Test 0581

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TEST 0018

1. Woman: Hello. 6 — 3 — 4 — 9 — 5. Who's ....... please? (a) calling (b) talking (c) acting (d) hearing
2. Charlie: Yes, hello it's Charlie here. I wanted to ....... how you are. (a) discover (b) detect (c) uncover (d) know
3. Woman: Me? Oh, I'm doing ....... , thank you and you? (a) good (b) fine (c) healthy (d) fit
4. Charlie: Well, to be ....... I've had a few problems recently. (a) open (b) overt (c) honest (d) correct
5. Woman: Sorry to hear that. What ....... of problems? (a) species (b) kind (c) example (d) group
6. Charlie: Well, it all started when my wife ....... out on me. (a) strolled (b) rushed (c) paced (d) walked
7. Woman: Sorry to hear that. That must have been a ....... . (a) hit (b) strike (c) blow (d) knock
8. Charlie: Of course that was some time ago and I've got ....... to it now. (a) used (b) bound (c) held (d) tied
9. Woman: By the way I don't know anybody ....... Charlie. (a) entitled (b) called (c) headed (d) nominated
10. Charlie: Sorry about that I must have ....... the wrong number. Have a nice day. (a) selected (b) directed (c) dialled (d) done
11. Alice: I think the play is just on the ....... of starting. (a) tip (b) peak (c) top (d) point
12. Mary: I do hope so. I'm very ....... of the main actor. (a) like (b) fond (c) amiable (d) close
13. Alice: Me too. Just listen to the ....... of his voice now. (a) noise (b) speech (c) sound (d) roar
14. Mary: The trouble is I always ....... his name. (a) forget (b) forbid (c) forego (d) forefend
15. Alice: I think his first name is Michael but I can't remember the ....... . (a) brand name (b) proper name (c) pet name (d) surname
16. Mary: I've got it. ....... it's Dobson. Yes, that's it — Michael Dobson. (a) Certainly (b) Surely (c) Naturally (d) Obviously
17. Alice: Yes, you're ....... right. I've seen him on tv loads of times. (a) fully (b) alive (c) dead (d) clear
18. Mary: Yes, Michael Dobson he was in that new ....... as the detective. (a) killer (b) filler (c) thriller (d) tiller
19. Alice: He was really good in that. Oh look, he's suddenly stopped and started ....... . (a) glaring (b) glazing (c) glancing (d) glossing
20. Michael Dobson: I'm very ....... , ladies you know who I am. Now can you stop talking so that we can get on with the play? (a) certain (b) glad (c) clear (d) clever
21. Employee: Are you ....... problems, madam? (a) feeling (b) trying (c) having (d) knowing
22. Old lady: Yes. I wonder if you could ....... help me, young man. (a) probably (b) likely (c) possibly (d) easily
23. Employee: Of course. In what ....... ? (a) direction (b) path (c) road (d) way
24. Old lady: The fact is I just can't ....... that cereal packet on the top shelf. (a) touch (b) reach (c) acquire (d) access
25. Employee: No problem. ....... you are. (a) There (b) Then (c) How (d) What
26. Old lady: There is just one other ....... you can help me with if you have a moment. (a) article (b) try (c) thing (d) heading
27. Employee: Just tell me and I'll ....... if I can help. (a) look (b) see (c) glance (d) watch
28. Old lady: All I want to know is ....... day today is. (a) what (b) when (c) where (d) who
29. Employee: It's Thursday of course. What do you want to know ....... ? (a) to (b) at (c) up (d) for
30. Old lady: Well you see this supermarket is so big I can't find the way ....... I've been here since Tuesday! (a) on (b) off (c) out (d) through

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