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Straight lines

● System of Coordinates
● Angle Between Lines
● Equations of Straight Lines
● Some Formulae
● Family of Lines
● Concurrency Condition
System of Coordinates

In this section we will be exploring the following.

● Section formula
● Centers of triangle
● Area of triangle
● Locus
● Shifting of Origin
Internal Section Formula
B (x2, 2 3
P (h, k) y2) A (1, 2) P B (5, 9)
A (x1, y1)
External Section Formula Observation

P (h, k)
B (x2, y2)
P (h, k)
A (x1, y1) B (x2,
A (x1, y1)

m B (x2,
P (h, k) y2)
A (x1, y1)
Eg. Point which divides A (1, 2) and B (5, 7) in the ratio 2 : 3 externally
Eg. Point which divides A (1, 2) and B (5, 7) in the ratio 2 : 3 externally

Q A (1, 2) B (5, 7)

−2 3
A (1, 2) Q B (5, 7)
Find the ratio in which the segment joining the points
A (2, –4) and B (4, 5) is divided by 2x + y + 1 = 0
Solution :
k 1
A (2, –4) P B (4, 5)
Solution :
Alternate Solution

k 1
A (2, –4) P B (4, 5)

ax + by + c

k 1
A(x1, y1) B(x2, y2)
Centres of a Triangle

1. Centroid
2. Incentre
3. Orthocentre
4. Circumcentre

It is the point of concurrence of the medians of a triangle.

A (x1, y1)


B (x2, y2) D C (x3, y3)

Centroid divides any median in ratio 2 : 1, that is GA : GD = 2 : 1
It is the point of concurrence of the internal angle bisectors of
a triangle.

A (x1, y1)

c b

B (x2, y2) C (x3, y3)

Angle bisector divides opposite side in the ratio of angle containing sides
If ⍺, β, 𝛾 are the roots of the equation x3 - 3px2 + 3qx - 1 = 0
then find the centroid of the triangle whose vertices are
(⍺, β + 𝛾), (β, ⍺ + 𝛾), (𝛾, ⍺ + β)

A (p, p) B (p, 2p) C (2p, p) D (p, 0)

If ⍺, β, 𝛾 are the roots of the equation x3 - 3px2 + 3qx - 1 = 0
then find the centroid of the triangle whose vertices are
(⍺, β + 𝛾), (β, ⍺ + 𝛾), (𝛾, ⍺ + β)

A (p, p) B (p, 2p) C (2p, p) D (p, 0)

Solution :

It is the point of concurrence of the altitudes of a triangle.

A (x1, y1)

B (x2, y2) D C (x3, y3)


It is the point of concurrence of the perpendicular bisector of the

sides of a triangle.
A (x1, y1)

O (x, y)

B (x2, y2) D C (x3, y3)


2 : 1
In any scalene triangle, O

Note: In an equilateral triangle, G, I, O and H, all coincide.

Area of Triangle
In general, the area of any n - sided polygon is given by

We can also write the area of a triangle using determinants, like:

It is the path or curve traced by a moving point satisfying a given

We are generally interested in the equation of the locus of a point.
Steps to find Equation of Locus
(1) Assume the coordinates of the point whose locus is to be
found, to be (h, k).
(2) Write the given conditions involving h and k.
(3) Eliminate the variables, if any.
(4) Replace h by x and k by y in the eliminant to obtain the
equation of the locus.
Find the locus of a point P such that ∠APB = 90°, where the
coordinates of A and B are respectively (−a, 0) and (a, 0).
Solution :
A (1, 2) is a fixed point. A variable point B lies on x2 + y2 = 4.
Find the locus of the midpoint of AB.
Solution :
Find the locus of a point whose coordinates are
a) x = cosθ, y = sinθ, where θ is a parameter
b)) x = t2, y = 2t, where t is a parameter
Solution :
Shifting of Origin
Shifting of Origin

(0, y)’ clearly, x‘ = x - a and y‘ = y - b

(0, y) P (x, y)
(a, b) (x’, 0)

(0,0) (x, 0) X

Observation: If the origin is shifted to (1, 3) then the new

coordinates of the point (3, 6) will be (2, 3).
Slope of a Straight Line

If a straight line makes an angle α with the X-axis, then it’s slope m is
defined as tan α, where 0 ≤ ⍺ < 𝜋.

