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Working Paper 2023.2.2.

- Vol 2, No 2


Đỗ Tuấn Kiệt1, Nguyễn Tuấn Kiệt, Phan Lê Anh Kiệt, Trần Ngọc Nam Khánh,
Bùi Quang Minh.
Sinh viên K59 Kinh tế đối ngoại – Khoa Kinh doanh và Thương mại quốc tế
Trường Đại học Ngoại thương, Cơ sở II tại TP. Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam

Lê Hằng Mỹ Hạnh
Giảng viên hướng dẫn, Cơ sở II – TP. Hồ Chí Minh
Trường Đại học Ngoại thương, Cơ sở II tại TP. Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam
Tóm tắt
Mục tiêu của nghiên cứu là phân tích phản ứng của VN Index trên thị trường chứng khoán Việt
Nam do các yếu tố vĩ mô liên quan đến thị trường toàn cầu hoặc được Chính phủ Việt Nam thực
hiện trong cuộc chiến tranh Nga-Ukraine. Kết quả của mô hình VAR cung cấp bằng chứng khoa
học cho thấy thị trường không phản ứng tiêu cực quá mức trước các sự kiện diễn ra trong chiến
tranh và bất ổn chính trị có thể quan sát được từ tác động của giá hợp đồng khí đốt tương lai. Tuy
nhiên, thị trường chứng khoán Việt Nam đã chịu những tác động vừa tiêu cực vừa tích cực từ các
chính sách kinh tế vĩ mô và tiền tệ của Chính phủ trong quá trình phục hồi kinh tế ngay sau giai
đoạn Covid-19, cũng là thời điểm cuộc chiến giữa hai bên bắt đầu diễn ra. Tín dụng tăng trưởng
nhưng gặp khó khăn trong việc hướng nguồn cung tiền vào sản xuất, thay vào đó chuyển sang thị
trường tài chính, mặc dù có tác động tích cực đến thị trường chứng khoán, buộc Chính phủ phải
đưa ra chính sách thắt chặt thị trường chứng khoán, tạo ra những phản ứng trái chiều, cùng với đó
là chiến tranh bùng nổ khiến các yếu tố này khó có thể hoạt động độc lập. Nghiên cứu cũng cho
thấy, tác động của các yếu tố trên có thể chỉ ra mối tương quan giữa từng yếu tố giúp giải thích một
phần sự biến động của giá cổ phiếu, phần lớn sự biến động của chỉ số VN trong ngắn hạn có thể
được giải thích bằng chính dữ liệu lịch sử.


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The objective of the study is to analyze the reaction of the VN Index on the Vietnamese stock
market due to the macro factors related to the global market or implemented by the Vietnamese
government during the Russia-Ukraine war. The results of the VAR model provide scientific
evidence that the market does not negatively overreact to events taking place during the war and
political turmoil which could be observed from the effect of the gas future contract price. However,
the Vietnamese stock market has suffered both negative and positive impacts from the
government's macroeconomic and monetary policies during the economic recovery right after the
COVID-19 period, which was also when the war between the two sides began to take place. The
growth in credit but difficulty in directing money supply into production, instead moving to the
financial market, although having a positive impact on the stock market, forced the government to
introduce tightening policies to the stock market which have created mixed reactions, along with
the outbreak of war made it difficult for these factors to act independently. The study also shows
that the effects of the above factors can indicate the correlation between each of them which helps
to explain part of stock price volatility, most of the volatility in the VN index in the short-term can
be explained by historical data itself.
Keywords: Russia – Ukraine, VN-Index, stock market, economic factors, macro factors
1. Introduction
The global economic landscape has undergone significant changes in recent years due to
various events, with the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine conflict standing out as two
of the most impactful. This report delves into the profound repercussions of these events on the
Vietnamese economy, with a particular focus on the performance of the VN Index and the
interrelated economic factors. The research aims to fill a critical gap in the literature by shedding
light on the intricate dynamics between geopolitical events and financial markets in Vietnam.
The Covid-19 pandemic, a global health crisis of unprecedented scale, had far-reaching
economic consequences worldwide. Vietnam was not spared, as it experienced disruptions in
supply chains, exports, and tourism. According to the World Bank, Vietnam's GDP growth
decelerated from 6.8% in 2019 to 4.8% in 2021, reflecting the significant economic impact of the
pandemic. However, this report primarily centers on the Russia-Ukraine conflict's influence on
Vietnam. The Russia-Ukraine conflict, marked by escalating tensions between the two nations, has
had a profound impact on the global economy. This impact extends to the Vietnamese economy,
and researchers like Nguyen et al. (2020) have pointed to the significant fluctuations in the VN
Index during the conflict period. These fluctuations signify that the Vietnam stock market is
susceptible to external geopolitical factors, emphasizing the need to explore this relationship

