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` Ro‖ Fig,...1.:.1・

・ 。

Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) 13t Prof: Annual Exam-2022 'r.Ror No. in words.
P,lITl望 u‖ cel Chemお tryJ(organt)

{0:d&New Co望 ,e)PJrt二 :{こ Omru:sory) Time:30 Min. Marks;20 '.l

、Signature of supdtl

Q.1. Encircle the right answer cutt:ng and oven″ riting is not a‖
owed。 (20xl=20)

1.恥 饉 oftt fOllowing isl職 fOr tt Orda of鍼 r Of… onS7

A10>20>30 B。 10>3● 320 c,20>30>10 D◆ 30>20>10
2.町 ugatiOn城 議 ル鵬 in molcul● 薇 chhave_…
……二 .

A.● bond3 0nly B.π bonds鋼 町

c- Alt€rnato n and r bonds D. Aqiac€d o md c bods

3. Which of the followings is the stnongcst acid?

A' crbcooH B. ctcH2cooH c. cbcHcooH D. cbccooH

4. The end pmduct of Bayer-villiger oxidation of cyclic
ketonps is , , ,.

A. Amides B. Estm c. Iac.tones D. aS unsdurard aldchydes

5。 All oftt fO1lowings have psitive inductive d鶴 tex0
A. -CHr B. -COOH C.‐ CA D3‐C3H,

6. Optical isomerism is present in

A. Compounds conuining aslnnmeftic crbon B. Compormds with doublc bmds
C. Corrpormds with singlebond Do Alicyclic cOmpoundr
7. optical isomers ufiic,h aro mirmr imago$ of each othor are cailed

A. Enantiorners B' Diasterpomers C. Gstncfiical isqm€rs D. Com&mational irrms

8- lvhat tlp of isomerism dom the fouoning structucs shorri'?

A Funational isomerism 8,, Positiooal isornc,rinn

C. Chain isomerism D. Ta$om€ris

Page 1 of 2 P.T.0.
9. Which of thc following is not a ffiggcred oonformer?

A. Arti B. Gtuchp C, Eclipsed D. Bothaandb

10. which of the foltowing hctmcyclic moiety coostihffi fudol0?

A. fyristidire B. fyridine C. Pyrazine D' P5rrolc

11. [/hich ofthe following fu ahsterocptc moicry coqltahing o:ryg€Nf

A. furan B, Pyrrcle C.Indolo D. Quinolire

12. The general formula of-is'RC@H.

A. Aldchydcs B. Ketones c. carsoxylie acids D. Ph€nols

13. Hemoglobin amd cytochrome consist of ring.

A. Puine B. Pyrimidirc C.Sddino D. Piperidinc

14. Paal-Knorr synthesis is a commoo mute to - prcdtlcc

A.QuinOline B.Is∝ 山 Юl加 C.Five memLEdringsぐ 機 島 瀬 andl即 面 埒

"品 “
Do S法 memberedringsOwin●91ツ田瀬dine and"減ω
15。 Wbichofte following魚 鵬 わ 献 gollp is釧 鋼 ぼ ble tO坤節 lytic olear7

A.mme B.ALne C.― D,A轟

16.FattiH四瓢 聰mttt静 劇 い s “
whichoftt following7

A.│‐ hal。 騰競 邸 B。 ●‐
Llo ketones C.t‐ ha10 kCton● D.ル脇 抽は議

17.Favorskti F―ngmer involves whim oftt following7

A.Carbanion B.伽お 正田 ion C.F臓漱饉銀 DoCabme

露4Ⅷ ぬ OFdle 01酬 ng involvesガ de7

A.Homm reanngement B,WolFtarangemm

C。 ■嗜ttig… Do Allylio emngment
1免 W… M∝ 覇 n諄 興 颯剛お involveu藤ぬ of伽 ,f餞 酬由 ′

A canmiOn BoCanomtiOn c.C縁燒 Do Ni鮨嚇 .

20.hPimelpinmolone 哺 織 ●ftt fouowingぉ 織 轟渕 1勉麟

A.10麒 2● ●6oTtiOns B. 20 ca$oodi.oos

c。 10 mOcations D. 30 carbocations

Page 2ot2
eD∝ わ 鳳 _m2轟
ry淵輛詳鵬:FlI晰 :淋 里 ⅢI1111
Time:2 Hrs.30 Min. Marks:80
Subjecfi Pharmaceutical GhemistryJ (Organic)
Paper:1(Old&New Course)Part― ‖

Note: Attempt any FOUR questions. Each question carries equal marks.

