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Received: 15 February 2021 | Accepted: 1 June 2021

DOI: 10.1111/gcb.15767


Comparison of the distribution and phenology of Arctic

Mountain plants between the early 20th and 21st centuries

Andrew S. MacDougall1,2 | Paul Caplat3 | Johan Olofsson2,4 | Matthias B. Siewert2,4 |

1 1 1 2
Colin Bonner | Ellen Esch | Malie Lessard-­Therrien | Hannah Rosenzweig |
Anne-­Kathrin Schäfer2 | Pia Raker2 | Hassan Ridha2 | Kjell Bolmgren2 | Thore C. E. Fries5 |
Keith Larson2,4

Department of Integrative Biology,
University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada Abstract
Climate Impacts Research Centre, Umeå Arctic plants are adapted to climatic variability, but their long-­term responses to
University, Umeå, Sweden
warming remain unclear. Responses may occur by range shifts, phenological adjust-
School of Biological Sciences, Queen's
University, Belfast, Northern Ireland ments in growth and reproduction, or both. Here, we compare distribution and phe-
Department of Ecology and nology of 83 arctic and boreal mountain species, sampled identically in the early 20th
Environmental Science, Umeå University,
(1917–­1919) and 21st centuries (2017–­2018) from a region of northern Sweden that
Umeå, Sweden
Abisko Natural Science Station has warmed significantly. We test two compensatory hypotheses to high-­latitude
warming—­upward shifts in distribution, and earlier or extended growth and reproduc-
Andrew S. MacDougall, Department of tion. For distribution, we show dramatic upward migration by 69% of species, averag-
Integrative Biology, University of Guelph, ing 6.1 m per decade, especially boreal woodland taxa whose upward expansion has
Guelph, ON, Canada.
Email: reduced arctic montane habitat by 30%. Twenty percent of summit species showed
distributional shifts but downward, especially moisture-­associated snowbed flora.
Keith Larson, Climate Impacts Research
Centre, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden. For phenology, we detected wide inter-­annual variability in the onset of leafing and
flowering in both eras. However, there was no detectable change in growing-­season
Funding information length, relating to two mechanisms. First, plot-­level snow melt data starting in 1917
Natural Sciences and Engineering
demonstrated that melt date, rather than vernal temperatures, better predicts plant
Research Council of Canada; Swedish
Research Council for Sustainable emergence, with snow melt influenced by warmer years having greater snowfall—­
Management (FORMAS), and Umeå
warmer springs did not always result in earlier emergence because snowbeds can
persist longer. Second, the onset of reproductive senescence between eras was simi-
lar, even when plant emergence was earlier by a month, possibly due to intensified
summer heat stress or hard-­wired ‘canalization’ where senescence occurs regardless
of summer temperature. Migrations in this system have possibly buffered arctic spe-
cies against displacement by boreal expansion and warming, but ongoing temperature
increases, woody plant invasion, and a potential lack of flexibility in timing of senes-
cence may foreshadow challenges.

arctic flora, climate change, historical data, migration, mountain, phenology, resiliency

Thore C. E. Fries: Deceased 1930.

5070 | © 2021 John Wiley & Sons Ltd Glob Change Biol. 2021;27:5070–5083.

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MACDOUGALL et al. 5071

1 | I NTRO D U C TI O N if warm-­tolerant species are sweeping in from behind—­only north-

