Big Data Opportunities For Accounting and Finance Practice and Research

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Big Data Opportunities for Accounting and Finance Practice

and Research

Sophie Cockcroft , University of Queensland Business School

Mark Russell, University of Queensland Business School

We examine the research opportunities for the use of ‘big data’ in accounting and finance. The purpose of the
study is to present a snapshot of big data academic research in information systems, accounting and finance,
and to highlight areas for further research in accounting and finance. The research question addressed in this
work is: What are the major themes in existing research in big data and where are the resulting gaps in the
accounting and finance literature? An analysis is presented of 47 accounting, finance and information systems
journals from 2007–2016. We identify and sample the relevant literature to derive a taxonomy of themes. These
themes are presented as a conceptual matrix in which the themes from the taxonomy are used as concepts, and
the matrix identifies where they appear, and where there are potential areas for further research. Prior research
in big data in accounting, finance and information systems falls into six themes. The six under-researched
areas of big data in accounting and finance are risk and security, data visualisation and predictive analytics,
data management and data quality. Increased research in these areas will lead to improvements in industry
practices, and opportunities for cross-disciplinary research.

he research question addressed in this work is: (Abbasi et al. 2016; Akter and Wamba 2016; Frizzo-
What are the major themes in existing research Barker et al. 2016) but notably none focusing specifically
in big data and where are the resulting gaps in the on the accounting and finance literature.
accounting and finance literature? The work presented Most businesses perceive that they can use big data
here identifies research themes in the information sys- strategically to create products for their customers, and
tems (IS), accounting and finance literature based on to shift thinking about data and products leading to
a systematic literature review of big data articles with increased business value and the monetisation of data
a specific focus on accounting and finance topics. This (Frizzo-Barker et al. 2016). How this applies to account-
also identifies gaps in the literature and highlights op- ing and finance is an area of academic and industry
portunities for research in accounting and finance. For interest. Goes (2014), in a 2014 Management Informa-
IS researchers, we identify gaps in the existing IS liter- tion Systems Quarterly editorial, made the comment that,
ature dealing specifically with finance and accounting despite the extravagant and ambitious claims of many
topics. industry commentators, many organisations are strug-
The first commonly cited use of the term ‘big data’ was gling to make sense of big data. In the same article it
during an invited talk at the USENIX annual technical was established that whilst giants such as Amazon and
conference (Mashey 1999). A straightforward search for Google had their big data strategies worked out, mid-
the term ‘big data’ indicated an exponential growth in range companies in particular are struggling with the
publications relating to big data in the Scopus database challenge of big data. With respect to such companies
in the past 10 years (see Figure 1). References to the Goes (2014) claims that the confusion is exacerbated
term in the academic literature are more common in by the highly fragmented environment of solutions and
biomedical informatics in the early 2000s, and only applications that are intended to work in the big data
emerge in accounting and finance literature around realm.
Big data describes extremely large datasets typically
greater than a petabyte (1015 bytes) that have particu-
lar storage challenges and generally need to be analysed
Correspondence: Sophie Cockcroft, University of Queensland
using computational methods. Business School, Brisbane QLD 4072 Australia. Tel: +61 7 3346
There has been an increase in the scholarship of big 8016; email:
data and a number of useful reviews have emerged Accepted for publication 16 October 2017.

Australian Accounting Review No. 86 Vol. 28 Issue 3 2018 doi: 10.1111/auar.12218 323
Big Data in Accounting and Finance S. Cockcroft & M. Russell

Figure 1 Exponential growth of ‘big data’ publications 2007–2016 (all sources and disciplines – Scopus) [Colour
figure can be viewed at]

