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Configuration - Visual SafeMove

The Visual SafeMove user interface

Starting Visual
SafeMove Action

1 Start a RobotStudio station, a virtual controller, or connect to a real controller.

2 In the RobotStudio Controller browser, right-click on the controller and select Authenticate and then Login as a Different User.

3 Select the safety user, e.g. SafetyUser. Type the password and click Login.

4 In the Controller tab, click Online Monitor.

(Not needed when running a RobotStudio station.)

5 In the Controller tab, click Safety, then select Visual SafeMove.

Overview This section presents an overview of the Visual SafeMove graphical user interface.

Parts Description

A Ribbon Displays groups of icons organized in a logical sequence of function.

B SafeMove browser Displays all available SafeMove functions.

C SafeMove properties browser Displays all available properties and settings of the selected SafeMove function.

D Graphics window Is used to to visualize and configure safety zones in the RobotStudio station.
When not running a RobotStudio station, Online Monitor is used to visualize the robot.

E Output window The output window displays information about events that occur in RobotStudio, both general events and
Visual SafeMove events.

The SafeMove The configured SafeMove functions are available from the SafeMove browser. When a function is selected by clicking the node in the browser, the properties and
browsers settings are displayed in the SafeMove Properties browser.
Use the SafeMove browser, or standard keyboard shortcuts, to cut, copy, and paste zones both between zone types and between robots.

The graphics In general the Visual SafeMove graphics window is navigated using the same commands as in RobotStudio. A few additional navigation tools are available in
window Visual SafeMove for editing zones, those are listed below.
For more information on navigating RobotStudio, see Operating manual - RobotStudio.
Editing zones in the graphics window
Zones are displayed as semi-transparent (opaque) planes with different color for different zones. Supervised zones have yellow border, monitored have blue
The following navigation options are available in Visual SafeMove for editing zones: 1/2
Drag and drop on spheres in the graphics window (at corners and surfaces) to modify a zone.
Double click vertices or surfaces in the graphics window to create new corners/vertices at that location.
Delete vertices that are no longer desired by selecting and deleting them from the graphics window.
Move a zone by dragging the zone frame arrows in the graphics window (x, y, z).

Symbols in the graphics window

The following symbols are used in the graphics window to illustrate the properties of the zones.

Drive module number Monitored zone Elbow included in Zone minimum Zone maximum Robot allowed inside Robot not allowed
monitoring and speed limit speed limit zone inside zone
supervision 2/2

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