Q.2 @ of ttre followurg hct€rooyclic moietics; @x5*10)

1, Azirine 2. Fnimidine 3. Pyrao 4,Isoxazole 5. Quinoline
b) Write a note onmethods of preparationmd e,hemical reastios of


①ω 0
綱 ne.
Q.3 a) Give five methods ofprqparation of alkyl halides.
b) Writc down the chmioal rcactions of crtoxylic acids.
Q.4 Describe method ofprcparation and chcmical reaotions of Grignard's
reagent 120
Q.5 Write a detailed note on the follo輌 ng: (lC);10)

a) optical isomerism. b) m€tltods for resolution of raccmic mixhtrs.
Q.6 ⇒Deme carbocttmi carbanion ttd■ ee瓢拠ale
DW壼絆down te mechanism and applications ofWittg認 田山風
Q.7 W五 撫 following nctio3S;(10,10
D Aldol田 雌鵬anda檄 阻 鋤 Hohnngmngement
It pn"rrnacy (Pharm.D.) tst Prof: Annual Exam-2022
B Doctor
Subject: Pharmaceutical Chemistry-ll (Biochemistry) (New Cource)
--- --a --
in Words.

Pharmaceuticat Biocheniistry (Old Courii)'

!--------------J, l---'-

timet 30 Min. Marks: 20 '..""""

- -----,

Paper: 2 Part-l (Gompulsory)

\,,Slgnature of Supdt:
This Paper will be collected back after exoiru of tlme limft mentioned above. then Subiective paper shall be attempted,, t.
Q.l. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (20x1=20)
l) pglycosidic linkage is found in rryhich of ttrc fo[o&ing?
I, Amylose c. Celtulose
b. Amylopectin d. Sucrosc
2) How mffiy members of viamin E family are found?
a,2 s8
b,5 d.lz
3) Fehling's Solution test is based on which of the following?
L Rcduction of aldehydc group c. Reduction of hydroxyl group
b. Oxidation of hydroxyl group d. Oxidation of aldehydc group
4) p and a glucose are known by which of the following?
a. Anomers c. Epimers
b. Tautomer d. Mcsomers
5) Hexokirlasc cau$Es phosphorylation at whish ofthc following?
a. Cl G. C3
b. c2 d. c6
6) Viryin oil is known by which of the following?
a. Hot prcsscd c. Ambicnt pressed
b. Cold pessed d. Stearn pressed
7) Name the vitamin which contairu steroidal ring
a. Vitamin A c. Vitamin D
b. Vitamin C d. Vitamin E
8) Name the viumin which is present in citrus fruits
a. Vitamin A c. Vitamin D
b. Vitamin C d. Vitamin E
9) Which of the following is not a Gomponent of thc serum?
a, Ions c. Clotting proteins
b. Molecules d. A aud B
l0) Which of the following analyte daermines fctal age?
a. Crcatinine c" Bilirubin
b, Phosphatidyl glyccrol d. Alpha fctal proteins
I I) What is the other name of vitamin B:r
a. Thiamine e. Pantothenic #ia
b. Niacin d. Ribollavin

Page 1 ol2 P.T.O.

t2) Which of ttre fotlowing $!eP6 is catatyzd by'ALA

& synttrcsis of porphobilinoggt c. syntlmis of & aminolsYulinic acid

b, Spttresis iryi"xyr*ttttylbitans d. Synttrcsis of umporphyrinogcn-lll
"f ltfiich iSe hiehly soluble fonn'
13) Uricasc converts uric acid into
8. Xanthine c, Ttroblrrmine
b.HypOXthi熊 d, Allantoin
10Ⅷ ChOrthef。 lbwing is卸 眸for∞ 嘲岡田e?
a, It is the inactive c_e c. lt isthc inorgpniqtkrmostrblc'
consittng oFptein onty, firmly tttEdrcd non'Protein
b. It iS the orttmic,― OlabileD Part
、 non‐ pmtein part WhiCh is d. It is &s spoenzymc togcttrr
loo31y attached to the with its non-pmtein Part
noncovalent‖ tages,

