writing task2 bản 2

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Mục lục

1. (thất nghiệp do học đại học) more and more young people are leaving school and unable to find
jobs after graduation.................................................................................................................................2
2. (có nên làm 1 công việc suốt đời) Some people believe that no one should do the same job for all
their working life.......................................................................................................................................2
3. (muốn tìm việc thì phải rời xa gd) if people want to find a job, they have to move away from
their friends and their families.................................................................................................................2
4. (Người trẻ nên đc yc làm vc k lương để giúp mn )Some people think that young people should
be required to do unpaid work helping people in the community..........................................................3
5. (Thà thất nghiệp còn hơn làm cv k thích )It is better to be unemployed in jobs rather than to be
employed in jobs even if they don’t feel happy or enjoy.........................................................................3
6. (đạt được mục tiêu là do may mắn) Whether or not someone achieves their aims is mostly by a
question of luck..........................................................................................................................................4
7. (con người chọn cs k làm việc hơn là cs phải làm vc chăm chỉ) . If people could choose between
a life without working or a life spending too much time working, people would choose a life without
8. (lý do duy nhất làm vc là để kiếm tiền) Only reason to work hard is to earn money....................5
9. (1 kế hoạch tốt dẫn đến thành công, liệu có cả yt may mắn hay chăm chỉ k) Many people
believe that good planning is the key factor to success in life, while others believe that other factors
like hard work or luck are important......................................................................................................6
10. (Sinh viên nên dành tg học k cần thiết tham gia hd khác ) Full-time students at university
should spend time studying. It is essential for them to be involved in other activities.........................6
11. (phỏng vấn kp là cách tốt nhất để đánh giá 1 vị trí) Many people think that interviews are
not the best way to assess the suitability of a candidate for a position..................................................6
12. (nhiều ng làm vc chăm chỉ và k có tg cho gd,bb) More and more people these days work
harder and longer hours and have no time for family life and friends..................................................7
13. (cách tốt nhất để thành công là học đại học) Some people think that the best way to become
successful in life is to get a university education, whereas others say this is no longer true.................7
14. (Mn nên ở lại trường cho đến 18t ) Everyone should stay at school until 18.............................8
15. ( nên chi tiền dạy nghề hơn học đại học) Nations should spend more money on skills and
vocational training for practical work, rather than on university education........................................8
16. (nên tập trung học như nhau hơn là tập trung 1 môn yêu thích) Some people believe
teenagers should focus on all subjects equally, whereas other people think that they should
concentrate only those subjects that they find interesting......................................................................9
17. (Cân bằng công việc và cuộc sống) People aim to keep a balance between their work and
other parts of their lives, but few people achieve it. What are the problems in trying to achieve this
goal and how can these problems be overcome?.....................................................................................9

18. (Áp lực của học sinh, sinh viên ngày càng tăng) in recent years, pressure on school and
university students has been increasing and they are pushed to work very hard from a young age.10
19. (ít người chọn làm nông nghiệp) Fewer young people choose to work in farming. What are
the reasons? Should young people be encouraged to do farming work?.............................................11
20. (Lưu trữ kiến thức qua internet) In the past, people stored knowledge in books. Nowadays
people store knowledge on the internet..................................................................................................11
21. (nên điều chỉnh bạo lực trong phim hay cấm phát hành) Some people feel that the
government should regulate the level of violence for films of television and cinema. Others feel that
violent films should be not released........................................................................................................12
22. (dù có phần mềm dịch nhưng học ngoại ngữ vẫn tốt hơn) Although there is a lot of
translation software available, learning a language could still be advantageous................................12
23. (máy móc thay thế con người trong lao động thủ công) Machines are replacing humans in
the manual workforce.............................................................................................................................13
24. (người trẻ học cư xử tốt từ phim ảnh hơn trải nghiệm thực pk) Young people learn good
behavior more from movies and books than real-life experiences.......................................................13
25. (phẫu thuật thẩm mĩ đúng hay sai) Nowadays people have cosmetic surgery to improve life.
Why do many more people choose these operations.............................................................................14
26. (Trẻ em nên học cách tái chế, tránh lãng phí ở trường và ở nhà) Some people believe that
children should be taught about recycling and avoiding waste at home, while others believe children
should learn this at school.......................................................................................................................15
27. (cha mẹ nên kk trẻ em dành ít tg học để tham gia hoạt động thể chất) Parents should
encourage children to spend less me studying and more time doing physical activities.....................15
28. (mục đích của trường học là biến trẻ em thành lao động tốt hơn là mang lại lợi ích cho
chúng với tư cách cá nhân) Some people think that the main purpose of schools is to turn children
into good citizens and workers, rather to benefit them as individuals.................................................16
29. (mn phụ thuộc vào công nghệ để giải trí, tốt hay xấu) Nowadays people depend on
technology for leisure activities...............................................................................................................16
30. (ngày nay tin tức quan trọng trong cuộc sống con người) today news plays an important role
in people’s lives and news media are more influential than ever before...................................................17
31. (công nghệ thay đổi trẻ em sử dụng tg rảnh rỗi) Technology has changed the way children
spend their free time................................................................................................................................17
32. (thay vì sửa chữa mn thường vất bỏ đồ hỏng, tại sao) In the present, people often choose to
throw away things that are broken and buy new ones, but in the past people usually repaired them
33. (phụ nữ cũng có thể đóng vai trò như nam trong quân đội,cảnh sát) Many people think that
women should have given the same roles to male in military and police forces. Many people think
that women are not suitable for this job................................................................................................18
34. (mn sinh con muộn hơn, tại sao) In some countries, people are having children at a later age
in life. 19