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The study employs a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative
analyses to provide a comprehensive assessment of the research questions. The quantitative aspect
involves data analysis of stock price movements, economic indicators, and political events during
the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Qualitative research techniques include interviews with experts,
policymakers, and industry leaders to gain deeper insights into the causal relationships between
geopolitical events and the Vietnamese economy.
In a world marked by increasing geopolitical volatility and economic uncertainty,
understanding the intricate interplay between geopolitical events and financial markets is
paramount. Therefore, the researchers decided to choose the topic "The interrelationship between
VN-Index and related economic factors during the Russia – Ukraine war" study aims to unravel
this complex web, focusing on the Russia-Ukraine conflict's impact on the Vietnamese economy.
By answering the research questions and employing a mixed-methods approach, it aspires to offer
actionable insights for investors, businesses, and policymakers while enriching the existing body
of knowledge in this critical area.

2. Theoretical basis
2.1 Empirical studies on the relationship between the global financial markets and economic
Research on the connection between macroeconomic factors and financial markets is vast and
varied. It encompasses the historical exploration of inflation's impact on stock prices, with Fama
(1981) proposing a positive link between inflation and real economic activity, while Geske and
Roll (1983) found contrasting results. Monetary policy's influence on stock returns is debated, with
mixed evidence regarding its effectiveness, as seen in the works of Bernanke and Gertler (1999),
Cogley (1999), and Fair (2000).
Foreign exchange rates and their correlation with stock prices have yielded mixed outcomes,
as exemplified by studies like Aggarwal (1981) and Soenen and Hennigar (1988). Oil prices
consistently show a negative impact on stock returns across economies, documented in works by
Jones and Kaul (1996), Papapetrou (2001), and Cigno et al. (2017).
The interplay between crude oil and stock market returns is another area of investigation, with
research by Balcilar, Gupta, and Miller (2015), Wen, Bouri, and Cheng (2019), and Aloui and
Jammazi (2009) shedding light on this relationship. Studies involving specific stock market
indices, like Basdekis et al.'s (2022) work on the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) and
macroeconomic variables, have also contributed valuable insights. The causal relationship between
industrial production and stock market liquidity, as explored by Nwaolisa and Chijindu (2016) and
others, reveals a significant impact of industrial production on stock market indices. Credit growth
rates have been studied for their influence on stock market returns, with Gandhi (2011) highlighting
their relationship, while Johansson and Stelleck (2018) observed a positive correlation in the US,
UK, and Sweden.

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CAMBA Jr. (2020) examined the causal relationship between the Philippine stock market
index volatility and economic variables, showing long-term equilibrium and short-term effects.
Lastly, Li (2018) investigated the relationship between monetary policy variables and the stock
market in China, finding a one-way causal link, although Huang et al. (2019) presented contrasting
2.2 Empirical studies on the impact of geopolitical events on global financial markets
Previous research indicates that political uncertainty negatively affects financial market
performance, leading to decreased stock market returns and increased risk profiles of financial
assets. Berkman et al. (2011) and Lehkonen and Heimonen (2015) found an inverse relationship
between political risk and stock returns. Recent major political events, like the Brexit referendum
and China-Taiwan disputes, significantly impacted financial market uncertainty and stock market
returns (Smales, L. A, 2017). Diplomatic and economic blockades, such as the Qatar blockade
(Kapar & Buigut, 2020), also resulted in substantial stock market volatility.
The impact of US military engagements on financial markets varies in findings, with some
studies (Leigh, Wolfers, and Zitzewitz, 2003; Rigobon and Sack, 2005) showing negative effects
and others (Amihud and Wohl, 2004) indicating rising stock prices due to anticipation. Other
studies (Choudhry, 2010; Omar, Wisniewski, and Nolte, 2017) explored the impact of structural
shifts in returns and volatility associated with WWII and international crisis events, finding
negative effects on stock market returns.
Political risk also influences currency carry trade returns, as demonstrated by Dimic et al.
(2016). This suggests that political uncertainty significantly impacts foreign exchange markets.
Additionally, specific political events, such as the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi, had severely
negative effects on the Saudi Stock Exchange's returns (Bash & Alsaifi, 2019). These findings
collectively imply that wars predominantly exert a negative influence on stock markets and other
asset categories.