15)Whatお the name ofvitttnitt Which t usedお F巌 ∞ mp麟 頭 iom ofioo轟
a. B: C・ B6
d・ B12
:6)A nucleCtide consists of
a Pttne or ttimidine bre+ co Pwitte or pynmに ine b33+
sugar Sur+phOwhOmous
bo Rttne orpynmidine base+ d.Vitamin tt Base+
ptrosphorous PhosPhorous
glycolysis as compard to
l7)which of trs following is Etrs for ATP produdion in ancmbic
mrobt cOndmiOn絆
・ c, Even ATPs Production
ao Less ATPs production
b.MOFe ATPs prOduction d. No ATPs Production

18)獅0 0nd prduct Of"じ in轟 1ぃ饉On h O,1■ .b

→ Dipeptide
c) Polypepide
b)■ peptide O Amino acid
19)An aromatic=ぶ no acid iS
→ Lysine
D Arginitte め Glycine
2oUnpl―tt Odo露 d輔 爾 機
銀 餞 in a撤 ←熙』 ●d by the瓢 爆麟 OF

め CoppeF → 申 rOl

り T000phem1 0 Ch01∝ 曲耐

Page 2 ol 2
rmaCy(Pham,D.)ld Pr01 AnnuJ Exam-2022

響嵩‖l『 T螺1)(New
) COutte) ● Ti
PaPer:2 Part-ll


actiOns invoiVed in JyoolySiS(15mぼ →

Q2 at Descttbe“
bo Cltti"CarbOhydrates Wtt etxttples(5顧
(15覇 ぼ 機 )
Qぃ 3: れ D鐵 磁 い biOSynteSiS Offmy aciお
mple lipidS(5m齢 →
b.Descibe the chemiStry ofゞ
Ыogenesis.(10 markS)
Q。 4t ao Write a shOrt nOtC On urea
,SOurces,phy轟 o10giCal hnctiOn亀 80mmended dOW and
b.Writ dOWn Chemisり
deiciency symptomS OfVitrmin 31(10 marksb
。口成:On ofCmtinine.(10m測 躊 )
Ote On sourCes.generatiOn and鮮
Q.5t ao W轟 te a detalled■
■8;(2幸 5‐ 10 markSb
bo W餞 te a shOrt■ Ote On the fO1lo宙

io SpeCiiCity ofenZymes
ii. RibOnuCi"隅
ttt Chemistry,sources,physi010giCal ttnotiOns,recOmmended dOSC and
Qtt aoW壼
"d° Symptoms Ofvittmin D。 (10m劇 躊)
■ metabOtism heme tO prOduce ulimbin.HoW iS bilirubin excreted tOm
"a note。
機 bOdy?(10 maFkSb
iOn。 (10 markSb
a・ 隣 be ttrerent stepS InVoiVed h DNA repli颯
Qユ "轟 (10
:StFuCtureS Ofnitro8enous bag pFeSentin nuc:dC acidS・
bo W轟
"dOWn chemi“

、Ro‖ Fig......。 。

・・‖ ■
3● 1・

Doctor of Pharmacy(Pharm・ D.)lSt PЮ f:Annual Exam-2022 ヽRo‖ Words.… ……

Subject: Pharmaceutics-l (Physical Pharmacy)
Paper:3 Part-1(Compu:sOry){0!d&New Course) Time:30 Mino Marks:20` 、
■ 〓 量 冒 量 ≡ 菫 壺 壺 壺 壺 墨 墨 菫 壺 壺 壺 菫 壺 曇 壺 壺 壺 菫 ヨ 亘 壺 壺 壺 壺 墨 ヨ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ 菫 壺 菫 .....● ●●●●
==〓 =======〓 ===〓 ===冒 ==冒 ・・ ・・ ・・ ・・ ・・ ・・ ・・・
==〓 =〓 ====〓 ===〓
`Signature of Supdt.:
コ壺旦型匡」幽‐ 2璽ユ」コ堅」塑堕四凶 堕堅菫墜墜痙聾些響興磐聖聾響撃響些止堕口盤□墜ユ 、
EEn中 ●F● ■1^R▲ hFn^ヽ IT口 │‐ ′ヽ11E● TBAL1 0ttEET Aヽ `

‖ ヽ′

Q.l. Encircle the right answer cutting and overwriting is not atlowed. (20x1=201

in帥 断 d樹 :餞 輛 転
A.勁 鑽 揃 耐 劇 鵬 “
liqunds d.MirsibbU$fis
b.整 瞭 輛 濃 ible liquttofhtt bOllic戸 鮨 al恥 爾 弱ible l坤 雌 蜘 電 dir― 覇 :聰