Motivation large amount of data phones amass, it has been suggested

that IOT applications have the potential to revolutionise
Paradoxically, although the Accounting and Finance dis- the finance industry (Turban et al. 2017).
ciplines traditionally deal with large volumes of data Finally, there are three areas in which big data analytics
in their analyses, the actual use of big data, and big provide a competitive advantage in the accounting and
data analysis methods in these disciplines, is at a very financial services industries, namely decision making,
early stage (AITE 2014; BigDataFinance 2016; Jeacle and customer insights and fraud detection/prevention.
Carter 2011; Scott and Orlikowski 2012).
The Turner report (Turner et al. 2013), produced Financial Data
jointly by the Said School of Business and IBM, notes
some advances in the use of analytics in the banking
Accounting and finance data is a subset of enterprise
industry. The report notes that more than half of big
data, which includes broader operational and transac-
data efforts underway by financial service companies are
tional data that can be used for analysis and forecasting.
focused on achieving customer outcomes. However, the
From the literature, there is the broader view of big data,
banking industry lags in terms of using big data and an-
which includes new types of internal and external data,
alytics for key analytics capabilities, specifically natural
much of which are unstructured but yield new insights
language and text processing, geospatial, streaming and
into business performance, risks and opportunities. This
voice/video analytics (Turner et al. 2013).
more global view of data encompasses social media data
Goes (2014) identifies finance as lacking some tech-
which are increasingly gathered as part of companies’
nical capabilities to work in the big data environment.
online strategies (Pereira Correia et al. 2014).
We suggest that the finance industry represents a special
case for investigation, having been involved in the analy-
sis of large amounts of data for many years. Nevertheless Literature Review Process
the industry is relatively new to data mining and other
unstructured analytics methods, such as the use of non- Following the approach of Fergusson and Seow (2011)
numerical sources: online customer reviews, Twitter and and Gaunt (2014) an exploratory search was carried out
other social media data. using the term ‘big data’ and the ISSN numbers of all the
The motivation for this research also comes from in- journals for the field of research (FOR) codes relating to
dustry developments and big data initiatives. Big data IS, Accounting and Finance within the Australian Busi-
exists in a post-PC world and in Business Intelligence ness Deans Council (ABDC) list. Whilst this list is aimed
and Analytics 3.0 (BI&A 3,0) as defined by Chen et al. at Australian academic audiences, it is comparable to
(2012). Data volumes are increasing exponentially, users other business-centred journal lists worldwide such as
are likely to use mobile devices, and much data are turned the Chartered Association of Business Schools ABS list.
over to cloud-based storage. CFOs are also tasked with Four main business reference sources were used: Sco-
getting value from stored data (Karlgaard 2011). pus, ABI/INFORM, Web of Science and EBSCOhost.
Internet-enabled devices with sensors, including mo- The search was limited to peer-reviewed and scholarly
bile phones, are location aware and have ecosystems of journals, and limited to papers published in the 10 years
applications. These devices contribute to the so-called between 2007 and 2016, and this resulted in 3082 results.
internet of things (IOT). Owing to their nature, mobile Then a filter was applied to only retrieve journals on the
phones are set to replace credit cards, and considering the ABDC list, resulting in 529 journal articles. However,

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Figure 2 Taxonomy of big data themes [Colour figure can be viewed at]

over 300 of these were from IS journals that addressed literature review and follows the recommendation of
non-financial topics such as using Hadoop, social me- Webster and Watson (2002). There is some cross-
dia attitudes and analysis of big data in other domains disciplinary blurring, for example, in decision making,
such as health. A practical screen followed to remove which is of interest to IS and accounting.
book reviews and literature reviews and to focus on pa- The remainder of the discussion is structured around
pers that explicitly described applications of financial this taxonomy.
data. The remaining articles were assessed for quality.
Thus the search was limited to papers representing field Techniques and processes
of research codes for accounting or finance, and papers
in IS journals were only selected if they explicitly ad- Techniques and processes broadly centre around three
dressed this domain. This resulted in 75 papers, which aspects: identifying meaningful trends and insights from
are listed in Appendix 1. Although the search encom- financial and non-financial data; intelligent visualisation
passed 10 years, all references except one in the data set and presentation of data; and using data to improve
fall between 2011 and 2016. performance.

