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A Highly Simul ated Pract ice Ques tions Pope r
for /CSE Class X (Sem ester II) Exam inatio n

I. .4.m:mpt all question., from Section A and any three questions from Scctiott B.
2. ,◄ II working, including rough work, must be clearly shown and must be done
on the same sheet as the rest ofthe aruwer.
3. The inte111ied marks for questions or part ofquestions ure given in bracket
s ( ).
•\fathematical tables are provukd.

Maximum Marks : ,
Time a.I/owed : 90 minw

Sec tion s (10 Marks)

Attempt ,di questions from tl,is Section.
1. Choose the correct answe rs to the questio ns from the given option s.
(i) The distanc e betwee n the points( 6, - 4) and (3, 0) i ~
(a) 7 units (b) 25 units
(c) ifis units (d) 5 units
(ii) Tangents AP and AQ are drawn to circle with centre O from an extern
al point A.
then LPAQ is equal to
(a)2LO PQ (b) LOPQ
3 4
(iii) If the vertices of triangl e are (p, q), (r, s) and (u, v). then the coordi nate
of its centroil
(a)(p+;+r r+;+")1 (b)(p; q, s;o)
(C) p+ r+u q+ s+v)
( 1 (d) None of these
3 3
(iv) If media n• 137 and mean • 137.05, then the value of mode is
(a) 156.90 (b) 136.90 (c) 186.90 {d) 206.90
(v) Uthe ratio of the radii of two cylind er is 2: 1 and the ratio oC their height
is 1: 2,
then ratio of their volum es is
(a) 1 : 2 (b) 2: 1 (c) 4: 1 (d) 1 : 1
,.,~sample Poper Mathematics Closs x (S
v omcsrurnJ
(vi) If the line i-cgnwnt jl,inhw lhc
•• o po1n1s (2, - I) in 1I (8 7) I
ts ' , • t 1l'I\ lhl' mid-point of th(.' line
(a){3. 4)
(c)(-1,3) (b) (5,J)
. • . , (d) Nu11(' of lhl'SC
(vii) From .l sohd ctrcul,1r cylinlkr \ •ill1 1 .
right circul,\r cone ur the same ;wl , wight l(l c:m nnd ra~ius of Lhe bnsc 6 cm, a
of remaining solid is g and Rnnic bnse is removed, then Lhe volume
(a) 280 It cm 3
(c) :?.ll) JI CII\ 3 (b) 3JO JI cm 3
(d) -140 rt l!ITI 3
(,•iii) l\lode of the following grotin.•d ,__ d'
r - ~quency 1s. t ri'b ut1on
· is
Classes 3-6 6-9 9-12 12-15 15-18 18-21 21-24
Frequency 2 5 10 23 21 12 3
(a) 13.6
(b) 15.6
(c) 14.6
(d) 16.6
f th a point.15 m0 away from th c foot o f a tower, the angle of elevation of the top
(ix) From
o e tower is 30 . Then, the height of the tower is
(a) 8.66 m (b) S2.6 m
(c) 86.6m (d) 7.36 m
(x) Tickets numbered from l to 20 are mixed up together and then a ticket is drawn at
rand~m, then the probability that the ticket has a number, which is a multiple or3
or 7, 1s
(c) -

Section /I§J (30 Marks)

Attempt 1111y tlrree qm:stio11s from this Section.
2. (i) Find the equation of the lines, whi.c h passes through the point (-2. 3) and are
equally inclined to the coordinate axes. (21

("ti) In the given figure, diameter AB and chord CD of a circle meet at P. PT is a tangent
to the circle atT and CD:7.Scm, PD=Scm and PB =4 cm. (ZJ

