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Revisao_2_TRFS_ING_ABE-3aS_2021_YONNE 03/11/2021 08:45 Página 1

q MÓDULO 1 – Texts 2. O texto abaixo descreve um importante monumento associado a
um evento histórico ocorrido nos Estados Unidos. Leia-o e responda
1. às questões, em português.
An international group proposed a framework of nine planetary This Memorial is a tribute of remembrance and honor to
boundaries that underpin the stability of the global ecosystem. Since the 2,977 people killed in the terrorist attacks near the turn of
the mid-1950s, many elements that ensure the habitability of the planet the 21st century. The Memorial’s twin reflecting pools feature
are degrading at an accelerating pace. The latest research indicates that, the largest manmade waterfalls in North America. The pools sit
as a result of human activity, we have now exceeded the “safe” levels within the footprints where the Twin Towers once stood. The
for four planetary boundaries. names of every person who died in the attacks are inscribed into
Considering these changes, some people believe that human bronze panels edging the Memorial pools, a powerful reminder
beings can adapt with the help of technology, but that’s not based on of the largest loss of life resulting from a foreign attack on
fact. “There is no convincing evidence that a large mammal, with a American soil and the greatest single loss of rescue personnel in
core body temperature of 37°C, will be able to evolve that quickly,” American history.
said Prof. Will Steffen of the Australian National University and the
Stockholm Resilience Centre.’ a) Por que o memorial foi construído? Cite, em português, uma
passagem do texto que destaca a importância do evento descrito
Planetary boundaries para a história dos EUA.
b) Aponte um impacto geopolítico para os EUA do acontecimento
descrito no texto e identifique um país do Oriente Médio
posteriormente envolvido no acontecimento.

From Jesus to Christ

How did a Jewish prophet come to be seen as the Christian savior?
The epic story of the empty tomb, the early battles and the making of
a great faith.
By Jon Meacham
The story, it seemed, was over. Convicted of sedition, condemned
to death by crucifixion, nailed to a cross on a hill called Golgotha, Jesus
of Nazareth had endured all that he could. According to Mark, the
earliest Gospel, Jesus, suffering and approaching the end, repeated a
verse of the 22nd Psalm, a passage familiar to first-century Jewish ears:
“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” There was a final,
wordless cry. And then silence.
Why have you forsaken me? From the Gospel accounts, it was a
question for which Jesus’ disciples had no ready answer. In the chaos
of the arrest and Crucifixion, the early followers had scattered. They
had expected victory, not defeat, in this Jerusalem spring. If Jesus
were, as they believed, the Jewish Messiah, then his great achievement
would be the inauguration of the Kingdom of God on earth, an age
marked by the elimination of evil, the dispensation of justice, the
restoration of Israel and the general resurrection of the dead.
Instead, in the Friday of this Passover, at just the moment they
were looking for the arrival of a king of heaven on earth, Jesus, far
(Fonte: K. L. Nash e outros, Planetary boundaries for a blue planet.
Nature ecology & evolution, v. 1, p. 625-1634, out. 2017. from leading the forces of light and triumph, died a criminal’s death
Adaptado de https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/ (...)
jan/15/rate-of-environmentaldegradation-puts-life-on-earth-at- Newsweek – (Vunesp)
risk-say-scientists. Acessado em 26/09/2019.)
As respostas devem ser apresentadas em português. 3. A frase –... it was a question for which Jesus’ disciples had no
a) Considerando as informações da figura, cite um dos limites ready answer – permanece com o mesmo significado em
planetários que apresenta alto risco. Explique como podemos a) it was a question whose answer Jesus’ disciples did not have.
associá-lo à atividade humana no planeta. b) it was a question that Jesus’ disciples had no ready answer.

