Gerund and Infinitiv Papers 90%

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Course: Bahasa Inggris Bisnis

Supporting Lecture: Veritia SE, MM


Aan Sudiana 201010500220

Aisyah Rakhmatusyifa 201010500241
Angelika Stevani Vera N 201010500212
Ardifa 201010503562
Arum Wulandari 201010500217

Faculty Of Economy Manajemen Major Universitas Pamulang


First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, writer finished writing
the paper entitled "Superlative and Comperative" right in the calculated time.
The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by Ms.Veritia SE,
MM as a lecturer in English course.
In arranging this paper, the writer trully get lots challenges and obstructions but with
help of many indiviuals, those obstructions could passed. writer also realized there are still
many mistakes in process of writing this paper. Because of that, the writer says thank you to
all individuals who helps in the process of writing this paper. Hopefully Allah replies all
helps and bless you all. The writer realized tha this paper still imperfect in arrangment and
the content. Then the writer hope the criticism from the readers can help the writer in
perfecting the next paper. Last but not the least Hopefully, this paper can helps the readers to
gain more knowledge about English course.

Bogor, 30 December 2021

The Writer
List Of Content

Main Title................................................................................................................................1
List Of Content........................................................................................................................3
Chapter 1
1.1 The Meaning Of Gerund And Infinitives..........................................................................4
1.2 Comperative Degree..........................................................................................................4
1.3 Superlative degree...........................................................................................................5
1.4 Rules in determining Coparative – Superlative degre......................................................6
Chapter 2 Clossing
3.1 Conclusing........................................................................................................................9
3.2 Suggestion........................................................................................................................9
Chapter 1

1. 1 The Meaning Of Gerund And Infinitives

Gerunds and infinitives. Both are words formed from verbs to function

as nouns. After the verb is changed in the gerund form or in the infinitive form, it

can be used as a subject, object, prepositional object and subject complement.

Here's the full description:

A. Gerund

Gerund (V-ing) is a word formed from a verb and functioned as a noun by

changing it in the present participle form or what we know as V-ing. After being

changed into V-ing form, the gerund has a function like a noun, namely as

subject, object, object of preposition and even complement of subject. Consider

the following example:

 Reading books is my hobby. [gerund as subject]

Membaca buku adalah hobi saya.

 He enjoys sleeping on the sofa. [gerund as object]

Dia suka tidur di atas sofa.

 They admit being charged some money by Bagus. [gerund as object]

Mereka mengaku ditagih sejumlah uang oleh Bagus.

 I’m thinking of studying English in Pare. [gerund as object of preposition]

Saya sedang memikirkan tentang belajar bahasa Inggris di Pare.

 Our assignment is writing an essay. [gerund as complement of subject]

Tugas kita adalah menulis sebuah essay.


The infinitive referred to here is the to infinitive, which is changing the verb into
the form to + V1 so that it can function as a noun. To infinitive can be subject,
object and complement of subject. Consider the following example:

 To learn English is my purpose. [to infinitive as subject]

Belajar bahasa Inggris adalah tujuanku.

 Dwi wants to check up in the hospital. [to infinitive as object]

Dwi hendak periksa di rumah sakit.

 Kholil has refused to be carried with car. [to infinitive as object]

Kholil telah menolak dibawa dengan mobil.

 My dream is to work in a big company. [to infinitive as complement of subject]

Mimpi saya adalah bekerja di perusahaan besar.

 To live is to give. [to infinitive as subject and complement of subject]

Hidup adalah memberi.

1. 2 Characteristics of Gerunds and Infinitives

In the examples above, gerunds and infinitives have the same function as
nouns. However, there are interesting things. First, when translated into
Indonesian, both still have the meaning of the verb. Second, the verbs of the
gerund and infinitive are always singular. This is because:

1. Gerund and Invinitive still carry the nature of the verb

That is, if it is transitive (it needs an object), then the object must still be included.
If it is related to an adverb, the adverb is still included. Example:
 Writing an essay needs grammar skills.

