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UK anti-obesity drive at risk from new US

trade deal, doctors warn

Post-Brexit pact could result in Britain importing foods high in fat and
sugar, paediatricians say

The US government has a record of hostility towards healthy eating measures such as traffic
light labelling, doctors say. Photograph: PA

Britain’s post-Brexit trade deal with the United States could lead to even
higher rates of obesity through the import of American foods high in fat and
sugar, children’s doctors have warned.

US “hostility” towards measures aimed at promoting healthier eating

habits, such as traffic light labelling, is also a major threat to the
government’s anti-obesity drive, it has been claimed.

The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) is urging

ministers to resist pressure to unwind key public health measures in their
quest for a future transatlantic trade deal.

“We’re concerned by the evidence of US hostility in trade talks towards

countries that want to set their own domestic agenda on reducing sugar
intake, particularly the push [from the US] to keep traffic light labelling
voluntary. We can’t allow trade talks to undermine efforts to tackle
childhood obesity,” said Prof Russell Viner, the RCPCH president.

“Children’s health outcomes are much worse in the US than in many other
comparable countries, and we don’t want to import these along with the

Viner’s warning comes as Liam Fox, the international trade secretary,

prepares to fly to Washington this week for talks about the shape of a future
UK/US trade deal after Britain has left the EU.

We mustn’t sell off our children’s health in exchange for a trade deal with
the US
Kath Dalmeny, chief executive of the food charity Sustain

Donald Trump wants US farmers to be able to export more of their produce

to Britain after Brexit and has railed against the EU for its “very unfair” and
“very, very protectionist” policies.
Previous discussions have been overshadowed by a row over whether or
not Britain in future would have to accept chlorinated chicken from the US
as part of any agreement.

Sustain, the food charity, highlighted a US government document on

striking trade deals with other countries – the 2017 National Trade
Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers – as evidence of US
“aggression” towards countries it trades with having tougher food rules
than apply in America.

“The US record on trade is clear. They export corn syrup, processed junk
food and sugar. And along with it obesity, diabetes and diet-related
disease,” said Kath Dalmeny, Sustain’s chief executive.

“We’ve been told that No 10 is preparing to update its obesity strategy. Part
of that must be to get us all eating more healthily.

“But a sugary, junk-filled trade deal will drive a coach and horses through it
all. We mustn’t sell off our children’s health in exchange for a trade deal
with the US. Trade deals must put public health first.”

Donald Trump eating a pork chop. He wants US farmers to be able to

export more produce to the UK after Brexit. Photograph: Jim

Recent research by the Harvard University school of public health

pinpointed free trade deals involving the US as a key factor in a process of
“nutrition transition” – from a traditional native diet to a much more
western one – which is producing greater obesity in countries as a result of

“Trade liberalisation gives people access to different types of food and,

often, more high-calorie foods,” it said. “It also removes barriers to foreign
investment in food distribution and allows multinational companies and
fast-food chains to expand into new countries.”

The authors cite China as an example of where globalisation has made low-
cost, high-calorie food more available. Chinese consumption of meat and
dairy products more then tripled between 1989 and 1997, while higher
intake of vegetable oil between 1989 and 2004 – thanks to its fall in price –
means that Chinese people now consume an average of 183 calories a day
from that source.

While globalisation has improved the life of many people in the developing
world “it has also increased access to cheap, unhealthy foods and brought
with it more sedentary, urban lifestyles.
a rise in obesity , because of the trades with

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