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Faculty of Maritime Engineering and Marine Sciences

Mechanical Vibrations

Assignment #5: Various dof systems Nov. 28th, 2023

Individual work.

1.- A system composed by a mass M and two springs of rigidity

K/2 (just for aesthetics) suffers severe oscillation due to a
harmonic excitation. An auxiliary system consisting of a block of
mass M1 is connected to the primary system by a spring of rigidity
K1. The auxiliary system can be used as a vibration absorber if the
parameters M1 and K1 are chosen correctly. Show that if:

√ = 𝜔

then the steady-state amplitude response of the primary system is zero.

Look for in the literature an application of this principle for the control of balance motion of a ship
using passive tanks. Explain using your own words the working principle of this device, and the
parameters that you would consider for the design of them for a ecuadorian fishing vessel. Clearly
present the references employed.

2.- Thomson problem 5.37: oscillation of a rigid building model, neglect gravity.

3.- Apply Holzer method to the torsional system with the following characteristics to calculate the
first 3 natural frequencies different than zero and their corresponding mode shapes. Units are kg-m2,
N-m-sec, N-m/rad and N-m-sec. Plot the mode shapes.

i Ji Ci Ki Gi
1 100 290 1E6 145
2 400 290 1E6 145
3 1000 580 1E5 290
4 800 580

Considering an excitation torque on the last disk with amplitude of 2000 N-m, calculate the forced
response of the system. Take excitation frequencies in a range which covers the three calculated
natural frequencies. If the springs can be modelled as shaft each one of constant section, plot the
amplitude of the vibratory torque of each spring as function of the excitation frequencies. The
oscillatory torque on each spring can be calculated as:

𝑄𝑖 = 𝐾𝑖 (Θ𝑖+1 − Θ𝑖 )
Base-motion forced oscillation of a three-story building model

Team work

Objective: to check the forced response of a three-story building, modelled as a 3 dof system, to a
harmonic base-motion excitation.

Experimental procedure:

To build the model, three teams must weld their frames to form the three story
building. Register weights of three pieces of steel and then weld them to each of the
stories in the model. Develop a pilot test with the model on the shaker, to identify
the range of each one of the three natural frequencies of the system, using
accelerometers to register the vibration. Select an adequate scan rate to register
signals according to the highest frequency of the test. With a range of 0.5f1 until
1.25f3, where f1 and f3 are the first and third natural frequencies, set up the shaker to
slowly cover this range with amplitude of acceleration of 0.1g.

Similarly as in the previous experiment, you have to make the model to vibrate in
longitudinal and transversal directions. Of course, the range of frequencies to cover
are different for each case. Repeat at least three times each one of the two
experiments, varying the time to cover the range of frequencies.

Analysis (you may use Easyplot software or similar):

Calculate the response of the system knowing the base-motion and modelling the building as a 3-dof
system. I encourage to use Python programming to solve the system of algebraic complex equations;
if you are afraid of programming you may use Excel. Take for damping the value determined in the
previous test (Lab #2). Values to compare: natural frequencies, maximum values of response
(acceleration) and sharpness of resonance.

Report: must be written in English, and be not longer than 5 pages. You have to review
recommendations given for the previous lab report.

To be completed by 7h00 Tuesday Dec. 12th, 2023

For the calcula on of the natural frequencies, we neglect the excita on and dampers, because we assume
the problem as a case of FREE OSCILLATION and to be able to obtain the frequencies and vibra on modes
of the system.

To start the HOLZER FREE OSCILLATION METHOD, we assume natural frequencies and apply the recursion
and checking equa on typical of the method in ques on.

From U1/U1=1 we begin the calcula on of the values of Ui/U1 (i= 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), which are rela ve
amplitudes and with the values obtained we apply the check equa on.

To validate whether the assumed natural frequencies are adequate, we apply a check equa on to es mate
where their value should be very approximately ZERO.

Formulas used in Microso Excel:

Recursion equa on

Check equa on

We start with the development of the process star ng from a value for the natural frequency of: 5

Table 1

The last value of the six column is called “RESIDUO”, which will be employed to know the value of the
natural frequencies. When the value of the frequency assumed generates the value of the “RESIDUO”
closer to zero, this value of frequency must call “natural frequency of the system” and the number of this
frequency depends on the total sign changes in the 4 th columns values.

To guarantee that the check equa on approaches zero, we verify in which ranges [of 5 in 5] there is a
change in sign and the value that is closest to zero will be the natural frequency of the system. Addi onally,
we will graph RESIDUE vs ASSUMED FREQUENCIES where the range in which the natural frequencies of
the system are found can be iden fied.
First three natural frequencies

Figure 1

From here we start selec ng the value of the modal shapes of the first three natural frequencies of the
system, it’s resumed to con nue:

Table 2

Figure 2
The amplitude response of each disc respect to the excita on is showed to con nue:

Table 3

Figure 3

Like can see in the previous graphs, exist a li le probability of resonance close to the natural frequencies
values, perhaps it’s occurring because the excita on frequency is not enough to resonance the system, or
the s ffness avoid this condi on between discs. Always in the second natural frequency occurs a
considerable increment of the response amplitude excita on, in the rest of the system this is depreciable.
For the forced condi on, with a value of Torque 2000 N-m, it’s obtained the next results:

It’s important to keep in mind that the units value because all the coefficients must be in the same system
of units, later applying the equa ons at the beginning of this document, it’s obtained the amplitude of the
discs between them.

In this case, it’s analyzed the amplitude of disc U1:

Figure 4

Like it’s coincided with the free vibra on holzer situa on, it’s more relevant the amplitudes close to the
second natural frequency, so in this area it’s must be carefully at the moment to work with frequencies
close to that.

The graphs of the torque amplitude of each disc respect to the natural frequency (more relevant cases)
it’s showed to con nue:

The torque value is varia ng

from a nega ve value un l a
posi ve value, the danger zones
will be occurring in the sing
change area because the sense
or gyra ons is difference, these
are disc 4 and disc 3.

Figure 5
The torque value is varia ng
from a posi ve value un l a
posi ve value too, the danger
zones will be occurring in the
sing change area because the
sense or gyra ons is difference,
these are disc 3 and disc 2.

Figure 6

The torque value is varia ng

from a nega ve value un l a
posi ve value, the danger zones
will be occurring in the sing
change area because the sense
or gyra ons is difference, this
happens in the disc 3 and disc 2.

Figure 7

Exist a big difference in the Figure 7, this easily can be the most important situa on because the depends
on the amplitude of the torque and the s ffness of the structure, the system can fail.

Time: 3h30min

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