Lesson Plan Four

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‭Unit Lesson Plan # __4__‬

‭*Top blue section can be copied and pasted for each lesson.‬
‭ ini-Unit Title‬ M
M ‭ agnetism ‬
‭Content & Grade‬ ‭7th grade Magnetics ‬
‭You and a couple friends went hiking southward into the woods…. Now you're lost in the‬
‭Driving Question‬
‭woods, how do you navigate your way home?‬
‭Model/Product‬ ‭compass presentation‬
‭A compass responds to earth's magnetic field, when it's the strongest magnetic field in‬
‭the area‬
‭Content Area &‬ ‭7th grade science ‬

‭Lesson Title‬ H ‭ ow can magnetism help us find our way?‬

‭Lesson‬ ‭50 min‬
‭Resource(s)‬ ‭ ‬ ‭https://glazermuseum.org/compass/‬‭‬

‭Overview of this‬ s‭ tudents will be making a poster presentation on how their compass works and how it‬
‭Lesson‬ ‭relates to earths magenic field. ‬

‭Previous Lesson‬ ‭This Lesson‬ ‭Next Lesson‬

‭ uilding the‬
b ‭start posters ‬ ‭presentations‬
‭compass ‬

‭ S-PS2-3B: Types of Interactions - Electric and magnetic (electromagnetic) forces‬

‭can be attractive or repulsive, and their sizes depend on the magnitudes of the‬
‭State Standard‬
‭charges, currents, or magnetic strengths involved and on the distances between the‬
‭interacting objects‬
‭Mathematical Practice or‬ ‭Asking Questions and Defining Problems‬
‭Science & Engineering‬ ‭constructing explanations and designing solutions‬
‭Practice ‬
‭Lesson Key Idea(s)‬ ‭students will be building a model that represents their findings throughout the unit‬
‭students will be able to define/illustrate what a magnetic field is by explaining how‬
‭Lesson Objective‬
‭their compass is affected by earth's magnetic field . ‬
‭Essential Question‬ ‭How does a compass work? ‬
‭Materials ‬ ‭25 worksheets, pencils, markers, and poster papers ‬
‭(item & quantity)‬
‭Technology ‬ ‭computer for presentation ‬
‭(How will technology enhance‬
‭Suggested Handouts &‬ k‭ eep previous lessons handouts and resources to assist students making their‬
‭Teaching Resources‬ ‭poster ‬
‭extra posters and makers. ‬
‭If a student was absent, ask Mr Hathway what group might work best for the‬
‭student to work with. ‬
‭students with IEPs will be asked if they would like to present or move groups or just‬
‭write a scrip for the points‬
‭Lesson Assessment ‬ ‭presentation posters‬
‭(Informal & Formal Formative‬
‭bell work:‬‭students will recall what domains are and‬‭explain why they are important for magnetism.‬

‭ kay guys, we went through and looked at your packets, it looks like some of you missed the questions‬
‭about domains. So recall the lesson yesterday, what do you know about domains and why they are‬
‭important. ‬
‭students will be given 2-3 minutes to come up with an answer to the bell work ‬
‭Launc‬ ‭Okay now, who wants to share what they talked about in their groups? ‬
‭h‬ ‭student responses: I don’t remember anything, they have nothing to do with magnetism,‬‭they are tiny‬
‭clumps of atoms inside of magnets, when they align they all point one way and become magnetized, etc.‬

Y‭ es, domains are tiny clumps of atoms that help magnetize a magnet. Go ahead and make sure you have‬
‭something written down for the bell work and make sure you answered the questions about domains.‬
‭Let's keep this in mind for our next activity. ‬

‭Today's activity might be a little different than what you might be used to. ‬

T‭ oday we are creating a poster to present to the class tomorrow. Every group will present their poster‬
‭tomorrow and everyone needs to say something about the poster. ‬

‭●‬ A ‭ lright, You only need your pencil, the poster, your packet, and the markers at your desk.‬
‭Everything else should be put away.‬
‭o‬ ‭You don’t need your phones or iPads out, keep them in your backpack. ‬
‭●‬ ‭You will have 25 minutes to make this poser.‬
‭●‬ ‭After the 25 minutes are up, you will walk around the classroom to give your peers feedback on‬
‭their posters. We’ll talk more about that when we get there. ‬
‭●‬ ‭Are there any questions?‬‭Student response:‬‭what should‬‭we put on our posters.‬
‭Excellent question let’s look at the next slide.‬
‭Your poster should have: ‬
‭-a drawing of your compass‬
‭-an explanation of how your compass works‬
‭Explor‬ ‭-an explanation of what happens when your compass comes close to a magnet.‬
‭e‬ ‭●‬ ‭So, what’s something that should go on your poster, back table?‬‭Ask each table, to make sure‬
‭each table has an understanding of what they need and where to find this information.‬
‭Now let’s look at some expectations we have:‬
‭●‬ ‭Everyone needs to participate, like we said earlier you will be presenting this poster tomorrow.‬
‭Theres a page in your packet where you can draft out what you would like to say.‬
‭●‬ ‭The instructions are up on the board for you to reference too. ‬
‭●‬ ‭(have the two main tasks on the board)‬
‭●‬ ‭Remember you can use your worksheet for guidance!‬
‭●‬ ‭Are there any questions before we begin?‬
‭During the 25 minutes students have to make their posters, the teachers will be walking around the‬
‭room, using probing questions, and guiding students in the right direction.‬

