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1.Define photosynthesis.
2.Which is the ultimate source of energy for all living organisms?
3.Who provided the evidence to show that glucose is produced when plants grow?
4.Where are the photosynthetic pigments located?
5.Which is the hydrogen donor to reduce CO2 in green plants?
6.Which is the hydrogen donor to reduce CO2 in purple sulphur bacteria.?
7.Name the scientist who proved that O2 evolved by the green plants come from water and
not from CO2.
8.Give the equation that represents the overall process of photosynthesis.
9.Name the site of photosynthesis in green plants.
10.Name the green alga and the type of bacteria used in the photosynthetic experiment to
prove that plant absorb blue and red light for photosynthesis.
11.Name the technique used by scientists to prove that O2 released is from H2O and not from
CO2 .
12.Explain half leaf experiment to show the necessity of CO2 for photosynthesis.
13.Explain the experiment to show that photosynthesis occur only in green portions of the
plant .
14.Draw a neat labeled diagram of chloroplast.
15.Explain Joseph Preistly’s experiment and the hypothesis on essential role of air in growth of
green plants.
16.Explain Jan Ingenhousz experiment to prove that only green parts of the plants could
release oxygen.
17.Explain the experiment of T.W Englermann to show that plant absorbs blue and red light
for photosynthesis.
18. What was the milestone contribution of microbiologist Cornellius van Neil towards

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