●.哺 爾 釧 鵬 職曲 ●f:暉 bOllttpom

2J聰I潮 sysu“ り曲 薇
“ “"dttto:
an競 鶴 J露 :●
“ ●

b.lonio d爛 瞼 こ漁腱 rabm

3。 S輔麟 露酔 響 臓 目 饉澄 聯 :

"陸 `油
a.No卜 │●mm tC“お面b
bJL鶴 i● ● L d呻 わ

4.The most諄 曲 tCOn_min押 繭 藤 血 曲 面 脚 田輌田ド in:

aCttt oF伽 喝 b;*rbilryof&ry o.lkrpaillcvrlrcof&ug

d.comsnerthnof&rg c"Nt$rcofsoltffi
5.Colloidal pertiehs crn be wt xdcr
a.Liglrtmierocoopc b. ukmicmocopo c.Ccupord nicmcoops
d.&ahrarymlcrucops aQfihlmkxsoop.
6. Affition ofikolrol to hydtopldlic odbid lct& b:
a,P購 i麟 h bCり痢直輸 Cm_bl由 日西b哺
d.Solubli麟 面 on R嬢 抽劇彙海。

7A測 由雌麒輪 呻 ibtttll・ 詢抽麟 個回り劇蒔 16・20聰 中 to n鷹漱漁縞

a,Fmmingrgm6 b.Wcthgig!ilt c.Solt0ilirsn

d.Lnti-fomingqpntt "oOaorgcm
S.Ihc colli$iw praportics of t roftikm are tckd to:
a"pll ofthe *lutiolt d. !*l
b.Totsl numb6of soluU pruart h golr&n c.tohl nmtaofhns in sohdon

c.To$l volmr of solutiotls

g.Nrsrbcr of rnolce of rdrrc h I000g (t lg) of eotwtt b cilla&

3.%Weigl● ●lume L%撻 独疇静嗅雌 ..鴨 uり
d,Mole彙 覇ガon ●

… grrfrtr of oolitl is glbd :

r fu
1 0. ThG sMoa th* is tsrc&cd
&脳 顔 lb b. Sublimatc Q Ad80rb● ●

d.F轟 館Jじ e. Residue

Page 1 of 2 P.T.0.
:l.Surfamm h軸 ;HLB颯腱 Of醸 血 n16纂 昭 耐 諄:

atSolubilizingarnts LD― m C,Suspad138pts

d.Emubittng電 目 鱚 0,力 由 鮨 耐 咤 繊脚 曲

α m酬 議りmled― m:
12調 鵬 mo麟 impottnt comcen duFingcOttinuou3:購

aCottofttg bI.豫 型 圏 山 Valuo of鈍 N無 ご繭

・COncmmomご 轟 岬
● “
do Stabllity of鈍

13。 Flomtine… 鶴旬″おally med in:

acV翻 臨 d懸 l:離 魏 b・ h磁 耐 顧薇lldiOn c.SimpLd霞 臓 麟

d.stm distill富餞 On ●.中 Ve d饉 離gはon

14。 M漁晦 Of001b議 鰤 由 gd爾 調 離mobitiVCan“ S― d諄

EI颯 漁Юメ歯H諄 お
aoEImodialySis b・
C,… d・ U職 ‖直師
IS`Dお Ⅲ 醸 ,メ麟 口5欝 コ昭 面 晦 雄
… Ofabw●
aPttle Stt b・ 1磁 赫 C講 。1.biltt d。 醸

16Rが d COOling ybld5:

a SmalicetS b・ ■暉 競画│‐ 18 C理 膿漁md"響 孵劇S

d・ Very laFge Cryns e,Co― masses
tt pSS歯醐 静 輛 i脚 圏 醸 mmbmeSttCa閥

17.P面 藤 躙
暉 rS mo哺 籠購 脚FttdO

aiSuspmsion brお 16ds c,mi油騰 di輛

ぼ 働 嘔
18A suspendOn wtt a hi藤 脚 曖 曲 膠 OFdispmed 301轟 "田 貯 暉

亀日躊銀c now b。 鰤 dopl観轟00W CittExomy d・ Dibmaow

q鰺 麟8脚田輌蹴鮮
19.A solvent m tt mpable OFdomingぉ 鍵 雄器 釧田

aoPF030nlllc b.Amphゎ 剛麟 ・PMOplc

● dA離
20,H銀 哺●ake tt fOmed i● SuSpmslons:

aFloccu議 潤 boNon‐Floml● ●d● .0油山鳳 申 統 dN醸

Page 2 of 2
000° 000000000000.0000
e DoctOrll`:1増│「ECy(Pharm.D14St prof:AnnuJ Exam-2022 11り :No.… … .… 三
ヽ 。 .......●
Pharmaceutics-t (physicat pharmacy) ` ● ● ● ● ● :‐ :∵ :.:
Paper:3 Part_‖ Tim● :2 Hrs.30 MIn. Ma劇 k‖ 80
(o:d&New Coutte)

Note:Attempt any FOtJR ques■ ons.Each ques■

On carries equal marks.