Research Directions Data mining and real-time predictive modelling

The 75 papers emerging from the search process high- The ‘big’ in big data can start from the collection method
light the comparative lack of published big data work (e.g., sensor data gathered by the minute) or by virtue
in accounting and finance. Journals publishing three or of having been collected over a long time frame (e.g.,
more papers in the above period were Accounting Hori- transaction data over a 25-year period). Since 1990 com-
zons, Business Intelligence Journal, Business Process Man- putational methods have developed to serve the needs of
agement Journal, Information Systems Frontiers, Journal the scientific community. The need for higher compu-
of Accountancy and Internal Auditing. tational power has also driven the invention of more
Figure 2 is a taxonomy of big data themes. The big efficient computational codes and triggered the devel-
data themes are extracted from the 75 articles, using the opment of new hardware (Raischel et al. 2014). Predic-
concept matrix presented in Appendix 1. The taxonomy tive modelling, including classification, clustering and
is structured with reference to accounting, finance and association rules, has evolved from retrospective analyt-
IS. The use of a concept matrix is core to a structured ical techniques to techniques that allow organisations to

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predict outcomes based on historical data, for example, and ensuring that the business captures reliable, good
detecting possible credit card fraud at the point of sale quality data in the first place (CGMA 2013).
based on features of the transaction. Data quality has historically been the preserve of data
administrators within organisations. Now there is an
Data visualisation increased role for auditors. Alles (2015) notes that as
big data becomes an essential part of client strategies via
Frankel and Reid (2008) were among the first to ex- customer relationship management, social networking
plore the idea of bringing together graphic artists, com- or other approaches, auditors too will have to learn tools
puter scientists and statisticians to develop enhanced and techniques for managing data quality.
and meaningful ways of portraying data. ‘Big’ data con-
tains, or has a greater potential to contain, more pat- Data management
terns and interesting anomalies than ‘small’ data. There
has not been much research to date in this area. Flood Bhimani and Willcocks (2014) describe the importance
et al. (2016) use visual analytics to monitor financial of the management of big data. Bizarro and Dacosta
stability. In the management accounting field, visual (2014: 10) describe the data management cycle with re-
analytics identifies anomalous and potentially fraud- spect to big data: ‘The DLM involves the flow of data
ulent accounts payable transactions (Singh and Best throughout a business’s life span from creation to de-
2016). struction and the process of managing data resources to
achieve business goals’.
Reporting Big data management provides opportunities around
data infrastructure, storage and integration. There is a
The growth of big data, together with increased process- tendency to keep data ‘just in case we need it’ and cause
ing power, sophisticated algorithms and advanced sta- back up to become a type of archive. Many businesses
tistical methods, suggests that there should be increased struggle with master data management, which provides
opportunities to improve management reporting, and one trusted view of customers, products and suppliers
to compare financial and non-financial measures of per- even when they come from a variety of sources. Man-
formance. In addition, big data can bring together dis- aging big data requires a diverse range of tools includ-
parate data sources from many parts of an organisation. ing data warehousing and providing for data anonymity
For example, in Dodd-Frank regulatory investigations, when new applications are developed and deployed.
the text-mining of emails to reconstruct activities and
reconstruct reports can expose fraud and suspicious ac- The big data asset
tivity (Aite 2014).
Big data offers the finance professional the possibility Turner et al. (2013: 3) capture the notion of big data as
of moving into a more strategic, proactive role in busi- an asset: ‘Big data is especially promising and differenti-
ness (Chua 2013). These strategic opportunities have ating for financial services companies. With no physical
been explored in a number of studies (Liu and Vasarhelyi products to manufacture, data – the source of informa-
2014; Schneider et al. 2015; Tysiac 2015; Warren et al. tion – is one of arguably their most important assets.
2015). In particular, Bhimani and Willcocks (2014) cau- The business of banking and financial management is
tion against reorienting the accounting and finance func- rife with transactions, conducting hundreds of millions
tions to simply harness the potential of big data. They daily, each adding another row to the industry’s immense
stress that enterprises should make their decisions based and growing ocean of data’.
on verifiable economic transactions and there should be Another reason the volume of data available to or-
a clear delineation of (information) systems that provide ganisations today is growing is that there are more pos-
these established accounting and finance capabilities and sibilities for media entertainment and social network-
those that are more exploratory in nature. ing online. The data generated from these activities are
largely unstructured, but much are amenable to structur-
Information governance ing in an economically purposeful sense (Bhimani and
Willcocks 2014). Thus enterprises can extract customer
Data quality data from public, proprietary and purchased sources,
but they can also explore data from net communities
To big data the same principles of data quality apply: or smart data sources. Smart data is a colloquialism for
accuracy, completeness and timeliness. Nevertheless, big data matching via data points from various sources, such
data has brought further opportunities to research data as customer loyalty databases and mobile location data.
integrity and quality. These opportunities include the Bhimani and Willcocks (2014) suggest that the type of
integration of data from different databases and silos, data-matching approaches used by Amazon and EBay to

