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1. Sustainable utilization of land resources

Land is a nonrenewable natural resource comprising of three vital components namely
soil, water and vegetation. Soil degradation is posing a potential threat to ecological
balance and sustainability of livelihood systems of people due to indiscriminate use of
land, water etc.


- Global assessment of soil degradation (GLASOD) defines soil degradation as a process

that describes human induced phenomena that lower the current and/or future capacity of
soil to support human life.
- According to FAO (1979) soil degradation is a process that lowers the current and/or
potential capability of soil to produce (quantitatively and/or qualitatively) goods or


i. Removal of vegetative cover through agricultural clearing

ii. Decrease in land cover through removal of vegetation for fuel, wood, fencing etc.
iii. Overgrazing by livestock leading to decrease in vegetative cover and tampling of soil,
iv. Agricultural activities like cultivation in steep slopes, farming without soil conservation
measures, improper irrigation and use of heavy machinery, and
v. Soil contamination with pollutants such as waste discharges and misuse of


Soil degradation


 Compaction and crusting

 Desertification
 Erosion and depletion
 Wind erosion
 Water erosion


 fertility imbalance


 acidification
 Sodification
 Toxic compounds


 Decline in organic matter

 Reduction in macro and micro fauna

Management of Physical Degradation

Among the physical degradation processes, soil erosion is the major process responsible
for soil degradation. Water erosion is relatively more important in semiarid regions and wind
erosion in arid regions. Recommended soil conservation measures are:

Water Erosion

Agronomic measures

i. Preference to erosion resistant crops such as legumes and other ground smothering crops,
ii. Tillage practices to improve water intake into the soil and reduce surface runoff,
iii. Counter cultivation (ploughing, sowing and inter cultivation across the slop)
iv. Strip cropping of erosion resisting and erosion permitting grain crops,
v. Application of heavy dose of bulky organic manures including mulching.
Mechanical Measures

i. Contour bunds and graded bunds,

ii. Bench terraces,
iii. Contour trenching,
iv. Gully control,
v. Grassed water ways, and
vi. Watershed approach

Forestry Measures

i. Establishing perennial trees and grasses,

ii. Agroforestry

Wind erosion

iii. Minimum tillage with rough soil surface to prevent wind erosion,
iv. Stubble mulching,
v. Cover crops,
vi. Mulching and
vii. Wind breaks and shelterbelts


Compaction is usually caused by the use of heavy farm machinery. Crusting and sealing,
however, results from the impact of rain drops if the soil is not well protected. Soil compaction
and sealing inhibit water infiltration into the soil and exchange of gasses between the soil and
atmosphere. Small seeded crops, grasses and vegetables are particularly sensitive to soil crusting.

Measures to Minimize The Adverse Effect Include:

i. Addition of large quantities of bulky organic manures to improve soil aggregation,
ii. Adverse effect of soil crusting, immediately after seeding, can be minimized considerably
by dragging, a heavy thorny branch over the soil surface or by working a light spike tooth
harrow over the soil surface without disturbing the germinating seed,
iii. If water is available, a light irrigation can overcome the crust problem leading to
optimum seed germination, and
iv. Application of sand to improve physical conditions for increasing water infiltration into
the soil.


Amelioration of salt affected soils

These are broadly grouped into three:

a) Physical and hydro-technical amelioration

Management options include:

i. Mechanical deep ploughing and sub-soiling to improve water infiltration into soil,
ii. Sand application up to 50 t ha-1 to improve water and air permeability,
iii. Profile inversion of sub-surface soil horizons contain gypsum,
iv. Leaching with good quality water and draining the profile to remove excess soluble salts
constitutes hydrothermal processes of physical amelioration.

B) Chemical Amelioration

i. Soluble calcium salts such as CaCl or gypsum

ii. Acidifying materials like sulpher, iron sulphate, sulphuric acid etc. for solublising
insoluble native soil calcium and
iii. Waste materials such as phosphogypsum etc.
Biological Amelioration

i. Biological activity can be stimulated by simply allowing a grass cover to develop,

through forestation or by adding organic material,
ii. Addition of bulky organic manures/organic materials improves water infiltration and
release of carbon dioxide during decomposition,
iii. In calcareous soils, the carbon dioxide brings in the soluble calcium for exchange to
replace sodium in the soil exchange complex,
iv. Barley and wheat crop appears to be a reasonably good choice for sodic soils during rabi.
For kharif, pearl millet considered as possible alternative to rice. Native grasses Cynodon
dactylon and Panicum antidotale have remarkable potential for establishment and growth
in sodic soils,
v. Rice based cropping systems are more suitable and promising than other systems on
problem soils. Rice-wheat or rice-berseem for about three years and diversification of
cropping system afterwards is ideal. Inclusion of a green manure crop in the system leads
to sustainable production under several situations,
vi. Aged seedlings for transplantation with 4to 5 seedlings per hill appear optimum for
adequate stand establishment of rice,
vii. In general, around 20% higher dose of fertilizer than the recommended leads to near
optimum yields.

