3rd Int DD Ques O21

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Subject : DIGITAL DESIGN Time : 1 hour
Sub. Code : AMCS32 Max. Marks : 20
Class : II B.Sc., (CS) Date : 21.12.21

Part – A (2 x 1 = 2)
Answer ALL the questions

1. Which one of the following is the 2s complement of 11110000?

a) 00001111 b) 00001110 c) 00010000 d) 11110001

2. BCD representation of 12 is _________.

a) 00001100 b) 0001010 c) 00000110 d) 00010010

Part – B (2 x 5 = 10)
Answer ALL the questions
3. a) What is a flip-flop? Write down the characteristic equation of S-R flip-
b) What is the drawback of RS flip flop, design a flip flop which
overcomes this drawback and explain with neat diagram.

4. a) Using 2′s complement (i) Add (+80) and (-70). (ii)Subtract 79 from 26
b) Write a note on Sign-magnitude number.

Part – C (1 x 8 = 8)
Answer ALL the questions
5. a) Explain in detail the logic diagram of a master slave J-K flip-flop.
b) With a neat diagram explain about parallel-in serial-out shift register.

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