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Science grade 5

Review all when you do the test


Sources of light Nuclear reactions Plane mirror

Convex mirror Concave mirror Floodlight

Give off Ray of light Periscope

Image Ray diagram Measure

Mirror Reserved Brightness

Light meter Lux Rough

Smooth Scattered Shiny


Words meaning

Sources of light: things that give off light

Nuclear reactions: a change in the identity or characteristics of an
atomic nucleus that results when it is bombarded with an
energetic particle, as in fission, fusion, or radioactive decay.

Plane mirror: shows a normal image of an object

Convex mirror: makes the image of an object smaller

Concave mirror: shows a bigger image of an object

Floodlight: light that shines brightly over a wide area

Give off: give something, like light

Ray of light: thin line used to explain how light moves

thin beam light

Periscope: long box or tube containing 2 mirrors

Image: any object that appears in front of the mirror

Ray diagram: shows how light is reflected on a mirror

Measure: ascertain the size, amount, or degree of (something)

by using an instrument or device marked in standard units or
by comparing it with an object of known size.

Mirror: a reflective surface, now typically of glass coated with

a metal amalgam, that reflects a clear image.

Reserved: kept specially for a particular purpose or person.

Brightness: the quality or state of giving out or reflecting light.

Light meter: an instrument for measuring the intensity of light,

used chiefly to show the correct exposure when taking a
Lux: he SI unit of illuminance, equal to one lumen per square

Rough: having an uneven or irregular surface; not smooth or


Smooth: having an even and regular surface or consistency;

free from perceptible projections, lumps, or indentations.

Scattered: of electromagnetic radiation or particles) deflected

or diffused

Shiny: (of a smooth surface) reflecting light, typically because

very clean or polished.

Dull: lacking brightness, vividness, or sheen.


Does moon is the sources of light?

The moon is not the sources off light. Because the moon reflects the light from
the sun.

Do you think you can still see yourself in the mirror?

No we can’t. We need light to see yourself in the mirror

How do we call the things that give off light?

Is Sources of light and light sources

The sun is giving heat and light. Is the primary sources of light.

What is making the sun extremely hot?

Is the nuclear reactions.

How does light travel from the sun?

The light from the sun travels through the space before it goes to the Earth

How many distane from sun to Earth?

Is about 150 million km.

How long the light travel to the Earth?

The light travel to the Earth about 8 minutes

The sun light goes to the in 300 000 km per seconds

We see things when the light travel our eyes.

Words extra

Bright Dark Dim

This picture we see a little light from the sky, this is not the
dark this is dim.

Words of sources of light

Welding machine Torch Fire

Lamp Candle Phone

Laptop Traffic lights TV

Firefly Sun

Some questions

A mirror help us see the things that are out of our sight.

If you put the any words in the front of the mirror, the letter are reserved.

The end

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