0職 mmi..s tt di3m儀 曲 m巌
篤 搬 ド 角 ご

0 〕 躙 田 憮 ,p聰 麟 of鮨 購 dJngr08)

Q● ●hnN襲 説ODismBs機 鞠餞
0曖 脚準耐 。f鋤轟b磨 (1幼

り Brieny亀 ぼ 恥 儀 a劇 膿 漱 鵬 of燎 由 山 詢臨
h脚 薗 鷹 ッ(御)
QItt L ttcap.Dnecolld島 面 dinsthe劇 臨
ご噛 曲 (1の

0>lhttbe Ⅵ山鵬 熙山油 fOr饉 路pemtimofoOHoit(10

畿 面 伽 限 憮
缶 儀
智 … …
聰 臨 機 i甲 ぽ曲 山 山 h輌 れ
向 、
晦 懸
為 …

闇 蹴 f盤織 庶 寵 臨 孵 Fb蜘 輸 轟ゴ軸 h

け BridyelainabollnixotopyC081

馴 織 麟 盤鐵 識 L壼躍響 ご
鑢 Olrdersぽ Hctim tt thetiimpomce蠅 輸購ゎ

in Fts""
n. IllltrrEftGrn nE TLrE Drrrt tAEl
E0 ""*o"No'

ffi Doctor ;ffi;; if'"ufifil

"]i:' :: :::*s
b'o n ,o *,n. ,.?=+
;:i,"T: '.l1*", , _;;r;;;
\,,Signature -;;
of SuPdt':

allowed' (20x1=20)
and ovenarriting is not
Q.l. Encircle the right answer cutting
i. output Oft'fena W.heert rrto cqudrl
a. Cadiac efficiencY
b. Cardisc index
c. Snokevolumc
d. Meaoartoial Pressure
ttc C-hbrtdc $it!
2. lYhlch of tbc foffifus wsot oosrrt dutry
a. Chlcirto ic r€moved from €rylhtosl/tps
b. Chloride icerchrnged forbiGT bot{8t's
c. Bicarbonarc is removcd frorrsnthPsyta
;. niotton"tt isremovcdd*.;b. r buffen
ttc frocdor of pbor proerr
3. whhh .rpr"*oun-iii
.. Plasma pmtein malses a buffer
;. pGt*'ptuuin immune to darnr6pby acids
on thcir $rfrocs
c. Itotoins t "* iJii itettitt anaio*ii'o *orrs
d. htainsarcalkaline
rt thG lcrrd of tforrc b crilod
{. c.rnonr."ctrngllti oGsrr!
a ErcrnalrcsPirdiut
b. lnttrPrlmorarY resPiration
c. IntcrnalrtsPiration
d. PulmonerYvotilatbtr
E lrc frncrioul uaitt of food ebaorplioa'
aF*Eooa cctls
b. Small ht€stiae
c. Villi
i. Agsrsgdod tymphoid noduhs
6. Crlclrm rnd phorphrtc bhncctrccontrcllcd
8. ParathYroid hormone
b. 1,25(OH)2D
c. Aldostotone

..ucs rdrcnrr ncduur ro rtrcrcaplrc,hrt*rrd

,. ti"XiTr:f;ffir:, lGrvcc
a' Som*ic
b. SYmPoth*ic
c. ParuYmPathotic
d. Nom
& Miulrun bbod Prcururclrln:
a. Aorta
b. Artcriog
c. CaPilluhs
d. Vemacava
f. iuouonicNervourYrtcm rlhcrt
8. Reflex aEtions
b' SensorYoqans
c. Visce6l.organs
d. Nono
a b, c.d.

