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Doppler E ect & Its Applications
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The Doppler e ect is named Austrian physicist who proposed it in 1842. It is commonly heard when a vehicle sounding a siren approaches, passes, and recedes from an observer. The
received fr… Full description

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The DopplerYou're
effect is Reading a Preview
named Austrian Uploadphysicist
your documentsChristian Doppler who
to download.
proposed it in 1842, is the change in frequency of a
wave for an observer Upload
moving to Download
relative to the source of the
wave. It is commonly heard OR
when a vehicle sounding
a siren or horn approaches, passes, and recedes from an
observer. The received
Become frequency
a Scribd member is higher
to read and download(compared to
the emitted frequency)fullduring
documents. the approach, it is
identical at the instant of passing by, and it is lower
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during the recession.

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• he relative increase in frequency can be explained as

follows. WhenYou're
the source of the waves is moving toward
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the observer, each successive wave crest is emitted from
a position closerUpload your documents to download.
to the observer than the previous wave.
Therefore each wave Upload takesto slightly
less time to reach the
observer than the previous wave. Therefore the time
between the arrival of successiveOR wave crests is reduced,
causing an increase in the frequency. While they are
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traveling, the distance fullbetween successive wave fronts is
reduced; so the waves "bunch together".
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Conversely, if Readingofa waves
the source Preview is moving away
from the observer,
Upload youreach wave
documents is emitted from a
to download.

position farther from the observer than the

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previous wave, so the arrival time between
successive waves is increased, OR
reducing the
frequency.Become a Scribd member to read and download
full documents.

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Become a Scribdcaused
Change of wavelength member toby
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of the source
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• For waves that propagate in a medium, such

as sound waves, the velocity of the observer and of
the source are relative to the medium in which
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the waves are transmitted. The total Doppler
Upload your documents to download.
effect may therefore result from motion of the
source, motion of the Uploadobserver,
to Download or motion of the
medium. Each of these effects is analyzed
separately. For waves which OR do not require a
medium, such as light or gravity in general
Become a Scribd member to read and download
relativity, only the relative
full documents.difference in velocity
between the observer and the source needs to be
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Doppler firstYou're
proposed Reading
the effecta Preview
in 1842 . The
hypothesis wasUpload
testedyourfor soundtowaves
documents by Buys Ballot in
1845. He confirmed that the sound's pitch was higher
Upload to Download
than the emitted frequency when the sound source
approached him, and lowerORthan the emitted frequency
when the sound source receded from
him. Hippolyte
Become adiscovered
Scribd memberindependently
to read and downloadthe same
full documents. waves in 1848 In
phenomenon on electromagnetic
Britain, John Scott Russell made an experimental
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study of the Doppler effect (1848).

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• Craig BohrenYou're
out in 1991 a Preview
that some physics
textbooks erroneously
Upload yourstate thattothe
documents observed
frequency increases as the object approaches an observer
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and then decreases only as the object passes the
observer. In most cases, the OR
observed frequency of an
approaching object declines monotonically from a value
above the emitted
Become a frequency,
Scribd member tothrough a value equal to
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the emitted frequency full documents.
when the object is closest to the
observer, and to values increasingly below the emitted
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frequency as the object recedes from the observer.

Bohren proposed that this common misconception

You're the
might occur because Reading
intensitya Preview
of the sound increases
as an object approaches an observer
Upload your documents and decreases once
to download.
it passes and recedes from the observer and that this
change in intensity isUpload to Download
misperceived as a change in
frequency. Higher sound OR pressure levels make for a
small decrease in perceived pitch in low frequency
sounds, andBecome
for aa Scribd
to readin
download pitch for
high frequency soundsfull documents.
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The siren on Upload
a passing emergency vehicle will start out
your documents to download.
higher than its stationary pitch, slide down as it
passes, and continueUploadlower than its stationary pitch as
to Download

it recedes from the observer. n other words, if the

siren approached the observer directly, the pitch would
remain constant (as vs, r is only the radial
Become a Scribd member to read and download
component) until thefullvehicle hit him, and then
immediately jump to a new lower pitch.
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Because the vehicle passes by the observer, the radial

velocity does not remain constant, but instead varies as
a function of the angleReading
betweena hisPreview
line of sight and the
siren's velocityUpload your documents to download.

v  v . cos 
Upload to Download
r s

where vs is the velocity of the object (source of waves)
with respectBecome
to the medium,
a Scribd member and isdownload
to readθand the angle between
the object's forward velocity and the line of sight from
full documents.
the object to the observer.
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The DopplerYou're
effectReading a Preview
for electromagnetic
waves such asUpload
of great to download.
in astronomy and results in either a so-called
Upload to Download
redshift or blue shift. It has been used to
measure the speed at which OR stars and galaxies
are approaching or receding from us, that is,
the radial Become a Scribd member to read and download
velocity. This is used to detect if an
full documents.
apparently single star is, in reality, a
close binary and Start
even Yourto measure
30 Day FREE Trial the rotational
speed of stars and galaxies.

The use of the Doppler effect for light

in astronomy depends on our knowledge that
the spectra of stars are not continuous. They
exhibit absorption linesReading
at welladefined
Preview frequencies that
are correlated Upload
with your
energiesto required
excite electrons in various elements from one level to
another. The Doppler effect
Upload is recognizable in the fact
to Download
that the absorption lines are not always at the
frequencies that are obtained OR from the spectrum of a
stationary light source. Since blue light has a higher
frequency than
Becomered light,
a Scribd thetospectral
member lines of an
read and download
approaching astronomical full documents.
light source exhibit a blue
shift and those of a receding astronomical light source
exhibit a redshift. Start Your 30 Day FREE Trial

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Another use You're Readingeffect,

of the Doppler a Preview which is found
mostly in plasma physics
Upload and astronomy,
your documents to download. is the
estimation of the temperature of a gas which is emitting
a spectral line. Due to theto thermal
Upload Download motion of the
emitters, the light emitted by each particle can be
slightly red- or blue-shiftedOR, and the net effect is a
broadening of the line. This line shape is called
a Doppler Become
profilea Scribd
and member
the widthto readof
line is
full documents.
proportional to the square root of the temperature of the
emitting species, allowing a spectral line (with the width
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dominated by the Doppler broadening) to be used to
infer the temperature.