ward or upward range expansion by arctic flora would maintain
The arctic climate is one of the most rapidly changing on the planet, persistence. Phenologically, there has been an understandable
having warmed by 2–­3°C over the last century with projected in- emphasis on early flowering given the advancement of growing
creases towards 4–­5°C (IPCC, 2013; Nogues-­Bravo et al., 2007; Post seasons globally (Ellwood et al., 2013), but growing-­season length
et al., 2019; Sala et al., 2000). These changes have significant conse- and senescence also impact plant fitness and are less investigated
quences for arctic flora, including on high-­latitude mountains where especially in the arctic (Prevey et al., 2019). Even the so-­c alled
warming can be especially pronounced (Lenoir et al., 2008; Prevey ‘Arctic greening’ in high-­latitude plant communities, involving ex-
et al., 2019; Steinbauer et al., 2018), growing seasons short, and tended growing seasons and increased net primary production, has
the availability of high-­elevation refugia finite (Prevey et al., 2019; not been universally detected (Berner et al., 2020; Pauchard et al.,
Steinbauer et al., 2018). 2016; Post et al., 2019). In total, these uncertainties on migrational
The biological impacts of a changing arctic climate, on mountain and phenological plant responses limit our ability to predict future
plants and more broadly, will be dictated by their ability to maintain impacts of a warming Arctic (Niskanen et al., 2019).
growth and reproduction. This occurs by at least two pathways: spa- Here, we present evidence of distributional and phenological
tial shifts across generations (hereafter ‘migration’), progressively adjustments by 83 arctic and boreal mountain flora in northern
moving northward, uphill, or both, and phenological adjustments Scandinavia between the early 20th and 21st centuries, testing two
that better match growth and reproduction to changes including primary compensatory hypotheses to long-­term arctic warming—­
warmer and earlier springs, drier summers, extended periods of au- upward migration and earlier and extended growth and reproduc-
tumn warmth, and altered precipitation dynamics including snowfall tion (e.g. Arft et al., 1999; Bjorkman et al., 2015; Choi et al., 2019).
(e.g. Assmann et al., 2019; Chapin et al., 2012; Lesica & McCune, Climate conditions in this region have changed dramatically, espe-
2004; Rosbakh et al., 2021; Wookey et al., 1993). However, the ca- cially since the 1980s (Figure 1), while the Arctic Mountain plants
pacity for resilience emerging from these mechanisms, historically of northern Scandinavia have been modelled to undergo substan-
and going forward, remains unclear. The persistence of high-­latitude tial species loss and range contraction (Niskanen et al., 2019). Our
plants is strongly dictated by distributional range and phenology, work centres on a unique long-­term dataset, identically sampled at
given the compressed growing season of the arctic climate (Harsch the same plot locations every 5 days during the growing seasons
et al., 2009). There are numerous traits that could well-­equip Arctic of 1917–­1919 and 2017–­2018 along an elevational gradient strad-
species for rapid adjustments to warming, such as early emergence, dling both Arctic and Boreal biomes in the Scandes Mountains (Fries,
delayed reproduction, or extended leafing senescence (e.g. Thomas 1925). Using data on shifts in elevational occurrence, the onset and
et al., 2020). These same traits could also predict species loss, if senescence of leafing and flowering, the timing of plot-­level snow
climatic change exceeds the trait-­based limits of adjustment or if melt by elevation, along with species-­specific plant traits and local
change favours suites of larger-­and faster-­growing competitively su- daily climate from 1913 to present, we test the relative importance
perior southern invaders (e.g. Alexander et al., 2015, 2018). If high-­ of migration and phenology for plant persistence between the two
latitude plants cannot phenologically adjust, then multi-­generational eras of the study. Our distributional analysis includes data on the
upward or northward shifts via migration will be needed to maintain maximum and minimum range limits of each species, allowing us to
the climatic envelope, escape southern invaders, or both. determine whether change happens more at higher elevation, where
It has been difficult to empirically determine whether plants are direct temperature effects should be most limiting, or towards the
successfully adjusting to a changing arctic climate, given an absence mountain base where climate impacts should be channelled through
of long-­term data especially prior to recent decades when warming species interactions especially invasion by southern Boreal taxa.
has accelerated (Steinbauer et al., 2018). There is some evidence for We also test differences in the richness and composition of summit
both migration and phenological shifts (Lenoir et al., 2008; Rosbakh vegetation, given the large body of historical summit studies from
et al., 2021), but there has also been wide variability in response elsewhere in Europe showing that mountain-­top plant communi-
(Myers-­Smith et al., 2015). For example, sometimes shrub-­ and ties often respond rapidly to climate change (e.g. Gottfried et al.,
tree-­lines advance in elevation or latitude but many times they do 2012; Matteodo et al., 2013; Parolo & Rossi, 2008; Pauli et al., 2012;
not (Harsch et al., 2009; Myers-­Smith et al., 2015; Van Bogaert Steinbauer et al., 2018).
et al., 2011). The same holds for changes in species richness of cold-­
adapted plants—­there has been reports of increases (Klanderud &
Birks, 2003), losses (Engler et al., 2011; Wilson & Nilsson, 2009), 2 | M E TH O D S
and no change (Vanneste et al., 2017). Furthermore, research
tends to target the front of the range (expansion), whereas range Work was conducted in two sampling periods on a 900 m transect
changes may derive more from the back (contraction) especially if on Mount Nuolja (1169 m ASL) in Abisko National Park, Sweden lo-
climate impacts are channelled through altered species interactions cated 195 km north of the Arctic Circle (68.3495°N, 18.8312°E). The
(Rumpf et al., 2019; Van Bogaert et al., 2011). In this latter case, study area occurs within a rain shadow of the Scandes Mountains,
phenological changes alone will not buffer responses to warming with long-­term (1913–­2018) precipitation averaging 307 mm per

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5072 MACDOUGALL et al.

2.5 (a) Annual temperature 1913– 2019 4.0 (b) March –May


Temperature oC


– 0.5
1918 (c) June– Sept

– 1.5 2018


– 2.5
9.0 March-May
Ma rch
ch May 2017

– 3.5 June-Sept
Ju ne-Se
1915 1925 1935 1945 1955 1965 1975 1985 1995 2005 2015 1925 1945 1965 1985 2005

F I G U R E 1 Long-­term mean temperature trends from Abisko, Sweden—­1913–­2018, including our 5 years of sampling in red. All fitted
polynomials are best fit and demonstrate significant warming especially since the late 1980s for overall annual temperature (F3,38712 = 34.06,
p < 0.0001), early-­season (March–­May; F3,6462 = 39.13, p < 0.0001), and summer (June–­September; F3,9748 = 40.6, p < 0.0001). Error bars
are 1 SE [Colour figure can be viewed at]

