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‘Poets and Pancakes’ by Asokamitran is an extremely important biographical

description of Gemini Studios and circles around some very important themes. One
important theme is that of favoritism at the workplace and highlights how Subbu
reached the point of being second in command at Gemini Studios based on that. It
talks about Subbu remaining overpowered and various sides of life. It presented
office life to a large extent. It spoke of issues about life at work, like jealousy,
hierarchy, favoritism, sycophancy, and more. However, it also speaks of social
integration and bringing communities together.


1. Ashokamitran

He is the author of this lesson and used to work as an employee of Gemini Studio.
His job was to cut newspaper clippings on different topics and make a file on it. The
other members of his staff looked down upon his work and felt superior to him

2. The Office Boy

He was not really a young boy, but a grown-up man of forty years old and was given
the duty of crowd makeup. His job was an easy one still he feels he was an expert
and a skilled make-up artist. He blamed Subbu for his failure to become a hero or a
star actor.

3. Kothmangalam Subbu
He was considered the No.2 at the studio and came from a lower background than
the office boy but being a brahmin he was given more importance than the office
boy. He always looks cheerful as a lark and was loyal towards Vasan, always being
at service for him. He was extremely creative and used his talent to his own
advantage and to make his position strong in the studio.

He was a talented poet also and sometimes performed better than the lead actors.
He used to write poems in Tamil and so he had made some enemies also in the
studio. He was a brilliant poet and actor and contributed a lot to the Studio.

4. Legal advisor
He was a lawyer in the story department of Gemini Studio. He wore pants and a tie
and sometimes an oversized coat unlike everyone in the department. He possesses
cold and lame logic. He destroyed the career of many actresses by his unrealistic
5. Stephen Spender
He was an English poet, editor, and a one-time communist who gave a speech about
Communism. He gave a long lecture on communism and also explains his tough
times when he wishes to establish it here. Later on, people could know about the
reason he gave. Asokamitran, later on, came to know that he was the Editor of the
British Periodical, ‘Encounter’.he recognized the connection between him and the
owner of the Studio, S.S. Vasan.

Q1. What does the writer mean by ‘the fiery misery’ of those subjected to


Ans: The writer means the misery caused by the incandescent lights that poured out
intense heat. The make-up room of the Gemini Studios had bright bulbs in the room
full of large mirrors that reflected the glowing lights. Under such blazing heat make-
up was done.

Q2. What is the example of national integration that the author refers to?

Ans: The make-up team and also those who came and went were from different
states. It was headed by a Bengali and next in hierarchy was a Maharashtrian,
assisted by an Andhraite, a Madras Indian Christian, an Anglo-Burmese and other
local Tamils. It was truly a gang of nationally integrated make-up men.

Q3. What work did the ‘office boy’ do in the Gemini Studios? Why did he join

the studios? Why was he disappointed?

Ans: The office boy applied make-up to the crowds, mixing his paint in a giant vessel
and slapping it on the crowd players. He had joined the studios in the hope of
becoming a star actor or a top screen writer, director or lyrics writer. He was a bit of
a poet. He was disappointed as he was placed low even in the hierarchy of make-up
Q4. Why did the author appear to be doing nothing at the studios?

Ans: The author’s job was to cut out newspaper clippings on a wide variety of
subjects and store them in files. Many of these had to be written out in hand. Seeing
him sitting at his desk and tearing up newspapers most people thought he had
nothing to do at the studios.

Q5. Why was the office boy frustrated? Who did he show his anger on?

Ans: The office boy was frustrated because his hopes of making big in the movie
world failed. He vent his anger and frustration on Kothamangalam Subbu, the No. 2
in the studios, whom he held responsible for his dishonour and neglect.

Q6. Who was Subbu’s principal?

Ans: S.S. Vasan, the founder of Gemini Studios, was the boss and Subbu’s Principal
in the studios. Subbu had a great loyalty to him. This made him identify himself with
his principal completely. He turned his entire creativity to his principal’s advantage.

