Black Lives Matter

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Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a decentralized political and social movement that seeks

to highlight racism, discrimination, and racial inequality experienced by Black people,

and promote anti-racism. Its primary concerns are incidents of police brutality and
racially motivated violence against black people. It started following the killings of
Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Rekia Boyd, among others.

The movement and its related organizations typically advocate for various policy
changes considered to be related to Black liberation. These include:

 Decriminalizing Black and brown communities

 Investing in Black communities and institutions
 Ending police brutality and mass incarceration
 Building a movement for social justice

The Black Lives Matter movement has been met with a great deal of support, but it
has also been criticized by some. Critics argue that the movement is too focused on
race and that it does not address the root causes of crime and violence. Others
argue that the movement is too radical and that it alienates potential allies.

Despite the criticism, the Black Lives Matter movement has had a significant impact
on American society. It has helped to raise awareness of racial injustice and has
inspired people to take action against racism. The movement has also led to some
concrete changes, such as the passage of new laws and the adoption of new
policies by police departments.

How I can bring change

3 people

The BLM movement is often compared to the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s
and 1960s. Both movements were motivated by a desire for racial justice, and both
used a variety of tactics to achieve their goals. However, there are also some
important differences between the two movements.

The Civil Rights Movement was primarily focused on achieving legal and political
equality for Black people. It sought to end segregation, discrimination, and
disenfranchisement. The BLM movement, on the other hand, is more focused on
social justice. It seeks to address the underlying causes of racial inequality, such as
poverty, mass incarceration, and police brutality.

Another important difference between the two movements is their approach to

protest. The Civil Rights Movement was largely nonviolent, and its leaders
emphasized the importance of love and forgiveness. The BLM movement, on the
other hand, has been more confrontational. Its protests have often been met with
police violence, and some activists have called for more radical tactics.

Despite these differences, both the Civil Rights Movement and the BLM movement
have played important roles in advancing the cause of racial justice in the United
States. Both movements have raised awareness of racism and discrimination, and
both have inspired people to take action to create a more just and equitable society.

Here is a table summarizing the key similarities and differences between the Civil
Rights Movement and the BLM movement:

The American government's reaction to the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement has
been complex and multifaceted. While some government officials have expressed
support for the movement and its goals, others have criticized it and taken steps to
suppress it.

Support for BLM

 President Joe Biden has expressed support for BLM and has called for police
reform. He has also signed executive orders to address racial inequality in
housing, education, and criminal justice.

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President Joe Biden

 Vice President Kamala Harris has also expressed support for BLM and has
met with leaders of the movement.
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Vice President Kamala Harris

 Many Democratic members of Congress have also expressed support for

BLM and have introduced legislation to address racial inequality.

Criticism of BLM

 Some Republicans have criticized BLM for being too radical and for promoting
violence. They have also accused the movement of being anti-police.
 Former President Donald Trump was a vocal critic of BLM. He often referred
to the movement as a "symbol of hate" and threatened to designate it as a
terrorist organization.

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Former President Donald Trump

 Trump administration officials also took steps to suppress BLM protests. For
example, they deployed federal law enforcement officers to cities where
protests were taking place, and they used force against protesters.

Government actions
The government has taken a number of actions in response to the BLM movement.
These actions include:

 Executive orders: President Biden has signed several executive orders to

address racial inequality. These orders include:
o Executive Order 13985: Promoting Racial Equity and Supporting
Inclusive Communities
o Executive Order 13988: Implementing an Equitable Housing Finance
o Executive Order 14017: Establishing an Interagency Task Force on
21st Century Policing
 Legislation: Many Democratic members of Congress have introduced
legislation to address racial inequality. This legislation includes:
o The George Floyd Justice Policing Act
o The Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act
o The Breathe Act
 Investigation into police brutality: The Department of Justice has launched an
investigation into police brutality. This investigation was prompted by the
killing of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

The government's reaction to the BLM movement is likely to continue to evolve in the
years to come. As the movement continues to grow and gain support, it is likely to
put more pressure on the government to take action to address racial inequality.

It is important to note that the BLM movement is a complex and multifaceted

phenomenon. There is no single definition of its goals or tactics, and the movement
has evolved over time. The government's reaction to the movement has also been
complex and multifaceted, and it is likely to continue to evolve in the years to come.

