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- SAMPLE PAPER~1'"'""~" '"* '~

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( I . I

w. During Data Acquisition, feeding previous data into the[CBSE

machine is called
Board Paper Term 1 2021-22 ]
I SECTION A : OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS (a) Training Data , (b)!fe<iic~ g Data

(1 x =;;;-J (c) Testing Data .'{tJfEvaluatmg Data ••••••

4 out of the given 6 questio ~ : . . 4 learning algorithm ,

Q.1. Answer any
Jv. .. ............. are modelled on the human brain, it is essentially a machine
any extemai p ks)
i...................... is the inner urge to do something, achieve goals without useful for solving problems when the dataset is large. [CBSE Board
Paper Term 1 2021-22 ]
[CBSE Board Paper Tenn ressllrel
Jure for award or appreciation. 1 20'21-221 (b) Data Science
~) s If. . . • " (a) Compute r Vision
(a) Self-awareness V{"O, e -motivation
(c) Natural Language Processing •~ e u r a l Network
(c) Self-regulation (d) Self-con trol their related methods in

v. It is a concept to unify statistics, data analysis, machine learning and
ll. ..................... in communication implies "stepping into the shoes of others" order to understa nd and analyse actual phenome na with data. The above statemen t is related to
[CBSE Board Paper Tenn l 2021 2
~onsid eration (b) Courtesy - 21 Science (b) Natural Languag e Processi ng
-· ·········
(d) Algebra
(c) Concreteness (d) Clarity l (c) Computer Vision
vi. Select the correct features of Smart Bot:

[CBSE Board PQJHr 2023]

... ···••······

.....tI._.o••n.. •
...te ,,~ . [CBSE Boa,;d Paper 20231 . "-.
l... ··-7
ill. ~)~tanphi~alfiUorse••r..In (a) Smart-bots are flexible and powerful
uraphica l User Interface "
\' up on board
(d) Geographical User Interacti on'' _ (b) Coding is required to take this
(c) Graphical Upper Interface -· ......J
th (c) Smartbots work on bigger database and other resource s directly
iv. "To get success, every business idea needs to be unique or special •"Is e a ve statement a
myth or fact ? Paper Term 2 2021-22 (d) All of the above
. • [CBSE Board . ., (1 x S = S marks)
Q. 3. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions :
of the major problems related to sustainab le develop ment? Discuss briefly.~
v•.How food 1s one content data which includes the raw video
An AI system uses two broad classes of data namely
[CBSE Board Paper Term 2 2021_221
. descripti on, etc, and user activity data that includes rating a video, favoritin g/liking
streams title,
her higher education. But she doesn't know AI system measure s a
=11;!,~ ~;eden from India to pursue
a part a video, or subscribing to an uploader, and watch time. Based on this, the
time 1·ob This . (language of Sweden). Becau~e of this, she was unable to find, and happines s. It then starts computi ng personal ized recomm endation s to
IS an example of - user's engagem ent

. ·····• ................ : [CBSE SQP 2023-24] applicati ons.can you relate to this?
Eb) Ph . al b31Tler . . the user. Which of the following
(a) Interperso nal bamer \• ys1c [CBSE SQP Tans 1 2021-22 ]
. . . . . .
(c) Organisational banier . ,,
V<4J ungwsti c bamer (b)Siri •
Q.2 A (a) Self-driving car
• nswer any S out of the given 6 questions· i (d)YouT ube • ',
• (1 x 5 = 5 marks) (c)emailfilters
i. Radha is good at singing since childh nd
for her college festival but her ia &. th ood, she u erstands keynotes and is composing a song il. The .................. canvas helps you in identifying the key element s related to the problem .
. er wants her. to foe us on science •
............ skill but her father is not fin . . exams. She possesses [CBSE SQP 2020-21 ]
(a)Naturalistlntelligence ding it lucrative . [CBSE Board Paper Term 12021-22]
(a) Problem scoping ~ W s Problem
v(c) Musical Intelligence (b) Inte~rso nal Intelligence (d) Algorithm
(c) Project cycle
fi. Aaertion (A) . o be (d) Spatial Visual Intelligence data .
ill. Stateme nt 1 : Data Sciences majorly work around analysin g the
Reason (R) . hne can a good singer while the other can be a great athlete from many fields within the conte t f •
Stateme nt 2 : It employs techniques and theories
,L • umans have all 9 types of intelligences but at different level~. Mth
a •
• • Compute r Science, and Informat ion Science.

t/:! ~otb A and RRare correct and R ts. the correct explanation of A [CBSE SQP 2023-24]
(a) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct.
(b) Both A and
r are correct but R is NOT the correct explanation•of A (b) Statement 1 and Statement 2 are incorrect. '
. .
,c) A is correct but R IS mcorrect • ~tatem ent 1 is correct but Statement 2 is incorrect.

