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Module Name: Strategy and Innovation

Module Code: BMG852

Module Coordinator:

Coursework 1

Group I:

This report contains a new business proposition for Miss Macaroon a Social Enterprise
established in 2011 and operating as a Community Interest Company under the leadership of
Rosie Ginday. The business proposition is designed considering secondary market research
on current business trends in the bakery industry in the UK and also considering the macro
and micro environments of the business along with the company's strengths and weaknesses.
The business proposition will be presented in this report in light of the value proposition
canvas and business model canvas.

Preliminary Market Research:

From the macro-environmental factors analysis of Miss Macaroon, it has been observed that
the retail food business is not in a favorable position as the Uk economy is heading toward
recession. The rise in inflation rates, interest rates, unemployment rates, taxation challenges
as well as technological factors that lead to shifts in purchasing behavior all indicate
unfavorable situations for the retail food business. However, most retail businesses are
shifting towards online retailers and capitalizing on the shift in online purchases.

Source: UK state of Commerce ecommerce trends report 2023 at

The above graph suggests that global retail eCommerce sales to grow by $7.4 trillion by
2025. It is clear that eCommerce is the future for most retail businesses in the UK and it has

also been seen that customers are opting for online purchases in the UK more than ever. ‘82%
of the UK population bought at least one product online in 2021 (, 2021). However,
shifting the gear and trending toward online is not the only solution rather providing a
customized solution to the customer is where the business will grow rapidly in near future.
“We are at the start of the hyper-personal trend right now,” explained Lydia Baines, digital
and communications manager at Puratos (North, 2019). The current market trends in the
bakery industry are shifting toward personalized products and services. Customers are more
and more interested to have personalized products that have their own input in them. The
very basic trend of personalized offers starts with ordering food with different choices. It can
be seen in Fast food industries and also in restaurants where customers can order their foods
from a range of different choices which are nothing new to the industry. However, customers
are not keen on just having personalized products or services rather it is more desirable when
the products and services are tailored according to their preferences and meet their
expectations. ‘Vhari Russell, founder of The Food Marketing Expert, believed offering a
personalised service could help build repeat custom. And, it could be done sooner rather than
later (North, 2019).’

The Value Proposition Canvas:

Customer Jobs: The customer needs to go to the retail store physically to purchase the
macaroons. They have to locate the store visit it and then chose the desired products from the
range of options available. Once selected make the purchase through card or cash through
interaction with the cash counter.

Pains: Physically visit the store, browsing the products, selecting the products, limited
options for customizations, payment hassle.

● Physical visit to the store

● Browsing products
● Managing time
● Limited options for customizations
● Payment queue in the cash counter


● Store is available in mobile devices

● They can order macaroons the
● Order personalize macaroons
● Options for mobile banking
● Save time
● No need for payment queue

Product & Services of Miss Macaroon:

1. Mobile application: A mobile application will be developed based on customized
service where customers can design their own Choice able macaroon and cakes. Also,
customers can purchase products by using this mobile application and can get quick
delivery as well.
2. Capable of personalized Macaroon ordering from users' mobile devices: Users
can request a personalized cake, macaroon for their extraordinary events including
birthdays, parties, engagement, and anniversaries etc. Also, customer can select their
preferable color and ingredients.
Gain Creators:
1. Creative and fun way of ordering macaroon: By using the app customer can order
product online and customers will experience a fun way of ordering Macaroon
because they can make their product by their own choice. Besides, it will help them to
build their creative ideas to make macaroons. Also, custom cakes are being popular
day by day and customer can find their inspiration by using the app. According to
Schurer “In many instances, customers are asking for higher-quality ingredients; the
costs can be more expensive. So that by ordering macaroon from app customer will
get their desirable product. (Take supermarket bakery customization to the next
2. Choose color package, design: This app will give customer priority to choose their
own color of Macaroon and cake and their design.
3. Mobile notification on notable events: This app will give mobile notifications on
customer unique events, parties so that customer will alert before their extraordinary
events, and it will be easier for any customer to use this app of Miss Macaroon.
Pain Relievers:
1. Easy mobile banking: In this app there will be a mobile banking section where
customers can pay their product purchasing prices and it will make it more flexible to
pay online.
2. Convenience of accessibility: Customer will be able to access easily to this app by
downloading the app from mobile store and it will be user friendly.
3. No need to browse products: By using the app, customers will find Miss Macaroon
products easily and they do not need to browse the product. In the front of the app all
the product sections will be available for customers.
4. More Option to Customization: There will be more options for customization of
miss macaroon products where customers can choose color, ingredients etc.

