Proposal Email Draft

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To: The Health Education Department

From: Hailey Smith

Subject: Proposal statement for adding a mental health class to schools.

Dear Health Education Department,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to propose the introduction of a comprehensive mental health
class in our school curriculum. The lack of mental health education in schools contributes to a significant gap in
addressing students’ emotional well-being. Introducing a comprehensive mental health class covering coping
mechanisms and stress management to foster a supportive environment can help students enhance academic
performance and long-term well-being, empower students to understand their emotions and build resilience, and
prepare students for life beyond academics.

By incorporating a dedicated mental health class, we aim to provide students with the necessary tools to
manage stress. This, in turn, can positively impact academic outcomes, creating an environment where students are
better equipped to handle the challenges of their academic journey. Research consistently demonstrates a strong
correlation between mental health and academic success. A study conducted by Elias et al.(2019) found that
students with better mental health not only exhibit improved academic performance but also tend to develop effective
coping mechanisms, contributing to their overall well-being.

By introducing a mental health class, we can provide students with a structured environment to explore and
understand their emotions. This exploration is crucial in developing emotional intelligence, a skill that extends beyond
the classroom and into their personal and professional lives. Research consistently shows that emotional intelligence
and resilience play pivotal roles in overall well-being. According to a study by Brackett and Katulack (2006),
individuals with higher emotional intelligence are better equipped to navigate life’s challenges, leading to improved
mental health outcomes.

Introducing a mental health class would provide students with essential life skills, including emotional
intelligence, stress management, and resilience-building. These skills are invaluable as students transition into
adulthood, helping them navigate personal relationships, work environments, and more. Research shows that the
importance of emotional well-being is shaping successful life outcomes. A study by Greenberg et al. (2003) highlights
that students with strong social and emotional skills not only experience improved mental health but also tend to
demonstrate greater success in various life situations.

The benefits of this initiative extend beyond individual students to our community. A generation
well-equipped with emotional resilience and coping mechanisms contributes to the development of a supportive and
empathetic community. I am enthusiastic about the positive impact this initiative could have on our students and
community. I look forward to further discussions on how we can collaboratively implement this valuable addition to our
school's curriculum. Thank you for considering this proposal.

Best regards,

Hailey Smith

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