Menulis essai membutuhkan kemampuan grammar.

 To help others is the nature of humans.

Membantu orang lain adalah sifat dasar manusia

In this example, writing comes from the word write which is transitive or requires
an object. Likewise to help from the word help. So, an essay and others as objects
still have to appear so that the meaning is clear. Another example:

 Sleeping in a chair made my back hurt.

Tidur di kursi membuat punggung saya sakit.

 To speak politely was difficult for him.

Berbicara dengan sopan itu sulit baginya.

In this example, although sleep and speak are intransitive or do not need an object,
but in the context of the sentence they need narrowing of meaning. Without in a
chair in the first sentence and politely in the second sentence, the meaning of the
sentence will be strange, namely sleeping makes my back hurt, or he has difficulty
speaking. So, in a chair and politely as adverbs that explain the words sleeping
and to speak must still be included.

1. 3 Gerund and Infinitive are equivalent to singular noun

Gerund/Ving and to infinitive/to V1 are always singular. Even if the

objects of both are plural, the gerund and infinitive are still counted as singular.
See the following example:

 Reading books is my hobby.

 Watching movies makes me happy.
 To help people needs much patience.
 To listen the questions carefully is my weakness.

In the example above, is, makes, and needs are singular verbs. This is because in
each of these sentences there is only one gerund / one infinitive. For example, if
the subject is two or more gerunds, for example, the gerund:

 Reading books and writing diaries are my hobbies.

 Running, riding bicycles, and playing football make my body healthy.
 Loving a girl and being loved by her change him into a better person.

In the example above, are, make, and change are plural verbs. The verb is plural
because the gerund that functions as the subject is more than one.

Here's an example of the infinitive:

 To understand the passage and (to) answer the questions correctly are my goal.
 To wash the dishes, (to) sweep the floor, and (to) mop it make me tired.

In the example above, are, make are plural verbs or plural verbs. The verb is
plural because the to infinitive which functions as a subject is more than one.


When connected with and, the word "to" from the to infinitive can be omitted
because it has been mentioned in the first to infinitive.

1. 4 Gerund and Infinitive Functions

Although both are equivalent to nouns, their functions are somewhat

different. Both can be subject, object, complement of subject, but only gerund can
be object of preposition. Here is the full description:

A. Gerund function

Because the gerund is equivalent to a noun, it can function as subject, object,

object of preposition and complement of subject.

1. Gerund as subject

The examples given in the previous point show the gerund function as the subject.
Let's quote some more:

 Reading books is my hobby.

 Watching movies makes me happy.
 Running, riding bicycles, and playing football make my body healthy.
In the three examples above, the gerund is used as an object because the gerund is
the culprit. If you think about it in Indonesian, this happens when a verb becomes
the subject of another verb. Examples such as:

Reading makes you smart.

The verb to read becomes the doer of the verb to make. In cases like this, we use
the gerund as the subject. And don't forget, when we make the gerund as the
subject, the verb adjusts the number of gerunds, as mentioned above.

2. Gerund as object

Apart from being the subject, the gerund can also be used as an object. In other
words, the verb that is the target of another verb. However, not all verbs can be
followed by a gerund. Only certain types of verbs can have a gerund object. Here
are some of them:

[table id=gerund-verb /]

When we use the verb above, the object can be a gerund. Example

 Yusuf admitted making a mistake.

Yusuf mengaku membuat kesalahan.

 We consider going back home.

Kami mempertimbangkan untuk pulang ke rumah.

 Teguh is enjoying editing videos.

Teguh sedang menikmati mengedit video.

 She didn’t mind helping us.

Dia tidak keberatan membantu kami.

 I quit being lazy.