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refine user searches could be used within corporations Professional roles and competencies
to develop more rigorous data analysis and mining. The
results can point to altered pricing policy, cost contain- From the point of view of the accounting profession,
ment prioritisation, and cash and working capital man- many commentators have suggested that the account-
agement strategies. ing profession is best placed to manage the big data
function within organisations (Bhimani and Willcocks
Trust and accountability 2014; Brands 2014; Hagel 2013; Lawton 2015). The rea-
sons given generally centre around three points. The first
There is a body of work spearheaded by Vasarhelyi et al. point concerns the existing professional trust in accoun-
(2014) around the use of audit tools in the face of big tants. The second point relates to how accountants have
data, and the effect big data has on the accounting func- the capacity to add clarity to numbers (or make sense
tion (Vasarhelyi et al. 2015). Within our dataset trust of data). Finally, commentators argue that there should
and accountability were the most researched areas. IS be a greater role for the accounting profession in ana-
researchers explore security breaches and data leakage lytics and less on cost control as part of organisational
(Chiu et al. 2014; Hamami 2014; Huth et al. 2013) and performance optimisation.
auditing in the presence of big data (Krahel and Titera More specifically, commentators have noted the
2015; Becker et al. 2016; Ramamoorti et al. 2016). unique position of accountants to take on the role of
Jeacle and Carter (2011) make an interesting point that data governance (Bhimani and Willcocks 2014). This
review websites such as Trip Advisor appear to act as a role has traditionally been managed by the information
means of producing trust, and they take place outside of systems or IT department. One important aspect of man-
the accountancy profession’s orbit. Scott and Orlikowski aging big data is the design of reports, dashboards and
(2012) build on this, also using Trip Advisor as an ex- scorecards both periodic and ad hoc to measure business
ample, to explore what they describe as a burgeoning performance.
of auditable contexts to come up with a model of how
accountability is performed online using social media Education and training
In their big data and impact review paper Chen et al.
Risk, privacy, security, ethics (2012: 1166) quote Hal Varian, chief economist at Google
on emerging opportunities for IT professionals and stu-
Where risk is discussed in relation to big data in the MIS dents in data analysis as saying, ‘So what’s getting ubiq-
literature, it is in terms of reputational, personal and uitous and cheap? Data. And what is complementary to
societal risks of re-purposing data drawn from multi- data? Analysis. So my recommendation is to take lots
ple sources and basing decisions on them (Clarke 2016). of courses about how to manipulate and analyze data:
The risks associated with big data appear to be under- databases, machine learning, econometrics, statistics, vi-
researched given the importance of risk in finance and sualization, and so on’.
risk management in business. Clarke (2016) is one of The literature struggles to define the much vaunted
the few articles within the dataset that concerns ethics. role of data scientist, with aspects of statistics, account-
In particular Clarke (2016) examines scenarios in which ing, data analytics, programming and communication
data are gathered for one purpose and used for another, being required. In October 2012, Davenport and Patil’s
which can precipitate privacy breaches that are damaging much cited article was published in the Harvard Business
to an organisation’s reputation. These issues have, since Review dubbing the data scientist the ‘Sexiest Job of the
the time of our literature sample, been further explored 21st Century’ (Davenport and Patil 2012). Along with
by Asadi Someh et al. (2016). Misuse of big data analyt- a blurring of professional boundaries, a skills shortage
ics chiefly impact security and privacy and the costs of is emerging which universities and other training insti-
security breaches. tutes might strive to fill. The problem currently is that
defining data science is quite difficult to do (Provost and
Fawcett 2013).
Modelling risk

