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ie) imagen del teers The Image of the Feline in Pre-Columbian America” Inés Gordillo, eee Maa gmat oe enc) A. Et woroesTe ‘Al largo de miles de afios este émbito boreat andino de la Argentina fue poblado por socie- dades nomades que basaban su subsistencia en la ara y recoleccién de alimentos, una etapa que ‘culmisia con un proceso de experimentacin en. a roductivo de los recursos naturales. _ |. THE PRE-HISPANIC ARGENTINE NORTHWEST IconograPHy OF THE FELINE OVER TIME The Argnine Notes ws the sting of Tog sol ps, wit rrous ote ta followed one nt overtime ne fet tue the sie thr tril mais ere encompased unde he eosic evinaon dais, tc acl etfs he prope ha ibe the ae th moment of te ‘Spot onquest. Historical tay had Ses preced by oie peoples very dif flom one ats st thr the tsk oft ecg suis tog thee « dignaton 10 indvidalze thi, deere tir egal tn and inte « peiedzton Sit eld ete hom in ine In he eae of thoseds of oo this norte ‘Andean esionment in Argentina was poled ty nomad sets that based ir subset on ting end gathering fod, «see that cant seth an expeinination pros ithe prove menagement of natural resowres The gradual Uoninaon oer plants and ena, eel cm tnd Tamas, epne «rood to new ors of Hi ad would biome the onic stent of ll the sbsoquent socio-cultural development, generating os hel neu for of elatonships ao people and Seder wy fing pe of wiles “Sie vy al ines the considerable moby of ute aioe pups ved Te cto of eos rd te ‘concn ample ang te vers at tomes le sot ll he Pana onde Ofer he eta ists, te ons of San Pe de ‘Ata in Chee) Afcns he entry ees tse ote ver the rious ena ie ti ces templet gods ee thy eae nd onl the cara mi puting ino ction produc fifi gn an nate. Tis wide net Of cries avong dient snes do allowed He ‘preaigoftchleges ad ethereal clement conegriphic symbols et, t my nae iqralezs, Esta amiplis fed de conmactos entre di- ‘vers sociedades permitiia también la difusién ‘echologis y ot conocimientos, glementos §deotbgicos,simbolos iconogeificos, ec. ‘Durante esta tiltima etapa, denominada Produc~ ora, Agroalfarers o Agricola-pastoril, que se de- sarrolls Io largo de 2000 aos, ocurren cambios signifiativos que permiten subdividirla en.¢i- vetsos perfodos,a tavés de los cuses el simbolo Gel flino si bien es recurrent, adguiesedistintas EL FELINO DESDE LOS INICIOS DE LA VIDA ALDEANA HASTA LA CONQUISTA HISPANA Varios siglo ances de la Era Cristiana surge en el Noroeste argentino grupos adeanos de eco! oma mixts, ue orientan su subiistencs hacia 4a ogriculoura (2 tale, pape, rapallo y oto cul- genic) ye pastorco de Lamas La sociedades se Juan tornado sedencariasy habitan en pequetiss aldeas que;con el corre del tempo, irén anmen- tando de tamafiol Se tata de sociedades simples, Sin una marcads esratficacin interns, pero eon. tendencit ala xpecialaacion artesanal. Durante este periods, Formativo Inferio® o ‘Temprano (1. 600 2.C.-700 d.C.), las pequetias comunidades agricola habrlan extado constitui- das por grupos familiares igados por Jszos de parentesc@ Los asentamientos eran pequefasal- eas 0 viviendas dispertt, cOa Secuencia form- ‘ban conjuntos de recintor ardculados em torno 2. un patiocentzal En ellos son evi- dentes los espacios © construcciones destinadat 4 pricticas rimales, como ocurse por ejemplo fen Alamito y TIE Asociados también ala esfera religiosa, que cruza todos los 6rdénes Ele vida ‘en éstos poblados, aparecen wna variedad de ele- _meatos entre los que se destacan JOP ERIE teas y ls exculsurstallades en pled, ‘Teonol6gica y artsrjamente, los Aistintos con- Jantos cultural, con notoriasvarintes de estilo, se destacan por a alfarerfa elabotada, el dasaero- Ilo de la excultura en piedra y los inicis decid damente tempranci de la metalugia‘en compa- racién con el zesto de América, Bs ahora cuando aparece el elemento iconogri (co que, con ditintas variants, pedara a lo argo ring tis las stage called Produative, Aerial Conic or Agriulural-Pastorl, which developed hnnghont 2000 yeas, significant changes ocured tha allow us to subdivide iin several periods, hough whic the symbol of the feline, although resins, sequied diferent characteris, THE FELINE SINCE THE BEGINNING OF THE VILLAGE LIFE UNTIL THE SPANISH Conauest Several centuries bei the Chri Ee, village srops with mized economy appre in the Agente Northwest They oned ter subitence uowarde ave (orm oat punpin apd ate ues) andthe shepherding of aes The siti hed becom sedentary and lived in smal villeges, which, avr the yeas grein size These wor sinless, without 4 masked internal statin, bur which showed rend twas ef speciation. Dung his peed Lover or Eerly Formative (600 BC.100.AD)-, the smal qgtial comawaites had bee. onsted by fay groups liked by kinship The seements ver smal villages or sated houses, fequent'y forming groupe of anialated endlosed areas around ental courtyard 1 some of them, the