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The pie chart illustrates the responses of 100 Parkway hotel guests to the hotel's customer service
rating for the years 2005 and 2010.

According to the pie chart, the hotel's customer service gets better and better over time. Most of the
guests feel satisfied, excellent, and good with the hotel's services between 2005 and 2010.

In 2005, almost two-third of Park Way hotel customers found the customer service to be at least
satisfactory, but, by 2010, this number had increased sharply to 84%. The number of customers found
the customers service to be good and excellent are 5% and 14% respectively. However, by the end of
the period, these figures then increased significantly to almost 2/3 of the customer’s answers.

Over 1/3 of Park Way customers were dissatisfied with the customer service in 2005. This number
then dropped dramatically to 16% by 2010. In 2005, 15% of Park Way hotel customers rated the
customer service poor, another 25% said it was very poor. But both of these figures were decreased
markedly to 4% and 12% respectively.

In recent years, education inequality has been one of the leading topics discussed worldwide. Many
people say that tuition fees for all levels of study should be free. I agree with this statement because it
will create opportunities for those who cannot afford to go to school.

Nowadays, education is the main requirement for almost all jobs as companies tend to prefer to hire
individuals with a college degree. Therefore, providing free education to all will provide an equal
opportunity for every individual in society to get a professional job. Many people often complain that
they cannot attend college because it is expensive. In addition, free education can also reduce the
financial pressure on students when most university students today have to study while taking care of
their tuition fees.

In addition, many families cannot afford to send their children to school, so they are forced to drop
out of school. This contributes to the high unemployment rate in society. Moreover, many countries
around the world have problems with uneducated youth, often breaking the law, because they do not
have basic knowledge of society.

In conclusion, education is a basic need for everyone, so it should be free from kindergarten to
university. Thus, free tuition helps to reduce education inequality in society.

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