(d) A is incorrect but R IS •
correct. (d) Statement 2 is correct but Statement 1 is incorrect.
• Q 'S"'

colour image have? 2023
How many channels does ab-field of AI that is focused on enabling computers to •241 fi, What will be the _outcome, ~f ~e ~iction is "Yes" and it matches with the Reality? What will
v. ............................ a es . [CBSE SQp l'Sfaiid be the outcome, 1f the Prediction 1s Yes" and it does not match the Reality?
and process hu~an langu g • \!bfMach ine Leaming [CBSE SQP 2020-21]
(a) Deep Leanung (d) Data Sciences (a) True Positive, True Negative (b) True Negative, False Negative

(c) as the measure of balance between precision and (c) True Negative, False Positive (d) True Positive, False Positive
. . d tined


vi. Which of the folloWtng IS e ?

Q.S. Answer any S out of the given 6 questiom : (1 x 5 = 5 mar.ks)

~ 1 Score ard Paper 20231
i. If you do an image search for vacations on a popular search engine, the first few searches
(a) Accuracy ' (d) Punctuality mostly return the picture of beaches. This is an example of [CBSE SQP 2022-23J
(c) Reliability (a) Data Privacy (b) AI access
S out of the given 6 questions : . (I >< 5 :::: SIna
Q 4 Answer any Learmng • rk.,) Bias . (d) Data Exploration
i. Choose the correct statement related to ac _ne
• •
M hi
• . ' [CBSE SQP 2020-21]
ii. Recall-Evaluationmethodis
. b t of Artificial Intelligence that enables machines to improve at
Statement 1 : It IS a su se (a) defined as the fraction of positive cases that are correctly identified.

. . l I
with experience. (b) defined as the percentage of true positive cases versus all the cases where the prediction
Statement 2 : It enables machines to learn by themselves usmg the provided data and llJak
Paper Tenn 120 e true. I
Predi ti ns/Decisions [CBSE Board '2J.221
accurate c o • (c) defined as the percentage of correct predictions out of all the observations.
(a) Only Statement 1 is correct •
(d) comparison between the prediction and reality
(b) Both statements 1 and 2 correct
iii. ...............IJ... ..... means a picture element which is the smallest unit of infonnation that makes
(c) Both the Statements 1 and 2 incorrect
up a picture. [CBSE SQP 2023-24]
(d) Only Statement 1 is correct
il. ....................... is defined as the percentage of correct predictions out of all the observations.
[CBSE SQP 2020-211 iv .
(a) Vision

....... /... ............. helps in assigning a


category to a document, organize it in such a
way that helps customers to find information they want. For example spam filtering in email, l
(a) Predictions ~cy
auto tagging on social media, categorization ofnews articles etc [CBSE SQP 2023-24] f
(c)Reality (d) Fl Score
v. What is NLP? [CBSE Board Paper 2022] j
ill. Companies were fed up of bad debts and losses every year. However, they had a lot of ~ta
vi. With reference to evaluation process of understanding the reliability ofany AI model, define
which use to get collected during the initial paper work while sanctioning loans. They decided to [CBSE Board Paper 2022]
/ the term True Positive.
bring in data scientists in order to rescue them from losses.Identify the field of application

/ F7 ""'""' .,..._ •• ~~!'lllf

that can be used for the above scenario · SECTIONS J
(a) Genetics and Genomics " (b) Fraud and risk detection
(c) Internet search (d) Targeted Advertising
lv• ....................... is the process of finding instances of real-world objects in images or videos. Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions on Employability Skills (2 x 3 = 6 marks)
[CBSE SQP 2023-24/ , Answer each question In 20- 30 words.
(a) Instance segmentation (b) Object detection Q~tw o best practices for effective communication. [CBSE SQP 2023-24]
(c) Classification (d) Image segmentation Q.7. How does meditation help in managing stress? Discuss briefly. [CBSE Board Paper 2023J
v. Which of the following is the type of data used by NLP applications? [CBSE SQP 2022-13/ Q.8. Gurmeet has just bought a new computer for his office. Suggest him any two points which
(a) Images (b) Numerical data he should keep in mind to prevent his computer from virus infection.
(c) Graphical data [CBSE Board Paper 2023]
~ e x t and Speech

