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of ART.
SO far:
• We looked at many areas of art last
half term.
• We discussed judgement,
mathematical influence and
spontaneity, whether a knowledge of
the artist is needed to better
appreciate art, Aesthetical
responses, and attempted to answer
the question “why?”
• If art is more than a tool to give pleasure,
(and surely it is, Opera notwithstanding),
we need to look at three ideas.
• Certainly artists such as Rodin or
Michaelangelo would subscribe to this
idea - creating a likeness or a copy was
the fundamental purpose of portrait
• So what changed?
Mimesis meets the camera
• If a camera takes an instant likeness, why
create art?
• Besides, what is a Bach prelude a copy

• Copying is more than a slavish

reproduction though… Van Gogh’s
Sunflowers are not meant to be a mere
copy – we appreciate so much more
about them from the painting and use of
colour and light.
Does the camera lie?
• You bet it does.

• This is not “Mr Peel”

Art imitates life?
• Maybe.
• We often feel we can appreciate (eg)
“love” better after reading Romeo
and Juliet.

• When Picasso was told that a portrait

of his did not look like the sitter, he
replied “Never mind, it will”. What did
he mean?
Art as Communication
• Giving a message to a reader or viewer
seems to be understandable.
• Music certainly seems to break the
boundaries of verbal expression.
• Do we need to learn the language of any
art form in order to receive the
• On the other hand, we all experienced
something of the message of Strauss’s
Metamorphosen without knowing that he
was writing about a bombed Dresden.
Try this:
• Why does so much pop music have
love as its theme? To what extent
does such music help you to
understand your emotions?
• Moral educator… Homer, Greek
• Who is the teacher though?
• Plato: by inflaming the emotions, art
weakens our ability to lead rational

• Aristotle: Art removes or purges us of

emotion by means of Catharsis –
having a good cry.
Do they work?
• Centuries of conflict seem undimmed
by great artworks.

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