b) A afirmação do Prof. Will Steffen se refere a um processo biológico c) it was a question that Jesus’ disciples answered.
para manter a homeostase corporal nos seres humanos. Que d) it was a question whom Jesus’ disciples had no answer.
processo é esse e qual a sua importância para os seres humanos? e) it was a question for that Jesus’ disciples had no ready answer.
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4. A frase – If Jesus were, as they believed, the Jewish Messiah, then country. The president at the time, Juscelino Kubitschek, had promised
his great achievement would be the inauguration of the Kingdom of his people 50 years of progress in five, and work proceeded at a frenetic
God on earth... – está no passado, apresentando uma condição. Qual pace. While Brasilia was under construction, it is said the president
das alternativas apresenta a mesma idéia de condição quando no used to travel at night to inspect the project, before returning to the
presente? then capital in Rio de Janeiro to fulfill a normal round of engagements
a) If Jesus was, as they believed, the Jewish Messiah, then his great the next day.
achievement will have been the inauguration of the Kingdom of The new capital, located in the state of Goias, was inaugurated on
God on earth. 21 April 1960 after barely three and a half years of rapid development.
b) If Jesus will be, as they believed, the Jewish Messiah, then his great Many of the city's most striking buildings were designed by architect
achievement will be the inauguration of the Kingdom of God on Oscar Niemeyer, with his trademark use of concrete and curves.
earth. Among them were the National Congress, with its concave and convex
c) If Jesus was, as they believed, the Jewish Messiah, then his great domes symbolising the two houses of the legislature, and the city’s
achievement was the inauguration of the Kingdom of God on earth. cathedral with 16 columns coming together to represent hands
d) If Jesus is, as they believed, the Jewish Messiah, then his great outstretched to heaven.
achievement will be the inauguration of the Kingdom of God on
earth. ‘Accidental’ capital
e) If Jesus be, as they believed, the Jewish Messiah, then his great
achievement would have been the inauguration of the Kingdom of It was a bold and dramatic statement that was meant to represent
God on earth. a new vision for the future. “The idea of the new buildings and the plan
of Brasilia itself was to create an image of a modern Brazil,” says
5. As expressões “pregado na cruz”, “eliminação do mal” e “res- Professor Jose Galbinski, at the Centre University of Brasilia. “It was
surreição dos mortos” estão presentes no texto em: a contrast with the old tradition, the old Brazil.”
a) death by crucifixion; wordless cry; dispensation of justice. However, he says this dramatic change finally came about by
b) nailed to a cross; elimination of evil; general resurrection of the accident, even though the proposal had been around for a long time.
dead. “The idea of a new capital in the interior had stayed like a dead item
c) convicted of sedition; elimination of evil; general resurrection of in the constitution for decades. Nobody cared about this issue, until the
the dead. time of Juscelino Kubitschek,” says Professor Galbinski. “When he
d) chaos of the arrest and Crucifixion; wordless cry; dispensation was campaigning for president he was asked by a young man at a
of justice. public meeting if he would obey the constitution, to which he replied,
e) condemned to death by crucifixion; elimination of evil; convicted 'of course I will, I am running for president’.” The young guy pointed
of sedition. out there was an article in the constitution which said the capital should
be changed from Rio de Janeiro to the interior of Brazil. "Kubitschek
was astonished with this, as he had never thought about it. And he
6. A conjunção instead no início do último parágrafo apresenta uma
replied, ‘ok, I will answer you, I will obey all the articles of the
ideia de
constitution, and I will make the move’.”
a) adição. b) condição. c) concessão.
Disponível em: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/2/hi/americas/8569349.stm
d) contradição. e) causa.
(texto adaptado). (PUC – SP)

Leia o texto e responda às questões segundo as informações fornecidas.

7. The capital of Brazil was built in
a) about three and a half years. b) barely five years.
Brasilia: Fifty years of the future c) almost 50 years. d) 1950.
By Gary Duffy, BBC News, Brasilia
e) 1960.
Published: April 06, 2010
8. According to the text, one of the characteristics of Niemeyer’s
architecture is
a) concave and convex domes.
b) 16 columns.
c) use of white concrete color.
d) bringing together modernity and tradition.
e) use of curved lines.

9. Segundo o texto, a ideia de construir uma capital no interior do

a) foi proposta por Niemeyer a Juscelino Kubitschek com o intuito de
progredir 50 anos em cinco.
The wide Esplanade of Ministeries exemplifies Brasilia’s design b) já estava prevista na Constituição da época e foi implementada pelo
presidente Kubitschek.

Brasilia was a city built at high speed in the late 1950s, fulfilling c) foi elaborada por um correligionário político que era contrário à
a long held Brazilian dream to have a new capital in the heart of the permanência da capital do país no Rio de Janeiro.