Jrn6glomcnrlar aPParms
Renel pelvis
Page 1 otZ
tr. nenour ryrrou hctndc etr of
Irr3frflTl;i;ltc rrc followtasr crccpr
b. Endocrlne gands
c. Skoletal muacles
d. Exocrine glards
t'' rr rrirod Inro
f"ilil"coreof 'nouech h4e nunbcr of fordr crrhd ,
b. cilh
e. Rugrc
d. Capillarics
fo[owlry rnrtomicel ltructu*r
't lthl#f tr nor pert of the conducrrrg
b. Nasal cavity
c. Alveoli
d. Bronchi
fonowrng hormone bcrpr
"' r[t rthe
rn rccrtdor of HCr fium
b. Ggstrin
c. Secrctin
d. pepsin
15' wbreh lphrtrchr prcvent
regurgrtrtron of food firm the rtomecb
b. Sphincter ofOddi
c. Bimihal vatvc
d. vi[i
t6. Whlcb of thcre lr e vrsoeolrtr{clor?
a. Nirisoxids
b. Nuiurcdshormono
Angiot6nsin tr
17. Renln k relGelod lu
rcrponre to

b. Dacrsasdblood-prcnnr
c. ACE
d. Diurctio
t8. In e blood prtrrutt Bcrrnrcrcnt
a. Syuolic prtssur! of lllts?tD, th arrber ?0 b &c
b. Diastolicprwulp
c. pulseprwnllt
d. MeanartcrialprcsEurt
,r. rcccrvcr btood
IoilO"ffifrhtfiafiy fioo rhryr,rcmhdnntr?
b. Lcftvenricb
c. Rightarium
d. Right venbicle
zo errnrdo rrc rcp*'tcd
Sc#*t frron act ottcr by orrcerbnc of tho rcner oorbr
& Renal msdullr
b. Minorcalpos
c. Medullary corticcs
d. Renal columns
Page 2 st 2

● Phyttdogy&Hbbbり
● ●●J‐
ぷ 出 瑞」
tPhysu"ypH&New Cours0
=ViVuy tt Π I●
2 11Ⅲ IIII
Lulυ uy′ rΠ y5日 010gy tul● こ NeW Course) Time:2H腱 .30 Min. Marks:80
,サ Part_II


Note: Attempt any FouRquestions. Each question carries equar


Q2.→ Explain the cOmposi饉 On ofPLASMA. 10

り Explain HEMooLOBIN in detail。
Q3,Describe the f01bttngp:

: TIC nervouS SyStem

ITORS,theirdisttibution and siral :
臨 К ttOn pathways.

Q4.⇒ 恥 職 10XYGEN CmGEinttb100d. 10

the factors ttdngthe cwe.

Q5。 → Wri"in detailabOut HEART SOuNDS andiぉ 竃 10us types. 08

り Explah hお ny about cARDIAC OUTPU■ sTROKE VOLUME and

γ →Ⅷ 仙満 購 eftt KIDNEY. _ 5
b).Desc」 be TuBuLARI躍 弧おsoRPTIoN in proximal∞ nvoluted part of
Q■ 筆 De撻 五 h碗 鮨 smcmご 鉱 sttGLAND鋭 お tubultt mes∬
cells,事 ,cretiOns and the lhnctiOn Ofeach sc


、Ro‖ No3in Fi9.・ ・

・ ●.■ │││││■ 111



Doctor of Pharmacy tPharm.D3)lSt prOf:Annual Exam-2022 `
―― ― ― ―… … 、―― ‐

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° gy(New Coutte} `

品 は じ :‖
Timel 15 Min.Marks:lo` ヽ・
・ ●
・… ……・

Q.1. Encircle the right answer cutting and oven″ riting is not a‖ owed.(10Xl=lo)

屋枇 6_ Eptthel:um of〕 贈6 deferens

a) Simplecoluarmr
L b) *erfutruifiedcitiared
C_ E慧 c)fr.nsiriomal epitheliurn
Do COmlonl暉 職 L壷 饉 _ d)fumifiedsquafious
l,Ih" Fft big toe is msto*r:ed ipsilarerel rs &c
2.ミミ v〈諄 田時 F_in
A.A漁 ゴぃ a) Tnre
B. I_tev畿 b) Fnlse
C_MedittE s色 面 範
Do QⅢ II面 送
& 彎 PNeS呻
b)Foramen elale
3_Abo“ 瀬覇酸 fOntaneII綸 ?
「 d)Fomenlathmm
・ 轟 毬 雄 S騨 :細 け
V驚 蹴 鷺
b) 5壷 _lid…
4.N輔 騨 向 siS鋤 血 c)が t_ial ttt
A_Nぽ 1■ 鋼嘔 inlS e"輔 inI綺 けc
ltt R確 叩 面 螂 _is
B. Pittilicメ ぃ
C.P∝i9,1ぃ ⇒ T― F"鸞
L AtocltCS bl越 輔 Lgcoh
c)A酬 破
5^ S構 _● dl-9 is Of
A´ th由
" tlbe
B_ Fallopian
C.0■ ■7
: Ro‖ No..1...・・ ・
・0・・・‥ :