year and mean annual temperatures of −0.5°C. About 50% of an- of mountain plants, confounding tests of migrational responses to
nual precipitation falls as snow typically between October–­April. climate.
Snowbeds can persist well into the summer months, depending on The study transect consists of 20 contiguous permanent moni-
elevation and annual snowfall. All climate data come from a meteor- toring plots established from base to summit in 1916 (Figure S2). All
ological station at Abisko Scientific Research Station, near the base work during 1917–­1919 was conducted in 78 subplots within the 20
of the transect (388 m ASL)—­data were measured every 3 h from plots (each plot evenly subdivided into four subplots, except at the
1913–­2004, and then hourly since (Callaghan et al., 2010; Kohler summit), with data amalgamated to the plot level for analysis (Fries,
et al., 2006). Long-­term trajectories of warming over the 20th and 1925). These subplot data were subsequently lost; thus, all historical
early 21st centuries at the station show increases, overall (warmer comparisons in this paper are among-­plot. The plots are separated
by 2.31°C since 1917) and by season, although these trends are not by an average of 18.6 m of elevation depending on the steepness
linear (Figure 1; Figure S1). The most consistent period of increased of the mountain face (range 8.9–­63.06 m). Sampling began on May
warming has been since the 1980s; before then inter-­decadal warm- 25th in all years, with the longest period of sampling during the first
ing was more variable including extended cold winters during the era of survey in 1918 (May 25th–­August 31st). Sampling ended ear-
1950s–­1970s (Figure S1). lier in 1917 (August 7th) and 1919 (June 24th).
Vegetatively, the Abisko region straddles the boreal and arctic Sampling from 1917 to 1919 monitored seasonal trajectories
biomes of northern Scandinavia. Boreal areas of Abisko are currently of plant phenology, including onset and senescence of leafing and
dominated by the subalpine mountain birch forest (Betula pubescens), flowering, for all species at 5-­day intervals. The repeated visitation
with some pine (Pinus sylvestrus). Unforested arctic-­alpine areas are of plots allowed accurate identification of all species, with sufficient
most often confined to mires and the upper mountainous slopes, in- frequency to capture the timing of phenophase transition. The fre-
cluding Mt. Nuolja (Figure S2a), with a high diversity of dwarf shrub quency of plot re-­visitation every 5 days, however, demanded lo-
and herbaceous arctic plants (Table S1). The region has been widely gistical trade-­offs given the mountainous and often snow-­covered
grazed by domesticated reindeer for centuries with varying intensi- terrain with many dozens of species. To that end, all phenological
ties and land use practices especially since the 1800s (Emanuelsson, data were assessed at the plot level, thus ignoring the abundance
1987). Major predators have largely been eliminated. Our study site and phenological variation of species within plots. For example, the
on Mt. Nuolja lacks melting glacial beds and has some of the low- timing of leaf senescence for a species would be determined by the
est levels of anthropogenic-­based nitrogen deposition in Europe first observation of senescence by any individual of that species
(Dentener, 2006)—­both can otherwise accelerate uphill colonization in that plot. If that species was found in 10 plots on the transect,

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MACDOUGALL et al. 5073

then there would be 10 data points for that species at each sampling morphologically cryptic taxa or those that have undergone consider-
period. able taxonomic reclassification as a precautionary measure because
In addition to phenological shifts, the percent coverage of snow of uncertainty about their identification in the original dataset (e.g.
per plot was also repeatedly measured every 5 days—­this was con- Anthoxanthum odoratum vs. A. alpinum, some sedges and willows).
ducted given the importance for the timing of snow melt by eleva- Overall, there was a wide range in plot frequency per species (n/20
tion for arctic plant phenology (e.g. Semenchuk et al., 2016; Wookey plots), with occupancy among the 83 species averaging 40%.
et al., 2009). A 50 m measuring chain was sequentially laid, plot by We classified the 83 species into four habitat categories, to test
plot, along the entire mountain transect, with % snow cover deter- whether species responses unfolded in definable ‘syndromes’ based
mined by the distance of the chain contacting snow versus open on established affinities with temperature and soil moisture (Table
ground. This procedure was used in 1917–­1919 and again in 2017, S1). Boreal flora derived from forested habitats with southerly distri-
before switching to a Trimble R8 dGPS in 2018 to measure the lo- bution centres—­these taxa tend be expanding rapidly into the warm-
cations of areas within the plots that were snow covered. We also ing Arctic (Bjorkman et al., 2018; Vuorinen et al., 2017). Soil moisture
include snow melt data collected in 2019 using identical methods. classifications centred on taxa with ‘broad’ tolerances including xeric
The transect plot markers were periodically maintained as re- conditions, and cold-­affiliated ‘mesic’ species that are typically asso-
cently as the 1960s, enabling relocation of 59 of the 78 subplot poles ciated with moist soils derived from seeps and melting snowbeds.
along the transect in 2016. Areas without poles were easy to identify We also determined major traits of leaf biomass, leaf surface area,
given the detailed description of distance and bearing between the and plant height for each species, testing whether plant morphology
poles (Fries, 1925), and because the piles of rocks used to support predicted migrational response over time. Data were combined from
the missing poles remained evident. We were thus able to conduct the TRY and the Tundra Trait Team databases (Bjorkman et al., 2018;
our contemporary surveys in the exact locations of the 1917–­1919 Kattge et al., 2011).
work, with one exception. In 1964, a chairlift was installed that bi- All phenology stages were defined by Fries (1925). The phenol-
sected the gradient within the birch woodland at ~650 m ASL; three ogy classification for each species was determined for six response
of the poles were laterally shifted by ~10 m in the summer of 1964, variables: first observed onset of leafing species−1 plot−1, first ob-
perpendicular to the axis of the gradient. We used these data, de- servation of leaf senescence species−1 plot−1, first observed onset
spite the shift. of flowering species−1 plot−1, first observation of flower senescence
During 2017 and 2018, the survey protocols for phenology and species−1 plot−1, and the duration of leafing and flowering based on
snow cover from 1917 to 1919 were followed identically. Using the the differences between onset and senescence for each species.
exact plot locations, we were able to detect the altered plot-­level Senescence was defined as detectable changes in leaf or flower co-
distribution and performance of each species. This included mea- lour, or the onset of visible wilting. For each of the six responses,
surements at the mountain summit, which included plots 19 and 20 we calculated log response ratios derived from differences in means
at an elevation from 1157 to 1184 m. For migration, we were able among plots for the two sampling periods.
to determine changes in mean plot distribution, shifts in the upper Changes in elevational occurrence were calculated by compar-
maximum plot occurrence, changes in the lower minimum of occur- ing differences in plot presence/absence between the two sampling
rence, and whether species ranges have expanded or contracted periods. As described, we lacked exact measures of where individ-
from the top, the bottom, or both. We also recorded the presence ual plants occurred within a plot, but we did know the elevations of
of small juvenile plants, in areas where large-­sized reproductively the plots they occupied. We thus calculated change based on those
actively plants are currently absent. For phenological change, we plot elevations. For example, a species occurring in plots 1–­3 in 1918
pooled 55,016 observations from 83 vascular plant species deriv- would have a mean elevation of 437.02 m based on the three start-
ing from the repeated species-­specific plot visitation every 5 days ing elevations of the plots (418.2, 436.3, and 456.6 m). If that same
in both eras. Given that sampling ended earlier in 1917 and 1919, species was found in plot 8–­10 in 2017, then its current mean eleva-
we primarily compared phenology between 1918 and 2017–­2018 as tion would be 705.5 m and its change over time would be +287 m (or
these years had complete data for emergence, flowering, and senes- 28.7 m per decade). We calculated elevational shifts in the maximum
cence. We were able to include the 1917 and 1919 data to test dif- and minimum plots of occurrence, by taking the differences of these
ferences in emergence of leafing and flowering, especially whether two measures between the time periods.
there were detectable advancements in one or both phenophases in We used aerial drone imagery to test relationships among esti-
the modern era versus the early 20th century. mated plant productivity (NDVI), elevation, and species distribution,
The data from 1917–­1919 included 156 species (Fries, 1925), rep- given that standing biomass can represent plant–­plant competitive
resenting 47% of all species known from Abisko National Park at the dynamics especially at lower elevations including larger plant in-
time (Fries, 1919). During the 2017–­2018 sampling period, an addi- fluencing ground level temperature, light, and the timing of snow
tional 15 species were recorded and all the previously reported spe- melt. Aerial imagery was collected between 23 and 27 June 2018
cies were observed on the transect or nearby on the mountain. The using an eBee fixed-­wing drone (senseFly) in combination with a
83 species chosen for our study were selected based on their pres- Sequoia multi-­spectral sensor (Parrot) and a SONY DSC-­W X220
ence in both eras and occurring in three or more plots. We eliminated RGB camera. NDVI was calculated from the multi-­spectral sensor