Individuals around the globe can make a change in the Black Lives Matter (BLM)
movement by:

 Educating themselves about racial injustice. This includes learning about the
history of racism, the experiences of Black people, and the ways in which
racism is perpetuated in society.
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People reading books about racial injustice

 Having conversations about race with friends, family, and colleagues. These
conversations can help to break down barriers and promote understanding.
 Supporting Black-owned businesses. This is a great way to help Black people
build economic wealth.
 Donating to organizations that are working to address racial injustice. There
are many organizations that are working to make a difference, such as the
NAACP, the National Urban League, and the ACLU.
 Getting involved in activism. This could involve attending
protests, volunteering with organizations, or contacting elected officials.

Here are some additional ways that individuals can make a change in the BLM

 Challenge racist stereotypes and assumptions. When you hear someone

making a racist comment, call them out on it.
 Speak up against discrimination. If you see someone being discriminated
against, don't be afraid to speak up.
 Vote for politicians who support racial justice. When you vote, make sure to
choose candidates who have a strong track record of fighting for racial
 Be an ally to Black people. This means listening to Black people, respecting
their experiences, and using your privilege to help them.

Every individual can make a difference in the fight for racial justice. By taking action,
we can help to create a more just and equitable world for all.
3 Individuals who were killed

The murder of George Floyd on May 25, 2020, sparked a global movement against
racial injustice and police brutality. Floyd, a 46-year-old Black man, died after a white
police officer, Derek Chauvin, knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes while he
pleaded for his life.

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George Floyd

Chauvin's actions were captured on video by bystanders, and the footage quickly
went viral. The world watched in horror as Floyd's life was extinguished before their

Floyd's death was not an isolated incident. Black people are far more likely than
white people to be killed by police. In 2020, the police killed 1,026 people in the
United States, and 28% of those killed were Black, while Black people make up only
13% of the population.

The murder of George Floyd sparked a wave of protests across the United States
and around the world. People of all races and backgrounds took to the streets to
demand justice for Floyd and an end to racial injustice.
The Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, which had been active for years, gained
new momentum in the wake of Floyd's death. The movement's demands include an
end to police brutality, racial profiling, and mass incarceration.

The BLM movement has had a significant impact on American society. It has raised
awareness of racial injustice and has inspired people to take action against racism.
The movement has also led to some concrete changes, such as the passage of new
laws and the adoption of new policies by police departments.

The murder of George Floyd was a tragedy, but it also sparked a movement that is
working to make the world a more just and equitable place.

Here are two individuals, in addition to George Floyd, whose deaths sparked the
Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement:

Eric Garner

Eric Garner, a 43-year-old Black man, died on July 17, 2014, after a white police
officer, Daniel Pantaleo, put him in a chokehold while arresting him for selling
untaxed cigarettes on Staten Island, New York. Garner, who was asthmatic,
repeatedly said "I can't breathe" before losing consciousness and dying.

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Eric Garner

Pantaleo was never indicted, and the incident sparked widespread protests and
outrage over police brutality against Black people. Garner's death became one of the
early catalysts for the BLM movement.

Breonna Taylor

Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old Black woman, was shot and killed by police in her
Louisville, Kentucky, apartment on March 13, 2020. Plainclothes officers from the
Louisville Metro Police Department were executing a no-knock warrant in connection
with a drug investigation.
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Breonna Taylor

No drugs were found in Taylor's apartment, and Walker was initially charged with
attempted murder of a police officer. However, the charges were later dropped.
Taylor's death, along with the deaths of George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery, sparked
a wave of protests against police brutality and racial injustice in the United States.

These are just two of the many Black people whose deaths have sparked the BLM
movement. The movement continues to fight for racial justice and an end to police

Opinions of white officers

The killing of black people by white police officers is a serious and complex issue
that has been at the forefront of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. These
killings have sparked outrage, grief, and calls for change from communities of color
and allies across the United States.

It is important to note that the killing of black people by police is a disproportionate

problem. Black people are more likely than white people to be killed by police, even
when accounting for factors such as crime rates. This suggests that there is a racial
bias in the use of force by police.

There are a number of factors that may contribute to the killing of black people by
white police officers. These include:

 Racial bias: Police officers may be more likely to use force against black
people because they hold subconscious biases against them.
 Implicit bias: Police officers may make decisions based on implicit
biases, which are unconscious stereotypes that can influence their behavior.
 Lack of training: Police officers may not receive adequate training on how to
de-escalate situations and avoid using force.
 Accountability: Police officers are often not held accountable for their
actions, even when they use excessive force.
The BLM movement has called for a number of changes to address the issue of
police brutality, including:

 Increased training for police officers on de-escalation and implicit bias.

 More accountability for police officers who use excessive force.
 Community policing that builds trust between police and the communities they

The killing of black people by white police officers is a complex issue with no easy
solutions. However, the BLM movement has played an important role in raising
awareness of the problem and calling for change.

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