spaces or bilge meant for ritual pracies are evident, as hepens, for exe, in Alani and Tift Als assacted withthe reigous sphere, which cose al rds of fein these villages there appa sees of elements among hich the smi or els and the tone saps tro Tenooicaliy and aisle difret call groups with marked style variants stand ou forthe, -ophistated poten the development of tone caving and the deddedly cay Beginnings of mealngy compared withthe rest ofAmerca. AT this tine, he Ranogaphic ment pears which, with diferent variants, wil lst voughou the whole ative stor: he lin. le flure is voted wisty sn rif on modeled veils, pipes, sone containers br Fines At Tf it appears among the representations cared on the pial ments or stele, with realise or fasts ates In other fra expen, is shown modeled and pained with elon, as & the ase files kncwn t9 Condor an ter cay soci lates 1 0 3) othe spines ofthis ype Figs ino tle del Pad Festive ts 19 en waa. Figur Doble vse tom th Fra Pei height: on. AD, fous? ‘lees Cnage procadee Ca EO ‘Sale: en iota aan Figwe2 Gidget om Cano 1D Sal gh Ta cre by Plo. (ERRBRI (Sas 1 23) o el ejemplar de ee tipo fallado ‘en Cerro El Digue, Sata (R. Rate fos commision prs Sn 2S ‘unién de aspectos que corporizan disintos ai- ‘vles catego del mundo. mina 6).Pa- ralelamente la pica y sencilla representacion de Ia llama adguierestributosftinicos (imina 5) la _metamorfoss ega a veces tal punto gue no es posible estblecer cul de los dos animales, ama 0 felino, es el Jai Car 1 in, Sl (Rafi pos oot, Fig ts Conds er bu mar sina he le ss oe a arf tae remarsle sean ies ceed by oui mal or opal ates Thus, the wed "empan pesentatis he Ina ge ads =nonephi atid, poly “ln. Ot pis jon tage Chan a? evn) the dad the body fhe eels the aon of bth, Tse er the ane api den sera pines credo stone (late 11) an ath th plc stn iets basic eset sane: the ong of anil day samen opt and need foes he lon of especs ing soc ifr: wo le or cage Is the gay indsed potery of ibe, ene can ae fave components llamas, sowie, pas coe ander de acorn to th geomet comeption daar of th ets a abated sg iets han igs with ope tal nen in which the fn age ore of ts parr eau pps ned modeled (te). “Atte sane tinge pal and single mpesmaton Of the ams aces ne atrbes(lete 5) he eames sometime rece ich on ee tat is imposible ‘talc which of he ool tea or fing, i th one presented. Ia some plas thse lt oman! components of Cina innate th ete of pres of change ose atunl cov fa df no scl anders det, kun in Angie aceloy de the Aevominaton of La Agu elo “Atte sam medi th tl Forte Pood cing La Agicd te ene pps (lates 7 nd) wel soir ser ond oer tones hich, och aes, hae fn oF anne nic fees moe orcad (tes 101014) sand ot. (A cars ego, aporenty axed with the wwe of prchtpe substance whch, th vse conus ler times The ina of he fle we could ao nsder the image of th sake ig be lated isto of bl he ule kd tothe se of hlcnges, 1 prt that hus a gra Kaela depth inthe Argentine Nous Hdeitidades sociales y ardsticas, conocidas en B srqcologi agetnn bajo ls denominaion de cuba Ls Agia Parelament, durnte todo el Forhatvo-in- clsids La Agueds- se desea tmbin as p= FRIBERG Onions 7y 69 ae MOR Jos vasos y otros objetos de piedra que, en uno ¥ on ea, Hevn modsadsy tas figuras (Ee SAORI (srinas 10 a 14), Una coros explo, spirentemente aocae de al consumo de suancit piconets, que, con vorianer, continua en fpoespostecond La Jagan del lino -podamorambién coside- sar ls dela sepinte- habs ead reaconade con ua sits de cee, cy milo rial se vncls wo dealucindgeno.Se ata de uns pelos qoe maniiess ung gran profinidad inden on el Nero get yea So- ‘thd we corobor con mille evdencis de poe le seckeis (er cite Hombres ns 2 caine), "aca siglo VII dea Een a porcon mex- ional del NOA, ritlizn forma novedets genic social conocB en nica aquco- log coino "Es Agenda” Se rita de un proceso ue ten ut ces ene descr iti de comida crecent fro no Heal que se Gio én Formato, dante e qu comienan 2 perlae nuts modor de vids earacteido: or unt mayor beterogenciady dferencacin ineraa de sociedad. Ls Aguada no es ua cultura que © expande por un vito terzrio de egrgrai alerts in bien a exre- sade una cars ntrcin entrecomaniadet cot iyectors locales propia que partipan de una dingmica de ansformartn socal preva ‘y concomitente con ess intersccién, Enalgor grec en vente Cat sata y noe HET Ri puede Soi ja ee omenin’ Gefnido seratvamente como Peds Meio, Fonte Supe: Fic recente Reig ington Regions) em increentn dea poli, un pci den lacin mis complejo yheterogtne, una expan ifn del tea de captaciOu de recurso, la epecia- sand whose continuity is confiemed with multiple evidences from mone recent tes (ce Men, Felines and Felling). Tovwards the 8* Cennuy of nr Era, inthe soern pert of the Argentine Northwest, new forms of socal onganizatin coke shop, kuew in our encheolagy as La Aguado. I is 0 process rooted in the hstrcal development of growiig complexity ~aldhough ot linear that took place in the Formative Period, turing which now ways of living begin 1 aris, Characterized by o greater heterogeneity nd internal Aifeentation of sacites. La Aguada isnot a clue that spreads through a est ett of the high valleys, its rather the expression ofa clear interaction among ‘commits with thei oun lel Histor, participating in a dynamics of previous socal transformation and ‘oncomitant with that interaction Jn some places, ar in the east of Catamarca and northwest of La Rioja, one cam zee by that time’ (defined aiternatisely as Midile, Late Formative, Flourishing Regional or Regional Integration Period) an inease in population, a more complex and heterogeneous pattern of setlentent, an expansion of the area of resource securing, the material good specialization and standardization, the prominence of public monumental architecture, and @ common set of rcurent ions tht spread out in variety of rateriliter AI! these elements, tgeter, define the emegence of « socio-cultal onder which, in many lacs, marks clear diferenes with the previous soeys of living. I genoa, ii a proces that generates news sway of living, ating, bullding and interpreting the secial and natural word. Its mast lagely rengnized expression has been the. strong iconography faced on filinecanthopomorphic and fantastic images. And, although the artistic and technological’ production shows significant stylistic differences, the main icons focused om the ritual and the myth go through the expresive fild of the various human sodtes that inhabited the valleys and the mountcins ofthe region, thus showing this ative contact among then ad the eof symbolic capital common tothe inser part of cach one of them. kis at this time that the image of the feline ~the Jinguar- reaches its highest expression though various Fuss \asoetl Cizag con dos gems de Temes eins: 12am. CM, ML te ce Mare, ea) Frau, Cidoga syle vase wit gamer e- ‘Sans of eles lana MUP leet by Mati Arr ight 12cm. CB, Figwas is de pie tala. fine (Sea, ‘Aguada; 2m. MAD, get de Wo nse Fins, Figure 4, Sone vaso with angrae f (co. tall, gd 22 em MAG enuay ot Wot Howe Fins. Figures agar en ssn suing en una lita de ‘rca, ae de Ants Camara ale aaa Fee. agi in sine pston nap am a nconods, Ata Valoy, Catala ing bye ue. -Figues Tetra de hueso coy fuss fla, plaio cn Le Fincnad, Aneto, Ciena too ‘naxtoo} Fue Bore wie wher with lic dane Ing fount areata Anbar (photography the uth En términos genera- Jesse tata de un proceso que genera nuevas for~ mas de habita,acciona,construr ¢ interpretar€] ‘mundo social y nator La expresion més amplia~ ‘mente reconocida ha sido le potente iconografa ‘centrada en ls imégenes flino-antropomtorfis y fantisticasY si bien la produccién artsticay tec nologica muestra diferencias esilsicassignifica~ sivas los principales fconos -centtados en el titual y el mito- atraviean el campo expresivo de as diversas sociedades humanas que babitaban en los wales y sersanias de la regi6n, y que dan ‘cuenta Ae ese contacto activo entre las miszmasy del usu fucto de un capital simbélico comin al interior de cada tna de ells as 12 225,29 a 32y 42.45), So ERAATES Font y wins espetesstusestes penn Seas es Se tc esd a i A Shige ode fale desea ‘owt den panne uy mucha 1 pesctn nin a8 fe coin con cmc ea vee par rept“ pu del jaguar), prt art designs sand tcligncs Goran. pad and modeled povtery, eta ples, be obj, ty as wel ain the eal an represetatons. own his le fev ser of probes of he evade ant decoy (plates 12 0.25, 29 0 32 and 42 45), and thr lationship wi the shoei image cps predninan plre. Ma otal defi, the dein i spaces ed sce ad, in spite fc rats, thy sow ere ney in tee ws of resentation, all modalics of the Aguada visnal discuss, any mori i fesible to te nized thong the sentation of aes, gts or other anatomical parts, which in turn fesquenty ~ canst maton ements of he agar ee The Peps of tet. We ds not how prety which the cour of the Aguada socites we. Depending on the pla sor pat etd out with fren des of dantity‘and mptne as regeidethe-Late Pad seceding tf gene the begining ofthe later nay be situated eed 1000 AD, when eld ond new sees ee narod ta dirt sil exon. Tht is characterized by the epee of song ei or lol varints within the soe at of te Aen Nott; eee alts denomination of so of Regional Development. Teer withthe Imensifton andthe enagemen of he agra and shepherding activites the populations experience 4 remericle demegyphic grt end txd to concn n oh steno, with acti spaces diferente in ters ofthe vrs a rilgious or proutve pais, The fied villages appease djesive stigholds thet eich pears of Inc times fies built of stone end masonry which in cain cases con sammadte & igh umber of inhabitants The moment is mated by store tertiles Sacked by war practices foe on the cnsiaion of comple scetis wit hei cx chino led Seca sce that do rot ma he stats of lee omatins elkough in cr