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Single slit Diffraction-2 DPP-08

1. A slit of width a is illuminated by white light. For red light (𝛌 = 𝟔𝟓𝟎𝟎Å), the first minima is obtained at
𝛉 = 𝟑𝟎°. Then the value of a will be
(1) 3250 Å
(2) 6.5 10−4 mm
(3) 1.3 microns
(4) 2.6  10−4 cm

2. The light of wavelength 6328 Å is incident on a slit of width 0.2 mm perpendicularly, the angular width
of central maxima will be
(1) 0.36°
(2) 0.18°
(3) 0.72°
(4) 0.09°

3. The penetration of light into the region of geometrical shadow is called

(1) Polarisation
(2) Interference
(3) Diffraction
(4) Refraction

4. A slit of size 0.15 cm is placed at 2.1 m from a screen. On illuminating it by a light of wavelength 𝟓 × 𝟏𝟎–𝟓
cm. The width of central maxima will be
(1) 70 mm
(2) 0.14 mm
(3) 1.4 mm
(4) 0.14 cm

5. A diffraction is obtained by using a beam of red light. What will happen if the red light is replaced by the
blue light
(1) Bands will get narrower and crowded full together
(2) Bands become broader and further apart
(3) No change will take place
(4) Bands disappear

Vijay Shukla CALL or WHAT'S APP 9833383098


6. A single slit of width 0.20 mm is illuminated with light of wavelength 500 nm. The observing screen is
placed 80 cm from the slit. The width of the central bright fringe will be
(1) 1 mm
(2) 2 mm
(3) 4 mm
(4) 5 mm

7. Direction of the first secondary maximum in the Fraunhoffer diffraction pattern at a single slit is given
by (a is the width of the slit)

(1) asin  =
(2) acos  =
(3) a sin = 

(4) a sin  =

8. Diffraction and interference of light suggest

(1) Nature of light is electro-magnetic
(2) Wave nature
(3) Nature is quantum
(4) Nature of light is transverse

9. To observe diffraction, the size of an obstacle

(1) Should be of the same order as wavelength
(2) Should be much larger than the wavelength
(3) Have no relation to wavelength

(4) Should be exactly

10. In a double slit experiment, the two slits are 4 mm apart and the screen is placed 1 m away. What should
be the width of each slit for obtaining 20 maxima of double slit within the central maxima of single slit
pattern for same distance of screen. A monochromatic light of wavelength 500 nm is used to illuminate
the slits.
(1) 0.2 mm
(2) 0.8 mm
(3) 0.4 mm
(4) None of these

Vijay Shukla CALL or WHAT'S APP 9833383098

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