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7 Ys Solution Thermodynamics | PYQ Session - Part | Sotelo] Rae eee eee | Question number 01 to 10 Gp Selution [an Frevieus Year Questions GATE 1896 — 2021 Devendra Poenia SX CREATED BY:- DEVENDRA POONIA. Q. 195. A pure gas obeys the equation of state given by iv 2-142 eT F 4 Ze 7 where P is the pressure, T is the absolute temperature, V is the molar volume of the gas, R is the universal gas constant, and B is a parameter independent of T and P. The residual molar Gibbs energy, G®, of the gas is given by the relation = 3 fo- og where Z is the compressibility factor and the integral is evaluated at constant T. If the value of B is 1 x 104 m> mol", the residual molar enthalpy (in J mo1-') of the gas at 1000 kPa (B) 300 (C) 2494 (D) 30000 Use referral Code DPO7 to get maximum discount on your Unacademy PLUS & ICONIC Subscription Get ae) © A ef i “il e cf (2-1) te | f Rr” [ i ° ZS |r i a @sz acne och eon nr) ey Ge- Hd-T Se ss Lens (s%) Clary) Pr er Sn ey AP zen a a as ae) ey) ae CREATED BY:- DEVENDRA POONIA. Q. 190. For a given binary system at constant temperature and pressure, the molar volume (in m /mol) is given by: v = 30x, + 20xg + X4xXp~(15x4 — 7XB) where x, and x, are the mole fractions of components A and B, respectively. The volume change of mixing Av,,j, (in m?/mol) at x4 = 0.5 is (rounded off to one decimal place). Use referral Code DPO7 to get maximum discount on your Unacademy PLUS & ICONIC Subscription Bev deel piteve ee he een) es = AM wa = 0 iH en doa Bz ~ RZ yitaye eC eso Sere Na Es) EN ee Le ae r (isxd = 9x4) es ead (9) eS be ery = Oh Pron oe De Oe aS i) oy OD Raz | ear Age» re) i ee a eal Cae i Vex = V= 2 ; ed poy a CREATED BY:- DEVENDRA POONIA. ° gt = at Q. 186. For a single component system, vapor (subscript g) and liquid (subscript f) coexist in mechanical, thermal and phase equilibrium when (A)ug = uy (equality of specific internal energy) (B) hg = hy (equality of specific enthalpy) (C) Sg = Sf (equality of specific entropy) (D) 9g = Jf (equality of specific Gibbs free energy) Use referral Code DPO7 to get maximum discount on your Unacademy PLUS & ICONIC Subscription ici ae ! Per Ft ees | ieee ee sc eam: O As: APA ee (iy) (f= pa iis coat Caries eid Al RO a ee pte pt. — <8 CREATED BY:- DEVENDRA POONIA. = 2-boye+ lever DU 9 = —38 Deel Q.172. The partial molar enthalpy (in kJ/mol) of species | in a binary mixture is given by hy = 2 - 60x? + 100x,x3 where x, and x, are the mole fractions of species 1 and 2, respectively. The partial molar enthalpy (in kJ/mol, rounded off to the first decimal place) of species | at infinite dilution is Ys mk Oz &e # Use referral Code DPO7 to get maximum discount on your Unacademy PLUS & ICONIC Subscription Pure Bpecitos, a= | , H,=6 aes | aS akc 2 . i eel , ae? ete CREATED BY:- VENDRA POONIA Q.170. Given that molar residual Gibbs free energy, g® , and molar residual volume, v® , are related as : e R ee (ee &-[ (a) lo find g® at T = 27 °C and P = 0.2 MPa. The gas may be assumed to follow the virial equation of state, z= 1 + BP/RT, where B = —10“ m?