eronization one cn obseve hihi lineages and a ete tha iets the power thiough blood sucesson. According 10 thnoistrcl evden, he ese powps hat mae up thes loro chifcin-ned scares eae hl caracteriza por la aparicibn regionales o locales dentro del conjunto socio- cultural del Noroeste argentino; de alli también. (@esiaien Inselaciones consis en peda a= * que, en ciertos cass, legan a lbengar aun elevado niimero de habitants. El Segiin tesimonios etnohis- tricos, los grupos Emicoé que conformaron es- tos sefiorins o cacicangos ejercfan sa autoridad sobte uno o més vlles, mantenfan su autonomia ¥y se conformaben como federacién ante agin peligra externo. : ahesty over one or more silly, saintained their tonomy and ce asa federation i the fase of any external dane Despite everything the pariaular identies of each gov and their difrenes do not manage to obsare «a connmen denominator nv language, as well asin the shared use of certain icons and what they show i tis of eligions pactcs and bei Among the material productions of these peoples, metallurgy and potery std out, quently decated ‘ni geometrical and fquative elements that estibie an aesthetisclenydistine from the preceding one the urns of the Santerariano style ofthe Calagut Valley, the human figure isthe pew, and constitutes, the axis of the design; on its sues; a baroguely painted dicoraton combines geometical shapes benders, spials, stepped designe with a recurent assist iconography shore the batachions, the st, ‘and especially the nate stand out. The snake figure, of one or several heads salto the vias fequent ang the unis and other objects of the Belén cule, and constitues the, daninant eon among the portable representations ofthe tne. Despite the dicintinuty that appears with the new attic production of ate cultures, both at the stylistic andthe thematic lve, we can recognize ionagraphic Je ents that mare a cotiaity with previous periods ‘Among the, the antaopo fini figuras wll as that of the jeguar pots ofits attributes ee ose in certain particalr dss of ject espily in some es plate 33) and metal pats or masterly egaved in the implements sed for hllunngens, namely tablets and wooden tube (plates 34 1 41), some of which pris under the Ince denomination and en in the FlspaieNatie Pero. The ation of th Argentine Nerthues ein to the Inca State o Tisrtincyo lasted ony the bre period fetween 1470 and 1536 (dfnng the Imperial or Inca Pevod inthe Argentine Nordhvest). Hosene the soil horizon ofthe tine, woven on ronal ede, changed. The ua expnsian was backed dy the tary conguess which were many cased out by ready conquered contingents (tides) that were relocated fiom their place of origin 0 new tenitoies. ‘Ths, the population contact, uprooting, relocation and Fa? ‘tad nse de as nas els ‘ume Prod de Desai egonaes. Fig 7. iw star of he Ole nins (umd fhe exjicalDevopmant Pid. Fora esd etl el adn de Desa Rai tes grea de Ws Huse Fin Fine 8. Mtoe fam th eal Dee ‘mart Pare oo) of Wi Hose Fis el estilo Samtamariano de fos wales ealchaques 1a figura humana es Ia pieza y constituye el eje el disco; sobre sus superfiies una barraca de- coracin pintada combina formas geométricxs sgrecas, espirales, escalonados- con una reca- srente iconografi faunistica donde dominan el bateacio,el suri y especialmente la serpiente La figura ofidica, de una 0 varias cabezss, es tam- bign ka mis fecuente erie las unas y otros ob- |jetos de la culsura Belén y constinuye el icono Foes Feet eu fine ent lin. MAA ota te einante ete a epresenitaciones mucbles woul ‘ de ba época. Figur. Dealt Belen se un, A bo serpy te author. ‘A pest de Ia discontinuidad que se manifies- ta con la nueva produccién artisica de culturas tardias tanto en el plano esilistico como tema co, podeinos reconoeer elementos iconogrificos {que maréan una continuidad con los perlodos anteriores. Entre ellos, la figura antropo-fliniea _yla del jaguar o partes de Ss atributos,se advier~ ten ua cierta clase particular de objetos,espe~ @alments en algunas bach: (mina 33) (ips de metal tallados con maestia en Jos implemen tos para alucin6genos, especialmente en tablets RBG BEEer, (iminas 34 2 47) Glganeeee Jos cuales periten bajo la dominacién incsica © {incluso en el Pesiodo Hispano-indigena La incorporacién del NOA al Estado Inca 0 ‘Tawantinauyo duré apenas el breve lapso com- prendido entre 1470 y 1536 (que define el Pe- iodo Imperial o Inca en el NOA). Sin embargo Fora ta dea aia dt Pua de Ange, Co ‘ars, Pas rs fot del ut, cambié el horizonte social de la época tejido sobre las jefararas tegionales, La expansién in~ Figue 10. Vow of he ows do Plat caica fae apoyada por sus conguisas militares, val tamara Paro Geto the ‘on {que eran preferentemente reaizadas por con ‘ingedtes ya conguistados (mitimaes) y que eran esplazados desde su Ingar de origen hacia los nuevos tercitoris, Por ellof@iBORiaetsyelae=- arzigg,larelocalizacin y el movimiento de