遷嚢 DoctOrttYttF淋 l F THE
PrOf:Annual Exam-2022 。。。。.。 。0000000000000

Subject: Anatomy/ Anatomy & Histology (New Gourse)

Paper:5 Part-ll T:me:2 Hrs.45 Min. Marks:40

Note: Attempt any F}llRquestions. Each question carries equal marks.

A€$itrr 2:Describe Sneral and topographiral anamf of ttryroil dand? {■ 01

&restion 3: Dr'fferenti# dense and loose cofl;1eEtirc tissue proper? (101

Brestion 4: a.ElElahr t*Sary canalkuli system? 161

b.Dいattt m饉 癒b3of飩 職g憲 コ 14}

egestinn 5: a.Enlist intsoal and e:cternal mate genitalia and explain &ern wtth the help of labeled
輌 mm? 17)

b.En籠 壼lig田■o口じof erus? (3)

and口 持es ofhean7

無謳tkm 6:3_歌 が漁 鶴品腋ユ {4)

b.Describe―tow of untaFv bladder? (61

Quest轟 7:W酒 薩e note on

a. Cer*e{frrr* (5)

b. Cell itxtctkxts (5)


` ・
ヽRo‖ WOrds...・ ・・

、Ro‖ Nooin Fig........・ ……


I't Prof: Annual Exam-2022

中 ヽ

DOCtOf Of Phafmacy (Pharm.D.)

財L躙 出 Timc 30 Mho Marks:20_主
',.Signature of SuPdt':

that identifies the underlineo

e.l. Ghoose the answer option 1;Jl;;Uito"
in the sentence' ram;r'
L Elrln rtil ff f-afn*ou ftr fio !$tr
r. Adncrb
b Cqlurction
c. lSun
d. Plonun
a Sri"t"tcrAYotrbook'
r" A4iriivc
b. Adwft
●■ 3.LL “ι 4 れ

饉 赫 :


搬 P麟 爛 耐わ

L ﹂ ふ 島 れL ●こ ‘


習 L_“
鮨 儀 b 耐 L漁 籐 臓
帥 嘔 ・
“ b.● こ ■ ヽ L e a


饉競 p“ m
3● ● ttLtt mmL

中 e

& LL ●ι ■

The ttL畑 耐 胸 IW・

軟鴻unSti● ●

cm● 悧 暉 鶴 LttmlL

鶴が 4- 恥 輌圏疇


ふ 喘 P.T.0.

Page 1 ot2
皿 30n3mfOy日 晦 bn3職
rt蹄 場 嘩 聰
b・ 歌 可 mtton
e Noun
de恥 続
"椰 回 山 F輸 理 L_
静 Ξ蹴 鯖
L職 中 h “
名 Pbn颯
こ 歌由

F燎 朧・bm_‖ “"繊 e pa●.

L Advm
e・ 姉 中 麟
こ Nom
tW・ 鋼事
L Nolan
de V輛

L触 面
● Notm
d. 輛

― 機職L
「L Nolm
¬ 圏 i極
d, V嬌

bb口 鐵 憮 rme彙 菫 m岬
予 冒 蹴 :“ =職 町
LM“ …
町 卿 輸
こ Notn

F盤躍騨W‐ 鍛劇唾dPbrmynt.

L Nom
e nitim
撫 山 繭
・ 笙
L Noun
● Pmmoun
d・ Peosition
珈 暉 L“ ● ●H劇 ‐ n詢
静 酬
理 れ 饉 d巌 毎
轟 響
L職 巾 臨

襲 Pp130m
義 V綺

Page 2 of 2

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "a

“呻 Doctor of Pharrnacy(Pharm.D。 )lSt prof:Annual Exam-2022 I nottNo.,,...,.,,.,...., :

■ 6
1 Eng:ish cOmpu:60ry(New Course)
Part― ‖
Time: 2 Hrs. 30 Mln. Marks: 80

Note: Attempt ALL questions.