Risk has a specific meaning when used in a finance con- New applications
text. Big data and the common analytical methods as-
sociated with it are exploited to develop measures of Trading signals
potential loss in a portfolio based on genetic algorithms
(Sharma et al. 2015). Further, Sivaramakrishnan and Building on the Google trends work of Preis et al. (2013),
Stubbs (2013) develop a custom risk model based on Cicon (2014) developed a model that retrospectively pre-
historical data. dicts the dot-com bubble based on a text analysis of

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134 990 articles using semantic constructs (litigiousness, the use of big data for fraud protection. In particular,
negative tone, positive tone and uncertainty). Wu and Brennan et al. (2014) describe the use of real-time ana-
Brynjolfsson (2014) use Google trends to predict house lytics to detect Medicaid fraud.
price trends and sales. Further, Dzielinski (2012) uses Ferguson (2012) reports the use of behavioural analyt-
Google trends to develop a measure of economic uncer- ics for fraud prevention. He developed the ethnography
tainty and detect its impacts on the stock market. In ad- of a business based on its accounting, clinic manage-
dition, Gu (2014) uses data mining methods to examine ment or employers. Big (historical) data were then used
the behaviour of investors in virtual communities find- to predict how such behavioural antecedents might lead
ing that, to their detriment, investors of the same type to fraud. A similar approach was used by Chivers et al.
chat together missing out on the synergies that might (2013) to detect insider attacks within the organisation.
occur from more diversity. This was also expanded upon by Huth et al. (2013).
There is potential for more research on social media Gregory and Muntermann (2014) use a fraud prevention
influences on markets, for example, on the effects of ru- example to describe the use of a design science strategy
mour sites on takeovers, dividends or liquidation. Some to implement big data analytics. Hipgrave (2013) de-
work on textual analysis has been done in the area of big scribes the use of visualisation to pick up ‘crash for cash’
data and markets (Loughran and McDonald 2011; Luo insurance fraud for contrived car accidents. In the health
et al. 2013; Nofer and Hinz 2015). Algorithms purport- domain Srinivasan and Arunasalam (2013) describe two
ing to predict stock market moves such as ‘I know first’ novel applications that leverage big data to detect fraud,
(2014) use a combination of machine learning via genetic abuse, waste and errors in health insurance claims.
algorithms (survival of the fittest) (Sharma et al. 2015)
and artificial intelligence techniques (specifically neu- Internet of things and customer insights
ral nets which are widely used in classification) (Parnes
2015). Roitman (2016) explains that new data are added One way to gain customer insights is to use big data to
to the ‘I know first’ database daily to the 15-year database measure and manage customer satisfaction in the way
to run a learning and prediction cycle to identify prices that Trip Advisor and other applications do. Compa-
for stock currencies and commodities. The models de- nies use traditional measures such as customer satisfac-
veloped from this are then tested on data. When the tion when searching unstructured data for patterns. Re-
algorithm finds the best fit, associated with one of the search might identify new frames of reference – such
models, that model is selected and applied to new data. as customer networks of influence. The use of cus-
Research into this type of system has been underway tomer insights is quite mature in the finance industry
for some time. These systems do not use unstructured (Fanning and Grant 2013; Marjanovic and Murthy 2016;
data, but are focused on structured trade data such as in- Shanmugam et al. 2015; Yu et al. 2015). In this con-
coming trades (symbol, side, price, size, order type, etc.) text we note the impact of the IOT. In particular,
or outgoing trades (new, cancelled rejected, executed) Shanmugam et al. (2015) note that with the ubiquity
(O’Hara 2014). Nazaruk and Rauchman (2013) explain of smartphones and smartwatches, we can enhance the
the use of two types of such systems. First, the Mar- ATM experience and avoid debit cards altogether. Re-
ket Information Data Analytics System (MIDAS) which tail banks have also begun to place sensors in stores that
is the US Securities and Exchange Commission’s mar- suggest discounts and recommendations via such smart
ket surveillance and trade monitoring system. MIDAS devices.
collects data on posted orders and quotes on national
exchanges, modifications/cancellations of those orders,
and trade executions against those orders. Second, CAT Conclusion and Discussion
consolidates public and non-public data about the mar-
ket into a single system. In a related publication Rauch- We review the existing big data literature (trade and
man and Nazaruk (2013) describe how the data from academic) to identify themes in accounting and finance
these systems are developed into trading models to allow research and practice.
ad hoc data analysis and pattern discovery. Widely researched areas of big data are models of trust
and reputation in customer service industries. The bank-
ing and finance industries have also embraced customer
Fraud prevention/detection analytics. Further, trading signals and fraud preven-
tion are receiving research interest. The six under-
Drew (2013) reports a poll of accounting professionals researched areas of big data in accounting and finance
on the security risks of mobile devices and the mass are privacy and security, data visualisation and predictive
movement of confidential information to the Cloud. analytics, data management and data quality.
Here big data creates novel research opportunities in se- From our structured review of the literature, we ex-
curing data. A number of researchers have also explored pect information governance, non-financial reporting