po- ‘laciones crea un nuevo paisa social y émico ‘en el cual las manifestaciones locales muestra, -vinculos de diferente grado con el Cusco y con Jos grupos intermediarios que vehicslarizaron sa dindmica expansva Desde el punto de vira arqueolbgico, a ocu- pacién incaica reconfiguré el escenario espacial ‘mowers ecaes new soial and etial sene i thi ee Fel representations show Kinks of ifeens_ degre with Cusco and with the ianenneiary groups thar served as wiles oftheir expansive dynamics te Ene ocepatin From te archeological pint ove, configured the spatial scene of the Argentine Northwest trol a vavety of bldings, such as amb, administrative and many buildings, wining and grill fore ond high elite sanctuaries cud provincial captl cities located inthe most densely populated vlleys ll of thse conmmunzated by he well-known Inca Tailor Capaciam. “The incorporation of formal and stylistic features of Inca iconography in the cultural reperties of local leadership, both artistic and technological, ax Immediate. Te was leo inmediate although in miler degree due to the arial of spines imported “fom the centnel Andes represented on metal, poten textiles, and sod that were given dixrimintely to tals wh xpd the ne ede “Albogh ie images on sal bets male of ele ead pal 9 ol op il pelt, he paca of hs Kind of os the Arete Neve drng he Tn donation a fon Howe bo that he snl of le as sed y the Tas i mip fms ed es resent on eis Gig 11), tte ad oe ved fh ipl nd imaginary see “foe ental art of he gis yl od es bo cold with poe, segth od thee Srised ‘fom he i, is see, Tce lle wt cn vey dient fom cher preview tenga the fine in it wold ond mytegy ( Fring, 2001) The exeie ond wid dcumenton of by the nell ws ee te dition Beco the jepur end he pons, and ve a was lot hs dsincn in pst tines ad ine cautouly te bal deigasion a ‘il, they ay le feted sola ee ponte Bon ethical sos dana (1988) bed hatha ed emp te cami and sng betven the pepe ‘om he Kghlnds ed ths fom the fot. Bath or thei, rope, ltion tthe se } , lsicseacssasiseiaee Te oF the pa andthe jag, which acquite opposite ‘ovintations Through tei cnfiomation, the thor analyses the “nside-ouside” opposites well a the icra! ad spatial divisions ofthe Inca State. eee er ee Ind sale sien ge =» rales de las jefaturas locales, tanto artisticos como. bond between both animals: reenolbgiees, fue inmediats. Aungue en menor ~~ “lev all eases the rol of limit, of bode ofthe symbol ; dep al cng denna oe eta crop inpon yc of i ‘the wind from boyond the horizon, at well as che micas, textiles y madetss que foeron otorgadds destructive forces of lightning, hail and frost. The social wens nn sv gue ‘em he ol fo he ei ees Spr pn end pe Sie prt ngs en bien” oe pn al ace © sivuales de metal y madera propios de los gru- fii The need defend ther possessions against the ‘ets ty a ttf ep ew these forces. In that sense, the puma was ‘socialized’ in. tect ne ete eur it be on the other side of the mountains, maintained for the ‘hen ama” ao a pane) C In Autumn 1536, withthe arrival ofthe army of Diego anagem eth eo f Pe oir nn tan pio of eden lt Dag etl Hip, vik nent ey fn ee eset ee rears a As of then, and in some of its senses, the Pre- Cot eine sie ope fre eo ao oe rm ly of pe Se aa ores tp nds fn pt ot thi ceo tf ha ge sts hind pla gf oe "Sobre la base de fuentes etnohistéricas, T. Zui- Northwest. shen (985) der eke ene cn en ct dn cn us eso yn or. Use y non enn pete srl co gdp ele, de ja amu ca pot locale, son esas ls ropresentaciones de ese tipo de fconos en el NOA durante l domi io ine. Sin embargo sabemos qu grat etal dl a on fo do aba do fra de tn exo “ela ines ve lin 5 dl Ee ‘ua rina Fig 11 Det afte hod apd ee ‘roman aban or saa pe Pte 25 in the Malina Su Speco ’ kt as Foua ‘Diode Guaman Pos (81) bre Coango ‘Acai enrtaie ain jag By supe lnc ca, sep eo cons, ehaban ‘rtsomado an aguas cand cont as Insc ns, earned cabers que _alrabanl jag qu co gat, Fowe 12. Drawing by Susman Foe (61) ‘sutOtwang Ach fg jog Hea Fifa ca ea, she ceive, ight ive ted it omar Siig the sa ape artistes, bad hts who ed he [apr because tt peopl vés de su confomtacion, analiza las oposiciones gu 188 | — Fesioomesy ns ets enn cicdt vob, cA Fie 136. Tee aguas ad trots 2 conic om Anata Vl. CP sit: 382-383) urate el perio do denominado Hispano Indigena, com mis de tun siglo de resistencias, la presencia europea hubo e instars definitivamente tras el sofocamiento de los flkintos lzamientos indigenas . |A partir de entonees, y en algunos de sus sen tidos, la imagen precolombina del felino pervi- ve on la narrativa popular de la region, como tha sido sefialado en el estudio ae cesta ob La imagen del felino con manchas ad potencia inusitada dentro del discarso a Nufier y'T. Dillehay, 1995) a Llagostera, 1995) Qémninas 26 y 27). En este contexto general de relaciones intexgra piles actives y tansforsacionés soclopolices, eros aspectos, gue podemos visualizar