Q7. Subbu is described as a many-sided genius. List four of his special


Ans: Subbu was a many-sided genius. He was born a Brahmin. It is a virtue in itself
as it exposed him to more affluent situations and people. Second, he had the ability
to look cheerful at all times. Third, he always had work for somebody. Fourth, he had
great loyalty to his principal, S.S. Vasan, the Boss.
Q8. Why was the legal adviser referred to as the opposite by others?

Ans: The lawyer was the only one at the studios who wore pants, tie and sometimes
a coat, unlike others who wore khadi dhoti and shirt. His job was to give support and
advise on problems, but in fact he created problems. He brought the career of a
brilliant actress to an end by terrorizing her. He was rightly called an illegal adviser.

Q9. What made the lawyer stand out from the others at Gemini Studios?

Ans: The lawyer wore pants, a tie and sometimes a coat, while all wore khadi dhoti
and white khadi shirt. He looked alone and helpless. He was a man of cold logic in a
crowd of dreamers. He was a neutral man among Gandhiites and Khadiites.

Q10. Did the people at Gemini Studios have any particular political affiliations?

Ans: The people at Gemini Studios wore Khadi and worshipped Gandhi, but beyond
that they had no particular political interests or understanding. They only had
opinions on communism, which they loathed and looked down on communists. They
considered communists as heartless atheists who are devoid of emotions. They went
about letting loose anarchy in the society.

Q11. Why was the Moral Re-Armament Army welcomed at Gemini Studios?

Ans: The Moral Re-Armament Army was invited to stage two plays, which were more
like plain homilies ‘ (sermons/lectures) for the Gemini family. It was discovered only
later that the group was part of the movement countering international communism
and Vasan had invited them under the influence of his political interests.
Q12. Name one example to show that Gemini Studios was influenced by the

plays staged by MRA?

Ans: MRA staged two plays ‘Jotham Valley’ and ‘The Forgotten Factor’. Their high
quality costumes and
well made sets earned a lot of admiration. Their sunrise and sunset scene impressed
them so much that all Tamil plays started reproducing the scene with a bare stage, a
white background curtain and a tune playing on the flute.

Q13. Who was the Boss of Gemini Studios?

Ans: Mr. S.S. Vasan, the founder of Gemini Studios was the Boss. Apart from
producing films, he was an editor of a popular Tamil weekly ‘Ananda Vikatan’. He
was a great admirer of scholarly people. Subbu seemed to enjoy an intimate
relationship with him. Mr. Vasan is projected as a bit of showman here.

Q14. What caused the lack of communication between the Englishman and the

people at Gemini Studios?

Ans: The Englishman’s speech was peppered with words like ‘freedom’ and
‘democracy’ and the Gemini
family had no political interests, so they were dazed and a silent audience. Also, the
Englishman’s accent was difficult to understand, because of which all communication
had failed. He was basically a poet and that made no sense to the people whose life
centered around a film studio.
Q15. Why was the Englishman’s visit referred to as unexplained mystery?

Ans: The Englishman was a poet whose name was not familiar. In his speech he
talked about the thrills and travails of an English poet, which made no sense for the
simple people at Gemini Studios who had had no exposure other than films and so
they were not interested. These simple people had neither taste for English poetry
nor political interests. Hence, his visit is referred to as an unexplained mystery.

Q16. Who was the English visitor to the studios?

Ans: The English visitor to the studios was poet Stephen Spender, editor of British
periodical ‘The Encounter’.

Q17. How did the author discover who the English visitor to the studio was?

Ans: The author discovered his identity by reading his name on the pages of ‘The
Encounter’ in the British Council Library. He also knew about him from the
paperback edition of the book The God That Failed.

Q18. What does The God That Failed refer to?

Ans: The God That Failed refers to a book that was a compilation of six essays by
six eminent men. It was a low priced student edition released to commemorate the
50th anniversary of the Russian Revolution. It dealt with the author’s disillusionment
with communism.

Q1. The author has used gentle humour to point out human foibles. Pick out

instances of this to show how this serves to make the piece interesting?