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and customer insights to be particularly fruitful areas Brands, K. 2014, ‘Big Data and Business Intelligence for Man-
of future big data research. In addition, the account- agement Accountants’, Strategic Finance, 96 (6): 64–5.
ing profession is well placed to exploit big data for risk Brennan, N., Oelschlaeger, A., Cox, C. and Tavenner, M. 2014,
and fraud management, data visualisation, auditing and ‘Leveraging the Big-data Revolution: CMS is Expanding Capa-
performance measurement. bilities to Spur Health System Transformation’, Health Affairs,
One of the limitations of our sampling methodology 33 (7): 1195–202.
was that it did not capture conference publications; also
CGMA 2013, From Insight to Impact: Unlocking Oppor-
if journals did not appear on the ABDC list their papers tunities in Big Data, Report of the Chartered Global
may not be referenced. However, we have drawn on lit- Management Accountant Durham NC, AICPA, North
erature outside the concept matrix shown in Appendix 1 Carolina.
to support our discussion. Since big data is a live and rel-
atively young area of research, future research building Chen, H., Chiang, R.H.L. and Storey, V.C. 2012, ‘Business
Intelligence and Analytics: From Big Data to Big Impact’,
on this should take conference papers into account.
MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems, 36 (4):
Acknowledgements Chiu, V., Liu, Q. and Vasarhelyi, M.A. 2014, ‘The Devel-
opment and Intellectual Structure of Continuous Audit-
The authors are grateful for feedback on an early version ing Research∗ ’, Journal of Accounting Literature, 33 (1–2):
of this paper by Dr Martina Linnenluecke UQ Business 37–57.
School. The paper benefited from feedback from seminar Chivers, H., Clark, J., Nobles, P., Shaikh, S. and Chen, H. 2013,
participants at IDC Middlesex University. ‘Knowing Who to Watch: Identifying Attackers Whose Actions
Are Hidden Within False Alarms and Background Noise’, In-
formation Systems Frontiers, 15 (1): 17–34.
Chua, F. 2013, ‘Big Data Essential to Commercial Accoun-
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the Journey. Available at: http://alphanow.thomsonreuters. ternational Journal of Economics and Finance, 6 (8): 15–
com/premium/white-paper-big-data-capital-markets/, 22.
accessed 15 January 2016. Clarke, R. 2016, ‘Big Data, Big Risks’, Information Systems Jour-
Akter, S. and Wamba, S.F. 2016, ‘Big Data Analytics in nal, 26 (1): 77–90.
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Research’, Electronic Markets, 26: 173–94. Job of the 21st Century’, Harvard Business Review, 90 (1): 70–6.
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Techniques and Processes Informaon Governance Privacy Security Ethics New Applicaons Markeng Professional