Saya berhenti menjadi pemalas

3. Gerund as object of preposition

The gerund can also be the object of a preposition. Objects of prepositions are
words that appear after prepositions, for example in, on, at, by, for, about and
with. Check out the following example:

 He’s interested in going to college.

 Dia tertarik untuk pergi kuliah.
 You just need to focus on completing your task.
 Kamu hanya perlu fokus menyelesaikan tugasmu.
 Intan is really good at telling story.
 Intan sangat hebat dalam bercerita.
 You can help me by giving me some feedback.
 Kamu bisa membantuku dengan memberiku umpan balik.
 The topic is about studying abroad.
 Topiknya adalah tentang belajar di luar negeri.

Remember, after the preposition, don't write the V1 form, but change it to V-ing
like the example above.

4. Gerund as complement of subject

Complement of subject is a description of the subject that appears after certain

verbs. Well, the gerund can be the complement of the subject of the BE verb
group. They are be, is, am, are, was, were, been, being, be. Consider the following

 Our assignment is writing an essay.

 Tugas kita adalah menulis essai.
 His new habits are watching Youtube and playing games.
 Kebiasaan-kebiasaan barunya adalah menonton Youtube dan bermain
 My previous job was teaching English.
 Pekerjaan saya sebelumnya adalah mengajar bahasa Inggris.
 Your next activity will be learning SEO.
 Aktivitas kamu selanjutnya akan berupa belajar SEO.

Infinitive Function
Like the gerund, the infinitive can be the subject, object and complement of the
subject. The difference is, it cannot follow a preposition (object of preposition).
1. Infinitive as subject

To infinitive can be the doer of a verb. Let's cite some previous examples:

 To help people needs much patience.

 Membantu orang-orang itu membutuhkan banyak kesabaran.
 To check the answers carefully is my weakness.
 Mengecek jawaban dengan teliti adalah kelemahan saya.
 To understand the passage and (to) answer the questions
correctly are my goal.
 Memahami passage dan menjawab pertanyaan dengan benar adalah
tujuan saya

Just like the gerund, we use the to infinitive as the subject when we want to make
a verb the doer of another verb. Literally, the use of the gerund and to infinitive as
a subject has no difference.
2. Infinitive as object

The to infinitive can also be used as an object, but again not all transitive verbs
can be followed by the to infinitive. Only certain verbs can. Here are some of
[table id=to-inf-verb /]

When the verb is one of the above, then the object can be infinitive. Example:

 They choose to study overnight.

 Mereka memilih belajar semalaman.
 Syauqi has decided to break the rule.
 Syauqi sudah memutuskan untuk melanggar peraturan.
 Agus intends to go to the theater.
 Agus berniat pergi ke bioskop.
 Yeni is learning to play chess.
 Yeni sedang belajar bermain catur.

That's how it is. Remember, not all verbs can be followed by a to infinitive,
sometimes they must be followed by a gerund, sometimes they can be followed by
both, which we will discuss later.
3. Infinitive as complement of subject
To infinitive can also be a complement to the subject or complement of the
subject that appears after the BE family. Here's an example:

 My purpose is to get out of this place.

 Rencana saya adalah keluar dari tempat ini.
 The last requirement will be to have an interview.
 Persyaratan terakhir akan berupa mengikuti sebuah wawancara.
 His dream was to be accepted in Harvard university.
 Mimpinya adalah diterima di universitas Harvard.
 Melati’s intention is to date Nofri.
 Niat Melati adalah mengajak Nofri kencan



Gerunds are words that are formed with verbs but act as nouns. They’re very easy to
spot, since every gerund is a verb with ing tacked to its tail. There are no exceptions to
this rule. Like all things grammar, gerunds do take a tiny bit of detective work to spot.
The problem here is that present participles also end with the letters ing. Besides being
able to spot gerunds, you should be able to tell the difference between a gerund and a
present participle.

By studying the gerund , use the language correctly in the English language is more
complete and easier . Especially on verbs every day in use by peoples.

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