Ans: ‘Poets and Pancakes’ has an underlying tone of humour which is satirical and
has been deployed by the author to point out human foibles. It is mainly manifested
in his description of the make-up room people.
The make-up room, he says, was in a building that had once been the stables of
Robert Clive. He further makes fun of the make-up team that slapped make-up.
Ironically, the make-up turned any normal man into a hideous monster, far from
being presentable. He also refers to the fiery misery of the actors when their make-
up was done under the bright bulbs, large mirrors reflecting blazing heat. His
description of Subbu’s No. 2 position in Gemini Studios, the frustration of the office
boy and the opposite role played by the legal adviser in the acting career of a
countryside girl are humorously dealt with but effectively bring out the flaws in the
The showmanship of the boss and what influences his guest list point out human
weaknesses in a light-hearted manner. The humour is at its peak in the description
of the visit of Stephen Spender. S.S. Vasan’s reading a long speech in his honour
but he too knew precious little about him. Spender’s accent is highly unintelligible.
Then the author’s establishing long lost brother’s relationship with the English visitor
is also funny and humorous. All these slight digs at human foibles tickle in us

Q2. Why was Kothamangaiam Subbu considered No. 2 in Gemini Studios?

Ans: Kothamangaiam Subbu was on the attendance roll with the story department
and was No. 2 at Gemini Studios not by virtue of any merit, but because he was a
Brahmin with affluent exposure. He was cheerful and had a sense of loyalty that
placed him close to the Boss. He was quick to delegate work to others. As if tailor-
made for films, sparks of his creativity showed in his suggestions on how to create
shots. He composed poetry, scripted a story and a novel. He gave direction and
definition to Gemini Studios during its golden years. He performed in a subsidiary
role better than the main players. He had a genuine love for his relatives and near
and dear ones. His extravagant hospitality was popular among his relatives and
acquaintances, probably that is why he had enemies.

Q3. How does the author describe the incongruity of an English poet

addressing the audience at Gemini Studios?

Ans: The Gemini Studios witnessed a surprising visit by a tall Englishman who was
proclaimed to be a poet. The welcome speech by the Boss was delivered in the most
general terms, which only showed that even the Boss did not know much about him.
The poet talked about the thrill and travails of an English poet which made no sense
to the simple people at Gemini Studios. They had no exposure other than films and
so, they were not interested. Also, words like democracy and freedom that featured
in his speech held no interest for them as they had no political thought or interests.
Moreover, the Englishman’s accent was difficult to understand, because of which all
communications failed. He was basically a poet and that made no sense to the
people whose life centred round a film studio. Therefore, his visit remained an
unexplained mystery for much time.

Q4. What do you understand about the author’s literary inclinations from the


Ans: The author, Asokamitran, was entrusted with the job of maintaining the
newspaper clippings of movies and other articles. Though to others, who just saw
him tearing papers, he appeared to be doing nothing, the job kept the author well
informed. Also, there prevailed an intellectual environment to some extent because
the poets and script writers used to hang out there in the mess that served coffee
any time of the day. The author would pick up fifty paisa copies of journals from the
footpath and took part in the poetry writing competition. He actually read essays ‘The
God Who Failed’ to know more about the poet Stephen Spender. All these are
evidence that he had some literary taste.


Q1. How does the writer describe the make-up room of the Gemini Studios?

Ans: The make-up room of the Gemini Studios had incandescent lights. It also had
lights at all angles around large mirrors. Those subjected to make-up had to face
bright light and a lot of heat there. It was on the upper floor of the building that was
believed to have been Robert Clive’s stables.

Q2. Bring out the humour in the job of the make-up men.

Ans: The make-up men came from all corners of the country and could transform
any decent-looking person into a repulsive crimson coloured fiend and made people
look uglier than they were in real life. They used truck loads of pancakes and locally
manufactured potions and lotions to transform the looks of the actors.

Q3. How was the make-up room a fine example of national integration?

Ans: Transcending all the barriers of regions, religions and castes, people from all
over India came to Gemini Studios for jobs. The make-up department was headed
by a Bengali, succeeded by a Maharashtrian, assisted by a Dharwar Kannadiga, an
Andhra, a Madrasi, Christian and an Anglo Burmese and the usual local Tamils.
Hence, the writer finds in the make-up department a perfect example of
national integration.