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d) foi inserida no programa de governo por políticos de Goiás que 14. The text states that
apregoavam o desenvolvimento da região. a) you have to donate a fee to any charity if you want to have lunch
e) era uma promessa eleitoral descumprida por vários presidentes with a duke or duchess.
anteriores a Juscelino Kubitschek. b) the concierge service must be paid by the local mover-and-shaker.
c) many travelers would rather live like a king.
10. No trecho do último parágrafo – Kubitschek was astonished with d) many travelers are descendant from royal families.
this, as he had never thought about it. – a palavra it refere-se a e) people interested in history may experience the sensation of having
a) obey the constitution. lunch with a nobleman.
b) running for president.
c) a new vision of the future. 15. Another, underlined in the 8th line of the text, refers to:
d) a new capital in the interior. a) ticket
e) a modern Brazil. b) customer
c) seat
11. No trecho do ultimo parágrafo – However, he says this dramatic d) concert
change finally came about by accident, even though the proposal had
e) sold-out
been around for a long time. – a expressão even though significa, em
a) portanto. b) a menos que. c) embora. q MÓDULO 2 – Texts
d) contanto que. e) assim que.
Leia o infográfico para responder às questões de 1 a 5.
The Inside Track
Concierges have long made dinner reservations or gotten theater
tickets for hotel guests. Now well-connected tour operators are tapping
friends to help their clients gain access to people, places and events
that were once out of reach. South America’s Blue Parallel has arranged
for clients to chill with members of the Brazilian soccer team. U.K.-
based Quintessentially got one customer front-row seats at a Milan
fashion show and another tickets to a sold-out U2 concert in Dublin.
Latitude International recently set up a memorable day for a client’s
husband who just turned 50. “He was an avid golfer so we arranged
for European legend Seve Ballesteros to meet him at the tee for 18
holes,” says director Dominic Hampshire. Often such matchmaking is
done as a favor; though the client pays the concierge service, the local
mover-and-shaker accepts no money. History buffs enjoy lunch in the
home of a Scottish duke or duchess, arranged by Latitude International,
which donates the fee to the aristocrat’s charity of choice. It’s the
closest many travelers will ever get to living like a king.

12. You may infer from the text that

a) concierges are intent on making dinner reservations for hotel guests.
b) theater tickets are available at most hotels all over the world.
c) concierges have been getting theater tickets for quite a long time.
d) tour operators are increasingly gaining access to places and events.
e) dinner reservations have to be made by concierges at most hotels

13. According to the passage,

a) Brazilian soccer team is always received with a warm and friendly
greeting at hotels.
b) tour operators are offering their clients tickets for Brazilian soccer
team matches.
c) sold-out tickets can only be gotten if you are a member of
d) the golfer, mentioned in the text, missed an excellent opportunity
(Karmen Clair. https://karmenclair.wordpress.com, 03.04.2019.
to play with Seve Ballesteros.
e) a greatly admired person was arranged to play golf with a Latitude

International’s client’s husband.

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1. The purpose of this infographic is to d) persuade the reader to agree with his position.
a) illustrate the latest travel deals. e) amuse the reader with details of a famous portrait.
b) explain how to use social media for travel planning.
c) give tips about the most sustainable tourism destinations. 7. In the excerpt “only those who have pre-booked will be
d) give tips about millenials’ lifestyle. guaranteed a glimpse of the world’s most famous portrait”, the
e) present the latest travel trends. underlined word refers to
a) hours.
2. According to the infographic, a mindful traveler should keep an b) bottlenecks.
eye on the following issue: c) corridors.
a) book the cheapest flight. d) staff.
b) never leave a pet home alone. e) visitors.
c) be nature-friendly.
d) use social media while traveling. Leia o texto para responder às questões 8 e 9.
e) set a budget.
What does love look like? Love is accepting that your partner is
3. De acordo com o segundo tópico, atrações turísticas que exploram not perfect, but you want to be with him or her anyway. Love is being
animais como entretenimento grateful that you are accepted despite your imperfections. Love is still
a) desrespeitam o meio ambiente. being happy to come home to that same person, even after 30 years.
b) estão com os dias contados.
c) podem levar animais à morte. (Harriet Koral. www.nytimes.com, 19.11.2017. Adaptado.)
d) incentivam o tráfico de fauna.
e) devem ser proibidas. 8. O trecho dessa carta aberta publicada no jornal The New York
Times é norteado pelo caráter
4. De acordo com o contexto do terceiro tópico, o trecho “the most a) informativo.
bang for their buck” pode ser entendido como: b) reivindicativo.
a) o destino mais exótico. c) instrutivo.
b) o destino mais seguro. d) protestativo.
c) o destino mais procurado. e) opinativo.
d) a tarifa mais baixa.
e) o melhor custo-benefício. 9. O trecho “accepting that your partner is not perfect” pode ser
associado ao seguinte provérbio:
5. In the excerpt from the fourth topic “continue to be a huge trend”, a) “A bird in hand is worth two in the bush”.
the underlined word can be replaced, without changing the meaning of b) “Gold cannot be pure, and people cannot be flawless”.
the sentence, by c) “Better late than never”.
a) new. d) “Laughter is the best medicine”.
b) mega. e) “All good things come to an end”.
c) reverse.
d) old. 10. Observe the image.
e) natural.