Note 1: Here, α is the angle made by the line with the positive
direction of the X-axis in the anti-clockwise sense.
Slope of a Straight Line

If a straight line makes an angle α with the X-axis, then it’s slope m is
defined as tan α, where 0 ≤ ⍺ < 𝜋.

Note 1: Here, α is the angle made by the line with the positive
direction of the X-axis in the anti-clockwise sense.

(x2, y2)
Note 2:
(x1, y1)
Equations of Horizontal and Vertical Lines

Before we study various equations of a straight line, let’s first see two
particular cases.
(1) Horizontal Line
(2) Vertical Line
Equation of a Horizontal Line

As on a horizontal line, the y-coordinate does not change, therefore

it’s equation is of the form y = constant.

(0, b) (a, b)
(y = b) (y = b)
1. 2.

(1, 2) (-2, 1)
3. (y = 2) 4. (y = 1)
Equation of a Vertical Line

As on a vertical line, the x-coordinate does not change, therefore it’s

equation is of the form x = constant.

(x = a)
(x = a) (a, b)

1. 2.
(a, 0)

(x = -2)
(x = 1)
(-2, 1)
3. (1, 2) 4.
Various forms of equations of a line:

1. Slope Intercept form 2. Point Slope form

3. Two Point form 4. Intercept form
5. Normal form 6. Parametric form
7. General form

Note: Equations 1 and 2 are the most frequently used forms.

1. slope = m 3. (x2, y2)
(0, c) (x1, y1)

y = mx + c

slope = m

2. 4. (0, b)
(x1, y1)
(a, 0)

y - y1 = m(x - x1)
Eg. Equation of line passing through (1, 2) and having slope 4 is

Eg. Equation of line bisecting segment joining (1, 2) and (3, 4) and
making an angle of 45° with X-axis is

Eg. Equation of line through (1, 2) and (3, 5) is

Eg. Equation of line passing through (1, 2) and having slope 4 is
y - 2 = 4(x - 1) , that is 4x - y - 2 = 0 .

Eg. Equation of line bisecting segment joining (1, 2) and (3, 4) and
making an angle of 45° with X-axis is y - 3 = (1) (x - 2), ie x - y + 1 = 0.

Eg. Equation of line through (1, 2) and (3, 5) is

that is 3x - 2y + 1 = 0.
Normal form Parametric form
m = tan θ
(x, y)
O (x1, y1)

x cos 𝛼 + y sin 𝛼 = p
Where, 0 ≤ 𝛼 < 360°
Convert x+y = 2 into normal form.
Solution :
Various forms of Equation of a Straight Line

Try to comment on the point P in the following case.

(1, 2) P

On the line y = x+1, find the points 2 units away from
(2, 3).
Solution :

2 Q
(2, 3)
45° X
General Form

Any linear equation in x and y represents a straight line, that is, the
equation ax + by + c = 0 is the general form of the equation of a line.

Note: Slope of this general form is -a/b

Angle between two Lines



where θ is the acute angle between the two lines

1. Lines are parallel if m1 = m2
2. Lines are perpendicular if m1 m2 = -1, provided both m1 and m2
are finite.

(a) A line parallel to the line ax + by + c = 0 has an equation of the
form ax + by + d = 0.
(b) A line perpendicular to the line ax + by + c = 0 has an equation of
the form bx − ay + d = 0.
Which of the following pairs of lines are mutually

A 2x + 3y + 1 = 0 and 3x + 2y + 2 = 0

B x − y − 2 = 0 and y = x

C 7x − 5y + 13 = 0 and y = 3x + 8

D 4x + 3y + 5 = 0 and 3x − 4y − 5 = 0
Which of the following pairs of lines are mutually