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2.3 Studies on the impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on global financial markets
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has triggered a devastating humanitarian crisis and disrupted
global geopolitical relations. According to Izzeldin, M., Muradoğlu, Y. G., Pappas, V.,
Petropoulou, A., & Sivaprasad, S. (2023), financial markets and commodities responded swiftly to
the invasion, although the crisis's intensity was lower compared to both the Covid-19 pandemic
and the Global Financial Crisis (GFC).
Ahmed, S., Hasan, M. M., & Kamal, M. R. (2022) found that European stock markets reacted
negatively to the crisis due to increased political uncertainty, geographic proximity, and sanctions.
Notably, on February 21, 2022, when Russia recognized two Ukrainian states as autonomous
regions, European stocks experienced a significant negative abnormal return, and these negative
reactions persisted in the aftermath. The impact's magnitude varied across industries, countries,
and company sizes.

3. Data and Methodology

This section would propose the research framework and detailedly explain the model
construction, data collection process and applied methods in assembling and dissecting data.
3.1 Research process
During the study, our research team conducted a full data collection and ran several tests to
find out the results considering the interrelationship between chosen variables. The research
process consists of five major steps, commencing from March, 2022 to April, 2023 as followed:
Step 1: Determine the research topic, research questions and scope
Step 2: Refer to the previous studies and propose research framework
Step 3: Conduct the main study and collect the official data set
Step 4: Analysis and conclusion
Step 5: Report with proposal
3.2 Data
The authors decided to add a timeline from the beginning of 2020, when the above-mentioned
political conflicts along with the Covid-19 epidemic became a political crisis for the major conflict
from 2022. Some examples can be mentioned in the case of 110 Ukrainian soldiers who died in
clashes with Russia (Madina et al, 2022). At the same time, the end of 2019 is also the time when
incumbent President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy came to power and vowed to end the
tensions taking place in the Donbass region, which began in 2014. Therefore, the study will use
daily quantitative data of variables for the period from January 2, 2020 to March 31, 2023, in which

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the VN-Index variables will omit weekends and holidays. Data is mainly taken from 2 sources,
Vietstock and websites.
Table 1. Variables explainations

NVariables Calculation Brief explanations Source


1 DPVNI: Differences of General index showing
percentage of change price movements of stocks
traded on Ho Chi Minh
Stock Exchange

2 DVNBOR The interest rate at which a Vietstock
interbank depository institution,
offered rate often a bank, lends or
borrows money in the
overnight market.

3 growth DPTD The rate at which credit in Vietstock
the economy is expanding.

4 P_IPI The index measures the Vietstock
production actual production output of
index the manufacturing, mining
and utility industries

5 gas DPGAS The factor gives
price individual investors a
simple and quick method
to trade futures contracts
practically around-the-
clock, six days a week, in
a crucial energy market.

6 oil price DPOIL Market value of unrefined
petroleum extracted from
the ground.

Source: Compiled by the authors

Descriptive statistics of the variables are shown in the table below:

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Figure 1. Variables’ descriptive statistics
Source: Compiled by the authors
3.3 Research methodology
After comparing and reviewing previous studies, the authors decided to choose the Vector
Autoregression (VAR) model, as well as some other tools such as IRF to conduct the research.
VAR offers a significant advantage by considering the simultaneous effects between the stock
index variable and relevant macroeconomic variables, aligning with economic theories.
Consequently, it enables an assessment of how stock markets respond to sudden shocks from global
events and abrupt fluctuations in macroeconomic indicators. First of all, the study is based on the
equation drawn from Ahmad et al. (2010), Ha and Tran (2018) and Nguyen and Vo (2019), in order
to use interest rates and exchange rates as endogenous variables in the VAR model for general
consideration with the VN-Index. The general model indicated in the experimental study of
Vietnam can be described as follows:
This empirical estimating model will be employed as a VAR model since the variables in the
model described in equation (1) may represent relevant endogenous systems when combined. The
following will be a description of the general form unconstrained VAR model.