Find m
(1) the length of AB. (b) the length of tangent PT.
(Ui) A vessel in the form of an inverted cone is filled with woter to the brim. Its height is "tJ
20 cm and diameter is 16.8 1:m. Two e.1u,1l solid cones are dropped in it ~o that they m
are fully submerged. As a resu II, one-third of the watt.'r in the origlnnl cone (If
overflows. What is the volume o( cnch of the solid ront.>s submerged? (3)
gr 1Uicl
the win d. The top of the tree mee ts the 0
(Iv) In a viol ent stor m, a tree get ben t by the
from the root . At wha t heig ht from
at an ang le of 30°, al a dist ance of 60 m Ill
inal heig ht of lhe tree ?
bottom, did the trl'e get ben t? What was lhe orig
i 9 an and 2 cm, resp ecti vely, PQ= 17 cm.
3. (I) lf P nnd Qar e cent res of circles of radi whi ch touc hes the abo ve circles exte rnally
R is the cen tre of a circle of radi us x cm, (lJ
n In :t and solv e it.
Giv en that LPR Q =90°, writ e an equ atio
pac k of 52 card s. Fin d Ille prob abil ity that
(ii) A c;ird is draw n from a wel l-sh uffl ed
card Jraw n is
(a) a block face card . 12;
(b) neit her a jack nor a que en of black.
up from a loc.ll tele pho ne dire ctor y and
(iii) 200 surn ame s wer e rand oml y pick ed
lette rs in Eng lish alph abe ts in the
frequency dist ribu tion of the num ber of Pi
surn ame s was obta ined as follows

N::,:=.1 :: I~~o ,,:sI 20

1: / 2:25

Find the med ian of the abo ve data .

12, 14, 16, 18 and 20 are kep t in a bag
. A card is
(iv) Car ds bea ring num b_e rs 2. 4, 6, 8, 10,
prob abil ity of gett ing a card , whi ch is
draw n at rand om from the bag. Find the
(a) a prim e num ber.
(b) a number divisible by 4. !l!
(c) a num ber that is a mu.ltiple of 6.
med ian
vertices ofa dAB C, find the equ atio n of
4. (i) ~(- -3, 3), B(4, 4) and C( 1, - 2) are !21
3 • Ji the radi us of its bas e is 14 cm
(il) The volu me of a right circ ular con
e is 1232 on '
find Its curv ed surface area . Ill
of a scho ol
(Iii) The follo win g dist ribu tion repr
esen ts the heig ht of 160 stud ents
Height (lo an) Number o' 1•11ch Ila
1'0-1 ◄5 12
145-150 20
150-155 30
155-160 38
1~1 65 24
1~1 70 16
170-175 12
17>180 6
(Wa n
Draw an ogiv e for the give n dist ribu tion) U . g~ cm "'Sa n of heig ht on one axis
and 1 cm= 20 stud ents on the othe r ax.i5 e grap h. dete rmi ne
• smg
(a) the med ian height.
(b) the num ber of stud ents , whose heig
ht . bove 172 an. pJ
ts a
, . paper l,latMmo tks Closs x /Semester II}

'll) ,_ •'-e given

11• u• . figure,
f th from the top of a b u lid'mg AB = 60 m high the angles of
(I _,,c,on o e top f • •
and bottom o a vertical lamp-post CD are obse,rved to be
d rp,-.- •
30° and 600 , respccti,•cly. l~ ./3 = 1.732)
A • •• 0~ ................... .

s1....__ __ _ _..:::,,1c

Find the horizontal di 5lnnce between AB and CD and the height or the lamp-post . (:SJ
5, (I) The mean of the following frequency d istribution is 50 but the fr~quencie s / 1 and
fz in dasseS 20-40 and 60-80, respectivel y are not known. Find these frequencies,
If the sum of all the frequencie s is 120. 131

F=cy I ~~ I ~o \
°: \ oo;,flJ \ ~~oo
(ii) The mid-point of the line segment joining(3m, 6) and (- 4, 3n) is ( l , 2m- l ).
Find the values of m and n. (ZJ

(Ill) In the given quadrilate ral ABCD, pro,•c that AB+ DC= AD+ BC. lZl

(iv) 16 cards arc labelled as a, b, c;..., m, "• o, p. They are put in a box and shuffled. A boy
is asked to draw a card from the box. What is the probability that the card drawn is
(a) a vowel?
(b) a consonant ?
(c) none of the letters of the word median?
1 2 2
6, • (sin 2 A-sin B) cos B-cos A
2 2
(1)Proveth at(tan A-tan B)= cos 2~ n cos 8
2 = cos2 8 cos·,A. (2)

(U) A right triangle, whose sides are 3 cm and 4 cm (other than hypotenus e), is made to
rnolve about its hypotenus e. Find the ,•olume and surface area of the double cone
so formed . (choose the value of it as found appropriate} Pl
(Iii) The mean of the following data is 14. Find the value of k. lZJ
;\~ ,:,,:1~1 2
{Iv) Find the coordinat e of II point A, where AB is a diameter of the circle with centre r-
(3, -1) and the point B is (2. 6). Pl

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