The Business Proposition for Miss Macaroon:

As it stands, Miss Macaroon can capitalize on the shifts in purchasing behavior towards
online purchases and the future trends of personalized products and services by developing a
mobile app that will integrate its product offering in a more personalized manner where
customers will be able to design their own products i.e the macaroons boxes and get it
delivered to their homes.

The Business Model Canvas:

Customer Segment: Anyone who has a presence in social media such as Facebook,
Instragram, and Tiktok looking for purchasing gifts for their loved ones or friends and family
that includes but not limited to students, stay-at-home mothers, professionals, who are also
engage in online purchases.

Value Propositions: Customers' own Miss macaroon store is right at their fingertips. With
one app on their mobile devices, they can browse as well as customize their macaroons
orders. They can have the access to the app at any time and start ordering macaroons.
Ordering macaroons is fun and creative now since customers can choose the color of the
Macaroons, and packages and leave personalized notes all in all they can see how the
macaroon gift box looks every step of the way. There will be two options one for customers
who don’t like so many options for ordering and for others who are veterans at
customizations will be given the Advanced options of ordering. Customers can have their
profile created through the app and asked to provide information on their significant others,
family members, and important friends information such as birthdays, anniversaries,
important events, etc only if they opted in to do so. The key information will be used to
communicate through app push notifications, and emails to the users mentioned important
dates maintaining an SLA of users' choice.

Once the customization is done customers will be promoted to the payment options where
they can choose options like card payments (Visa /Master Card, Mobile payments, Paypal
etc. Once customers made their orders the product will be delivered to their homes within 24
hours SLA.

Customer Relationships:

There will be various marketing channels through which customers will be communicated.
Customers will be notified of their important events through app push notifications, email,
and SMS. There will be SEO activities to make the app and official site relevant at the top so
that customers who want to purchase gifts will be shown the app store and website of Miss
Macaroon. A loyalty program will be introduced through the account where customers will

be rewarded with redeem points for every transaction they make which in turn can be used to
purchase add-ons feature in the creation stage of packages and also can opt-in for discounts.

Customers will also be able to share their peace of art through building social media channels
such as Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok etc where others can rate their works as well and the
best work will be shown as suggestions during the creation stage.

Customers will be asked to provide feedback once they have made their purchase and will be
able to rate the products they have ordered.

Channels: The mobile app and the official website will be used to communicate the various
offers, there will emails, app push notifications and sms will be used to communicate.

Key Partners:

The key partners of this app are:

Investor: John Lewis

Social Enterprise: Tea people

Third-party: app developers and web designers.

Starting with John Lewis which is a big name in the market. The partnership with John Lewis
would bring many benefits for the app. In this way the app would be promoted at John Lewis
and customer would have the chance to see how the app works and how they can benefit
using the app.

Tea people, this company has some flavours that are bio and are high quality which bring the
best combination with macaroon. (Miss Macaroon, 2022).

App developers and web designers would play an important role to the app, making the app
easier for the customers. They will make sure to create many opportunities for the customer
to design their macaroon in many ways.

Key Activities:

- Develop the app

- Redesign the website

- Partnership with logistic partner

- DHL, Yodel, Royal Mail.

Developing the app in the better way it is possible in order to provide more choices for the
customers, they will have the opportunity to choose which macaroon they like to customise.
Furthermore, redesign the website and make it easier for the customers to purchase and share
the experience after using the app. Having partnership with logistics and DHL and other
companies is very important because the product should arrive as fast as possible to our
customers in order to make them happy. In this way, they can trust us again, which is very

Key Resources:

Human Resources: Employees, Developers, warehouse workers, managers, Management

boards etc.

IT/MIS: Technology relevant to eKYC, customers preference algorithms, google analytics

Warehouse and machinery: for the production of ordered macaroons

Cost Structures:

Fixed Costs: Warehouse rent, app and site development costs, machinery costs etc.