I‭f you can hear me clap once, if you can hear me clap twice. Once you have all of the student’s attention‬
‭introduce the gallery walk.‬

‭The Gallery Walk:‬

‭●‬ ‭Leave your poster at your table. ‬
‭●‬ E‭ very group should have 5 sticky notes. Raise your hand if your table does not have 5 sticky‬
‭notes.‬‭If anyone raises their hand, make sure to get them the sticky notes while continuing with‬
‭the directions.‬
‭●‬ ‭To do the gallery walk, everyone will stand up and rotate clockwise to the next table when I say‬
‭●‬ ‭Once at the next table, review their poster. On one of the sticky notes write down any feedback‬
‭you would like to give to that team, and then stick it to their poster. You have 1 sticky note for‬
‭each table. You need to give some sort of helpful feedback for each group.‬
‭●‬ ‭You have 1 minute at each table and 10 seconds to get between tables. ‬
‭●‬ ‭Does everyone understand?‬
‭●‬ ‭Okay, everyone point to the next table you will be moving to.‬
‭●‬ ‭What do you have to do while you’re at a different group’s table?‬‭Student response: nothing,‬
‭write on their poster,‬‭give them feedback using one‬‭of our sticky notes.‬
‭●‬ ‭How much time do you have at each table‬‭: 1 minute,‬‭2 minutes, no time.‬
‭●‬ ‭Okay, everyone stand up, point to the table you are moving to, and when I say go, you’ll rotate.‬
‭●‬ ‭Go‬‭, start the timer for 1 minute.‬
‭●‬ ‭Once the time goes off.‬‭Alright everyone stop, point‬‭to your next table, you have 10 seconds to‬
‭get there, Go!‬
‭●‬ ‭Do this until students have rotated back to their table.‬
‭Alright, now that you are back at your table, you should have feedback from your peers left at your‬
‭You have the remainder of the class to use this feedback to revise your poster. Make sure you are ready‬
‭to present tomorrow. Go ahead and get started.‬

‭ uring the remainder of the class, walk around and make sure students are on task, ask guiding‬
‭questions, and check for understanding.‬

‭ lright everyone, the bell is about to ring, leave your posters and packets in the center of your tables.‬
‭Mae sure to pick up any markers you used. And then go ahead and pack your bags. Have a great day!‬

s‭ tudent will be asked to recall their thoughts on the sub-phenomena; why did the magnets‬
S‭ hare and‬ ‭point to each other when brought together and start/finish their presentation posters for the‬
‭Summarize‬ ‭remainder of the time. Students will participate in a gallery walk to give and receive feedback,‬
‭Overview:‬ ‭halfway through class. After this time, students will have the remainder of class to revise their‬
‭poster based on what their peers had to say.‬

‭●‬ S‭ ustained Inquiry: students are let loose to make the poster the way they understand it‬
‭best. ‬
‭Elements of‬ ‭●‬ ‭Authenticity: students can relate to this lesson if they go camping alot or get lost in the‬
‭PBI‬ ‭woods ‬
‭●‬ ‭Student Voice & Choice: students have their own choice on how they want to present their‬
‭●‬ ‭Reflection: ‬
‭●‬ ‭Critique & Revision: maybe we have too much time allocated to them making this‬
‭presentation. ‬
‭ escribe what and how this lesson implements an element(s) of the NAUTeach‬
‭●‬ ‭Elements of Ambitious Teaching‬
‭▪‬ ‭anchor learning: students are explaining how their compasses work. (theoretical‬
‭situation that’s relevant because they live near woods.)‬
‭▪‬ ‭complex understandings get built over time: students are using what they‬
‭learned from the last three days to make a poster explaining how their compass‬
‭works. ‬
‭NAUTeach‬ ‭●‬ ‭Instructional Activities‬
‭Instructional‬ ‭▪‬ ‭launching a task: students will make their own posters describing their‬
‭Framework‬ ‭compasses. ‬
‭●‬ ‭High Leverage Practices‬
‭▪‬ ‭teaching towards a clear learning goal‬
‭▪‬ ‭constructing and organizing public records‬
‭●‬ ‭Strategies‬
‭▪‬ ‭uses appropriate questioning.‬
‭▪‬ ‭uses participation structures for a purpose: students will work in groups in order‬
‭to make a poster and draft a presentation.‬

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