/mol at the given conditions (R= 8.314 J/mol.K). The value of g¥ in J/mol is: (A) 0.008 (B)-2.4 (C) 20 Use referral Code DPO7 to get maximum discount on your Unacademy PLUS & ICONIC Subscription 7 5 ie ais sare aT ia ry) rT Pee aa ro = ' iS d aan 7 (3 ro = CREATED BY:- DEVENDRA POONIA. Q.162. Match the following: Group | Group 2 L Amthenius equation 2 pny (2) Il, Reaction equilibrium constant 970) Vinjot (? alex (=n) III, Chemical Potential S.20ndure= Gibbs — Duhem equation (A) Q-IIl, R=1, S—Il @ oaftctip ¢) P—I,\R IV (D) P=Ill, R=IV, SI Use referral Code DPO7 to get maximum discount on your Unacademy PLUS & ICONIC Subscription ay ia Ce par a Se Vane ane _ ———— Snider = 0 ame CREATED BY:- VENDRA POONIA Q.152. Consider a binary liquid mixture at constant temperature T and pressure P. If the enthalpy change of mixing, AH = 5 x, x, where x, and x, . are the mole fraction of species 1 and 2 respectively and the entropy change of mixing AS = -R{x, Inx, +x2Inx2] (with R = 8.314 J/moL K), then the minimum value of the Gibbs free energy change of mixing at 300 K occurs when (A) x, =0 (B)x,=0.2 (C)x,=04 (D) x, =0.5 Use referral Code DPO7 to get maximum discount on your Unacademy PLUS & ICONIC Subscription CREATED BY:- DEVENDRA POONIA. Q.143. The partial molar enthalpies of mixing (in J/mol) for benzene (component 1) and cyclohexane (component 2) at 300 K and 1 bar are given by ii =360033 and A772~3000x7, where x, and x, are the mole fractions. When ONE mole of benzene is added to TWO moles of cyclohexane, the enthalpy change (in J) is (A) 3600 (B) 2400 (C) 2000 (D) 800 Use referral Code DPO7 to get maximum discount on your Unacademy PLUS & ICONIC Subscription CREATED BY:- VENDRA POONIA Q.142. Minimum work (W) required to separate a binary gas mixture at a temperature T, and pressure P, wa-atofain( gh) (ge) is where y, and y, are mole fractions. fy.) and fyy,e2 ate fugacities of pure species at T, and P, and f, and f, are fugacities of species in the mixture at Ty , Py and y, . If the mixture is ideal then W is (A)O (B)—RTo[y, ny, + y2 In y2 | (C) RT) Ly Iny; + y2 In y J (D) RT, Use referral Code DPO7 to get maximum discount on your Unacademy PLUS & ICONIC Subscription CREATED BY:- DEVENDRA POONIA. Q.141. At constant T and P, the molar density of a binary mixture is given by p= 1 + x, , where x, is the mole fraction of component 2. The partial molar volume at infinite dilution for component 1, V,*, is (A) 0.75 (B) 1.0 (C) 2.0 (D) 4.0 Use referral Code DPO7 to get maximum discount on your Unacademy PLUS & ICONIC Subscription MASTER BLASTER PRACTICE SERIES A FREE SPECIAL CLA\ PRACTICE QUESTIONS FOR GATE NS eee a Cece rr EE 4 ECE CH eos TO JOIN FOR FREE! Eq Wunacademy GATE & ESE YOUTUBE SESSIONS Basic Concepts: Friday Intermediate Concepts: Saturday Advanced Concepts: Sunday KNOWLEDGE FIGHT Monday TESTS Every Tuesday SUL ae Ce Ghee START DATE ees re nour Se oad peeciepetnr) eee pariainaee lca aan See eclde Cy ICONIC PLUS a Cr Coca e Cg © nner See nent ened ments | amonty ower aso months voy MOE nao | © srmonths sew Yana tamontte ower 20 00 GATE & ESE subscription Qo“ ao weet snote sor MS a Onn man oe | lees sores er Ee «| x) GATE & ESE subscription ~~ 2 © roca 8 ens nb mrt st mtr pe GATE & ESE subscription ~~ => © wmonths ae Sy | | © t2months 2 45.228 18 months sor" = 64,500 18 months sor" — £58,050 cree tap tat erm a att 2Amenths 0% xd es 24months 0% J £66,600 Wounacademy CATES Topic Name Educator name Perfect Study Partner For GATE & ESE CHEMICAL * * CONGRATULATIONS ** moneke! = GATE 2021 RANKERS ~ Ta CHALLAPALLISRI PO Deco i AIR 23 AIR 23, ray Pc eco ed rr RS A Heading Sub-topic Name McQ 1. Click to add question a. Option’ b. 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