35. (giới trẻ ngưỡng mộ các ngôi sao dù họ k phải tấm gương sáng)Nowadays young people are
admiring media and sports stars, even though they do not set a good example.................................19
36. (trong thế giới hiện đại, chúng ta phụ thuộc vào nhau nhiều hơn hay độc lập hơn) Some
people think that in the modern world we are more dependent on each other, while others think
that people have become more independent..........................................................................................20
37. (Quảng cáo có tác động ntn,hay qc k ảnh hưởng đến vc mua sắm) Some people find
advertisements amusing or annoying and they are not influenced by this when they shop/Some
people say advertising has positive economic effects. Others think it has negative social effects......20
38. (QC khiến cta mua những thứ k cần thiết hay đang đưa ra sp mới ) Some people say that
advertising encourages us to buy things that we really do not need. Others say that advertisements
tell us about new products......................................................................................................................21
39. (dùng sử kiện thể theo để quảng cáo, tốt hay xấu) Companies use major sporting events to
promote their products............................................................................................................................21
40. (dân ở nước đang pt hp hơn trc đây còn dân ở nước phát triển k hp) In recent times
economic growth has made some people richer in both developed and developing countries. While
studies show that people in developing countries are happier now than before, people in developed
countries are no happier than they were before....................................................................................22
41. (Khi tg phát triển, những vấn đề với ng trẻ tuổi là kết quả của sự pt liên tục) As major cities
in the world are growing today, so do their problems. What are the problems for young people who
are living in the cities as the result of continued growth.......................................................................22
42. (tăng trưởng kt là chấm dứt nghèo hay hủy hoại mt) Some people say that economic growth
is the only way to end hunger and poverty, while others say that economic growth is damaging the
environment so it must be stopped.........................................................................................................23
43. (ca sĩ k pop kiếm nhiều tiền hơn nghệ sĩ cổ điển) Pop stars earn much more than classical
music performers.....................................................................................................................................23
44. (Bảo tàng nên là nơi giải trí hay giáo dục) Some people think that museums should be
enjoyable places to entertain young people, while others believe that the purpose of museums is to
45. (khách du lịch có nên bảo tồn, giữ gìn văn hóa nơi họ đến thăm k) In recent years, tourists
have paid attention to preserving both the culture and environment of the places they visit............24
46. (mn sd ngôn ngữ viết ít trang trọng, thoải mái hơn trc đây) Many people use written
language in a less formal way and in a relaxed way than in the past...................................................25
47. (chức năng quan trọng nhất của âm nhạc là giảm stress) The most important function of
music is that it helps people reduce stress..............................................................................................25
48. (lịch sử có giúp gì cho chúng ta hay k) Some people think history has nothing or little to tell
us, but others think that studying the past history can help us better understand the present.
Discuss both views and give your opinion..............................................................................................26
49. (thành viên trẻ nên chăm sóc ng lớn tuổi khi họ k thể tự chăm sóc mk)Some believe that
younger family members should be legally responsible for supporting older family members when
they become physically, mentally and financially unable to look after themselves.............................26

50. (thể thao đồng đội vẫn tốt hơn thể thao cá nhân) Some people say team sports (football) have
lots of benefits. Others say Individual sports (swimming, tennis) are better.......................................27