en Iss ‘ierenres expresiosesarisicas de Aguads,co- ‘ran especial significado, Se tata de elementos vinculados ala wadsmision y prepagacion de ana ‘deologiaeelipiosa que juegan un rol central en Ja produccia y la reproduciém de estructura de poder sociopotics Sin duds, el arte es un campo propicio para el ands de eras cueitio- nes, en especial s apumimds que se manifest en ‘producciones cuyor valores estéticos no pueden Il. THE PEOPLES OF THE JAGUAR ‘The inage ofthe spoted feline aquies an wssel strenth in the visual discourse of the Aguada societies ‘These “peoples of the jaguar inhabited mainly she dulleys of Cotamarea and La Rigi, in the iguthers ‘portion of the Argentine Nortst, and they wer Involved tsa prcest of interaction that made them a Part acing other things, ofa cramon iconic repero From a wide pepectiv, the vast feritory oped bry Aguada might be included in a larger spatial smacro-egional unit, defined by o complex network of intenelaconships among societies diferentaly located inthe southern Andes, probably established fom a far- reaching comvan tfc (L. Nitiex and T. Dillehoy, 1995), Maybe this is why we may find elements piel of Aguada in places so for ony and diferent as for example, San Pedro de Atma, in the Big [North of Chile (A. Llagstea, 1995) (lates 26 and 20), In this general conte of aie intergroxp relationship ‘and socio-political wamsformations, certain aspects that we may visualize in the different artic expressions of Aguada take on a special meaning. These are laments linked othe tranmssion gn the spreading of a religious ideology that play central role in the production and the reproduction of soio-polizal power structure Undoubtedly artis favor field for the analysis ofthese questions, expealy if ve assume that it i apparent in productions whose aesthetic values may not be detached fons the role they play within the socal order, ‘The etsc expressions ofthese peoples are considered by many asthe rst outstanding i the Pre-Hispanie Argentine Northwest, Pottery rocks, metals and bones Fue 130 Rapresentncin de oqures amare, Dito Aaspiegsd de unsjor xo Apia de to(laseds en un dade Gomer 17), Fut 1b. Representation oft equ. De sign doped nan Agate sy ota Iased on ann by Gar 197 Fiera 14 kad nada ental inna: 19m. SPA Fu 6 Woden tr wit eine ern ‘el 18 on. MSP, owas 7 Unk San Pao de Atzame con disfos esto Apis relisted. de 71 por com Fermaba forts don far fn del sho Guitar 2. VSPA etioa de Wal Heise Fins, Fiowe 18. San Feo do fsacana wr wth ‘gua styl Ged desis, 7m x8 It as pr of 2 nr ure ofthe Ctr 2 se. MSPA nutsy of Wo Hous Fi Figura 18 ‘farang can sos de aro- turfantitis, be te Anbato,Catararea. Figwe 1, Pot orgies egtiewt as- ‘te dsp Ara Vl, Catanac, ser dsigados del faneién que cumplen dento del orden social. Las manifesaciones artivieas de esas poblaciones son consderads por muchos como ls mi sobre= salentes del NOA prehispinico, Cerdmica, eas, metals y huess se consinuyen como cuerpo © soporte expresivo de una diversidad de imigenes que muesran una icnportante variedad formal, desde simples y equemitcas haste complejs y analticas. Desde el punto de visa temic, su pa- trimonio figurative comprende represensacones humane, linicas,oics, aves, lam, simios, ‘banacios, saurios, mucilagos y mpl com- ‘inaciones posiblesente las mismas. La mayoxia de es composcionésaluden al jeguar a través de. 3 epeesentacin complet, combinads y/o me~ dante cursos metonimicos En términos generals, y a pesar dela varedid el arte Aguada, cada figura 0 simbolo tende a conformarse sein patonés jos de presenta cin bidimensional. Los earactéres compositivos y cepaciales superan inclaso al modelo evoeado. Asi ‘Entre las producciones mis notorias de esta ico- snograia se destacan ls de carécter imaginario, resultado de una simbiosis formal entre diversos ‘modelos animales. En términos cuali-cuantita- ‘vos, le Siguracion fantéstca presenta marcadas variances regionales, pero siempre hace seferen- cia al mismo conjunto de componentes faunie- ticos o humanos, eres quiméricos, multictfilor, on curigses mezclas de jaguares,serpientes sax ios y hombres toman forma a través de dife- sentes procedimientor plinticor (mina 23), que ‘van desde lor més sencilloe y directos, como la lubiéa anatémica, hasta los ms stiles y elabo- zados, como las imigenes de doble © miitiple Jectura le combinacién anatémica-concepmual Gordo, 1998). Respecto de este pattimonio comin a toda la plistica Aguada, los diversos fmbitos axqueol6- cos locales 0 regionales exhiben una identidad fee the body or expres support af «dvesty of inaes showing norton rie, om simple and shmaitconples ad enlyticl Foom the thematic point of wie, ts fgustive herige cveompiscerepnsentatons of human begs, lites, sakes irs Hamas apes tachi sri, ats and imulipe posible combinations none thew. Most of th compasions rr tothe jaguar eng ts complete o combed preston, and/or tig etoile (On a overall basis and despite the svcty of the ‘Agua at exch fre oc ye tads tae form axcording to fied puters of « tvo-dinersional epesentain The cmpstonal and spatial chores exal even the evoked model Ts, the aman Character tends to be presented i ters of centrality syne veity, estumental essai, et. Ik scl ems ts mos defied opps he fine que (4. Kasch, 1991) Arorg the best noun production ofthis coogrophy, those of imaginary char standout a rest of 4 formal synbos between various animal model. 