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The DopplerYou'reeffect Reading
is useda in Preview
some types
of radar, to measure the velocity
Upload your documents of detected
to download.

objects. A radar beam is fired at a moving

Upload to Download
target , as it approaches or recedes from the
radar source. Each successive OR
radar wave has to
travel farther
Becometo reach
a Scribd member the car,
to read and before
download being
reflected and re-detected near the source. As
full documents.

each wave has toStart move farther, the gap between

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each wave increases, increasing the wavelength.

In some situations, the radar beam is fired at the

You're Reading a Preview
moving car as it approaches, in which case each
Upload your documents to download.
successive wave travels a lesser distance,
decreasing the wavelength. In either situation,
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calculations from the Doppler effect accurately

determine the car's velocity
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full documents.

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An echocardiogram
within certain limits, produce
a Preview
accurate assessment the direction of blood flow and
the velocity of blood anddocuments
Upload your cardiactotissue
download. at any arbitrary
point using the Doppler effect. One of the limitations is
that the ultrasound beam should
Upload to Downloadbe as parallel to the
blood flow as possible. Velocity measurements allow
assessment of cardiac valveORareas and function, any
abnormal communications between the left and right
side of the heart,
Become aany
member toof blood
read through the valves
and download
and calculation of the full cardiac output. Contrast-
enhanced ultrasound using gas-filled microbubble
contrast media can Startbe used to FREE
Your 30 Day improve
Trial velocity or other
flow-related medical measurements.

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Instruments such as Reading
the laser aDopplerPreviewvelocimeter
(LDV), and acoustic
Upload your Doppler
documents tovelocimeter
download. (ADV)
have been developed to measure velocities in a fluid flow.
Upload to Download
The LDV emits a light beam and the ADV emits an
ultrasonic acoustic burst, and OR
measure the Doppler
shift in wavelengths of reflections from particles moving
with the flow. The
Become actual
a Scribd memberflow is computed
to read and download as a function
of the water velocity and full documents.
face. This technique allows
non-intrusive flow measurements, at high precision and
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high frequency.

(example of doppler effect)
• To help them You're
find theirReading
prey in a Preview
the dark, most bat
species have developed
Upload youradocuments
remarkable navigation system
to download.
called echolocation. To understand how echolocation
Upload to Download
works, imagine an "echo canyon." If you stand on the
edge of a canyon and shoutOR"hello," you'll hear your
own voice coming back to you an instant later. Bats
make sounds the asame
Become way weto read
Scribd member do,andbydownload
moving air past
full documents.
their vibrating vocal chords. Some bats emit the sounds
from their mouth, Start
which they hold open as they fly.
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The bat can tell if an insect is to the right or

left by comparing when the sound reaches its
right ear to when the sound reaches its left ear:
If the sound You're
of the Reading
echo reaches a Preview the right ear
Upload your documents to download.
before it reaches the left ear, the insect is
obviously to the right. The
Upload bat's ears have a
to Download

complex collection of folds that help it determine

an insect's vertical position. Echoes coming from
below will hit thea Scribd
Become folds of the
member to readouter ear at a
and download

different point thanfullsoundsdocuments.

coming from above,
and so will sound Start
different when
Your 30 Day FREE Trial they reach the

bat's inner ear.

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Other animals that use echolocation

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Supersonic speed is aReading
rate of travela Preview of an object that is
larger than theUpload
speed yourof sound to(Mach
documents download.1). For objects
traveling in dry air of a temperature of 20 °C (68 °F)
Upload to Download
this speed is approximately 343 m/s, 1,125 ft/s,
768 mph or 1,236 km/h. Speeds OR
greater than five times
the speed of sound (Mach 5) are often referred to
as hypersonic. Flight
Become a Scribd during
member towhich
read and only some parts of
the air around an object, full documents.
such as the ends of rotor
blades, reach supersonic speeds are called transonic
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You're Reading
Sounds are traveling vibrationsa in Preview
the form of pressure
waves in an elastic
your documents Intogases, sound travels
longitudinally at different speeds, mostly depending on
Upload to Download
the molecular mass and temperature of the gas,
and pressure has little effect. In water at room
temperature supersonic speed can be considered as any
speed greater than
Become 1,440
a Scribd m/sto (4,724
member ft/s). In solids,
read and download
sound waves can be polarized longitudinally or
full documents.

transversely and have even higher velocities.

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• A shock wave (also called shock front or simply
"shock") is a type
You're Reading a Preview
of propagating disturbance. Like an
ordinary wave,Upload
it carries energy and can propagate
your documents to download.
through a medium (solid, liquid, gas or plasma) or in
some cases in the absence Upload toof a material medium,
through a field such as the electromagnetic field. Shock
waves are characterized byORan abrupt, nearly
discontinuous change in the characteristics of the
Become a a
medium. Across Scribd
shockmember to read
there is and download
always an extremely
rapid rise in pressure,fulltemperature
and density of the
flow. In supersonicStartflows, expansion is achieved through
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an expansion fan. A shock wave travels through most
media at a higher speed than an ordinary wave.

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Nandini SreekumarUpload to Download

class : XI – B OR 03
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