Trust and accountability

Educaon and training

Data management

The big data asset

Customer insights
Predicve models

Internet of things
Fraud prevenon
Trading signals

Data mining

Data quality




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(Alles 2015) x x
(Anonymous 2015) x
(Becker et al. 2016) x
(Bhasin 2014) x
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(Bhimani 2015) x x x x
(Bizarro and Dacosta 2014) x x
(Blackburn 2015) x x x
(Boyd and Crawford 2012) x
(Briggs 2013) x
(Cannon et al. 2012) x
(Cao et al. 2015) x
(Chiu et al. 2014) x
(Chivers et al. 2013) x
(Clarke 2016) x
(Cochrane 2012) x
(Cochrane 2016) x
(Del Giudice et al. 2016) x
(Demirkan and Delen 2013) x
(Drew 2013) x x x x
(Drew 2015) x x
(Dzielinski 2012) x
(Fanning and Grant 2013) x
(Frisk et al. 2014) x
(Gangotra and Shankar 2016) x
(Goh and Sun 2015) x
(Gu et al. 2014) x
(Guthrie and Parker 2016) x
(Hagel 2012) x
(Hagel 2013) x x
(Hamami 2014) x
(Hipgrave 2013) x
(Huth et al. 2013) x
(Jeacle and Carter 2011) x
(Krahel and Titera 2015) x
(Kshetri 2016) x


332 Australian Accounting Review 

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(Lawton 2015) x
(Liu and Vasarhelyi 2014) x x
(Loughran and Mcdonald 2011) x x
(Luo et al. 2013) x
(Ludwig et al. 2015) x
(Marjanovic and Murthy 2016) x
(Markus 2015) x x
(McGann 2013) x x
(Moffi and Vasarhelyi 2013) x x
(Nasar and Bomers 2012) x
(Nguyen et al. 2014) x
(Nofer and Hinz 2015) x
(O'Hara 2014) x
(O'Leary 2013) x
(Parnes 2015) x
(Ramamoor et al. 2016) x
(Rayna et al. 2015) x
(Schneider et al. 2015) x x x
(Sco and Orlikowski 2012)
(Seethamraju 2012) x
(Shahpasand et al. 2015) x
(Shanmugam et al. 2015) x
(Sharma et al. 2015) x
(Singh and Best 2016) x x
(Sivaramakrishnan and Stubbs 2013) x
(Tetlock 2007) x
(Trequarini et al. 2016) x
(Tysiac 2015) x x
(Vasarhelyi et al. 2014) *
(Vasarhelyi et al. 2015) *
(Vincent and Higgs 2016) x x
(Warren et al. 2015) x
(Werther 2013) x
(West and Bhaacharya 2016) x
(Wigan and Clarke 2013) x
(Williams 2014) x
(Xingze 2011) x
(Yu et al. 2015) x
5 1 1 8 2 6 4 15 3 6 3 8 9 8 5 12 6

C 2018 CPA Australia Australian Accounting Review 333

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