9?: kd tle pmgc carrfrrlty and rnlrer tbe querffom rmr{ingty.

chess is callcd tre gmre of kingp. It tas bocn arcund
for a rong time. peopre havc ben
playing it for ovc 500 years. clres is bascd oar m cvcn
otda grnc torn Loia. rhe choss rrc
play today is ftrom Europo, crres isatwoglayagamo.
onopraycruses drcwhitopiccor. Thc
othet uses thc whitc ck'picces blaokpicoe* Eaolr pioce moves
in a qpecial uray. onc
piece is caltcd thc king. Eoch plryer hss onc. The playcrs
alcc t *r ,*iog
ool, picocs. If a
playor lands on a piecc, he or sho trkcg it Tlrc grme
cn& ulroo a phyu t#nis
or bcr l.,n&
Thercare afcwmorc rureq butthoso a*thc basrcs, somcpooprcrhinkttntchs
ftan a gamc. They ttrink that it mrkee thc mtnd stoogsr. crood-chcss playcrs
uu. t"l, toi*.
They toke 0reir time. They &ink about what will l4p€n nort
Thesc skills arc uscftl in lifc
and in clress. chces is kindof lilc as,o* ou forfts mind. yan
dont atwrys n"vi tot or
time to tlrink when playing chas. Therc is a typc of ctrc$ with
short tirne limib. Ifs callod
blitz clrcs. In blirtz chcsq cach play* gce &n mindos to nEc for
thc urbrc grrr. yo.r clock
st,rB fte oorcr prrycr's dock If you nrn orr o,ftime, you l.Ec.
c.r*, oririu chcs arc fut-
psc€d. che'' bnotlstforpcopre- corry,tcre hevc bcepbying.€ho.,
sincodp{97o& At
first {rcy did not pray well. They madc migtrkes. As timc w€nt on they gew
shmgsr. Ir
1997, r computer bcat $c hst player in trc world for thc
firc time. ririas a cornpx66 callod
Deep BIrc- Deep Brue was big. h took,p a wrrorc ruom.
By 2006 a ce[ phono courd bcst drc
beet playen in thc world. Ctres sur! hss come a long
way. Dont you drink so?

I. Whet ir thc ruttorrr purpoco ln wrlth3 tle rocoud prrgrrph?

a To explain the rules of chprs b, To compre dlfeaoot types of gamcs

c. To alk abord game pieccs d. To persuado people to play


2. wlhl b rot a recron tht chc* rr r toodwodrmtfortlo nrrd rcco.drry ro o'tut

a. Good chess playon &ink about what will happen ncxf

b, Good chess players ake a lot of risls.

c. Good chess playerr &ke their time.

d. Good chess playcrs use thcir braim.

Page 1 0f2 P.T,0.
3. f,ot hlg hlvc pcoph bc.t llryb8 ctct'?

a Ovcr lfl) Ycrs


c.Over 10(X) Ycus

d. Ova5(X)0Ycars

L Wlcrc dd tlc ArEc t t cl"t b buod oo cooc i'm?


b. Amoricc

o. Indla

d. All of tlrcse

5. \tUct Doli docr&a &o lrh l&r h ttc ftrrt prriirp[?

a Ttic prgph sgtF! ltd plErcrs $ould ti* lcsg'

b.Tlrlsprqr4h orgldnrtrow bltudcsr ir

c. Tldr pragl@r erylaim ttmo clocks


u'rys to ply cttci*

d. firts pragrPh decoibc nany difttt"t ④
Q3. Wrft m anry ol rly oes of&o Slvcr iopiL'

a Hdmtw副 艤
帆 珈 画 面颯
口鶴 P協 °°
Q4。 Wate3日 曝 r On 3Ey On3 0f儀 ♂

1織 :器 :淵 朧濾 認‰留蹴麒朧 m鳳
Q3, Wffi bd.[b dffiertr err irilb' hd"rL Dmhh'
ErPhlr' 00D
QG CY b r rrr*dthg docancat

Q7. X,lrt erc rrhr o(tnrffi

dfl ftru Ur{u o EryEl? (10D

Xtrfte r dhlofuc o uy olc of tc
gtva todtt'
a, Dirlogucbarrocnabrofiarmd slgcrcono€milg
b. Dialoguc bobrrc€r " ;ffi ; ;J'&" $o*trc
treortanoc of hgdumll


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