Mission 4

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The ba le brothers of the Blood Angels were an invaluable addi on to Inquisitor Lok's forces, and
fought in almost all the major engagements of the Anphelion incident, swi ly redeploying across the
surface of the moon using their con ngent of Thunderhawk gunships. Given the frequency with which
these indomitable warriors braved the Tyranid infested airspace over the jungles of Beta Anphelion
IV, it was perhaps inevitable that they would suffer the loss of at least one Thunderhawk, and that the
fate of the warriors onboard would be a deciding factor in the outcome of Lok's mission.


For this mission both players may select armies of up to 1500 points. The Blood Angels forces must
be split in half as equally as possible. One half will represent the survivors from the wrecked
Thunderhawk gunship and must include Dreadnought brother Halar. The other half forms the relief
force a emp ng to rescue the beleaguered Space Marines.

The tyranid forces must include at least one Haruspex or Carnifex.


This mission is set within the seething jungles of Beta Anphelion IV, a strange landscape rapidly
falling under the influence of the Tyranids' rapacious genome, and played on a 6' x 4 playing area.
Terrain should be predominantly jungle trees and other such terrain pieces. The centre of the board
should either incorporate a terrain piece to mark the crashed remains of the Blood Angels’
Thunderhawk or an area of the table should be marked as difficult terrain to represent the wreck.


The Imperial player deploys the en rety of their Space Marine crash survivors detachment first, into
the marked deployment zone. The remainder of their army then forms the relief force and enters
play using the Relief Force mission special rule. The Tyranids player may deploy their units 6” from
either or both of the short board edges.

Players roll off to determine which side gets the first turn.


The game will last for five turns.


At the end of the game, the player who has scored the most Victory points is the winner. If both
players have scored an equal number of Victory points then the game is a draw.

Primary Objec ve

At the end of the game, the Imperial player scores Victory points for each unit from the Space
Marine allied detachment deployed at the start of the game that remains in play at the end of the

The Tyranids player receives Victory points for each unit from the Space Mannes allied detachment
that is completely destroyed. The number of Victory points scored depends on the unit type and is
shown in the table below.

•Character: 4

•Infantry: 2

•Vehicle 3

•Bikes/cavalry: 2

Secondary Objec ve

Clash of Giants:

If Dreadnought brother Halar destroys a Tyranid Haruspex or Carnifex the Blood Angels player gains
an addi onal 6VPs. If Dreadnought brother Halar destroys a Tyrandi Haruspex or Carnifex in melee
combat the number of extra victory points is increased to 10VPs. Similarly if Dreadnought brother
Halar is slain by a Tyranid Haruspex or Carnifex then the Tyranid player gains an addi onal 6VPs, this
is then increased to 10VPs if brother Halar is slain in melee combat.


Proud to live, hard to kill:

Brother Dreadnought Halar gains the Feel no pain (6+) special rule for the purposes of this mission.

Relief force:

At the beginning of the Blood Angels second turn the relief force may begin to arrive on the
ba lefield. Roll a dice for each unit in the relief force, on a 4+ that unit is immediately deployed to
one of the relief force entry points (determined randomly). These units may make a normal move
trea ng the board edge as the star ng point of their movement.

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