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Applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified candidates for the position of College Provosts in each
of the following Colleges of the Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria (FRIN), namely:

1. Federal College of Forestry, Ibadan, Oyo State;

2. Federal College of Forestry, Jos, Plateau State;

3. Federal College of Forestry Mechanization, Afaka, Kaduna State;

4. Federal College of Wildlife Management, New Bussa, Niger State;

5. Federal College of Forest Resources Management, Maiduguri, Borno State

6. Federal College of Forest Resources Management, Fugar, Edo State; and

7. Federal College of Forest Resources Management, Ishiagu, Ebonyi State.

A. Duties

The Provosts are the Academic Heads of their respective Colleges and are required to oversee the
day to day running of the Colleges. They are responsible to the Director General, Forestry Research
Institute of Nigeria for general supervision.

B. Job Specifications

1. For the position of Provosts in the Federal Colleges of Forestry located in Ibadan and Jos,
and the Federal Colleges of Forest Resources Management in Maiduguri, Fugar and
(i) Prospective candidates must be holders of PhD in Forestry, Forestry Resources
Management or Wildlife Conservation and Management or any other related

(ii) The prospective candidates must also have a minimum of ten (10) years progressive
teaching/research experience in a Research Institute and College of Forestry.

2. For the position of Provost, Federal College of Forestry Mechanization, Kaduna;

(i) Prospective candidates must be holders of PhD in Forestry Engineering or Forestry

Resources Management or any other related discipline.

(ii) The prospective candidates must also have a minimum of ten (10) years progressive
teaching/research experience in a Research Institute and College of Forestry

3. For the position of Provost, Federal College of Wildlife Management, New Bussa;

(i) Prospective candidates must be holders of PhD in Wildlife Conservation and

Management or Tourism and Hospitality or any other related discipline

(ii) The prospective candidates must also have a minimum of ten (10) years progressive
teaching/research experience in a Research Institute, College of Wildlife
Management, Forestry or Tourism and Hospitality.

4. Applicants must not be below the rank of Principal Research Fellow/Senior Lecturer and
must be registered members of professional bodies relevant to their discipline.

5. Prospective candidates must demonstrate ability to offer Academic and Administrative

leadership and be able to show evidence of at least four (4) additional publications in
reputable journals and three (3) other Conference/Seminar papers since their last promotion.

C. Terms of Appointment

A single term of five (5) years only (Non renewable)

D. Salaries

E. Method of Application

1. Prospective candidates are required to submit:

a. (10) typewritten copies of their Curriculum Vitae which must include their telephone
numbers and e-mail addresses; and

b. An electronic copy (soft copy) in a flash drive.

2. Applicants should inform 3 referees to send character/professional reports on them to the

Institute marked “confidential’, not later than four (4) weeks from the date of publication.

3. All applications and referees reports should be marked “Application for the position of
College Provost” (please be specific on only one College you are interested in) on the
envelope and addressed in the manner below:

The Director General

Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria

P.M.B. 5054

Jericho Hill, Jericho

Ibadan, Oyo State


F. Closing Date

Four (4) weeks from the date of this publication.


Director General,

Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria

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