Bca 5th Sem System Software

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‘Total No. of printed pages = 3 BCA 171503 Roll No. of candidate | | 2022 B.C.A 5% Semester End-Term Examination SYSTEM SOFTWARE Full Marks ~ 70 ‘Time — 3 hours ‘The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions (Answer question no. 1 and any four from the rest) 1. Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate option, (10x 1= 10) @ Parsing is also known as (a) Syntax Analysis (b) Lexical Analysis © Semantic Analysis (@ None of the above (i) In two pass-assembler the target code generation is done in “First Pass (b) Zeroth Pass © Second Pass (@) None of the above (ii) An LR parser can detect a syntactic error as soon as (a) Parsing starts (b) Itis possible to do left to right scanning of input (©) _Itis possible to do right to left scanning of input (@) Parsing ends (iv) The grammar, A —~ AA | (A) | e@ is not suitable for predictive-parsing because the grammar is (a) Ambiguous (b) Left Recursive (©) Right Recursive (@ Operator grammar (v) The parsing technique that avoids back tracking is. (@) Predictive parsing (b) Top-down parsing (©) Syntax tree (d@) Recursive descent parsing {Turn over (vi) A parser for a grammar G is a program that takes as input tokens and . produces as immediate output. (a) assembly code (b) string (©) parse tree (@) intermediate code (vii) In top down parsing, the starting is expanded to derive the input string. (a) non-terminal (b) terminal © letter @ digit (viii) The output of a lexical analyzer is (a) aparse tree (b) intermediate code (©. list of tokens . @ machine code Gx) TiIstands for (a) table of information instructions (b) table of incomplete instructions (©) translation of instructions information (d) translation of information instruction (x) Assembly level program instructions are written in, (a) binary codes (b) ASCII codes (© Unicodes (@) mnemonics 2. (a) Identify the tokens, lexemes and patterns for the following statements (5) ; cab; ‘iffa>b) u printf("The result is %d", o); } (b) What do you mean by left recursion in a grammar? Give one example. What do you mean by shift reduce parsing? © (©) What is static linking and dynamic linking? Mention one disadvantage of dynamic linking. (4) 3. (a) What are the error recovery actions in lexical analysis? a) (b) Define the term "sentential form" of a string. What is a context free language? When two languages are said to be equivalent? (6) (c) What is the role of linker and loader? (4) (a) What is a look ahead character or symbol? (2) BCA 171503 2 4. (@) What are the different kind of assembly language statements? Give examples of each. © (b) Discuss lexical substitution method for macro expansion. 3) (©) What are the main functions of debugging systems? What the user interface criteria for an interactive debugger? © (a) Compare Compiler with Interpreter. @) (b) Find canonical sets of LR(0) items for the following grammar, (1) HE ESE+T|T TOT*FIF F>@) lid (©) Show the block diagram of the working model of an LL(1) parser. © 6. (a) Consider the following grammar, ® S—abAc ABCD Boa CobCl « Dale Find the FIRST and FOLLOW sets of the symbols S, A, B, C and D. () Why we use LR Parsers? What are the advantages of LR parsers over LL parsers? © (c) How literals are different from constant? (2) 7. Write short notes on any three of the following, (3 x 5=15) (a) One Pass Assembler (b) Editor Structure (©) Handle and handle pruning (@ Lex and Yace (©) Semantic gap and specification gap BCA 171503 3

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