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5074 MACDOUGALL et al.

and radiometrically calibrated using Mosaic Mill reflectance targets. sampling eras. All analyses were conducted using JMP 14.0 (SAS
The imagery was georeferenced to >10 known DGPS locations of Institute Inc., 1989–­2019).
equally distributed poles along the transect visible in the imagery.
Pix4dmapper was used for post-­processing of the imagery (Pix4D).
A 2 m resolution digital elevation model (© Lantmäteriet) was used 3 | R E S U LT S
to derive terrain variables in SAGA GIS (Conrad et al., 2015). These
variables included slope, wind exposition index, SAGA wetness The most detectable changes between the two eras of study were
index, and annual potential incoming solar radiation. NDVI and ter- migrational rather than phenological. Compared to 1918, 95% of the
rain variables were extracted on a per pixel basis along a 10 m wide 83 species had altered mean distributions along the montane gradi-
buffered band along the 20 plots. ent (Figure 2). Most of these shifts have been upward, affecting 69%
Our primary analyses (1918 vs. 2017–­2018) centred on testing of all taxa. There has been significant widening of species ranges,
our two main hypotheses on upward migration and earlier leafing averaging 7.5 m per decade and mostly explained by increases in
and flowering, by describing the magnitude and direction of ele- upper range limits. There were four species lost from the transect
vational and phenological changes among the 83 species using log (Table S1), although each currently resides nearby on the mountain
proportional change in means (log response-­ratios) between the (Larson, unpublished data)—­we thus found no evidence of local ex-
two study periods. For our broader analysis of emergence (1917–­ tirpation despite pronounced warming in recent decades (Figure 1;
1919 vs. 2017–­2018), we used ANOVA to test the relative effect of Figure S1). Conversely, there were 15 new occurrences since 1917–­
year and era on the day of first observation of leaves and flowers 1919, mostly larger-­sized herbaceous plants with Boreal affiliations
for each species—­these response data were log transformed given a (Table S1).
non-­normal bias in the data caused by the rapid emergence of many Although many species had higher average ranges, there was no
species immediately following snow melt. We used principle compo- single shared response by all taxa (Figure 2). While mean range shifts
nents analysis to examine relationships between major plant traits averaged 6.1 m decade−1, variation among species ranged 10-­fold.
and the extent of mean, maximum, and minimum elevational change Some species climbed ~½ km over the last century while others de-
for the four major habitat groupings of plants. We used linear re- scended to the same extent. Furthermore, higher mean range shifts
gression to test relationships between elevation and snow melt by were associated with two responses: contraction from the bottom
year and season; how elevation influenced the timing of the onset, or expansion at the top (contraction: F1,82 = 6.1, p < 0.02; expansion:
duration, and senescence of leafing and flowering; and to deter- F1,82 = 21.1, p < 0.0001). Few species demonstrated both responses
mine associations between species-­specific distributional changes such that increases in upper and lower occurrence limits were not
at the maximum and minimum elevations of occurrence. We used consistently related (F1,82 = 1.4; p = 0.24). Range contraction from
multiple correspondence analysis to test associations between four the base of the mountain by arctic-­affiliated taxa was presumably
vegetation classes based on temperature and moisture, and whether related to an inability to persist in expanding woodland and shrub
species were lost, gained, or remain unchanged between the two thickets (Figures 2 and 3), especially in areas formerly characterized

