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Bachelor of Technology
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(Affiliated to JNTU, Hyderabad | Approved by AICTE, New Delhi)
Accredited by NBA, Certificated by ISO 9001:2015
Maisammaguda, Dhulapally, Via: Kompally, Hyderabad - 500100
2019 – 2023

(Sponsored by Malla Reddy Educational Society)
Accredited by NBA, Certificated by ISO 9001:2015
Approved by AICTE & Affiliated to JNTU, Hyderabad
Maisammaguda, Dhulapally Post, (Via: Kompally), Secunderabad - 500100.


This is to certify that Technical Seminar Report entitled “ZIGBEE TECHNOLOGY” is a

bonafide work carried by SUDDAPALLI NEELIMA, 19RJ1A05L7, of COMPUTER
TECHNOLOGY and submitted to JNTU, Hyderabad in the partial fulfilment of the
requirement for the award of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY.

Coordinator Head of Department


There are some short-range wireless networking technologies like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth which
can be used to connect devices. To stream audio we will use bluetooth, to stream video or large
files we will use Wi-Fi.

But when we need to connect the large number of battery operated devices we cannot connect
with the Wi-Fi or bluetooth, because Wi-Fi consumes more power and by using bluetooth we
can connect up to 7 devices only. So for a better solution to connect a large number of battery
operated devices then the term Zigbee entered.

Like Wi-Fi and bluetooth Zigbee is a short range wireless protocol. Zigbee technology is
popular extremely low power, and low bit rate technology.

Zigbee enables new opportunities for wireless Sensors and control network (protocol used to
link smart devices like lights, plugs, and smart locks to home network).

Used globally, reliable and self-healing, support for large no of devices, Very long battery life
and secure.

In Zigbee any Node Failure or communication breakdown occurs we will propose an efficient
process with that process it will repair itself.

Zigbee Provides the ability to run for years on inexpensive primary batteries for a typical
monitoring application, Capable of inexpensively supporting robust mesh networking


Name of Topic Page No.

 Introduction 1
 History 2
 General characteristics 3
 Operating Frequency 4
 Architecture 5
 Applications 7
 Zigbee devices 8
 Network topologies 10
 How is the channel Accessed 12
 Advantages 15
 Limitations 16
 Conclusion 17

Zigbee communication is specially built for control and sensor networks on IEEE 802.15.4
standard for wireless personal area networks (WPANs), and it is the product from Zigbee
alliance. This communication standard defines physical and Media Access Control (MAC)
layers to handle many devices at low-data rates. These Zigbee’s WPANs operate at 868 MHz,
902-928MHz, and 2.4 GHz frequencies. The data rate of 250 kbps is best suited for periodic as
well as intermediate two-way transmission of data between sensors and controllers.

Zigbee is a low-cost and low-powered mesh network widely deployed for controlling and
monitoring applications where it covers 10-100 meters within the range. This communication
system is less expensive and simpler than the other proprietary short-range wireless sensor
networks as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

Zigbee supports different network configurations for the master to master or master to slave
communications. And also, it can be operated in different modes as a result the battery power
is conserved. Zigbee networks are extendable with the use of routers and allow many nodes to
interconnect with each other for building a wider area network

 Zigbee standard is specially build for control and sensor networks

 Most commonly used in Internet of things (IOT) Networks.

The concept behind the IOT is about connecting just about everything to the Internet in real
time which directly improves our quality of life and experiences. (Just like operating A/c or
fans etc... from our mobile phone from anywhere)

The concept of the low-power wireless mesh networking became standard in the 1990s and the
Zigbee Alliance was formed to address this charter in 2002. The Zigbee protocol was conceived
after the ratification of IEEE 802.15.4 in 2004. That became the IEEE 802.15.4.-2003 standard
on December 14, 2004. Specification 1.0, also known as the Zigbee 2004 Specification, was
brought public on June 13, 2005. The history can be profiled as:

2005 - Zigbee 2004 released

2006 - Zigbee 2006 released

2007 - Zigbee 2007 released, also known as Zigbee Pro (introduced cluster libraries, some
backward compatibility constraints with Zigbee 2004 and 2006)

The alliance's relation to the IEEE 802.15.4 working group is similar to the IEEE 802.11

Zigbee-style self-organizing ad hoc digital radio networks were conceived in the 1990s. The
IEEE 802.15.4-2003 Zigbee specification was ratified on December 14, 2004.[3] The Zigbee
Alliance announced availability of Specification 1.0 on June 13, 2005, known as the Zigbee
2004 Specification.


