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1) Introduction

Consumer choices involve constant decision-making, often influenced by their

buying profile. Studying impulsive buying and its relation to marketing becomes
crucial for understanding the factors driving such behavior. While existing
research has explored aspects before and after purchases, the influence of the
buying profile on impulsive buying remains underexplored. This study aims to
investigate how customs, such as spending self-control and long-term orientation,
may impact impulsive buying tendencies. Impulsive buying is typically
characterized as spontaneous and lacking thoughtful consideration, driven by
immediate gratification. As the motivation that causes consumers to behave
impulsively seems to be still poorly defined, in this work, we propose an method
to understand which elements may influence impulsive buying behavior based on
CCTV dataset.

2) Problem Statement
The problem at hand revolves around the insufficient understanding of the
elements influencing impulsive buying behavior, despite the recognized
significance of consumer choices influenced by their buying profile. Existing
research has delved into aspects before and after purchases, but there is a critical
gap in exploring the influence of the buying profile on impulsive buying
tendencies. The pain points and inefficiencies associated with this problem stem
from a lack of clarity on the motivations driving impulsive behavior, particularly
in a grocery store setting observed through CCTV datasets.
Consumers constantly make choices influenced by their buying profiles, and
impulsive buying, characterized by spontaneous and thoughtless decisions for
immediate gratification, remains inadequately defined. The challenge lies in
deciphering the specific elements, such as spending self-control and long-term
orientation, that contribute to or mitigate impulsive buying tendencies. The
motivation behind impulsive behavior needs deeper exploration to enhance our
understanding of consumer decision-making.
This study seeks to address these pain points by proposing a method to unravel the
intricacies of impulsive buying behavior using CCTV datasets. The goal is to
identify the factors that influence impulsive buying, providing insights into
consumer motivations and aiding in the development of strategies to curb
impulsive tendencies. By doing so, we aim to contribute to a more comprehensive
understanding of the dynamics between consumer behavior and impulsive buying
in a grocery store setting.
3) Solution Overview
The proposed AI-based solution aims to unravel the intricate dynamics of
impulsive buying behavior in a grocery store setting, utilizing a dataset comprising
2-minute video sequences captured by a fixed overhead camera. The key objective
is to develop a model that can discern the elements influencing impulsive buying.
AI Techniques, Algorithms, or Models: To achieve this, the solution employs
advanced computer vision techniques and machine learning algorithms. Initially,
object detection algorithms are used to identify and track specific actions within
the videos, namely "Reach To Shelf," "Retract From Shelf," "Hand In Shelf,"
"Inspect Product," and "Inspect Shelf." Subsequently, a combination of deep
learning models, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and recurrent
neural networks (RNNs), is applied to analyze temporal patterns and relationships
between these actions.

The model is trained on the labeled dataset, learning to recognize and classify
sequences of actions associated with impulsive buying behavior. Feature
engineering is employed to extract relevant information, and the model is fine-
tuned iteratively to optimize its performance in identifying nuanced behaviors
indicative of impulsive purchasing tendencies. Innovation and Novelty: This AI-
based solution stands out in its innovative approach to understanding impulsive
buying behavior. The novelty lies in the integration of computer vision and deep
learning techniques to interpret human actions in a real-world grocery store
setting. By utilizing a fixed overhead camera, the model captures the subtleties of
customer interactions with shelves and products, enabling a nuanced
understanding of impulsive buying triggers. Moreover, the solution innovatively
addresses the gap in existing research by focusing on impulsive buying in grocery
stores, leveraging a dataset that provides a unique perspective on consumer
behavior. The combination of temporal analysis, action recognition, and deep
learning contributes to a comprehensive understanding of impulsive buying,
paving the way for targeted interventions and strategic business decisions.
4) Methodology
In this step, the result is the combination of proportion that customer being attracted:
A/ Scenery classification –computor vision classification based method
We will try to classify Eye-catching or not an Eye-catching displays: Products that are
displayed prominently and in an attractive way are more likely to catch the eye of shoppers and
make them want to take a closer look. This is why retailers often use bright colors, eye-catching
signage, and well-designed displays to showcase their products.
We explore data extracted from images fromScenic-Or-Not, an online game that crowdsources
ratingsof the scenicness of outdoor images.Scenic-Or-Notpresents users with random
geotagged photographsof Great Britain, which visitors can rate on an integer scale 1–10, where
10 indicates ‘very scenic’ and1 indicates ‘not scenic’.
For classification method, we use transfer learning with 2 class classification, using Residual
Network (ResNet50) architecture, as this resulted in the state of art classification accuracy.
B/ Movement tracking – statistical method

We pretend to use pretrained human detection model to detect human (MultiPoseNet) in the photo in
one frame, and use the object tracking algorithm support by opencv the predic the movement in the
flowing frames.

Refer to the paper :

The algorithm called ‘density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise’ originally proposed by
Ether et al. [27] was developed to distinguish between clusters and noise in spatial databases. Clusters
are defined as areas with a considerable higher density than outside of the cluster.

To distinguish clusters from noise the following steps have to be accomplished.

First, an arbitrary point p is selected. All points that can be reached from p are retrieved. If p turns out
to be a core point of a cluster a new cluster is formed. Limitations are made regarding the minimum
points (minPts) to be reached by p as well as the distance between p and the considered neighboring
points. If one of the constraints is not met no new cluster is formed and another point is considered. The
areas covered by the clusters are considered as hotspots that are significantly higher visited than other
areas of the test retail environment.
In the second block, in order to identify impulsive buying behavior, we need more
labels. In the original dataset, we only have 5 labels, which are: Reach To Shelf,
Retract From Shelf, Hand In Shelf, Inspect Product, Inspect Shelf. In this work,
we propose to label 8 more actions, which are: Place items in the cart, Place
Product Back, Consult Smartphone, Interaction with Promotional Displays,
Discussion with Salesperson near the shelf, Carrying Multiple Items, Body
Language Indicators such as: angry, happy, neutral, Look without inspecting
products or reaching for the shelf ….After labelling all these action, we can use an
AI model to recognize customer’s actions. After recognizing customer’s action
such as Inspect Product, Place items in the cart, Place Product Back, we propose to
save 15 seconds previous of customer’s actions into the database. This database
could be valuable in the future This database may become valuable in the future,
as we can use data science tools to analyze impulsive buying behavior of the

5) Conclusion
In conclusion, the proposed AI-based solution represents a pioneering effort to
decipher the nuances of impulsive buying behavior in a grocery store setting.
Through the integration of advanced computer vision techniques and deep learning
models, the MVP aims to shed light on the factors influencing impulsive
purchasing decisions, leveraging a unique dataset of overhead camera footage.
The key points of this solution lie in its ability to recognize and classify specific
actions such as "Reach To Shelf," "Retract From Shelf," "Hand In Shelf," "Inspect
Product," and "Inspect Shelf." By employing deep learning algorithms, the model
learns temporal patterns and relationships, providing a comprehensive
understanding of impulsive buying triggers.
The value proposition of the MVP lies in its potential to offer retailers and
marketers unprecedented insights into consumer behavior. By understanding the
elements influencing impulsive buying, businesses can tailor their strategies to
enhance customer engagement, optimize store layouts, and improve overall
customer satisfaction. The model's capacity to recognize impulsive tendencies
contributes to the development of targeted interventions, enabling businesses to
mitigate impulsive buying and foster more deliberate purchasing decisions.

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