𝒀𝒕 = 𝑪 + ∑ 𝑨𝒊 𝒀𝒕−𝒊 + 𝑩𝑫𝒕 + 𝜺𝒕

Where: vector Y is the set of endogenous variables Y’= (DPGAS, DTPD, P_IPI). Meanwhile,
the remaining exogenous variables such as DVNBOR, DPOIL can be in D.
To determine the relationship between VN-Index and related economic factors, this research
adopt to the steps mentioned as follow:
3.3.1 Stationary test
The Dickey and Fuller test (DF) and the expanded Dickey and Fuller test were introduced by
Dickey and Fuller in 1981. (ADF). This research solely focuses on the theory of this model because

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it employs the ADF test to accomplish the unit root test. Dickey and Fuller (1981) state that the
extended unit root test model ADF has the following form:
△ 𝒚𝒕 = 𝜶𝟎 + 𝜷𝒀𝒕−𝟏 + ∑𝒌𝒋−𝟏 𝝓𝒋 𝜟𝒀𝒕−𝒋 + 𝜺𝒕 (1)

△ 𝒚𝒕 = 𝜶𝟎 + 𝜹𝒕 + 𝜷𝒀𝒕−𝟏 + ∑𝒌𝒋−𝟏 𝝓𝒋 𝜟𝒀𝒕−𝒋 + 𝜺𝒕 (2)

𝐲𝒕 : Time series data considered
k : Lag length
𝜺𝒕 : White noise
Test hypothesis:
H0: β = 0 (Yt is a non-stationary data series)
H1: β < 0 (Yt is a stationary data series)
3.3.2 Lag length criteria
Determining the appropriate lag length in a VAR (Vector Autoregression) model is essential.
This choice impacts model estimation and the inclusion of relevant factors. Lag length is often
determined using information criteria such as Akaike Information Standard (AIC), Schwarz
Information Standard (SC), and Hannan Qiunn Information Standard (HQ).
3.3.3 Cointegration test
To determine the long-term relationship among factors, the Johansen test, developed by Søren
Johansen, assesses cointegration in time series data. Unlike some other tests, it can identify multiple
cointegrating relationships, making it widely applicable. In this study, both the Johansen test and
the Engle-Granger test (based on the Dickey-Fuller test) will be employed concurrently, using two
methods: the Trace method and the Maximum Eigenvalue method.
3.3.4 VAR stability condition test
The stability of the VAR system implies Stationarity. In the literature, the stability condition
is also referred to as “Stationarity Conditions”. If all inverse roots of the characteristic AR
polynomial have modulus less than one and lie inside the unit circle, the estimated VAR is stable.
If the VAR is not stable, diverse tests conducted on our VAR model be invalid. Also, impulse
response standard errors are not valid.
3.3.5 Granger causality test
The relationship between uncertainties can be determined using the Vector Autoregression
(VAR) method, as proposed by Sims (1980), and the Engle & Granger (1987) approach. The

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Granger causality test, introduced by Granger (1969), is widely employed in this context for its
simplicity in predicting time series using past data.
Granger causality assesses whether one time series, say Xt, can predict future values of another
time series, Yt. However, it has limitations, as it tests linear relationships and assumes causes must
precede effects, requiring data stationarity. Despite these limitations, it has been used extensively
in research, including studies by Atmadja (2005), Sum (2013), and Mohamed and Masih (2017) to
evaluate links between stock markets.
Granger causality involves a two-way test between time series Xt and Yt, considering both Xt
impacting Yt and Yt impacting Xt. The hypothesis tests, like equation (1) below, help determine if
Xt has a Granger influence on Yt, indicating that Xt's past data can predict both current Yt and
future Yt values, with control over Yt's past data.
Yt = β0 + Σ(j=1 to p) βj * Y(t-j) + Σ(j=1 to p) αj * Y(t-j) + εt (1)
Similarly, this test evaluates whether Yt has a Granger influence on Xt, treating X as the
dependent variable in the model..
3.3.6 Impulse response function test
One crucial function within the VAR model is the impulse response function (IRF). The IRF
illustrates how other variables in the model respond to a shock in one variable, but interpreting the
coefficients can be complex, especially with lagged equations and changing coefficient signs.
3.3.7 Variance decomposition
Variance decomposition, often applied in VAR modeling, dissects the contribution of each
variable to the variance of the others. This technique is useful for determining the relative
importance of various factors in explaining variations in a target variable, making it valuable for
prediction and policymaking.

