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Sheet 3

1- State what is meant by security management?

2- What are System Calls and what is the purpose of system calls?

3- Why OS provides two modes of operation, user and kernel?

4- State the importance of Swapping and its definition?

5- Differentiate between Uniprogramming and Multiprogramming? Why is multiprogramming

important? State how has the multiprogramming been done?

6- What is the main characteristic for the Real time execution environment?

7- True or False:
a) In the Interactive execution environment. A user has indirect communication with the
operating system.
b) In the Interactive execution environment. The user can give commands to the O/S
directly on the terminal and can expect an immediate response from the O/S.

c) Interactive jobs are rarely multiprogrammed.

d) Time-slicing where each job is given a fixed amount of CPU resource.
e) Batch is an execution environment where a number of jobs are collected together and
submitted to the O/S for execution. The O/S executes these jobs at some predefined
f) During Batch environment execution of batch jobs system allows a user to interact
with his/her job.
g) Real time execution environment guarantees that a job will finish in a predefined
h) Real-time jobs are not highly time-dependent and they must not finish within the
defined time-period.
i) A program to be executed must be loaded in the main memory.
j) The objective of multiprogramming is to have some process running at all times, to
minimize CPU utilization.

8- What are the five major activities of an operating system in regard to

process management?

9- What are the three major activities of an operating system in regard to secondary-storage
10- Choose the correct answer

i. What is the correct order of the levels of memory hierarchy (ordered with the closest to
the processor listed first)?
a. Registers, Cache, Main memory, Disk
b. Main memory, Cache, Registers, Disks
c. Disks, Cache, Main memory, Registers
d. Registers, Cache, Disk, Main memory
ii. What is an operating system?
a. interface between the hardware and application programs
b. collection of programs that manages hardware resources
c. system service provider to the application programs
d. all of the mentioned
iii. CPU scheduling is the basis of ___________
a. multiprogramming operating systems
b. larger memory sized systems
c. multiprocessor systems
d. none of the mentioned
iv. Whenever a process needs I/O to or from a disk it issues a ______________
a. system call to the operating system
b. a special procedure
c. system call to the CPU
d. all of the mentioned
v. Which of the following is a single-user operating system?
b. Windows b. MAC c. Ms-Dos d. None of these
vi. The CPU consists of
a. a control unit, registers, main memory, the arithmetic and logic unit and the interconnection
among these components
b. a control unit, a cache memory, the arithmetic and logic unit and the interconnection among
these components.
c. a control unit, registers, the arithmetic and logic unit and the interconnection among these
d. a control unit, registers, cache, the arithmetic and logic unit and the interconnection among
these components
vii. The central processing unit does not contain
a. Control unit c. Registers
b. ALU d. Cache.
viii. A program to be executed must be loaded in the
a. Cache b. main memory. c. processor d. disk
ix. The _______ is the operating system core component that is running at all times on the
a. Kernel b. System Programs c. Boot loader d. CPU
x. The following figure represents

a. Multitasking system
b. Multicore system
c. Multiprocessing system
d. Mutiresource system

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