Leia o texto para responder às questões 6 e 7.

The Mona Lisa was recently moved from her usual gallery in the
Salle des États, currently being renovated, to a temporary home in the
Galérie Médicis. Visitors to the Louvre who have queued patiently for
hours are complaining that museum staff are allowing them less than
a minute to view the masterpice. The relocation has created bottlenecks
of visitors lining corridors and the Louvre is now advising that only
those who have pre-booked will be guaranteed a glimpse of the world’s
most famous portrait.
(David Chazan. www.telegraph.co.uk, 13.08.2019. Adaptado.)

6. The author’s aim is to (www.michaelkonik.com, 05.10.2013.)

a) protest against the results of accepting tourist overcrowding at the The art print overlaps
Louvre. a) inappropriate feelings.
b) share his opinion about the visitors to the Louvre. b) harmonious terms.

c) inform the reader about a troubled masterpiece’s temporary c) opposing terms.

relocation. d) dangerous behaviors.
e) relevant information.
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q MÓDULO 3 – Texts Sometimes, it is the very ordinariness of a scene that makes it

terrifying. So it was with a clip from a recent BBC documentary on
Examine o cartum de Steinberg, publicado em seu Instagram em facial recognition technology. A man tries to avoid the cameras,
21.06.2019, para responder às questões 1 e 2. covering his face by pulling up his jacket. He is stopped by the police
and forced to have his photo taken. He is then fined £90 for “disorderly
behavior”. “What’s your suspicion?” someone asks the police. “The
fact that he’s walked past clearly masking his face from recognition,”
replies one of the officers. If you want to protect your privacy, it must
be because you have something to hide.
There is considerable concern in the west about Chinese tech
firms acting as Trojan horses for Beijing. But perhaps we should worry
less about the tech companies than about the social use of technology.
Because it’s not just in China that “algorithmic governance” is
beginning to take hold. As the tech entrepreneur Maciej Ceglowski
pointed out before the US Senate, “Until recently, even people living
in a police state could count on the fact that the authorities didn’t have
enough equipment or manpower to observe everyone, everywhere, and
so enjoyed more freedom from monitoring than we do living in a free
society today.”
Surveillance is at the heart, too, of “smart cities”. From
Amsterdam to Dubai to Toronto, cities are embracing technology to
collect data on citizens, ostensibly to make public services and urban
spaces function better. But what smart cities also enable is a new form
of policing. As the mayor of Rio de Janeiro said of the “integrated
urban command centre” built for the 2016 Olympics, the system
“allows us to have people looking into every corner of the city, 24 hours
1. No cartum, a criança a day, seven days a week”.
a) mostra-se inconformada com o destino da excursão escolar. Buses that run on time and rubbish that is efficiently cleared are
b) sente-se responsável por um fenômeno climático. good things (in most smart cities, and in Rio as well, neither actually
c) sente-se frustrada com o final das férias. happens). There is, however, more to the good life than an ordered city.
d) mostra-se preocupada com as condições climáticas de seu destino Human flourishing requires the existence of a sphere of life outside
turístico. public scrutiny; not only within the intimacy of the home but also in
e) sente-se triste por não poder viajar durante o verão. semi-private spaces such as the workplace or the church or the pub.
It’s that kind of space shielded from scrutiny that increasingly is
2. Quanto ao sentido, o provérbio que se relaciona mais diretamente vanishing. As Ceglowski observed, one of the features of the “new
com a fala da criança é: world of ambient surveillance” is that “we cannot opt out of it, any
a) “Deus dá o frio conforme o cobertor”. more than we might opt out of automobile culture by refusing to drive”.
b) “Se você deseja mover montanhas amanhã, precisa começar a And that is possibly the most disturbing thought of all.
levantar pedras hoje”. (Kenan Malik. www.theguardian.com, 19.05.2019. Adaptado.)
c) “Quem não sabe de onde veio nunca vai encontrar o seu destino”.
d) “Cuidado com o que você deseja, pois poderá ser atendido”. 3 The text discusses an issue of worldwide concern in the present
e) “Aquele que nunca se queimou ao sol não sabe o valor da sombra”. days, namely,
a) the main gains and losses brought about by the newest surveillance
Leia o texto para responder às questões de 3 a 7. technologies.
b) changes in people´s everyday behavior due to the spread of face
tracking cameras.
c) the dispute over the legitimacy of facial recognition technology use.
d) the unprecedented scale in which actions of citizens are being
e) governments’ outrageous policies to control their populations’ every