Amelioration of Acid Soils

i. Rice should be the major crop of acid soils as it has greater degree of tolerance to acidity,
ii. Application of lime
iii. Legumes, cotton, maize, sorghum, wheat and linseed respond to lime application, and
iv. Tree species such as sesbania is also affective.

Amelioration of Water Logged Soils

i. Planting should be done on mounds so that crop escapes complete submergence,

ii. Fertilizers should be applied along with planting,
iii. Protect the seedlings from termites,
iv. Land grading to maximize water infiltration into the soil and to minimize surface
accumulating in low laying areas,
v. Provision of an effective open drainage system to divert runoff entering the low-laying
areas, and
vi. Rice may be preferred for water logged soils.

Management of Biological Degradation

Decline in soil organic matter is largely attributed to:

- Intensive cultivation, which stimulate decomposition of soil organic matter,

- Excessive dependence on inorganic fertilizers and neglect of adequate input of fym and
other bulky organic manures,
- Cropping systems aimed at yield advantage and neglect of soil organic matter build up,
- Arid and semiarid climates

Build up of Organic Matter in Soil

i. Forest systems add larger and more amount of organic matter to the soil than grass land
systems, which in turn, provide greater amounts than crop production systems,
ii. Green manures
iii. Crop residues
iv. F.Y.M
v. Poultry manure

Reduction in soil macro and micro fauna

Biological processes are central to soil fertility and productivity and sustainability of agro-
ecosystem. The number of organisms varies greatly depending on food supply, moisture,
temperature, physical condition and reaction of the soil.

Major practices influencing the soil organisms are:

- Tillage practices such as deep and excessive ploughing leads to rapid loss of soil organic
matter and hence reduction in the population of soil organisms. Change in soil physical
properties due to puddling has similar adverse effect on soil organisms.
- Cropping systems such as cereal-cereal or non-legume-non legume results in reduced
population of soil organisms.
- Continuous use of inorganic fertilizers without regular addition of bulky organic manures
suppresses their activity.
- Plant protection chemicals may temporarily inhibit the activity of soil microbes.

Population and activity of soil organisms can be increased by

i. By following legume-cereal cropping system,

ii. Bulky organic manures and green manures aid an soil organisms build up due to
improvement in soil organic matter,
iii. Agroforestry and organic farming systems create ideal soil conditions for multiplication
and activity of soil organisms.

Preparation of Humus/Organic copost

Composting is certainly a way to reduce off farm inputs on your farm, if you have animals. If
you do not, there are usually plenty of places willing to get rid of their waste. I have listed below
an introductory publication on composting manure. It will provide you with some basic tips on
how to get started on this process for your farm, including carbon to nitrogen ratios, materials
that compost well, placement, etc. Also listed is the Rodale Institute’s “Making and using
compost at The Rodale Institute Farm,” from their web site New Farm. They provide a good on-
farm example and recommendations for developing a compost system on your farm, including
methods of turning and sources of materials.

Some other useful resources to consider are “The On-Farm Composting Handbook” and the
“Field Guide to On-Farm Composting.” These are practical handbooks which present a thorough
overview of farm-scale composting and explain how to produce and use it. The information on
where and how to obtain these books is listed below under “Further Resources.”

Agro-biodiversity includes genetic diversity of plants, livestock, fisheries and microbes, insects,
fungi and viruses. Agro-biodiversity is basic to farming systems in which farmers can exploit
biological diversity to produce and manage crop, land, water, insects and other biota.

Agro-biodiversity may influence the following

 Increased productivity, food security and economic returns through diversified products
and income opportunities,
 Making farming systems more stable and sustainable,
 Soil conservation and productivity,
 Conserving ecosystem structure and stability of species diversity,
 Eco friendly management of insects, pests, diseases and weeds,
 Reduced dependence on external inputs,
 Reduced pressure of agriculture on fragile areas, forests, and
 Providing different sources of human nutrition.
Maximize biodiversity on the farm
- Integrate crop and livestock production
- Use hedgerows, insectary plants, cover crops and water reservoirs to attract and support
populations of beneficial insects, bats and birds
- Abandon monocropping in favour of crop rotation, intercropping and companion planting
- Plant a percentage of land in trees and other perennial crops in permanent plantings or
long term rotation
- Manage pastures to support a diverse selection of forage plants
- Plant off-season cover crops
b) Ex-situ organic manuring

Plenty of organic waste from agriculture, animals and humans rich in plant nutrients requiring
safe disposal is available in improving soil health leading to sustained crop production. Sources

i. Livestock and human waste

- Cattle shed waste such as cattle and buffalo dung and urine (FYM) and by products of
slaughter house
- Human excreta
- Poultry and sheep manure
ii. Crop residues, tree waste
- Crop waste of cereals, pulses and oilseeds, and
- Stalks of corn, cotton and tobacco, sugarcane trash, forest litter etc.
Crop residues on an average contain around 0.5% N, 0.6% P2O5 and 1.5% K2O.