Variable Costs: Advertisements costs such Facebook PPC campaign, SMS etc. Employee
Salary, app site maintenance, machinery maintenance costs.

Revenue Stream:

The revenues will be drawn from the macaroons sales and other value-added services like the
subscription model where customers will be able to get notifications of important events and
gift box suggestions based on their pre-selected preferences.

Conclusion: Considering the macro environment and micro environment and the conducted
market research it can be concluded that eCommerce and personalized products is the future
of the Baerky industry. The business proposition will provide Miss macaroons with the
means needed to sustain itself.


● Corser, J. (no date) Miss Macaroon Seals 'sweet' deal with Selfridges, Miss Macaroon
seals 'sweet' deal with Selfridges. Available at:
sweet-deal-with-selfridges/ (Accessed: December 1, 2022).
● North, A. (2019) Why personalisation is the future of Bakery, British Baker. Available
bakery/626820.article (Accessed: November 30, 2022).
● UK state of Commerce ecommerce trends report 2023 (2022) Signifyd. Available at:
wIVSrDtCh2YQgGEEAAYAyAAEgKcSvD_BwE (Accessed: December 1, 2022).


Sustainability of the company:

1. Unique recipe, inimitable by the competitions.
2. Providing not just macaroons but also providing value for greater goods for the community.
3. Use of technology: they are the first to use a pantone matching service.
4. 4. Not just retail business but also have presence in ecommerce through alternative sales
channels such as amazon, eBay.
5. Also using intermediaries by partnering up with john Lewis, co-up etc.
6. Also have partnership with other social enterprises such as tea people, one gin, burning burn
rum. Which enables helping each other business through collaborations.

Shah Md. Jakaria

The Idea:

The world is on the verge of global recessions. Energy shortages, rise in oil prices, Ukraine war, high
inflations, drought in Yemen all pointing toward a doom that one can fathom to comprehend.
However, it is the nature of human being to survive the worst that is why human are the best
creation of nature. In this perilous time, one can take informed decision by understanding the
changes and act accordingly. The future of business is shifting toward the eCommerce and
customers are shifting toward more into personalized services which can meet their expectations.
Miss Macaroon a Community interest company can capitalize on this shift by providing personalized
macaroons through the official website and development an mobile application.

Miss Macaroon VPC Story:

The Value Proposition Canvas Outlook on ‘Make your own Macaroon!’:

Customer Jobs: Customer need to go to the retail store physically to purchase the macaroons. They
have to locate the store visit it and then chose the desired products from range of options available.
Once selected make the purchase through card or cash through interaction with the cash counter.

Pains: Physically visit the store, browsing the products, selecting the products, limited options for
customizations, payment hassle.

Gains: Now the store will be in their mobiles, can order the way they like when they like.

The Product & Services: A mobile application capable of personalized macaroons ordering from
users’ mobile devices.

Pain Relievers: Customers no need to visit physically since they can access the app from the mobile
device they use, easy payment process with integration through google pay and other mobile
banking systems.

Gain Creators: Creative and fun way of ordering macaroons, option to choose color, package design
and left a personal message on the top of the package.

The Business Model Canvas of Miss Macaroons:

The customer segments for the personalized macaroon ordering through mobile app can be
characterized by anyone who have presence in social media such as Facebook, Instragram, Tiktok
etc. Also they can be anyone who is interested to purchase a gift to their loved ones.

Customers can have their profile created through the app and asked to provide information on their
significant others, family members, important friends information such as birthdays, Anniversary,
important events etc only if they opted in to do so. The key information will be used to communicate

through app push notifications, emails to the users mentioned important dates maintaining a SLA of
users choice.

Once customers are communicated and ready to make the actual purchase they will be ordering the
products through the app, where they will be able to chose easy creation or advance creations of
macaroons and there will be partnerships with eCommerce building and order managing sites
where the orders will be captured. There will also be partnerships with logistics such as Royal mail,
Fedex, DHL, Yodel etc. to deliver the macaroon and or gift box to the desired location.