1 qua-quanittive terms, the fantastic futon presents marked ronal variant, elthough it elusye aes referent the sane set of fant ohana components. Chimera, malate beings with cuvous mixtures of jaguar, snakes, seria and men tabe shape trough dies platic procedures (plate 23), angitg from the most simple and dirt ones suc a the anctomizl union, othe mos suble end elaborate, uch es the images of dole or mali readings, or the enatonic-coneptal combination ( Gani, 1998) As regards ts heritage cnson ta all the Aguada plastic art, the various olor ronal arckelgial tronments eit aay entity of ther own. The main ientfed sles —comesponding a the Ful Vale north of Le Ria, the cnt lly of (Cotamars andthe AmBato Ville oe diferenied bythe preeminence of some ofthe execution techniques ss well cs by the pariular management of plas, themati and composition resources “Let us discus hese pariulrte, The lagest collin of Aguada materials comes from the Hualfin Valle, cand it was mainly obtained fin hitoricl expeditions pp ee [ calistea propia. Los principales esils identi- ficados -que cortesponden al valle de Hualfn, norte de La Rioja valle central de Catamarea y valle de Ambato- se diferencian tanto por la ‘preeminencia de alguna de ls tenicas de ejecu- ‘i6n, como por #l manejo particular de recursos plisticas, eemticos y compositives. Veamos cules son et pariculridades OR- (CRBRRBBino (A. Gonsiter, 1961-64) ‘Son fiecuentes las zepresentaciones' de perso- najes ataviados con elementos felinicos (taies, adornos ceflicos, miscars, cuz) y con armas (iraderas,hachas,lneas et). Dentro-de los mo- ‘vos zoomorfos aparecen aves, ofidios y saris, pero la imagen del jaguar es ‘defintivamente la ominante, MIDAS veces se repite'a lo argo de cada panel o se combina con figura humana central formando composiciones tripartitas yen, otros caso, se integra en un mismo motivo de ‘caricter fantistico humano-felinico, Este lkimo, tipo de representacién es el que predomina en la ccerémica oxidante pintada, la otra modalidad es- tilstica de Hualfin caracterizada por diseios eje~ financed by Benjani Muiiz Barer end directed ‘yh engineer Madiniro Miser inthe 19205, and posted inthe Museo de La Pla. At tat vie, several cnsteries were dzoveed, and thousands of pikes were rewvered mainly ponerp wich inngaed ihe fancy fins of vos tes ad scsi eur. Among nti oer tings, these dara then served es the bai for the fst defn nd chraersotion of La entra de Aeuada en Noreteaqgentine (A. Gonzdles, 1961-66), and ven nowy ti il the objet of ull dies refered to the same or ser segment ofthe eur sequence Li nt thee Atmong the most prominent site viants in the ‘Mite Period i ths rea the gray aes ve fount (bated in seducing atmospher) of hin walls and policed ses, with designe enraed on panels where several zoomphic and anthropomorphic igure are Sneed. Very common ave 'the representations of charters dressed with felinic elements (dreses, cephalic ornaments, masks, et) and with weapons (spearthrowers, "axes, spears, el). Among the oomorpie motif one con see binds arabes and asi, bt the ig ofthe jaguar is defintely the ominating one, Is rpeted many tines in each pone ois combined with the cnt human figure forming tripartite compostons end, eter cases, it is inert ino single mot oni fence in charac his later type of representation i fhe predominating. one in the pained oxidizing cos, the other spite modality of Half chaaterized by dine pened in Mack or more alos onus ppd in oc or red shades (lates 18,20 and 21). The painted desis show smoother and more sete hopes that minimize the aggresive chincter of the representations. ‘The pained pottery isthe prvaing on in he north of Lea Rij and in the valey of Catamaran the fener environs the lin designs rel fom the particular adaptation of the generalized iconography of tht ie, such os he pees with anthropomorphic. modeling fn he neck, and the intel zaomorphic figures Likewite, the schematic bide figures, although they oe common ft other region of the Aguada, here they sige a wuual presence Fiows 17 epresentan dew parson con méscre feiico aia, ness yun fen. Cris ‘quail Portal procedete de lara (tonaco de Goer 188 Fae 17. Reresntaton ofa character with 2 finesratelhe mask pears a ae, Fates sie Agata canis fom lato (exacts tom Gor 198). Farag Do on fo hanno nic sb wre ‘eas fs. MAG omer oe Wa Hose Fina Figo of chum eign (Pb. MaDe Wa Hos Fish. oma pin Aguada. LP gu 19 