F I G U R E 2 Distributional changes in mean elevation and range width for 83 species along a 900 m elevational gradient on Mt. Nuolja
Sweden—­1918 versus 2017. Species are grouped based on habitat affiliations of temperature (arctic and boreal) and moisture (broad
tolerance and mesic obligate; Table S1), following the maps of Mossberg et al. (1992) and the altitudinal limits of alpine species from Heintze
(2013), Kilander (1955), and Mossberg and Stenberg (2018). Arctic species of moister soils (green) are commonly associated with melting
snowbeds at our site. The black dots are the mean range and elevation changes of each species, surrounded by two-­dimensional density
contours (bivariate nonparametric density) for visualization purposes. Arrows indicate predominant qualitative responses within each of the
habitat groups [Colour figure can be viewed at]

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MACDOUGALL et al. 5075

(a) (b)

(i) Migr on differences
Range width (m) B Range minimum (m )
200 60


0 -40

(ii) Trait differences

Leaf dry mass (g) B Plant height (m) B
60 0.40


20 A

0 Broad Mesic Broad Mesic Broad Mesic Broad Mesic

Arc Boreal Ar c Boreal

F I G U R E 3 (a) Principal coordinate relationships among migration changes 1918–­2017 (black), broad habitat groupings as per Figure 2
(red), and major morphological plant traits (blue). Trait data are from the TTT databases (Bjorkman et al., 2018). Overall, we see that larger
boreal plants, both woody and herbaceous, have wider distributional ranges largely associated with higher maximum range occurrence
since 1918. By contrast, arctic flora has narrower ranges associated with higher minimum elevations via displacement by boreal taxa,
warming at the mountain base, or both. (b) Differences in mean migration responses (1918–­2017) and traits among arctic and boreal plants
of mesic and broad soils. Upper-­case letters indicate significant differences among habitat classes, using Tukey's tests. The panel showing
changes in range minimum demonstrates the lowest elevational occurrence for arctic species has generally increased up the mountain while
boreal species have decreased, although differences among classes were not significant (F3,82 = 2.06; p=0.1135). Error bars show ±1 SE. (c)
Relationship between vegetation abundance and productivity per plot, based on NDVI and elevation on the Mount Nuolja transect. The best
fit is represented by the green polynomial (F2,19 = 35.3; p < 0.0001), encapsulating relatively high NDVI up to the present-­day shrub line, and
rapidly declining towards the summit. NDVI data were measured summer 2019. Dashed lines show the upper limit of the shrub zone in 1918
and 2017 [Colour figure can be viewed at]

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5076 MACDOUGALL et al.

Dimension 2 (8.2%, ʎ = 0.02)

Species lost

Mesic arcc
Mesic boreal
Broad boreal

Species unchanged
Broad arcc

Dimension 1 (91.8%, ʎ = 0.25)

F I G U R E 4 Century-­long changes in the composition of plant species on the summit of Mount Nuolja, Sweden, between 1917–­1919
and 2017–­2018, using Multiple Correspondence Analysis testing associations between four vegetation classes based on temperature and
moisture, and whether species were lost, gained, or remain unchanged. Differences were significant, with trends towards Broad boreal
and Mesic boreal species at the summit, and the loss of mesic arctic species which are now associated with lower elevation snowbeds
tend to persist longer into the growing season (n = 54, df = 6, R 2 = 0.15; Likelihood ratio Chi-­square = 14.8, p = 0.021; Pearson ratio 14.5,
p = 0.025). [Colour figure can be viewed at]

