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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Hydrology

Discharge Measurement
I. Objective
The purpose of this experiment is to determine discharge by using different formula and compare it with
the original discharge from machine.
II. Instrument



Flow Channel and Pump

III. Experiment process

a) Collecting data for Q=
1. Open the valve to 5m3/h
2. Prepare our barrel and start the stopwatch as soon as we decant the water into barrel
3. wait for the barrel to exactly fill up and stop the stopwatch
4. Calculate the volume of our barrel by using V= *h
5. Repeat from step 2 again by open the valve to 7m /h and then to 10m3/h

b) Collecting data for Q=v*A

1. Open the valve to 5m3/h
2. measure your desired distance
3. start our stopwatch when we drop a small piece of a lightweight thing (ex: េ ្ន រ) into the channel
4. press stop when it reaches our desired distance
5. measure high of the water and base of our channel
6. Repeat from step 2 again by open the valve to 7m3/h and then to 10m3/h
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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Hydrology

 Data collected
 Method A
Q=5m3/h Q=7m3/h Q=10m3/h
t1 15.73s 11.13s 8.02s
t2 15.53s 11s 7.93s
t3 15.65s 11.29s 8.12s
Volume of barrel=22.5l
 Method B
Q=5m3/h Q=7m3/h Q=10m3/h
t1 1.72s 1.55s 1.29s
t2 1.68s 1.61s 1.32s
t3 1.75s 1.52s 1.26s

IV. Calculation
 For Method 1
We use the formula Qi = ,where V=22.5l=0.0225m3
Qav= ∑ 𝑄
 When Q=5m3/h
 Q1 = = 3600 = 5.15m3/h
 Q2 = = 3600 = 5.21m3/h
 Q3 = = 3600 = 5.17m3/h
 Qav= ∑𝑄 = 5.15 5.21 5.17 5.18𝑚 /ℎ
 Repeat the calculation for Q=7m /h and 10m3/h 3

 For Method 2
We use the formula Qi = vi*Ai ; where vi = ,l=1.48m
Ai=b*hi ,b=7.5cm
 Q 1= 0.075 0.022 3600 5.11𝑚 /ℎ
 Q 2= 0.075 0.022 3600 5.23𝑚 /ℎ
 Q 3= 0.075 0.022 3600 5.02𝑚 /ℎ
 Qav= ∑𝑄 = 5.11 5.23 5.02 5.12𝑚 /ℎ
 Repeat the calculation for Q=7m3/h and 10m3/h
V. Result
 For method 1
Q1=5m3/h Q2=7m3/h Q3=10m3/h
t1 15.73 11.13 8.02 (s)
t2 15.53 11 7.93 (s)
t3 15.65 11.29 8.12 (s)
Qav= 5.180275478 7.271918365 10.09649862 (m3/h)

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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Hydrology

 For method 2
A= 0.00165 0.0021 0.002475 (m2)
t1 1.72 1.55 1.39 (s)
t2 1.68 1.61 1.34 (s)
t3 1.75 1.52 1.32 (s)
v1 0.860465116 0.95483871 1.064748201 (m/s)
v2 0.880952381 0.919254658 1.104477612 (m/s)
v3 0.845714286 0.973684211 1.121212121 (m/s)
Vav 0.862377261 0.949259193 1.096812645 (m/s)
Qav= 5.12252093 7.176399498 9.772600666 (m3/h)

VI. Conclusion
After finish experiment and calculations, we can see a slightly different between discharge from
the valve and discharge got from calculation. Those errors result from our imperfect timing on our
stopwatch. Moreover, our pump is seemed to be an old one so it might not accurate anymore. The real
discharge might not be exactly the same to the number that were shown on the discharge indicator.

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