The app will be developed and maintained by third parties such as Groovy, Netsells etc. There will be
a new warehouse in London which will be used as a hub for delivering macaroons. Integration will be
needed with google analytics and Facebook to draw customers preference algorithms which then be
used to provide customized assistance in product relevance and event notifications.

The revenues will be drawn from the macaroons sales and other value added services like
subscription model where customers will be able to get notification of important events and gift box
suggestions based on their pre-selected preferences.

BMC Story

Talking generally, we like to purchase macaroon and to design them how we like to. As we
face difficulty in having our own macaroon, this application would make the process easier.
Everything would start from this app, which would provide many options about the
macaroons we would like to design. The cost of all this process would be less than before.
Going to the store, spending money, spending time, all of these activities would not exist
anymore. This app would be linked with the right persons to bring your macaroon as fast as
possible. Developing the web of this app, would bring the flexibility to the customers to
have a faster purchase than before. Providing the opportunity to deliver messages to our
people would bring much closer with the customers. Another important function that this
app has is that offers experience sharing for all the customers in order to offer better service
every time.

VPC Story

As the purchase method now is changing day by day, in this way the people have changed
the way they purchase products. People 's today are different, and Miss Macaroon should
be adopted with this fact. The customers ask for online service, which is one of the most
important things. They can’t purchase a personalized macaroon. This app will provide the
opportunity for the customers to create their own macaroon, or can design whatever they
like. They just need to use the app and will have the opportunity to see their face or favorite
person into the macaroon. This process would be much faster using this app instead of
calling the shop to do this for you. Basically you don’t need to come to the store physically.

Macaroon idea

Developing an app in order to create your own macaroon.

This app will be used for people that like to create something special for themselves.
Furthermore, kids like to see their favorite cartoon in this macaroon and after that feel
comfortable. People that want to make a gift to someone special, will have the opportunity
to design whatever face or something they like to make a surprise. This app would be used
for specific designs, to make people happy tasting and seeing their face to the macaroon

Marios Malai ID nr: (10269769).

Md Guljar Hussain

A short narrative around our top idea

Develop an app

We came up an idea that is to build an app for Miss Macaroon. We think that making an app
will help to expand the business of Miss Macaroon. First, we will design an app interface.

By making an app we will include all the services of Miss Macaroon. Also, we will include
customized service in the app where customers can design their own Macaroon cake.

At the end customers can get delivery of their own design Macaroon.

It will look like a customized app where customers can find every product of Miss Macaroon
and get reasonable prices of products. Also, there will be a feedback section where customers
can share their expressions.

Business Model Canvas story of Miss Macaroon:

Customer Segments: The user of the app of Miss Macaroon will be Childrens, adults, sweer eaters,
special people, and older people.
Customer Relationship: In this section need to build a relationship with honesty, service dedicated
assistance, also trust is important for build customer relationships.
Channels: Need to have awareness, purchase, and evaluation. Also, need to create a feedback
section after delivery of the product.
Revenue Streams: Revenue will come from social media, app, events, and customized services of
Miss macaron.
Value Proposition: An app where customers can design their own macaroons and cakes. Giving the
best service whatever, the way customers want to get their own macaroons.
Key Partners: Miss Macaroon has partnerships with tea people, Selfridges etc. They are investing
their money with miss macaroon.
Cost structure: Machinery, Product Advertisement, and app building.
Key Resources: High quality, sweets, Service, App, and web page

The Value proposition Canvas story of Miss Macaroon

Product & Service

1.Develop an app.

Gain Creators

Its reliable and get quick delivery service

Customer can choose their own designable macaroon.

Pain Relievers:

Customer can get own macaroon by reasonable prices

By using an app customer can get quick service

Customer Segment:


Fast delivery, Convenience choice and own design, Reasonable prices


Business Model Canvas:

Key partners:
● Logistic partner.
● Third party agency.
● Human resurces.
● Financial resources.
Customer relation:

● They can provide any sms as a feedback reply.
● By using any billboard customer can be interested to
their app.
● To attract customers,they can serve any sponsorship.
● The best way to sustain the relationship with
customer is to give any offer who become customer
of the month or year.
Value proposition:
● By online service ,customer can purchage their
products easily.The way they save their time .
● If customer get their online service they pay via
● The flexibility of delivery also achieve from online .
Key activities:
● Appropriate building.


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