4. Emperical results
4.1 Stationary test

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Figure 2. Stationary test results

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It can be seen that the absolute value of Test statistic in all variables under consideration is
larger than the absolute value of threshold at 5% significance level. Therefore, it can be concluded
that the series is stationary for all variables under consideration within the same lag. More
generally, the model with variables with stationary series will be practical, because the results of
the model run can be applied to make predictions as well as future judgments about the correlation
between variables, specifically with the macro factor variables.
4.2 Lag length criteria

Figure 3. Choice of lag

Next, the authors will make an error prediction, with the results compared as a series of vector
autoregressions through a desired maximum lag were selected using the Akaike's information
criterion (AIC), Schwarz's Bayesian information criterion (SBIC), and Hannan and Quinn
information criterion (HQIC) lag order selection statistics. As mentioned in the research methods
section, the asterisk marked by the software can help identify the optimal lag for the model. Based
on the results in the figure above, the model with lag 1 is said to be suitable for HQIC and SBIC.
Since then, the authors decided to use lag 1 as the main lag for the model
4.3 Cointegration test

Figure 4. Johansen test results

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In this table, it can be seen that the trace statistic at r=0 of 376.5534 exceeds its critical value
of 47.21, we reject the null hypothesis of no cointegrating equations. Similarly, because the trace
statistic at r = 2 and r3 give the same results of exceeding the critical value. Johansen's method for
estimating r is to accept as r^ the first r for which the null hypothesis is not rejected. Thus, the
conclusion drawn is that there is no cointegration between the variables.
4.4 VAR stability condition test

Figure 5. Model stability test results

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The stability test of the var model also gives good results when the values are even in the unit
circle with a marginal value of 1. Then, the authors take to the next step which is residual

Figure 6. Residual diagnostics

The graph above shows the volatility of residuals during the period under consideration by the
model. The y line represents the mean of the error. Since then, the residuals fluctuate around mean
values showing the stability of these values.

H0: no autocorrelation at lag order.

Figure 7. Lagrange-multiplier test results

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Due to the value shown on the table, the null hypothesis that there is no autocorrelation in the
residuals for any of the five orders tested, this test gives no hint of model misspecification.
Therefore, there will be no concerns regarding the fact that the results coming from the research
were meaningful
4.5 Granger causality test

Figure 8. Granger causality test results

The vargranger function was used with the variables DPVNI, DPTD, DPGAS, and P_IPI, and
the exogenous variables DPOIL and DVNBOR, with lag 1. The results show the Granger causality
Wald tests for each equation. The equation for DPVNI excluded DPTD has a chi-square statistic
of 0.66153 with 1 degree of freedom and a p-value of 0.416, indicating that DPTD is not a
significant predictor of DPVNI. The equation for DPVNI excluded DPGAS has a chi-square
statistic of 10.082 with 1 degree of freedom and a p-value of 0.001, indicating that DPGAS is a
significant predictor of DPVNI. The equation for DPVNI excluded P_IPI has a chi-square statistic
of 0.00796 with 1 degree of freedom and a p-value of 0.929, indicating that P_IPI is not a significant
predictor of DPVNI. The chi-square statistic for the equation with all the variables is 10.469 with
3 degrees of freedom and a p-value of 0.015, indicating that the combination of all variables is a
significant predictor of DPVNI. The same interpretation can be made for the Granger causality
tests for the other equations.

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4.6 Impulse response function test

The impulse response function in the impulse response function test showed that: The response
of DPVNI in the first day was positively supported by the volatility of gas prices. After that, the
impact gradually decreased and remained almost zero for the following days. This is true with the
information saturation of the market, after the increase in gas prices made the market excited but
investors then calmed down and absorbed the information, weakening the impact of gas price
changes. to the change of VN Index in the following days. Besides, the response of DPVNI to
changes in P_IPI and Credit Growth Rate is also estimated to be very small in the short run with a
lag of 1 of the model. This is also understandable because these are macro variables used to forecast
money supply and inflation of the economy, so the immediate impact can be considered almost

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For the impulse response function of Credit Growth Rate (DPTD), we can see that the variables
have very little impact on DPTD, and even the industrial production index is statistically significant
but the impact is also estimated to be very small. .

For gas prices, the estimation shows a strong impulse response on the first day of the change
in DPVNI for DPGAS, and similar to the effect of DPGAS on DPVNI, those reactions are fully
absorbed in the following days. Besides DPVNI, we also see the Credit growth rate shock effect
on Gas Price, although this reaction carries a large volatility, in general, we can see the negative
impact of DPTD on DPGAS.