3.1 Low power consumption:

Devices can operate for several years with single power supply.

In a Zigbee technology application, the device which uses battery is similar to the device on
standby mode, which great advantage is to save battery, which is known as sleep mode.

3.2 Low data rate:

Zigbee technology devices data rate varies from 20kbs–250kbs, which is low, but however it
is sufficient for short-range communications.

3.3 Short Range Communication:

The range of Zigbee devices can easily go up to 75 to 100meters indoors; however, in outdoor,
it can go up to 300 meters and even more

3.4 Network join time:

It takes around 30 sec to transfer data through it and it’s the comparison with Wi-Fi and
Bluetooth, is given below.

3.5 Security:

Zigbee uses the AES Algorithm, Cryptographic Algorithm for data encryption and data
authentication which is for a standard system, as banks use it for online operation.

So it is the most Robust and secure cryptographic encryption

3.6 Support small and large networks

Up to 65000 devices (in theory) / 240 devices (in practice)


There are three frequency bands currently assigned to zigbee

Only one channel will be selected for use in a network


The architecture of Zigbee Technology

5.1 Physical Layer:

This layer is known to be one of the lowest protocol layers life possible are used to control and
activate the radio transceiver. It also performs and selects the frequency and monitors the
channel. This layer does radio device connectivity. It uses packets for communication data.
Each Packet consists of a Synchronization Header (SHR), which is responsible for receiving
synchronization, Physical Header (PHR), which includes data about the frame length, and
(PHY) payload, which is given by upper layers as a frame and carries data or command.

It is between the two-layer the physical and Network layer. A MAC frame can be a Beacon
Frame which is managed by Coordinator to send Beacons, Data Frame, Acknowledge Frame,
or a Command Frame. It consists of a MAC Header which includes a message about security
and addressing Variable-lengths size MAC Payload which includes data or command, and a
MAC Footer which carries a 16 bit Frame check sequence for data confirmation.

5.3 Network Layer:

This layer combines the Application layer with the MAC layer. It maintains network
configuration and routing. It builds a new network and chooses the network topology. The
NWK frame consists of the Header and Payload. The Header contains data about network level
addressing and control. The NWK Payload contains the Application sub layer frame.

5.4 Application Support Sub Layer:

It implements a set of services through two entities application Support Data Entity and
Application Support Management Entity, to the application and network layers. These entities
are accessed through their respective Service Access Points (SAP)

5.5 Application Layer:

This layer is known as the highest and most used layer in Zigbee technology which is used for
hosting the application that holds user applications and Zigbee device objects. It should be
noted that a single device contains 240 application which controls and manage the protocol
layer. The most important part of this layer is each application object consist of one application
profile or program, generated by the user or the Zigbee alliance. This application is responsible
for data transmission.


 Nowadays, Zigbee technology is used in Home Automation, which reduces billing.

 Zigbee Technology plays a vital role in Security Systems like CCTV cameras.

 As Meter Reading is now quite easy due to this Technology.

 Now Lights can be easily Control due to Zigbee technology like the example of Street lights.

 Zigbee technologies are used in HVAC Systems.

 If any Automation is seen in Electronics, it is due to Zigbee.

 It is used in Gaming Consoles.

 Wireless Connectivity of the mouse is also due to Zigbee Technologies.

 Wireless Connectivity of Remote control system is also because of this technology.

 Nowadays, different Automation Techniques are used in Industry, which is scheduled by


 Zigbee is used in Asset Management.

 The tracking system plays a vital role in daily life, which is due to Zigbee Personal Tracking.

 Nowadays, stock exchanges are able to track Livestock.

 Zigbee technologies also regulate the healthcare system.

 Zigbee technologies control hotel Room Automation.

7. Zigbee Devices:

7.1 Coordinator:

The Zigbee coordinator is the most capable device. It is one of those devices which starts the
network. There is only one coordinator device in each network.
The Coordinator performs many tasks some of them are:
 Before it starts, the Network automatically scans and selects the channel, which is
usually a good channel, which means it chooses those channels which have fewer
 It also sets the unique ID for the Network.
 It allocates a unique address to each device.

7.2 Routers:

 They act as intermediate nodes between the coordinator and end devices.
 They are responsible for Route traffic between different nodes.
 Receive and store messages intended for children.
 It can allow other routers and end devices to join the Network.

7.3 End Devices:

 It contains just enough information to talk to the parent node.