as open habitat but now with significantly greater standing biomass There was wide inter-­annual variability in phenology between
(Figure 3c; Figure S2). 1918 and 2017–­2018, but no overall change in community-­level phe-
At the mountain summit, there were small net changes in overall nological duration (Figure 7a,b). Similarly, our more extensive com-
species richness but high turnover since 1917–­1919. There were 17 parison of emergence between 1917–­1919 and 2017–­2018 showed
new summit species, mostly boreal taxa, which coincided with the wide inter-­annual variability but with relatively smaller differences
loss of 20% of species formerly present (Figure 4; Table S2). Loss among eras especially for leafing (Figure S3). The net effect is a simi-
from the summit were mostly mesic arctic species of wetter and lar pattern of plant emergence relative to snow melt, with high inter-­
cooler vernal conditions (Figure S4). These taxa were largely dis- annual variability depending on winter temperatures but no overall
placed to lower elevations (Figure 2) where snowbeds persist lon- difference in snow melt starting time on May 25th or by elevation
ger (Figure 5). Interestingly, there was not a dramatic change in the over the growing season (Figure 5).
timing of snow melt at the summit since the early 1900s—­the sum- For example, winter 2017 was warmer with more precipitation
mit has always become snow-­free earlier in the season compared (Figure S1), extending the spring melt period that, in turn, delayed
to downslope, presumably due to high wind and solar exposure plant emergence compared to 1918. By contrast, 2018 had a cold
(Figure 5; Figure S2; Table S3). and dry winter with little snow (Figure 5; Figure S1) such that many
Downslope, the treeline was higher by 63 m since 1918, subsum- plots were snow-­free in late May—­predictably, emergence of leaf-
ing the former zone of shrubs (Figure S2). That shrub zone, however, ing and flowering was many days faster in 2018 than 1918 or 2017.
expanded even more and is now 123 m higher. Overall, expansion However, this earlier emergence did not lead to longer phenological
of the forest and shrub zones has decreased the open alpine zone duration. Duration was maintained by a tight connection between
by ~30% since 1918 (Figure S2). This upward expansion of woody emergence and senescence—­species that started earlier also ended
plants into high-­elevation open areas appears to be ongoing, with earlier, for both leafing and flowering (Figure 7). The net effect was
a number of forest species including birch trees found recruiting in that the duration of growing season, defined as emergence to senes-
all plots above the shrubline including the summit plots (Figure 6). cence, was largely unchanged between 2017 and 2018 versus 1918
Snow melt dynamics among the 5 years examined varied strongly (F2,602 = 2.28; p = 0.104), although emergence in 2018 was almost
by elevation and by year, but not by ‘era’ in the sense that trends in 30 days earlier on average per species compared to 2017 (Figure 7).
the early 1900s and present-­day were similar (Figure 5a,b). Our data
for local long-­term winter weather (defined as November–­March
each year), combined with our plot-­level snow melt data, clearly 4 | DISCUSSION
illustrate the well-­established positive connection between higher
winter temperatures and increased precipitation (F1,528 = 19.47; We tested for changes in the distribution and phenology of Arctic
p < 0.0001)—­warmer winters typically experience more snowfall. Mountain plants between two sampling periods spanning 100 years.
There was variation in snowbed persistence with elevation, with Given pronounced local warming especially since the 1980s, we
middle of the transect maintaining snow the longest into the summer anticipated a high likelihood of upward range shifts, a dramatic al-
(Figure 5b). This trend has not changed over the last century with the teration towards earlier and extended leafing and flowering, and
lower and warmer forested areas and upper and more exposed sum- possibly significant displacement of arctic-­affiliated flora. Overall,
mit becoming snow-­free weeks or even months earlier (May 25th we did observe pronounced range shifts by most species, accom-
snow melt [year, elevation]: F5,119 = 1.63; p = 0.157; Figure 5). panied by the invasion of southern-­affiliated flora. Phenologically,

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MACDOUGALL et al. 5077

F I G U R E 5 Percentage snow cover

per plot for the years of 1917–­1919 and
2017–­2019, with mean temperature
averages per date (°C). Colours indicate
temperature ranges from colder (blue) to
warmer (red). (a) Mean percent snow of all
plots by date and (b) mean percent snow
cover by elevation for May 25th for the
early 20th (red) and early 21st centuries
(blue), with less at lower elevations in
areas dominated by woody plants and at
the exposed mountain summit [Colour
figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.

however, there was wide inter-­annual variability but no detectable into the remaining open arctic habitat, and a potential lack of flex-
pronounced differences in length of growing season between the ibility in the timing of senescence raise uncertainties about future
two survey periods—­relationships among snow melt, the onset of response trajectories.
leafing and flowering, and the timing of senescence were similar in One limitation in quantifying past climate responses in the arctic
both eras. We also observed no evidence of species loss from the is a rarity of spatially precise long-­term data. A warming arctic can
mountain overall—­all taxa seen in the early 1900s were present be more productive and highly invaded by southern taxa yet vari-
in the plots or, if displaced, still occurred nearby on the mountain. ability in these patterns can be widespread for reasons that are not
These data represent a rare opportunity to look back in time, to test always clear (Berner et al., 2020; Myers-­Smith et al., 2020). These
for resilience mechanisms in arctic flora involving migration and phe- mixed responses could reflect lags created by long generation times
nological adjustments against significant warming. They reveal that of plants, the possibility that substantial change occurred prior to
distributional shifts, including range contraction, have likely helped onset of most studies, or that range impacts are localized, thus af-
to maintain persistence, especially against the upward expansion of fecting some portions of the range more than others. We observed
southern-­affiliated plants. However, ongoing invasion by boreal taxa evidence suggesting the influence of each of these factors, providing

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5078 MACDOUGALL et al.

F I G U R E 6 Invasion of boreal genera

above the maximum extent of the
shrubline on Mount Nuolja, Sweden. Each
dot represents the location of a seedling
or stunted individual of a species where
no mature adults exist. The bottom
axis, at ~600 m, represents the upper
elevation limit of the current tree-­and
shrubline [Colour figure can be viewed at]

