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Reach for The Top Class IX

I. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:
“I’m Russian. It’s true that the U.S. is a big part of my life. But I have Russian citizenship.
My blood is totally Russian. I will play the Olympics for Russia if they want me.”

1. Who says these words? Why?

Maria Sharapova, a world-class tennis player, says these words. She says so because
she takes immense pride in her nationality.
2. Why does the speaker say, ‘My blood is totally Russian’?
Maria claims this because she was born to Russian parents in Russia. She did spend a
large part of her life in the U.S., but she proudly declares her Russian identity.
3. Given a chance, what would Maria like to do for Russia?
Being a Russian from the core of her heart, Maria would like to represent Russia in
the Olympics and make them proud, if given an opportunity.
4. What challenges do you think Maria Sharapova might have faced growing up in
the United States?
Maria was just nine years old when she had to leave her home, mother and her country
to go to the United States. She was bullied by senior players and faced a lot of humiliation
and insults.Moreover, she did not even speak the language in a foreign land.
5. How does Maria Sharapova's statement challenge traditional notions of citizenship
and national identity?
National identity can be complex and multifaceted. Sharapova's statement suggests that
people can have multiple national identities. She says that she is "Russian" and that the
United States is "a big part of her life." This suggests that people can feel a sense of
belonging to multiple countries.

II. Answer the following questions in 40-50 words.

1. How did Santosh show the contradiction to her name?
Ans. The girl was given the name Santosh, which means contentment’. But Santosh was
not always content with her place in the traditional way of life. She began living life on
her terms from the start.
2. What shows Santosh’s concern for the environment?
Santosh’s fervent concern for the environment is indicated by the fact that she couldn’t
stand the sight of the Himalayas littered with garbage. Hence, she collected and brought
down as much as 500kg of refuse from the pristine mountains.
3. How was Maria different from other children?
Maria was calmer and more composed, confident and tolerant than the other children
of her age. She also had an inner strength that enabled her to endure the sacrifice that few
children could think of facing. Unlike most children, she did not buckle under hardships
and adverse circumstances.

III. Answer in detail in 100-120 words.

“Success comes to those who dare and do.” Do you think the lesson ‘Reach for The
Top’ proves it?
‘Reach for The Top’ is a story about two heroic young girls. The first story is about a
young Mountaineer Santosh Yadav and the second part is about Maria Sharapova a tennis
sensation of the world. Santosh Yadav was born in a small village in Haryana state. Her
family believed in traditional values and they were adamant to keep their prevailing
customs but she rose to the highest glory by her determination and hard efforts. In the
same way, Maria Sharapova rose to the top of the tennis world through her hard efforts.
She became the world’s number-one tennis sensation of the modern world.
Santosh defied all odds, customs, traditions and prejudices to script her phenomenal
success through hard work, persistent effort, focus on the goal and mental and physical
toughness. Santosh had reached the highest top that a woman mountaineer could reach,
not just once but twice. She is a wonderful role model to emulate. Similarly, the account
of Maria Sharapova focuses on the grand achievements of the tennis player, who earned
the title of the world number one in women’s tennis in 2005. They both prove that one has
to pay a price for reaching the top in the form of hard labour, rigorous training, and
sacrifice. Sometimes one has to undergo mental torture on this path to success, but its
rewards are always sweet and satisfying.
Santosh Yadav and Maria Sharapova are both determined and passionate people who
achieved great success at a young age despite the challenges they faced in their early lives.
They overcame societal limitations, personal obstacles, and physical challenges, proving
that success is not determined by circumstances but by one's unwavering spirit. Their
stories serve as an inspiration to countless individuals, demonstrating that with
perseverance and passion, even the most ambitious dreams can be realized.

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