Getting Started

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Skills for Success Job Seeker training aims to help participants become T-shaped and well-
rounded individuals. Job Seekers can gain soft skills, business acumen and innovation skills.
You will be exposed to core principles related to working in a technical product team such
as agile management principles, customer journey mapping and leveraging analytics.

Enhance your “Skills for Success” or soft skills in three key areas to be determined through your
personalized learning path. These may include:

ADAPTABILITY - Learn the fundamental principles of agile project manage-

ment, including the ability to adapt when plans need to change, enabling you
to deliver value early and consistently. Additionally, you’ll be encouraged to
reflect on the significance of adapting when things deviate from the initial
plan, and how to persist and overcome setbacks.

COLLABORATION - Explore your work and collaboration methods with team

members, seeking chances for enhancement. Whether it involves grasping
your workplace culture or effectively utilizing team collaboration tools, you’ll
enhance your capacity to collaborate effectively with others.

COMMUNICATION - Effective communication plays a pivotal role in

various facets of business, ranging from interacting with your team mem-
bers to comprehending your organization’s and product’s key selling points.
Develop the skill of purposeful and clear communication by actively listening,
seeking understanding, and tailoring your message to your audience.

CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION - You will have the opportunity to learn an

innovation framework which allows you to create, test and evaluate new and
unique ideas.
DIGITAL - Digital proficiency encompasses the competence to efficiently
utilize digital tools and technologies for diverse tasks, spanning from
fundamental communication and information retrieval to intricate problem-
solving and data analysis. In today’s progressively digitized workplace,
possessing digital skills is becoming a fundamental necessity for most job

NUMERACY - Numeracy is more than basic math - it’s about making sense of
complex mathematical data. Learn how to approach data in a systematic way.
This includes multiple relevant business applications including budgeting,
analytics and analyzing market opportunities.

PROBLEM SOLVING - Develop the ability to identify opportunities and over-

come challenges. Build your problem solving abilities and feel confident when
faced with complex multi-dimensional problems. Acquire the proficiency to
conduct research, perform analysis, make informed decisions, and critically
evaluate the outcomes of your choices.

READING - Our emphasis will be on enhancing comprehension and reading

skills with the aim of locating and comprehending pertinent business infor-
mation. This encompasses tasks such as investigating and comprehending
external market influences, conducting competitive analyses, and the inter-
pretation of technical documentation or handling dense and intricate texts.

WRITING - Proficiency in business writing, whether for marketing materi-

als or technical documentation, is an important skill set to obtain. Acquire
the skills necessary for crafting both general marketing content and content
tailored for social media and email. Additionally, in light of the growing prev-
alence of AI Chatbots such as Chat GPT, we will explore their utilization and
the factors to consider when developing written content.
Develop an understanding of P.I.E.® (Project Leadership, Innovation & Entrepreneurship),
and demonstrate your problem-solving abilities including:

PROJECT LEADERSHIP - Understand how to build teams, develop agile work plans,
and resource projects accordingly.

INNOVATION - Learn how to tackle tough challenges by engaging directly with the
people who are most affected and use continuous iteration to develop your solutions.

ENTREPRENEURSHIP - Understand what it takes to bring a solution to market, that

includes the branding, marketing, and the role of metrics.

Become more well-rounded in digital product development by learning fundamentals in these

areas of expertise, and more:

• Marketing Strategy • Asking Better Questions

• Customer & User Personas • Analytics, Data, & KPIs

• Customer Journey Mapping • Persuasive Copywriting

• UX Design • Competitive Auditing

• Ecommerce • Search Engine Optimization

October 30th - Pr
ogram Start! Ke
webinar tool we ep an eye on your
use for program email for an invi
delivery and team tation to Airmee
work collaboratio t - the
Week 1
• Introduction to Week 2
• Digital Strategy • Communicatio
• Adaptability & n
Agile Project Man • Developing a Un
• Customer Jour agement ique Brand Prop
ney Mapping • Reading & Synt osition
• User Experienc hesizing Informat
e Design • Information Ar ion
• Collaboration chitecture
• Website Strategy
• Competitive Au • Ecommerce
• Persuasive Copy
Week 3 - Person • Career Coaching
alized Career & Resume Revam
• Problem-Solving Week 4 - Final P
• WordPress Career Developm sentations,
ent and Job
• Web Project Man
agement Matching
• Numeracy & Da • Paid Search & So
ta Analytics cial Campaigns
• Digital Tools • Email Marketin
• Search Engine g
Optimization • Marketing Tech
• Telling Your Pe Stacks
rsonal Brand Stor • Creating a Mar
• Interview Prep y keting Calendar
aration • Pitch Preparatio & Budget

: U
• The half day live
training sessions
a vacation conflict (please notify the
) Prepr team if you
• Complete the fin are unwell or have
al presentation wi
• Complete the in th your team on we
dependent skill lab ek 4
Learning Lab Prog s assigned to you
ram (these you wi as part of your Pe
complete) ll have beyond the rsonalized
4 week live trainin
g sessions to

You will receive a

number of achiev
you are assigned, ements dependin
as well as a Skills g on the personali
sessions and subm for Success badge zed learning plan
ission of your final for completion of
team project. the live training
1. Video Lectures & Demos - During these periods, we will review important
concepts, introduce challenges and assignments, and provide critical program
related information.

2. Team Stand-ups - You will have a weekly standup with your team and will use
this time to get aligned with your peers on a variety of challenge assignments.
In addition to these sessions, additional team collaboration time should be
planned based on your group’s availability.

3. Office Hours - Get support during office hours (ex. resume, assignments, etc.,)
from the instructors.

Lab Kits will be required and provided. All other learning materials will be delivered to you
during the training.

You will require access to a computer and a stable internet connection for the duration of the
training. Several platforms will be used primarily for program delivery:

1. - Please create a free account and complete your profile as much
as possible

2. Airmeet - This virtual classroom tool will allow you to connect with instructors,
other participants, and is where you will be collaborating with your assigned
team during all scheduled sessions.

3. Mural - A virtual whiteboard tool that is used to manage your PIE canvases
for the duration of your team project. You will be given a link for your team to

4. Trello - You will be assigned teams and will use Trello for project management
and collaboration.
If you have any questions please reach out to Jenny
at, or speak with your instructor Adam
during a scheduled session.

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