insight on the magnitude of change for arctic plants and the under- expansion of woody trees and shrubs is consistent with observations
lying causal mechanisms. in arctic landscapes globally (Myers-­Smith et al., 2011). There was
For species distributions, the average mean range shift of 6.1 m also a compliment of invading herbaceous flora mostly of the forest
higher per decade was less than the 11 m decade estimate of Chen understory, which have been reported as expanding to higher lati-
et al. (2011) but identical to Parmesan and Yohe (2003). These higher tudes and elevations elsewhere (Pauchard et al., 2016), and are gen-
mean ranges reflect both upward migration and contraction from the erally taller and faster growing than most arctic flora. Interestingly,
lower range limits, with few species demonstrating both responses. many of these advancing boreal species are palatable to reindeer,
Changes in maximum elevation have commonly been used to esti- with preferential grazing elsewhere acting to stabilize arctic com-
mate overall montane range shifts but can be biased if they reflect munities against their establishment (Olofsson et al., 2009). Indeed,
rare uphill dispersal—­our work shows that mean and maximum range reindeer herds persist on Mount Nuolja, sometimes in large num-
shifts closely align. At the summit, we observed limited net change in bers, but do not occur at the consistently high densities seen else-
species richness, a finding contrary to other studies reporting signif- where in the Scandes Mountains, and seemingly not in high enough
icant gains or reductions in richness by a range of mechanisms (e.g. densities to resist tree and shrub expansion. In particular, the use of
Niskanen et al., 2019; Steinbauer et al., 2018; Thuiller et al., 2008, the lower parts of the transect by reindeer has decreased since the
2005). We did observe, however, significant underlying species turn- 1917–­1919 due in part to changes in herding practices (Callaghan
over with the downward displacement of mesic arctic taxa being et al., 2013)—­this may play a contributing role in the upward invasion
offset by the colonization of wind dispersed taxa and arctic plants of plants at our site that might be resisted elsewhere (e.g. Sorensen,
with broad habitat tolerances including xeric conditions. Finally, our 1941).
migration data illustrate an array of species-­specific responses in- The second response group was arctic flora of mesic habitats,
cluding expansion, contraction, or retreat, demonstrating that single with generally narrower and lower range occurrences including dis-
drivers of distributional change in arctic flora are unlikely. For ex- placement from the summit. There have been previous reports of
ample, the upper range limit of mesic species Oxyria digyna dropped montane flora descending with climate warming, with lower slopes
by 114 m since 1917–­19 but its mean elevation only changed +10 m having higher moisture availability (Crimmins et al., 2011). We
because of a similarly large contraction from below (204 m higher)—­ suspect this is the case at our site. A key factor for summer mois-
the small change in mean distribution hides a narrowing range width ture availability, at the summit in particular, is melting snowbeds.
by 318 m. Interestingly, our data show no substantial change in the timing of
Despite these variable species-­level changes in distribution, we snow melt at the summit or down slope. What has changed, how-
did detect several broad response syndromes—­rapidly climbing bo- ever, are local temperatures such that plants are almost certainly
real species invading from lower elevations, a small group of arc- experiencing warmer and possibly drier conditions whenever they
tic species whose mean distribution shifted downhill, and a group first emerge and throughout the growing season. This suggests that
of arctic species with higher mean distributions driven mostly by the persistence of mesic arctic species may be increasingly linked
low-­elevation contraction. Invading southern species were plants to snowbeds, which last longer at lower elevations. We lack direct
typical of Boreal Scandinavia, with distributional centres below the data to test this association, but it is consistent with reports from
Arctic Circle including the widespread canopy tree B. pubescens and elsewhere globally where plant responses to warming are shaped by
a suite of woody shrubs especially non-­Arctic species of Salix. This moisture availability (e.g. Gilbert et al., 2020).

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MACDOUGALL et al. 5079

(a) (b)


End of phenophase compared to 1918


– 20

– 40

– 60

60 2018


0 Flowering



-70 – 50 – 30 – 10 0 10 30 50 70
Days shorter days longer
Start of phenophase compared to 1918

F I G U R E 7 (a) Comparison of phenological emergence, senescence, and duration by elevation for combined phenological stages, 1918
versus 2017 (blue) and 2018 (red), testing the hypothesis that recent decades of warming would see earlier and more extended phenophase
activity. Phenological onset for 2017 was generally later than 1918 because of pronounced late winter snow accumulation, which delayed
leaf emergence and flowering. The opposite pattern occurred in 2018, with snow melt 1 month earlier than 1918. Despite that, the
durations of phenology for 2017 and 2018, relative to 1918, are largely overlapping (average 2017: 1.98 days shorter [SE = 1.1]; average
2018: 1.21 [SE = 1.2]) and did not differ (F1,602 = 3.67; p = 0.06). Shaded bands indicate 1 ± SE for the overall mean of all species. Error bars
indicate 1 ± SE for each species. (b) Relationship between phenological emergence and senescence for leafing versus flowering, for 1918–­
2017 (top) and 1918–­2018 (bottom). Despite pronounced differences in winter climate (Figure S1), snow melt (Figure 5), and emergence
and senescence, the timing of the two phenophases are significantly associated in both years (2017: F1,264 = 10.4, p < 0.0001; 2018:
F1,264 = 4.56, p = 0.03). This tight pairing in both years occurred despite flowering duration in 2017, for example, being shorter than 1918
while leafing duration was longer; flowering duration in 2018 was similar to 1918 while the duration of leafing was much longer. Shaded
bands indicate 1 ± SE for the overall mean of all species. Points are for each species [Colour figure can be viewed at]

Finally, there was a response group of arctic species associ- driven by displacement from lower elevations. Overall, expansion of
ated with areas of open meadow between the treeline and summit. the forest and shrub zones has decreased the size of this open alpine
Although these species can have broad habitat affinities and the zone by ~30% since 1918, consistent with other systems showing
magnitude of their distributional shifts since the early 1900s varies, that mountain species can become increasingly habitat limited as
they are generally unified by having higher mean range occurrences southern species sweep uphill (e.g. Alexander et al., 2015; Pauchard

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5080 MACDOUGALL et al.

