours Answer ALL Questions Max. Marks 100
PART- A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)

1. Classify the nutrients.

2. Define the term “Balanced Diet”?
3. Point out various transport process involved during transportation of nutrients.
4. Compare and relate mechanical and chemical digestion.
5. Mention any two importance of GTT.
6. Distinguish between NIDDM and IDDM.
7. State the role of enzymes in food processing.
8. Compare fats and oils.
9. Recall the relationship between BMR and BMI.
10. Specify theill effects of natural toxins present in the food.

PART- B (5 x 13 = 65 Marks)

11. a) Summarize the methods used to assess the nutritional status of an individual.

b) Outline the principles of diet planning and also describe about the personal
diet analysis.
12. a) With a suitable diagram, illustrate the anatomy and physiology of digestive

b) Explain the process involved in the absorption of different nutrients in the

human body.
13. a) Describe about the glycemic and non-glycemic carbohydrates with suitable
examples and also comment on its uses in human health.

b) Enumerate the health effects of fiber and starch intake.

14. a) Mention the rich in proteins. Explain the functional role and uses of
texturized proteins in foods. Identify the recommended intake amount of
proteins for the persons affected with PCM and PEM.

b) Classify and explain the different types of fat with suitable sketch.
15. a) Summarize the factors to be considered for obesity. Recommend two days
low cost menu for obesity adult male. Mention the ill effects of unsafe
weight loss schemes.

b) Examine the factors affecting the bioavailability of foods after consumption

and comment on stability of nutrients during thermal processing of foods.

PART- C (1 x 15 = 15 Marks)

16. a) What is malnutrition? Review the factors responsible to cause mainutrition.

Recommend a diet for the malnourished female person under the age of five
(05) and also mention the reasons/factors behind the selection of particular
diet. Suggest some modifications to be done on their regular diet.

b) Review the functions, deficiency syndrome/disease and its treatment of

various nutrients present in the food.


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