Q4. Why did the author appear to do nothing in the studio?

Ans : The author’s job in the studio was to cut newspaper dippings of all the relevant
news items and articles that appeared in different newspapers and maintain a record
of the same. This tearing of newspaper gave an impression that he was free and
simply whiling away his time. People used to barge in his cubicle and lectured him.

Q5. Why was the office boy frustrated? Who did he show his anger on and


Ans: The office boy had joined the studio years back. He aspired to be a top film
star, or top screen writer, lyricist or director. He felt frustrated on not being able to
realise his dreams and had been given a job much below his calibre and dignity. He
blamed Kothamangalam Subbu for all his woes, ignominy and neglect. He often
gave vent to his frustrations in the narrator’s cubicle. The narrator yearned for relief
from the never-ending babble of the office boy.

Q6. Subbu is described as a many-sided genius. Justify.

Ans: Kothamangalam Subbu may not have had much formal education but, by virtue
of his being born as a Brahmin, he had had exposure to many affluent situations and
people. He had the ability to look cheerful at all times, even after a setback. He was
always full of creative ideas. Above all, he was a charitable and extravagant man
and hospitable to his relations. His loyalty had put him close to his boss. But he
seemed to others a sycophant and a flatterer and, probably, that was the reason he
had enemies.
Q7. How did the lawyer unwittingly bring an end to a brief and brilliant career

of a young actress?

Ans: A talented but very temperamental actress lost her cool on the sets. The lawyer
recorded her outburst and played it back, much to her embarrassment. The actress
from the countryside was so terror- struck that she retreated and never got back to
films. In this way, his mischief making brought an abrupt end to the brilliant actress’

Q8. Why did the magazine, ‘The Encounter’, ring a bell in the writer’s mind?

Ans: The writer wanted to participate in a short story writing contest organized by
‘The Encounter’, a British publication. Before sending his entry, he waited, confirm
the authenticity of the periodical, so he visited the British Council Library. When the
author read the editor’s name, a bell rang in his mind. It was Stephen Spender, the
poet who had visited the Gemini Studios.

Q9. What was significant about the book which the author took from roadside?

Ans: ‘The God That failed’ was the name of the book which caught the attention of
the author. It contained the essays of six eminent men, who described their journey
into communism and their return from it after being disillusioned. It suddenly
assumed great significance for the author as he discovered that one of the essays
had been written by Stephen Spender, the poet, who had visited the studio. He now
understood the reason for his having been invited.
Q10. What do you understand about the author’s literary inclinations from the


Ans: The author was very knowledgeable young man whose job required him to pour
over the newspaper all day long. His interest in creative writing and participating in
story writing contests indicates his interest in literature. This interest was so keen
that he read books on varied subjects and went about buying them even when he
was short of money.

Q11. What kind of people, according to the author, are meant for prose


Ans: According to the author, prose writing is not the pursuit of a genius. It is for the
patient, persistent and persevering drudge whose heart can take rejections and
whose spirit to keep trying does not get killed so easily.

Q12. Why was Gemini Studios a favourite haunt of poets?

Ans: Gemini Studios was a favourite haunt of poets as it had an excellent mess
which supplied good coffee at all times of the day and for most part of the night.
Meeting there was a satisfying entertainment. Moreover, Mr. Vasan was a great
admirer of scholarly people.

Q13. ‘Prose writing is not and cannot be the true pursuit of a genius’, says the

author. Explain the statement.

Ans: In this statement, the author says that prose writing can’t be the true pursuit of a
genius because it is always rejected. A genius is not that is accepted everywhere.
The author states all this with criticism that prose writing is actually meant for
rejection. Prose writers are patient, persistent and persevering drudges. They can’t
be down played by rejection slips. Everytime he gets a rejection slip for his
manuscript, he starts making a fresh copy and sends it to another publisher with
return postage.

