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AE Level 1 OCS Common Final Exam: Speaking Test Rating Sheet

Student Name Test Date

Rater Name Course #
Total Speaking Score (GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY + PRONUNCIATION + GLOBAL) ____ out of 50

TARGET GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY (Rater takes notes and checks appropriate box for each SLO) 2 PTS 1 PTS .5 PT 0 PT


Partially correct
Fully correct



2VG-1 Daily routine vocabulary (e.g., brush my teeth) and very common J K L s
phrasal verbs (e.g., get up)

2VG-1 Sentences with Can and Cannot (Can’t) J K L s

2VG-1 SIMPLE PRESENT in affirmative and negative statements (e.g., She doesn’t J K L s

2VG-1 PRESENT PROGRESSIVE to express continuity (e.g., They are playing.) J K L s

2VG-1 SIMPLE PAST of regular and common irregular verbs with time markers J K L s

2VG-1 Wh- questions in SIMPLE PRESENT and PRESENT PROGRESSIVE (e.g. How J K L s

2VG-1 Future with will J K L s

2VG-1 Yes/No-questions in SIMPLE PRESENT and PRESENT PROGRESSIVE (e.g., J K L s


2VG-1 Common prepositions of movement, time, place (e.g., on the corner) J K L s

2VG-1 There + is/are/was/were + NP J K L s


GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY TOTAL (Add column subtotals): _____ out of 20

PRONUNCIATION PRODUCTION (Rater marks one box only during end of last section) POINTS
Fully intelligible with an accent 5
Reasonably intelligible but very distracting and requiring some non-sympathetic interlocutor effort 4.5
Only somewhat intelligible, causing much distraction and requiring frequent non-sympathetic 4
interlocutor effort
Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learned words and phrases is largely unintelligible, 3
causing strain even for native speakers used to dealing with non-native speakers
Mostly unintelligible, causing strain for native speakers used to dealing with speakers of his/her 2
language group
___ out of 5

GLOBAL (Immediately after test, Interviewer refers to the TASK FULFILMENT CHART below, and marks score for each test section. “In-between” scores are permitted.)

I. Describing daily routines and recreational activities [2S-2] A (25) B (20) C (15) D (10)
II. Expressing ability and inability [2S-6] A (25) B (20) C (15) D (10)
III. Describing a picture [2S-3] A (25) B (20) C (15) D (10)
Talking about the weather [2S-1]
SECTION AVERAGE _____ out of 25

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