et al., 2009, 2016). Furthermore, our work suggests that this trend both century-­long and 30-­year averages for our region. An alterna-
is likely to continue, if not accelerate. We observed birch tree seed- tive explanation is the presence of some level of adaptive canaliza-
lings recruiting in every plot above the shrubline, indicating that tion in arctic plants, where the duration of phenological periods is
environmental conditions are sufficient for tree establishment and fixed relative to emergence, although growing conditions into the
short-­term persistence, even if they are currently too extreme for summer could remain favourable (Semenchuk et al., 2016). Several
survival to adulthood. Given that recent and projected future trends Arctic studies have alluded to this possibly of phenological ‘hard-­
show ongoing warming for the arctic; however, the survival odds of wiring’ (Semenchuk et al., 2016; Sorensen, 1941; Starr et al., 2000;
these upward invaders may increase. Wookey et al., 2009), possibly due to evolved physiological time
Migration is a longer-­term response to climate involving new col- constraints on reproductive completion to avoid late-­summer cold
onization. Given the dramatic inter-­annual and interdecadal swings or drought. They may also be adaptive connections that maintain
in climate seen in our region, shifts in phenological timing would synchrony with pollinators, which also emerge at snow melt and
presumably be a more immediate mechanism of resilience. Indeed, can have short foraging seasons at high latitudes (Semenchuk et al.,
such shifts have been seen widely in arctic flora, including both 2016). Regardless, the net effect was no detectable net change in
earlier emergence and contraction of flowering seasons (Prevey duration despite significant climate changes. It is critical to note that
et al., 2019). Other studies have shown the importance of warmed this does not necessarily mean there are no adaptations to arctic
autumns, for extending growing seasons and invasion (e.g. Fridley, warming at our study area. However, if they have occurred, they
2012), which are less tested in arctic systems (Gallinat et al., 2015). would be difficult to detect because inter-­annual changes in climate
Here, we possess an unprecedented measure of plant leaf and flow- and snow melt are so large as to mask any adaptive changes during
ering phenology. In short, we see dramatic inter-­annual variability in the last 100 years. As well, most of the 83 species were examined
phenology that was similar within both eras, but no overall change are long-­lived perennials such that 100 years of warming may still
in phenological duration—­unexpectedly, the length of time between only span one or several generations at most.
emergence and senescence in the early 1900s and now is similar. There are several prognoses for the future of our high-­latitude
The reasons for this lack of change in duration appear to be two- mountain plant community. Ongoing upward expansion from south-
fold. Foremost is the timing of snow melt—­we found that phenolog- ern species threatens to increasingly restrict the extent of non-­
ical emergence each year is regulated by snow cover, not warming forested habitat (e.g. Arft et al., 1999; Van Bogaert et al., 2011). We
per se (e.g. Assmann et al., 2019; Bjorkman et al., 2015), and that the also detected migration shifts by most species, which we interpret as
average timing of snow melt has not shifted substantially, by eleva- direct or indirect responses to warming temperatures but also mois-
tion or by timing in spring. Our data for local long-­term weather and ture availability controlled by snow melt. Clearly, arctic montane
plot-­level snow melt clearly illustrate the well-­established positive plants face challenges in time and space. Temporally, the easiest
connection between winter temperature and precipitation: our re- responses are immediate within-­season adjustment in phenology,
gion is warmer overall, and as a result warm winters receive higher which we observed for most species. Spatially, however, the risk
snowfall that presumably takes longer to melt in the spring. The net of not moving is to be over-­run by boreal species sweeping uphill.
effect is a similar pattern of plant emergence relative to snow melt Temporal responses may be necessary to withstand the immediate
between 1918 and 2017–­2018, with high inter-­annual variability de- effects of warming, but insufficient longer term. Finally, the largely
pending on winter temperatures, but no overall difference in snow concordant trends in leafing and flowering phenology indicate capa-
melt starting time on May 25th or by elevation over the growing bilities of both phenophases to rapidly adjust to inter-­annual varia-
season. tion in conditions but also suggests their responses may be tightly
The second factor preserving phenological performance was coupled (e.g. Kochmer & Handel, 1986). Any form of tight coupling
the tight connection between emergence and senescence—­species where flowering is dependent on vegetative development may be
that started earlier also ended earlier, for both leafing and flowering. expected on Arctic Mountains, given their narrow and sometimes
The net effect was that the duration of growing season, defined as unpredictable growing seasons. However, any coupling of pheno-
emergence to senescence, was largely unchanged. Reports of lack of phases, especially a limited flexibility in flower time, could become
change in phenological duration have been made elsewhere in the problematic with more extreme arctic climates. The strength of phe-
Arctic (Myers-­Smith et al., 2019; Semenchuk et al., 2016). Our work nological coupling between leafing and flowering in arctic flora re-
indicates this could be a consistent trend, at least between the two quires further testing.
time periods of our study. There are several caveats to our results. The first is the clear
The reasons for tight linkages of emergence and senescence are difficulty in accurately quantifying trends in early emergence, given
difficult to determine. One possibility relates to growing conditions that the key driver of emergence—­snow melt—­can fluctuate inter-­
in 2018, with a considerably warmer summer potentially triggering annually by weeks or even months. Relatedly, the same quantifica-
early senescence—­mean temperatures in May 2018 were six times tion challenges exist with the influence of elevation—­inter-­annual
warmer than the previous year, and never went below zero. July fluctuations in phenological performance including emergence and
2018 was three times warmer than July 2017, with highs of 23°C. senescence interacted strongly with elevation. Many of our species
These spring and summer temperatures for 2018 are well above are distributed across at least two of the three broad vegetation

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MACDOUGALL et al. 5081

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