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Y8 L10 - What is development?

Task 1: Answer these questions using the information on slide 4 to help:

a) What does the word development mean?


b) What is the difference between an advanced/more developed and a less developed (LIDC) country ?


S&C: Why would you guess that the boys in the photo were living in a less developed country?


Task 2: Compare and contrast each pair of photos to describe any similarities and differences. The first one has
been done for you.

Compare these High Income Low Income Contrast these

photographs photographs
(How are they the (How are they
same?) different?)
Both homes have Low income looks
walls, ceilings, cramped and has no
furniture windows, made of

cheap materials.

S&C – how typical do you think each photo is of life in that country?


Task 3: How do we measure development?

Complete the table below. For each indicator, decide if it is social/economic and whether the number will be higher
or lower for an ‘Advanced Country’ such as the UK

Then explain in your own words how each indicator actually shows development

Indicator Social or Will an AC Explanation

Economic be High or

Birth Social Low ACs have fewer children because they are not needed to work. Children cost
Rate money to raise.

GNI Economi High People in ACs will earn more money than people in LIDCs – this means they can
(Income) c buy more things

S&C – aim to do more of the 13 indicators shown on the previous slide

Task 4: Explain which HPL tasks have you used today and how you used them?

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