4. In the first paragraph, the word “terrifying” is being used to refer to

a) an act to preserve one’s own privacy being interpreted as an attempt
to conceal something.
b) the fact anyone walking on the street these days is a potential
suspect of “disorderly behavior”.

c) the violence with which the police tend to treat simple common

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d) the arrest of a man just because he tried to hide from a camera by c) illustrates the argument that certain uses of technology to collect
covering his face. data about citizens are also a kind of policing.
e) documentaries which improperly identify ordinary people from the d) has been seen as the perfect example of a smart city with very low
streets. efficiency levels.
e) contradicts the illusion that smart cities necessarily offer their
5. The second paragraph mentions a contradiction, which is the fact that population a safer life.
a) a Chinese tech company is the one responsible for most of the
surveillance services in western countries. 7. The reading of the fourth paragraph implies that the author of the
b) considerably greater fear about exaggerated surveillance is felt in text
the west than in countries like China nowadays. a) condemns any use of cameras in the intimacy of the home or semi-
c) the social use of technology is far more worrying and potentially private environments.
dangerous than the technology itself. b) agrees with the assertion that evading from surveillance is not a
d) surveillance measures taken to protect peoples and countries are in simple matter of personal choice.
fact harming them. c) consents to the idea that people should as much as possible avoid
e) people in older enforced regimens were less subject to monitoring ambient surveillance.
than are the people in the open societies of today. d) defends the need for more conscious monitoring in our cities
6. Rio de Janeiro is mentioned in the third and fourth paragraphs e) believes that prosperity depends on the freedom people enjoy in
because it their private lives.
a) was the first Olympic Games host city to have an integrated urban
surveillance center.
b) is a smart city from South America placed side by side with smart
cities from highly developed northern countries.


 MÓDULO 1 todos os muçulmanos como terroristas.
1) a) Um dos limites planetários que apresenta alto risco é a Posteriormente, o Afeganistão foi o país do Oriente Médio
integridade da biosfera (Biosphere integrity), isto é a ação que foi envolvido no conflito. Isto se deu porque Osama
humana nos biomas por meio dos desmatamentos e Bin Laden, que foi o mentor do atentado, encontrava-se lá.
queimadas causando a redução da biodiversidade. Outro Assim, os EUA decidiram invadir o Afeganistão, gerando
possível limite são os fluxos biogeoquímicos (Biogeoche- uma guerra que perdura até os dias de hoje.
mical flows), porque a aplicação de fertilizantes industriais 3) Resposta: A
na agricultura, contendo nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio 4) Resposta: D
(NPK) contribui com a eutrofização das coleções de águas 5) Resposta: B
continentais e litorâneas e, consequentemente, o 6) Resposta: D
desequilíbrio das cadeias e teias alimentares aquáticas.
b) Esse processo biológico ao qual se refere o professor Will 7) A capital do Brasil foi construída em aproximadamente três
Steffen é chamado de endotermia, que é a capacidade que anos e meio.
o organismo apresenta de manter a temperatura interna No texto:
relativamente constante, ou seja, estável, utilizando energia “... was inaugurated on 21 April 1960 after barely three and a
half years of rapid development”.
proveniente dos mecanismos internos do metabolismo. O
Resposta: A
animal que tem essa capacidade, incluindo o ser humano,
tem maiores condições de sobreviver em condições
8) De acordo com o texto, uma das características da arquitetura
adversas. de Niemeyer é o uso de linhas curvas.
2) a) O memorial é um tributo de lembrança e honra às 2.977 No texto:
pessoas que morreram nos ataques terroristas que “... by architect Oscar Niemeyer, with his trademark use of
aconteceram no início do século XXI. concrete and curves.”
A passagem do texto que destaca a importância do evento • trademark = marca registrada, característico
para os EUA é a que afirma que o memorial é um poderoso Resposta: E
lembrete da maior perda de vidas resultante de um ataque
estrangeiro em solo americano e da maior quantidade de 9) A ideia de construir uma capital no interior do Brasil já estava
equipes de resgate ocorrida uma única vez. prevista na Constituição da época e foi implementada pelo
b) O impacto geopolítico para os EUA do acontecimento presidente Kubitschek.
No texto:
descrito foi uma nova forma de se enxergar os