A 2x + 3y + 1 = 0 and 3x + 2y + 2 = 0

B x − y − 2 = 0 and y = x

C 7x − 5y + 13 = 0 and y = 3x + 8

D 4x + 3y + 5 = 0 and 3x − 4y − 5 = 0
Solution :
(a) Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of the line
segment joining the points A (1, 3) and B (5, 7).
(b) If the vertices of a triangle are (2, 5), (3, 9) and (-4, 0),
then find the equation of the altitude through (2, 5).
(a) Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of the line
segment joining the points A (1, 3) and B (5, 7).
Solution :
(b) If the vertices of a triangle are (2, 5), (3, 9) and (-4, 0),
then find the equation of the altitude through (2, 5).
Solution :
If A (0, 0), B (4, –3) and C (4, 2) are the vertices of Δ ABC,
then find its circumcentre.
Solution :

A (0, 0)


B (4, −3) C (4, 2)

Angle between two Lines

Now that we have understood angle between two lines, let’s see one
very important category of questions, where we find the equations of
a line making a given angle with a given line.

Try to see as a relation between m1, m2 and θ
(a) Find the equation of a line through the point (1, 2)
making an angle of 30° angle with the line .
Solution :
Sometimes we are required to assume a point on a line or you may
say, sometimes, assuming a point on line facilitates solving the
question easily.

Note: A point on y = mx + c is assumed as (t, mt + c).

Find points on x + y = 1 which are at 2 units distance from
(0, 0) .
Solution :
Some Formulae
Distance of a Point from a Line
(x1, y1)

ax + by + c = 0

Special case : Distance of origin from ax + by + c = 0 is

Eg :Distance of (1, 2) from 3x - 4y + 2 = 0 is

Distance between two Parallel Lines
ax + by + c = 0

ax + by + d = 0

Eg : Distance between x + y + 2 = 0 and x + y + 4 = 0 is

Foot of Perpendicular from a Point to a Line

(x1, y1)

ax + by + c = 0
(⍺, β)

Eg : Foot of perpendicular of (2, 3) on x + 2y - 1 = 0 is given by

Image of a Point in a Line

(x1, y1)

ax + by + c = 0

(⍺’, β’)
Family of Lines
Given any two lines L1 = 0 and L2 = 0, all the lines passing through
their point of intersection constitutes family of lines of L1 = 0 and
L2 = 0.

Note: Any line through intersection point of L1 = 0 and L2 = 0 (that is a

member of their family) has equation of the form L1 + λ L2 = 0
L2 = 0

L1 + λ L2 = 0

L1 = 0
Family of Lines

Eg. Any line through intersection point of 2x + y + 3 = 0 and x - y + 1 =

0 will have equation of the form 2x + y + 3 + λ (x - y + 1) = 0
Family of Lines

Eg. Any line through intersection point of 2x + y + 3 = 0 and x - y + 1 =

0 will have equation of the form 2x + y + 3 + λ (x - y + 1) = 0

Eg. If equation of line is of the form x + y - 2 + λ (x + 2y) = 0, then for

sure it passes through point of intersection of x + y - 2 = 0 and
If a, b, c are in AP then prove that the variable straight line
whose equation is ax + by + c = 0 always passes through a
fixed point.

Note: This is standard variety of question. So, you better remember

the approach.
Solution :
Solution :
Alternate Solution:
Find the equation of a line which passes through the
intersection point of the lines 3x − 4y + 6 = 0 and x + y + 2 = 0,
that is farthest from the point P (2, 3).

Note: These is standard variety of question. So, you better remember

the approach.
Solution :
4.1 Condition for Concurrency of three Lines
Condition for Concurrency of three Lines

Consider three lines as follows.

L1 = a1x + b1y + c1 = 0
L2 = a2x + b2y + c2 = 0
L3 = a3x + b3y + c3 = 0

The condition for their concurrency is

Basically, it’s the condition for the existence of a common solution of

the three linear equations.
Check whether the lines 2x + 3y = 0 , x − 5y + 9 = 0 and
3x − 4y − 11 = 0 are concurrent or not.
Solution :
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