 They can also sleep, which is a better option to save battery of devices.
 All traffic to an end device first routed to its parent.

Topology may consist of one or more coordinators.

There are three types of network topologies that Zigbee support

8.1 Star Topology:

 This is the simplest and less expensive implementation.

 There are no routers in this Architecture.

 End devices cannot communicate with another end device directly.

 One of the drawbacks of this topology is if the Coordinating fails, the whole network fails.

 It should be noted that the range is very limited to the scope of the Coordinator itself

8.2 Mesh Topology:

 Every node is connected with neighbouring nodes (except for the end devices).

 A message hops from one device to another in order to reach its destination.

 If a node fails, data can be re-routed and choose another best path.

 Self-healing process.

 Mesh topology is used in Home Automation.

8.3 Tree Topology:

This topology is not so different from other mesh topology, but routers are not interconnected,
as shown in the figure.

 It is known as a cluster tree network because it can expand the network range.


Coordinator need to select the channel to the network. The Coordinator requires only one
channel to the Network.
All devices will have to share this single channel to communicate.
There are two methods for channel access:
 Contention-based method.
 Contention-free method.

9.1 Contention-Free Method:

In the contention-free process, the Coordinator dedicates a specific time slot to each device.
This is called guaranteed time slots (GTS).
Let’s know, how this GTS allocation is done. Take an example of mesh topology one signal is
sent to five devices and including coordinator device, to correctly Assign to the GTS the
Coordinator needs to ensure that all the devices in the Network are synchronized and to achieve
this the Coordinator transmits a message called Beacon

Example of Mesh topology

Once the device receives the Beacon it will adjust automatically with Coordinator clock as it
is accomplished because of Beacon contains information which device can transmit data.


According to the figure, each device has wait for its turn to assign and transfer data as shown
in the figure.

Sending Beacon

Waiting for its turn

Waiting for its turn

Device two and four doesn’t share data in the second beacon period, this is pre-programmed
by Coordinator for the developer because end devices are known as the head of time and when
to transfer.

Sleep Mode

It will go to sleep, and will only wake up to either share data or to listen to the Beacon.

9.2 Contention Based Method:

 Devices do not need to be synchronized.

 Carrier sense multiple access to collision-avoidance mechanisms.
 Any time data is transmitted.
 It first goes to receiver mode.
 Detect if there is any signal in the channel.
 Devices will only transmit data if the channel is clear.
 If the channel is not transparent device gets back and then tries again until and unless
the channel got cleared.


10.1 High node support: It can support 65000 nodes under a single network. This helps
in further expansion of the transmission range. This is possible in a large area or a building
with multiple levels of floors or houses with various physical divisions.

10.2 Suitable for devices with low power: The Zigbee technology is suitable for
devices with low power. It does not require much bandwidth, small smart devices which are
battery-operated, object tags, sensors, etc., and are suitable for this technology

10.3 Range: Zigbee is a mesh network. Hence, just like mesh networking, Zigbee has a
network whose transmission range can be expanded. The content is expandable because, in this
technology, the individual nodes act as repeaters or wireless routers, and since the technology
supports numerous nodes, it’s easier to expand the network.

10.4 Flexible: The structure of the Zigbee technology is very flexible. It has an easy process
for installation, and it is less expensive as well. The working period of this technology is short,
and it also has a long battery life which results in less consumption of power.

10.5 Monitoring: The Zigbee technology can be monitored and controlled easily. Since it
is mainly used for home appliances, it is easy to maintain it with the help of a remote.


11.1 Channel noise: Zigbee technology is very prone to network interferences. This is
because of overcrowding and channel noise of the network.

11.2 The transmission rate is low: The technology used in Zigbee is of low bit rate
since designed for transmissions of low rate of data.

11.3 Expensive: Implementation of a Zigbee technology can be expensive. There are

various reasons for it. The size of the network and the range of the network affect the cost of
implementation of Zigbee.

11.4 Alternatives: The standard wireless communication Z-Wave provides as an alternative

for the Zigbee technology.


The Zigbee standard enables the broad-based deployment of reliable wireless networks with
low complexity, low cost solutions and provides the ability for a product to run for years on
inexpensive primary batteries (for a typical monitoring application).

The mission of the Zigbee working group is to bring about the existence of a broad range of
interoperable consumer devices by establishing open industry specifications for unlicensed,
untethered peripheral, control and entertainment devices requiring the lowest cost and lowest
power consumption communications between compliant devices anywhere in and around the


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