“The idea of a new capital in the interior had stayed like a

muçulmanos. A partir de então, a política do presidente
dead item in the constitution for decades.”
americano da época, George Bush, foi a de considerar Resposta: B

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10) No trecho do último parágrafo, o pronome “it” refere-se a desejo por “férias de verão intermináveis” o responsável pelo
uma nova capital no interior. derretimento das geleiras.
No texto: Resposta: D
“... an article in the constitution which said the capital should 3) O texto discute um assunto de preocupação global nos dias
be changed from Rio de Janeiro to the interior of Brazil. atuais, a saber, a escala sem precedente na qual as ações dos
Kubitschek was astonished with this, as he had never thought cidadãos estão sendo monitoradas.
about it.”
Resposta: D
Resposta: D
4) No primeiro parágrafo, a palavra “terrifying” está sendo
11) Even though = embora usada para se referir a um ato de preservar sua própria
• portanto = therefore privacidade, sendo interpretada como uma tentativa de
• a menos que = unless esconder algo.
• contanto que = provided that No texto”
• assim que = as soon as “If you want to protect your privacy, it must be because you
Resposta: C have something to hide.”
Resposta: A
12) Resposta: C 5) O segundo parágrafo menciona uma contradição, que é o fato
13) Resposta: E de que as pessoas em regimes controlados mais antigos
14) Resposta: E estavam menos sujeitas a monitoramento do que as pessoas
15) Resposta: B
em sociedades abertas atuais.
Lê-se, no texto:
“Until recently, even people living in a police state could count
on the fact that the authorities didn’t have enough equipment
1) O propósito do infográfico é apresentar as tendências de
or manpower to observe everyone, everywhere, and so
viagens mais recentes.
enjoyed more freedom from monitoring than we do living in
Resposta: E
a free society today.”
2) De acordo com o infográfico, o viajante consciente deveria ser
Resposta: E
respeitoso com a natureza.
6) Rio de Janeiro é mencionado porque ilustra o argumento de
Resposta: C
que certos usos da tecnologia para coletar informações sobre
3) Lê-se no texto: “This type of entertainment is on it’s way
cidadãos são também um tipo de policiamento.
Lê-se, no texto:
Resposta: B
“... cities are embracing technology to collect data on citizens,
4) Lê-se no texto: “Cheap flights – sign me up for wherever.”
ostensibly to make public services and urban spaces function
Resposta: E
better. But what smart cities also enable is a new form of
5) A palavra “huge” pode ser substituída, sem mudar o
significado por “mega”. * huge = mega = enorme
Resposta: C
Resposta: B
7) No último parágrafo, o autor afirma que o crescimento
6) O autor visa a informar o leitor sobre uma problemática
humano requer a existência de uma esfera de vida fora da
mudança temporária de uma obra-prima.
análise pública; não apenas dentro da intimidade do lar, mas
Resposta: C
também em espaços semiprivados, como o local de trabalho,
7) A palavra “those” refere-se aos visitantes.
igreja ou o lar. É o tipo de local protegido de controle que está
Resposta: E
progressivamente desaparecendo. Conforme o trecho
8) O trecho dessa carta é norteado pelo caráter opinativo.
“Human flourishing requires the existence of a sphere of life
Resposta: E
outside public scrutiny; not only within the intimacy of the
9) O ouro pode não ser puro, e as pessoas podem não ser
home but also in semi-private spaces such as the workplace
or the church or the pub. It’s that kind of space shielded from
Resposta: B
scrutiny that increasingly is vanishing.”
10) A gravura sobrepõe termos opostos: “love” e “hate”
Resposta: B
* love = amor * hate = ódio
Resposta: C

1) O cartum representa dois estudantes conversando, um deles
diz que desejava férias intermináveis de verão e, agora, nota
que as geleiras estão derretendo. Logo, pode se depreender que
a personagem se sente responsável pelo aquecimento global.
Resposta: B
2) O provérbio que mais se aproxima do sentido expresso no

cartum é “Cuidado com o que você deseja, pois poderá ser

atendido”, uma vez que a personagem acredita ser o seu

Revisao_2_TRFS_ING_ABE-3aS_2021_YONNE 03/11/2021 08:55 Página 8



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