Flee eis resentation sr cf onan Aguas pe ML Foua20 E enmascrds”y jours tacos n ne mv ore un acon cl ald Catan, ‘lo Pane tomsdo de Goel: 1977. Fur 20, Th ala che” ad jpuns past i nga c 2 baw fat Valley 1 Cataarc,Poresl sented fo: Gora 677, ceutados en negra o mis colores sobre superficies ‘engobadss en tonos octet o rojzos (iminas 18, 20 y 21). Los diseios pintados muestran formas ss susvesy sensibles que minimizan el carkcter agresivo de las representaciones. La alfereria pintads es la que prevalece en el nor te de La Rioja y en el valle de Catarnarca, En el primero de estos Ambitos los discos flinicos resultan de la adaptacin particulac de la icono- agrafla generalizada en la época, como las piezas ‘con modelado antropomorfo en el cuello y las figuras zoomorfas flinizadas, Asimismo, los of- ritomorfos esquerhiticos, si bien son comunes en oftas regiones de Aguadk, adquieren aqut una presencia inasval, A ello se suma la representa ifn’ modelada de teinas vingulados a la fauna local qe responde a patrones compositives pro- Added tis the modeled representation of sje: sociated with the lsal foo oid responds to is um composition patterns (M Rusch and M. Bain, 1996). At the same tie, the cena valley of Catamarca sands out ately for de craic style eum as Portezuelcantterized by paery of my good gualiy, ‘vith a bang polyeromatic decoration shifilyusing the negative deigue, adjusting the designs to well defined composition fields. The prdeainaut themes ary 4st all the Aguada ieonogophy, he eine and the human figure, which combine with ome another and widh snake ad bili fgues. Prilely, the representation of the folie inthis style exhibit suck «high degre of specie and desimcturtin that in cxasons i 8 almost impossible to identify the ovginal ‘model (4. Kusch, 2000}. On the other side, the blac potery of Ambato (plates 22, 23 and 24) is character by its shiny lack sfies, the predominance of engraved designs fequenly in negative, the composite gues knowns at draconian, and che very complex and elaborate version of the fine oF jaguar Likewise, the human figure and the vesious zc0morphic motifs —bins, aur, snakes fines ey appear as sple or combined designs, forming comple motif, some of them fartstc x character The pottery heritage of ‘this rpions also fncludes the Ton-olor and Three- color Ambato style, chavaceized by an onlinay-type poten of red background and painted in lack and swhite 6 only in black Besides the local stylistic varians of portable art, the remarkable expressions ofthe Ancast! area deserve to be mentioned. This was the easternmost ave oxapied by these peoples, ohere one of the most signfiant serie of rok art of the Argentine Nertinest i located: Ther, om the rocky walls of several caves and shelters, rumerous figurative images, sometimes fantastic, were represented, and are casly associated with the ionegraphie epertoie of Aguada preset in other kinds of supports of the diffrent geographical environments (I: Gori, M. Balin’ and M. Kush, 2000). "The rock art sites in the area are many, such as Le ‘Tanita, La Toma, La Candelaria, Ojola and Le cextilo Ambato Bicolor y Tricolor, earacterizado ‘por una alfarera de tipo ordinario de fondo rojo yy pintads en negro y blanco 0 s6lo en negro. ‘Adomis de las variantes eslisticas locales det ree mobiliag, merecen destacarse las notables smanifestaciones de 1s (@68)4S)AREEIEST AR ‘nis oriental ocupada por estos pucblos- donde 4 vbica uno de los reservorios mis significai- ‘os de arte rupestre del Noroeste argentino lt, sob ls paedes rocoss de mamerosss cuevas y alesos se representaron wna divrsidad de imé- ‘genes de carkcter figurative, a veces fanisticas, aque se vinclan estrechamente con el pertatio jeonogrifico de Aguada presents en otos tipos de soporte de los ditntos fmbitos geogréfcos @ Goxallo, M. Balint y M. Kusch, 2000) Son muchos los sitios con arte rupeste en el fea, como La Tunita, La Toma, Le Candela, ‘Oyola y La Reflois, entre ozs. En ellos extin repiesentados los temas més porentes de I ico- ogra Aguads; ron frceuentes Jas figuras fl rica 0 linizadas, las epresentaciones bammanas con armas escudos 0 eabezas cercanadat el en- smascarado y lt imigens fantisticslogradas por combinicién anatéamica, por biparticion o por anatropi.A diferencia de los dsfiog mobiles, ens paedes rocorat se msestan el movies toy accion, especialmente através dels esce- aide canieter al\)éine 42). ‘arias reflexiones se imponen acerca del ate peste del oriente eatamarqueto, En primer Taga, lis imgenerseprevntadas sa particular entorno sugieren que este dambito constnay6 un cspacio sagrado y ceremonial dande se babrian sonducido los rituals prBpior de ls précis religions de Aguads, con peitices que involi- + criron el consumo de sastancias psiconctvas ‘Al especto, no-puede ignorarse la ubicacién de stat cuevar en lx plenisad de‘Jos bosques del

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