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ACADEMIC YEAR 2023- 2024
Score Signature
Name : ________________ Teacher Parents
Att Number : ________________
Class : I (One) ____________
Subject : English
Day/Date : ________________

I. Cross (x) the correct answer!

KD 3.4

1. How many donuts?

a. Ten donuts
b. Eleven donuts
c. Twelve donuts

2. The girrafe is ...

a. tall
b. big
c. thin

3. Is he hungry?
a. Yes, he is
b. Yes, she is
c. No, he isn‟t

4. Malik : Are you sad, Amir?

Amir : ...
a. Yes, i am
b. No, I‟m not
c. No, she isn‟t

Amir Malik

5. What is the english of “besar”?

a. Short b. Tall c. Big

KD 3.5
6. Doll, yo-yo, puzzle are kinds of ...
a. number b. animal c. toy
7. What are these? ...
a. They are lollipop
b. They are cakes
c. They are balloon

8. What is the color of zebra? ...

a. Brown and orange b. Black and white c. Pink and black

9. Are they cakes?

a. Yes, they are
b. Yes, it is
c. No, they aren‟t

10. What is the english of “hadiah”?

a. Teddy bear b. Plane c. Present

II. Look and write!

K.D 3.4
Question for number 11-15. Match and write. Write the „word‟ in the box to answer

fat happy hungry big small

11. 12. 13.

He‟s ______ It‟s ______ He‟s ______

14. 15.

It‟s ______ She‟s ______

K.D 3.5
Question for number 11-15. Circle according to the picture!

16. 17. 18.

Orange / White Brown / Pink Pink / Orange

19. 20.

Black / White Orange / White

III. Write and draw!
KD 3.4
21. Ms Nurul : Are you sad?
You : ..., ...
Fill the conversation completely based on your feeling!

22. Adi : How old are you?

Bani : I‟m 16.
Please write “14” into the letter!

23. Draw the animal that have got short body! (Please draw two)

KD 3.5
24. Mention three name of colors!
25. Draw your favorite presents! (Please draw three)

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