I . -.... r::...J.GG...L•- - - - - ~ ~ - -
d toesbegoo
{CBSE Board p,, • • • ou~ Therapy (CBT)o islecon alsere
andsid o giv d
entrepreneur. ve_ ~eh av1
Q 9 ur.n·te any four common functions of an "fl ~2 ~~
others. So, to ove rco me this , Cog ruti
pl_ em e:~ ~f set of a per
son in the ir
en each one of us Wozts ress stress as It i_s easy to un
•• m pment can actuallhi! hap
pen odnly wh
of the best methods to add av1~ur me their stress and live a
Q.10. Sustainable develo o at our end to !Oduce
therap y inc lud es und erstandi~g the behpeo p e ove rco
four ways w ch we can results. Th is of CBT, therapists help
toward s it. Me ntion any normal life. With the help
{CBSE Board Paper 202; happy life.For the situatio
n given above,
/J (2 x 4 = Blllarks) tement template
questions in 20 -3 0 words eac 1 Write the problem sta
out of the given 6 }' Term 2 2021-22}
Answer any 4 - 30 words. be collected. [CBSE SQ
Answer each question in 20 -ce s fro m wh ich dat a can
2: List any two sow . d ....; wi·th the help of
[C BS E IJoard Pape, 202JJ lor e the dat a? .
ont hm m euu 1
mp le of AI bia s. 3. How do we exp • bag Of wo rds alg
Q.11. Explain any one exa
[CBSE Boar,1Pape, 202JJ ce to NLP, explam
Q.20. With referen
What is dimensionality red uction ? d, to our lives nowadays. Livroa ing in an urban area
Q.12. any two points that he nee d. Mostly, school
to access dat a fro m var ious sources. Suggest him 202 J.J; J examp le. mon part of tun . get out on the . d
Q.13. Ajay wa nts [CBSE SQ P Q.21. Traffic Jams have become a comch ry e you suc h Jams
ess ing data from any data source. " traf fi and eve
an times the bus gets late due to
keep in mind wh ile acc [CBSJi SQP202 1-2 4) c ea d to predict
with an example. means you have to iace go to s~hool. M y . Th an AI model is create ·
Explain the tenn resolution ntion the studerts opt for bus es to e. t us, bool or no t The confusion matnx
Q.14. processes on NLP.4Jso me h th err school on tun
plain the follow ing pic lur e which depicts one of the a,d Pa per 2022] c
studerts are not able to rea a traffic jam on their way o sc
Q.ts. Ex [CBSE Bo explidly if there would be
ich wil l be ach iev ed by this process.
pwpose wh for thesame is-
Actual: 1 Actual :0
The Confusion !datrix
50 50
I Predicted : 1

0 0
Predicted : 0
. blem ..
F1 score for tbe given pro -2 2}
• /

{CBSE a- ,/ P,,pu nn
,, 2, ~~
process of calculating
/ Jxplaln the nce, wntiDg
oa is lo di e,. .._ .; He ] .
ap lai n -t
/ as questi Is --. .J- for this question. · .
/ optional
No1 te : [Calculations arepreas1 -w and Fl sco
• •on, -
11 .re MI UIU al
Also the formu la for
lain the tenn Accuracy.
Q.16. With
giv e
nul a
to eva
to cal
e of AI project cycle, exp
[CBSE Bo ard
h (4 x 3 = 12 marks)
Pa per 202 2]
ou t of tlJe giv en 5 que stions in SO - 86 words eac
Answer any 3
Answer each question in
20 - 30 words.
all the devices which are
tenned as smart are Al-ena
bled?- /.
it be val id to say tha t ich are com mo nly
Q.17. Win m daily life wh
tify this sta tem ent Exp lain any two examples fro Bo ard Pa per 202 3]
und ers too d as Al. in det ail abo ut how dat a
mis ject cycle? Also, explain
Q. 18. What is the signifi
can ce of the Al pro
/CBSE BoardPaper 202 3 J ..
data exploration. n the tiniest taslcs and are
acquisition is different from petitio n in eve
is com pet itiv e now ada ys. People face com meet these

Q.19. The wo rld

at every point in time.
When people are unable to
d to giv e the ir bes t We get to hea r a Jot of
expecte depression.
d and could even go into family issues,
expectations, they get stresse pee r pressu re, studie s,
ressed due to reasons like for them as we_ n as for
cases where people are depeventually get into something that is bad _ {!Z)
relationships, etc. and
the y _ _ _ _
I {1_8)

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