Q14. ‘Suddenly the book assumed tremendous significance.’ Explain the


Ans: The author bought one copy of the book ‘The God That Failed’ from the
footpath. Six eminent men of letters in six separate essays describe their journey into
communism and their disillusioned return. Among them one was Stephen Spender.
The author at once recollected that Stephen Spender had visited Gemini Studios. He
knew about the mystery of his visit now. So, the book assumed tremendous
significance for him.

Q15. Explain the appropriateness of the title ‘Poets and Pancakes’?

Ans: The chapter describes Gemini Studios and its functioning very clearly. Its
employees are little unrecognized poets. Though they work in a film studio, the focus
is on the author’s station in the Studios as a make-up boy using pancakes on crowd
players, and how he failed as a poet. So, the title is appropriate.

Q16. How humorously does the author describe Frank Buchman’s Moral Re-

Armament Army?

Ans: The author humorously calls the Moral Re-Armament Army after someone as
‘an international circus’. Then he states that they were not very good on the trapeze.
Their acquaintance with animals should have been much as animals play tricks in a
circus. “But the group ate animals”, says the author their acquaintance with animals
was only at the dining table.

Q17. What was thought of a communist by the studios people?

Ans: According to these people, a communist was a godless man. He had no filial or
conjugal love. He had compunction about killing his own parents and children. He
was always out to cause and spread unrest and violence among the innocent and
ignorant people


Question 1.
Why is the Englishman’s visit referred to us as unexplained mystery? (2002 Delhi)
The visit of the Englishman raised many queries and doubts in the minds of those
who were working in Gemini Studios. The Englishman’s name was unfamiliar and his
credentials too were unconfirmed. No one could understand his speech so everyone
wondered why he had come to a film studio that made Tamil films for simple people
who had no interest in English poetry.

Question 2.
Who was the English visitor to the studios and what was the purpose of his visit?
(2004 Delhi; 2011 Comptt. Delhi)
The Englishman who visited the studios was Stephen Spender. He was an English
poet and the editor of a British periodical, ‘The Encounter’. He visited the studio to
deliver a speech at the invitation of Mr. Vasan who was the boss of Gemini Studios.
He was unable to establish a rapport with his dazed audience. No one really
understood the purpose of his visit. Even his identity was discovered by Asokamitran
years later, that too by sheer chance.

Question 3.
What was MRA and why it was welcomed at the Gemini Studios? (2005 Delhi)
The MRA, the Moral Rearmament Army, was a kind of counter movement to
international communism. They were welcomed at the Gemini Studios due to their
political affiliations. The big boss of the studio, Mr. Vasan literally played into their
hands. Also, people at the Gemini Studios were averse to communism. So the Moral
Rearmament Army could not have found a better host in India than the Gemini
Studios, who welcomed them warmly.
Question 4.
How does the author describe the incongruity of an English poet addressing the
audience at Gemini Studios? (2006 Delhi)
The English poet’s address was a complete misfit in the midst of the Tamil knowing
audience at Gemini Studios. His speech was incongruous and his accent so
indistinct that no one actually understood a word of what he said. He was talking
about the thrills and travails of an English poet to a dazed audience. Finally, neither
the Englishman himself nor his audience understood why they were going through
the entire ordeal.

Question 5.
Why did everybody in the studio think of giving the author some work to do? (2008
The author’s job was to cut out newspaper clippings on a wide variety of subjects
and store them in files. Most people saw him doing this and considered it as useless
work as they felt he was doing next to nothing. So everyone in the studio thought of
giving the author some work to do.

Question 6.
Why did the ‘boy’ in the makeup department come to the author? Why was the
author praying for crowd shooting all the time? (2008 Outside Delhi)
The ‘boy’ in the makeup department thought that he had a great literary talent and he
wanted to enlighten the author how this talent was being allowed to go waste and
that the department was fit for barbers and perverts. The author was very eager to
avoid his epical narrations so he prayed for crowd-shooting all the time to keep the
‘boy’ busy.

Question 7.
Who was Subbu’s enemy? Why? (2008 Delhi)
Subbu’s enemy was the ‘boy’ at the make-up department. All his anger and
frustration were directed against him. The boy was convinced that Subbu was the
cause of his woes and miseries. This ‘boy’ was jealous of Subbu’s rising stars, his
success and his intimacy with the boss.