These can be recycled by way of incorporation, compost making or mulch material

iii. Urban and rural wastes

- Urban and rural solid wastes as compost
- Urban liquid waste as sewage and sludge

Rural and urban waste on an average contains about 0.5-1.0% N, 0.4-0.8% P 2O5 and 0.8-1.2%

iv. Agro-industries by products

- Paddy husk and bran
- Bagasse and pressmud
- Saw dust
- Neem cake
- Sterameal


Vermi-composting is an easy and effective way to recycle agriculture waste, city garbage and
kitchen waste along with bioconversion of organic waste materials into nutritious compost by
earthworm activity. In this process worms helps in transforming waste into high quality fertilizer.
The vermicast is a valuable soil amendment and may replace the chemical fertilizers to some

Vermi-compost is a potential organic manure rich in plant nutrients compared to farm yard
manure rich in plant nutrients compared to farm yard manure(FYM) or other organic manures in
respect to supply of N, P and K fertilizers. Vermi-compost also contains micronutrients, certain
hormones and enzymes, which have stimulatory effect on plant growth. The vermin-compost is
rich not only in plant nutrients but also in beneficial bacteria and actinomycetes population.
Vermi-compost containing large number of earthworm eggs, which hatches out within a month
period is equivalent to mini fertilizer factory in soil. They eat biomass and excrete it is digested
form generally called vermin-compost, which increases water holding capacity and reduce water
requirement of crops. The losses due to disease and insect pest also check.

S.No. Nutrient FYM Vermicompost

1 N% 0.4-0.9 1.0-1.6
2 P2o5 % 0.2-0.3 0.22-0.5
3 K2o 0.2-0.5 0.67-1.5
4 Ca 0.91 0.44
5 Mg 0.19 0.15
6 Fe 146.5 175.2
7 Mn 69 96.51
8 Zn 14.5 24.43
9 Cu 2.8 4.89
10 C:N ratio 31 15.5

Preparation of vermin compost:-

Selection of earthworm species is important for preparation of vermin-compost. The worm
species most commonly used are eisenia foetida, Lubricus rubellus, Eudrilus eugeniae,
perionyx excavalus, p.arbricola and p.sansibaricus. These worn species can be cultured on
animal dung, vegetables, poultry droppings, waste of slaughter house and on other agri waste.
A tank of brick lime of 3 m × 15m are wooden boxes of 45’ 60’ 29cm and should have drainage
facilities to avoid excess moisture, used for preparation of vermicompost. There is need of
shady condition and heap moist under which they perform better. Base of tank made up of brick,
stone and sand. In the field also on raised beds 200cm wide × 600cm long, these worms can be
reared; these facilitate the rearing and multiplication.

In the tank about 10-15 cm layer of loam soil spread and about 5-6kg of diluted dung is also
sprayed and available earthworms may be placed. Dry leaves is put on vermibed and kept moist
for 3-4 weeks. Every fourth day a 10cm layer of straw, leaves of plants, kitchen waste and salt
etc. is placed on the bed and continue till the pit is full. Waste paper and liquid dung used to
cover pit and finally covered with gunny cloth. It needs watering, every day to keep sufficiently
moist after 30 days, the garbage is turned up and down and again covered with same and
watering is maintained for another month or so. At maturation watering is stopped to ensure
drying of compost and inducing the worms to migrate to verbed. The earthworms feed on
decaying organic matter and digested food comes out in the form of “vermicompost” within two
months. About 10 kg of casting will be produced by 1 kgs of worms. The mature compost is gray
to brown colored granular mass. After from the pit, it is sieved, dried and packed.

1. Vermicompost influences the physiochemical as well as the biological properties of soil,
which in turn improves its fertility.
2. Vermicompost contains many micro-nutrients like Mg, Fe, Mo, B, Cu, Zn, etc. in addition
to some of the growth regulators.
3. It also enhances the water holding capacity of light textured sandy soil.
4. Vermicompost is rich in several micro flora, several enzymes: auxins and complex
growth regulators like gibberellins which are present in the earthworms casting.
5. Buffering action of vermicompost neutralizes soil pH and helps in availability of minerals
and trace elements more easily to crops.
6. Leaching of nutrients of chemical fertilizers in the soils is reduced considerably
especially of N fertilizers.
7. Enhance soil fertility status and reduce toxicity.
8. Enhance quality, shelf life and nutritive value of horticultural crops enabling value
addition to the produce.
9. Aluminum toxicity is a serious problem in acidic soils, which contain appreciable
quantities of Al+++ clay exchange complex. Vermicompost aqueous extract reduces the
level of Al+++ in the acid soils due to chelation.

Thus, vermicomposting is an essential tool of organic farming, may be more helpful in

increasing crop productivity in sustainable manner, quality produce, reducing g cost of
agricultural inputs in addition to improving inherent capacity of soil without deleterious effect on

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