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Mental Health is a Process

Having a well-maintained mental health takes a long journey of thorough understanding and
knowledge about one’s self. Thus, having self-knowledge makes a great opportunity to nurture and
nourish your mental health from any circumstances that might try to disrupt your mental balance. Our
mental health is one of the most important aspects of our life because it implicates and shows one’s
behavior through his environment. It has an immense impact in our lives because it dictates what things
we do, act, think and express. It is has always been attached from every perspective of our life, from
how we communicate, comprehend and accept the people or the things that we encounter in our lives.
Unfortunately, this matter remains illicit and taboo from the eyes of many people, especially for Filipinos
because of many connotations that they try to link with this concern. It is very saddening that it still
remains an issue here in our country even though that it has to be prioritize and pay close attention to
because of our fellow Filipinos who experience mental health issues. These are some of the takeaways
that I learned and realized about the webinar that were carried out during our Senior High School Strand

Mental health issues are by product of minor impulse that we encounter in our everyday lives. These
are from the stress, hassles, and pressure that we experience from the struggles and challenges that we
face in our everyday lives. As a student, I could say that I always encounter these stressors every day and
it leads me to overthinking and magnifying all of my worries that result to anxiety attacks. Being in the
early age of adolescent, I already expected these things to happen in my life as I face much challenging
responsibilities, obligations, duties and role as I grow up. This is the time that I realized that having
someone that you can express your thoughts of, is one of the best experience one you started to reach
the line of adulthood. However, as I observe our society today I can say that many people really don’t
pay much attention to this matter. Mental health is a serious matter that requires and should have given
attention of. It is not enough that you simply give a pat to someone and just think that he can go
through a lot of struggles and challenges alone by himself. This is the reason why this issue remains
blurry for decades hence this concern requires a lot of support and consideration. The lack of mental
health contemplation is the problem here in our country. Most of the Filipinos nowadays do not
acknowledge the scientific and psychological findings and as a result it turns out that this matter doesn’t
need sufficient recognition and being disregarded.

We have to reflect every once in a while and have our mental health condition in check. Based from
what I learned from the webinar, it is very important for us to maintain the balance of all aspects of our
life. It is very critical and essential for us that we get to keep our social, spiritual, physical and emotional
views at an elevated stability. This is one of the best solutions that we can incorporate in our lives to
have maintain our mental health. We have to manage ourselves, acknowledge and accept that we are
just human and sometimes we tend to miss things sometimes and that is totally fine. We need to look
and care on every step of the way in every unexpected circumstance that we might face which we
cannot control. We have to focus on the things we can control and we should not dwell from spending
time thinking on the things we are incapable of directing. In order for us to have balance in all aspects
of life is we need to effectively handle our common stressor in life, might it be manageable or
complicated. Next, is we need to be productive in life and as we achieve things that we have worked for
in contributing to our community Many people tend to have mental health conditions if this balance
went overlooked. At this point, we can have eustress that will significantly impact our lives positively so
we can feel motivated every day. Anyone can be vulnerable to mental health condition if not taken
seriously. Regardless of the age of an individual as long as there is biological, psychological, and social
factors, mental health condition is still pertinent. This condition doesn’t choose certain people that can
be affected by the consequences of lack of mental health awareness. Causes may differ in every people
because of different experiences. Psychiatric problems are passed down via families, implying hereditary
roots. Second, stressful life experiences or a history of abuse, especially if they occur during childhood,
can cause trauma in the sufferer, leading to mental illness. Living in a stressful atmosphere, for example,
increases the risk of getting a mental condition. Poverty, an abusive family, a domineering parent, and
living in a poisonous society all put a lot of strain on your brain and body. It's possible that it'll lead to
mental illness. Stressful events, such as the death of a loved one or being involved in a car accident, can
produce trauma and despair, which can lead to mental health difficulties. There are signs and symptoms
can be seen in an individual that we should be aware of when this condition arises. When we are clearly
seeing these early manifestations, we should consult health professionals as this can develop to
common forms of mental state conditions and if not handled effectively things would just get worse.

Mental health professionals, such as Psychiatrists and Psychologists, are the only ones who
genuinely understand what kind of medication should be prescribed for a certain issue. It is preferable
to seek advice from someone who is knowledgeable in this area rather than self-medicate. Then there's
physical well-being. Because everyone does it, maintaining this aspect is both common and simple. You
can do this alone or with a group, depending on who you feel comfortable with. You must exercise
consistently, eat regularly and healthily, and refrain from self-harming in order to maintain your physical
well-being. Finally, but certainly not least, is psychological well-being. You must remember that you have
control over your own life, you must identify your purpose and place in life, you must engage in
constructive relationships, and most significantly, you must accept yourself in order to preserve
wellbeing. Taking care of one's mental health should begin with oneself. It is up to the individual to
decide how they would go about doing it. Talking about our feelings is one method to take care of our
mental health. Keeping emotions and thoughts locked up can be unhealthy since we never know when
they will explode. Maintaining physical health might also assist us in managing our mental health. Being
physically active, eating healthy, and doing something we enjoy are all good things to do. Finally, take a
breather. Everyone is in desperate need of a break. It doesn't matter if it's a few minutes or an hour; as
long as it's enough to de-stress and give ourselves some "me time," that's all that matters.

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