Question 8.
What were the positive qualities of Subbu that the writer admired? (2009 Delhi; 2011
Comptt. Outside Delhi)
The writer admired Subbu as he was a multi¬faceted genius and gave a new
direction and . definition to Gemini Studios. Subbu knew the technicalities and details
of film-making and was a good actor and writer. He was civil, friendly and completely
devoted to his boss, Mr. Vasan.
Question 9.
Account for Subbu’s importance in Gemini Studios. (2009 Outside Delhi)
Subbu was a multi-faceted genius. He was a poet, a writer and a great actor. He
gave a new meaning and direction not only to Gemini Studios but also to the art of
film-making by using all his energy and creativity to the company’s advantage.
Moreover, because of his noble and charitable nature he was loved by almost

Question 10.
Why was Subbu considered number two at Gemini Studios? (2009 Outside Delhi;
2012 Comptt. Delhi)
Subbu was a go-getter and made a position for himself in the studios by pushing his
way to the forefront with flattery. Mr. Vasan was the boss at Gemini Studios and
Subbu, his right-hand man, became the number two at Gemini Studios. Subbu used
his entire creativity to his boss’s advantage. He was a multi-faceted genius and if a
producer was not satisfied Subbu would come up with fourteen alternatives. With
Subbu around, film-making became a sheer pleasure. Moreover Subbu gave
direction and definition to Gemini Studios during its golden years.

Question 11.
How did the people of Madras and those at Gemini Studios respond to the plays
staged by the Moral Re-Armament Army? (2010 Outside Delhi )
The Moral Re-Armament Army presented two plays ‘Jotham Valley’ and ‘The
Forgotten Factor’ in a very professional manner. The people at Gemini Studios saw
the plays over and over again. Though the message was plain, the costumes and
sets were first rate. These plays ran several shows in Madras and left a great impact
on the studios and on Madras in general. For some years almost all Tamil plays
imitated the scenes of sunrise and sunset of ‘Jotham Valley’.

Question 12.
Why was the Moral Re-armament Army welcomed at the Gemini Studios? (2010
Outside Delhi; 2011 Outside Delhi)
The Moral Re-armament Army was a kind of counter movement to International
Communism. The big boss of Gemini Studios, Mr. Vasan literally played into their
hands. People at the Gemini Studios had an aversion to communism. So the Moral
Re-armament Army could not have found a better host in India than the Gemini
Studios who welcomed them warmly.

Question 13.
Give one example to show that Gemini Studios was influenced by the plays staged
by MRA. (2010 Outside Delhi)
The MRA staged two plays ‘Jotham Valley’ and ‘The Forgotten Factor’. These were
presented in the most professional manner. The six hundred strong Gemini family
saw these plays numerous times because of their fabulous sets and costumes. For
years the Gemini Studios copied the sets and costumes in the manner of ‘Jotham
Valley’. Also for some years almost all Tamil plays had a scene of sunrise and
sunset in the manner of ‘Jotham Valley’.

Question 14.
Which example of national integration in Gemini Studios is given in ‘Poets and
Pancakes’? (2010 Comptt. Delhi)
The make-up department of the Gemini Studios gave a rare example of national
integration. The department was first headed by a Bengali who was succeeded by a
Maharashtrian. He was assisted by a Kannadiga from Dharwar, an Andhra, a
Madras Indian Christian and an Anglo-Burmese. Then there were the usual local
Tamils. All this gave ample proof of national integration.

Question 15.
Why did Asokamirtan pray for crowd¬shooting all the time? (2010 Comptt. Outside
Asokamirtan was wrongly believed to have nothing to do so the office-boy often
came to his cubicle to give an outlet to his frustrations and stress the fact that a great
talent was being wasted. The author was bored with the office boy’s never-ending
babble and prayed for crowd-shooting all the time so that the boy remained busy and
did not pester him.