Figure 9. Impulse response function test results

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And for the impulse response of P_IPI, we can clearly see the negative impact of DPTD shock
on P_IPI from the first day and continuously after days. This is true of the situation of the
Vietnamese market in the period of 2022, when the state promotes credit growth to help the
economy recover from the COVID pandemic. For now, however, manufacturers are still concerned
that the COVID lockdown and the start of war could negatively affect future production. Therefore,
the credit growth increased, but the cash flow did not go into production but directed to financial
investment products, most notably the stock market and the real estate market, thereby indirectly
reducing the industrial production index.
4.7. Variance decomposition

Figure 10. Forecast error variance decomposition results

The results of the impulse response function (IRF) table show the forecast error variance
decomposition (FEVD) for each variable at different steps. The IRF table shows that the DPVNI
variable is the most important variable in explaining its own variation, as it has the highest FEVD
values across all steps. The DPTD, DPGAS, and P_IPI variables have relatively low FEVD values,
indicating that they do not have a strong causal relationship with DPVNI. These results suggest
that DPVNI is the most influential variable in the system, and its future values can be predicted
with a high degree of accuracy using historical data.

5. Conclusion and suggestions

5.1 Resulted compared to literature review
Our findings align with Johansson, E., & Stelleck, P. (2018) finding out a relationship between
credit growth rate and the stock market, even though their study focuses on the US, UK, and
Sweden markets. Since the correlation between future gas prices and Vn-Index is significant in our

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test, gas prices are associated with oil prices in studying the effects of macroeconomic indicators
on stock prices, as mentioned by Shaker Ahmed et al. (2022). Lastly, the results on the effect of
the consumption index on stock prices, which we referenced based on our literature review (e.g.,
Aromolaran, A. D., Taiwo, A., Adekoya, A., & Malomo, E. ,2016, Tiryaki, A., Ceylan, R., &
Erdoğan, L. ,2019, Tsagkanos, A., & Siriopoulos, C. ,2015) , show that the similarity is similar
when considering how it affects the VN- Index of Vietnam stock market.
5.2 Suggestion
Armed conflict and its impact on the market are also demonstrated by the stock market's
performance, and should be seen as a good chance for stock purchases and investments. Because a
military war has little to no effect on the profitability of corporations or big economies like the
United States. In reality, the Dow Jones index increased by more than 50%, or more than 7%
annually, between the start of World War 2 and its conclusion. The stock market increased by
115% throughout both world wars.
The adage "Buy when there's blood on the road" is common in the stock market, but it doesn't
always mean that every sector or kind of investment hasn't been affected by violent conflicts. When
the likelihood of armed conflict increases, stock prices typically decline, but unexpected declines
frequently occur when armed conflict "surprise" investors. During actual conflict, the stock market
often behaves less erratically than it does at other times.
Several industries will operate better during wartime. For instance, trade restrictions, taxes,
and a surge in the cost of raw materials might occur in a big conflict. But, it is currently doubtful
that the local war in Ukraine will have any impact whatsoever on the global supply chain.
The market's interpretation of the most recent signals may be seen by individual investors
using a variety of techniques. ETF inflows are a very useful indicator. They can be observed
coming from nearby countries like Sweden and VanEck Russia ETF (RSX), as well as from Russia
itself (EWDs). These ETFs are now down between 4 and 5%. Instead, money is moving into metal
and mining ETFs in general as well as funds that are supportive of gold and silver mining, with
their NAV rising in step with the fall in funds. ETFs like the one mentioned above have a strong
association to geopolitics.
Fears of war and inflation are also being seen in the bond market, with bond mutual funds
recording a $30 billion monthly net draw. It has so far been disproven that fixed-income funds
offer protection against choppy markets. Actually, there aren't many "secure" fixed-income
products available right now because of the state of interest rates. The volatility was not caused by
Ukraine, but rather by a confluence of geopolitical pressures, an already precarious interest
rate/inflation scenario, and inflation.
The current investing approach emphasizes assets, actual capital/income flow, and defensive
play. Infrastructure, beverages, health care, and food fall under this category. Goods with timeless
appeal, such as luxury products, have been demonstrated to be extraordinarily robust in times of
crisis. There will be many low-cost, even free, high-quality options available in the market. After

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