Question 16.
Why did the author appear to be doing nothing at Gemini studios? (2011 Delhi; 2012
The author’s job was to sit at his desk and tear up newspapers all day. He used to
cut newspaper clippings on a wide variety of subjects and stored them in files. His
job was not directly related to film making at the studio. So he appeared to be doing
nothing at Gemini Studios.

Question 17.
How did the author discover who the English visitor to the Studios was? (2012 Delhi)
How did Asokamitran come to know that the English visitor to the Gemini Studios
was Stephen Spender? (2012 Comptt. Outside Delhi)
Years later, when Asokamitran was out of Gemini Studios he bought a pile of brand
new books at a reduced price from a footpath in front of Madras Mount Road Post
Office. In a book ‘The God That Failed’ six eminent writers had described their
journeys into communism. It was in this book that he came across the name of
Stephen Spender and finally discovered the identity of the English visitor to the
Question 18.
What made the lawyer lose his job? What does the writer find so funny about the
situation? (2012 Delhi; 2013 Delhi)
The lawyer was the legal adviser of an assembly of writers of the Gemini Studio’s
Story Department. One day, the Boss terminated the services of the poets and
writers as he found their contribution to the Studio negligible. With the closure of the
Story Department the lawyer too lost his job. The writer found this situation funny
because the lawyer lost his job as the poets and writers were told to go.

Question 19.
Why was the office boy disappointed with his job in the Gemini Studios? (2012
Outside Delhi)
The office boy had come to work in the Gemini Studios in the hope of becoming a
star or a renowned screen writer, director or lyricist. But he felt disappointed because
in spite of having crossed the age of forty he had not been able to fulfil any of his

Question 20.
Kothamangalam Subbu was treated with regard in the Gemini Studios. Why? (2012
Comptt. Outside Delhi)
Kothamangalam Subbu was treated with regard at Gemini Studios. He held the No.
2 position there. His sense of loyalty made him turn his entire creativity to his Boss’
advantage. Moreover, he had the ability to inspire when commanded and he made
the art of film¬making appear very easy. He was a most charitable and improvident

Question 21.
Why is the Englishman’s visit to the Gemini Studios referred to as an unexplained
mystery? (2012 Comptt. Outside Delhi)
The Englishman addressed a dazed and silent audience at Gemini Studios. No one
knew who he was and what he was talking about. His accent also defeated any
attempt to understand what he was saying. The Englishman himself looked equally
baffled due to the incongruity of his talk. So his visit is referred to as an unexplained

Question 22.
Why did Asokamitran pray for crowd¬shooting all the time?
Asokamitran was wrongly believed to have nothing to do so the office-boy often
came to his cubicle to give an outlet to his frustrations and stress the fact that a great
talent was being wasted. The author was bored with the office boy’s never-ending
babble and prayed for crowd-shooting all the time so that the boy remained busy and
did not pester him.
2. Answer each of the following questions in about 125-150 words.

Question 23.
Kothamangalam Subbu was a ‘many-sided genius’. Elaborate. (2000 Delhi)
Why is Subbu described as a many-sided genius? Give a reasoned answer. (2013
Comptt. Outside Delhi)
It is through the character of Kothamangalam Subbu, that the author depicts a
caricature of the so-called ‘go-getters’ who are not really talented but manage to
create an aura of talent around themselves. Though officially on the rolls of the Story
Department at Gemini Studios, he was always with the boss. Subbu directs all his
energies and creativity to his boss’ advantage. He delves into the various spheres of
film-making successfully giving the impression of being a brilliant story-writer, a
talented actor and a man who is always ready with many solutions for any problem.
He makes the art of film-making appear rather easy for his boss. Thus Subbu with
his scheming nature takes advantage of his boss’ gullibility and passes off himself as
a multi-sided genius with multi-faceted abilities.

Question 24.
Asokamitran has used humour and satire effectively in ‘Poets and Pancakes’.
Discuss. (2001 Delhi)
How does humour and satire enliven the account of the events and personalities at
Gemini Studios as portrayed by Asokamitran in ‘Poets and Pancakes’? (2013
Outside Delhi)
In the chapter, ‘Poets and Pancakes’, Asokamitran uses a lot of subtle humour and
satire to highlight human foibles. Petty professional differences and inconsequential
differences not only keep our minds occupied but also bring out a subtle humour that
is spontaneous without being superfluous. The characterisation of the office boy,
Subbu and the legal advisor, have subtle touches of humour. Asokamitran’s chatty
style changes from one thought to the other rather quickly. For example, he makes
fun of the makeup applied to artists which can change any decent looking person
into a hideous crimson hued monster. Such references invoke laughter. The purpose
of the visits of the Moral Rearmament Army and the English poet also baffles
everyone. Satire is also directed towards people who are against communism and
can go to any length to oppose it. The writer’s tone of ridicule is devoid of the
slightest trace of mockery, which is most commendable.

Question 25.
Subbu was ‘tailor-made for films’. How did he use his genius in various activities in
the Gemini Studios? (2008 Outside Delhi)
The author portrays Subbu as a man of versatile abilities who could delve into
various aspects of film-making successfully. Subbu had mastered all the arts related
to film-making ranging from story-writing to poetry and characterisation. He was in
fact ‘tailor-made’ for film-making. Film-making seemed rather easy with an expert like
Subbu walking around as he understood all the trivialities and technicalities of film-
making. Subbu was the one who gave ‘a new direction and definition’ to the Gemini
Studios during its golden years. Subbu directed his entire energies and creativity to
his boss, Mr. Vasan’s advantage. If his boss was dissatisfied with one scene Subbu
would offer him many alternatives. He understood all the complications of film-
making and could showcase his talent in every artistic arena.

Question 26.
Why and how was the Moral Re-Armament Army welcomed at the Gemini Studios?
(2008 Outside Delhi)
Frank Buchman’s Moral Re-Armament Army comprising of a group of two hundred
people belonging to twenty nationalities visited Madras in 1952. The MRA was seen
to be a counter movement to international communism and people at the Gemini
Studios did not think highly of communism and communists. But Mr. Vasan, the boss
at Gemini Studios was fascinated by the MRA, so they could not have found a
‘warmer’ host than Gemini Studios in India. The MRA presented two plays ‘Jotham
Valley’ and ‘The Forgotten Factor’ in the most professional manner. Six hundred
people of the Gemini Studios saw the plays many times. These plays conveyed
simple messages but their sets and costumes were ‘first rate’. They impressed both
the Tamil drama community and the Gemini Studios. The sunrise and sunset scenes
of ‘Jotham Valley’ continued to be copied for years to come.

Question 27.
‘Subbu was a troubleshooter.’ Do you agree with this statement? Give an account of
Subbu’s qualities of head and heart. (2012 Outside Delhi)
Subbu was a perfectly selfish go-getter whose obsequiousness brought him close to
his boss and shot him to number two position at Gemini Studios. He was a very
conniving person who took advantage of his boss’ gullibility and portrayed himself as
a rather competent and able person. Though he was undeserving and lacked talent,
he always remained cheerful and did not let anything dampen his spirits. He always
had something good to say about everyone. Film-making appeared easy with an
expert like Subbu around. He used all his energy and creativity to his boss’
advantage. Subbu was also a great poet and an amazing actor. He wrote truly
original poems for the masses and as an actor he played secondary roles better than
the main actors. His sycophancy to his boss earned him enemies. Also he angered
many such people who considered themselves much more talented and deserving
than him.

Question 28.
What political significance does Gemini Studios’ invitation to Moral Re-Armament
army and Stephen Spender show? (2012 Outside Delhi)
The Moral Re-Armament army was a kind of counter movement to Communism and
the people at the Gemini Studios had a natural aversion towards Communists and
Communism. They considered that the aim of Communists was to spread unrest and
violence. So by being a ‘warm host’ to the Moral Re¬Armament army the people at
the Gemini Studios actually displayed a counter movement to the ideas of
Communism. By inviting Stephen Spender, once again the purpose of the Gemini
Studios was to highlight how a renowned English poet, who was once attracted to
Communism, was later completely disillusioned by it. This further strengthened their
aversion to Communism and they were able to publicly display this aversion.

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