1. (thất nghiệp do học đại học) more and more young people are leaving school and unable to
find jobs after graduation
In the modern era, education is a tool to help people enhance their skills to become good citizens of the
nation. Therefore, going to university or not has become a hot topic for debate. Some individuals assume
that students who graduate from university contribute greatly to society, whereas others believe going to
university gives a rise to skill unemployment. The two sides of this argument will be thoroughly analyzed
and discussed in this essay before drawing a reasoned conclusion.
Initially, the main reason why citizens have the point of view that people who boost the development of a
country are university students with a better salary. For instance, in Vietnam, individuals with degrees,
such as teachers or doctors, are well-paid. Because they get a greater salary, their standard of living is
higher, so their level of spending is generous. Moreover, people believe that this action helps motivate the
nation’s economy, so their mindset has a strong foundation.
Nevertheless, there are also a lot of students who can not find a job after graduating. As a result, it makes
some individuals question whether going to university is worthwhile. Also in Vietnam, the majority of
college grads could not find a job, so they worked contrary to their field of study. Thus, they do jobs that
do not require a degree, like salesmen or waiters, with lower wages. Of course, with such an income, they
have to cut off their demands. That explains why people assume the necessity of going to university.
To summarize, the two sides of the argument concerning the prospect of the benefit of university learners
to society have strong views. Despite that, after analysis of both sides, it is clear that the idea of students
who find another job as their major and it does not contribute to society cannot be supported.
Consequently, no matter what industry they work in, they make a positive impact on the community.
2. (có nên làm 1 công việc suốt đời) Some people believe that no one should do the same job for
all their working life.
In the past most persons stayed at their job all their service years until they retired, while some people
think this is ideal, others are of the opinion that hopping from one work to another is a better way to toll.
On the one hand, some individuals are of the opinion that maintaining their job in a company is of
enormous benefits and I agree. Firstly, it makes one become proficient in their field. In other words, to a
specialist in a field of practice, it is necessary for the skill to be practised continuously and with this better
services are provided to consumers which in turn ensures community satisfaction. For example, an officer
with ten years of experience in a profession will deliver better quality services than his counterpart who
only has put in two years. Another reason why staying in the same field of practice is profitable is that it
is easier for career progression. Employees who do not office hop progress climb their professional ladder
faster as they do not lose any period of their promotion. Also, the company's growth and sustainability
are guaranteed when they do not have to spend a lot of time filling vacant seats every now and then.
On the other hand, some staff of institutions believe that it is boring to put their entire life in the same
career, they prefer to acquire various skills in different areas of life. Furthermore, changing their
appointment five-yearly provides them with the opportunity to meet more people thereby enlarging their
scope of friends.
In conclusion, while people may vary in their opinions, I think that investing a person's service year in
the same institution would be of enormous benefit to the worker, the industry and the entire community at
large as the worker's career will grow and would also improve the quality of services provided to the
community and the society at large.
3. (muốn tìm việc thì phải rời xa gd) if people want to find a job, they have to move away from
their friends and their families

In many nations in this recent years, in order to get a job, people are sacrificing chances to stay closer to
their friends and their families. From my perspective, this phenomenon could be both positive and
On the one hand, migrant workers might suffer from loneliness and many difficulties, which can result in
depression. For example, workers who step out of their comfort zone will face a new working
environment, which they may find hard to adapt to and lead to tension in their work performance.
Moreover, some individuals are unable to stand on their own since they are used to receiving support
from families. For instance, when it comes to illnesses, people working far from home have to take care
of themselves. This can be more serious for introverts since they usually distance themselves from new
peers, which accelerates a lack of friends and having no protectorship when needed.
On the other hand, distance workers will stand a chance to have career prospects. One clear example is
that people in rural areas normally apply for a job in a city that is a hub of various industries in order to
earn a well-paid job. In addition, living with parents will bring many family conflicts due to the
generation gap, which might affect their work performance. Without the supervision of parents,
youngsters can devote themselves to work and avoid disturbance.
In conclusion, I believe working far can bring both detrimental and benefits at the same time
4. (Người trẻ nên đc yc làm vc k lương để giúp mn )Some people think that young people
should be required to do unpaid work helping people in the community.
In this day and age, it is widely believed that the younger generation ought to partake in volunteer
community service projects. I personally think that the upsides of this trend are weightier than the
On the one hand, there are several demerits of young people doing volunteering work. To begin with, the
youth may not have enough time to do all the tasks. Most teenagers now are students, which means they
also have their own assignments to fulfill. As a consequence, these important tasks may be left unfinished
if too much time is allocated to volunteer activities. Moreover, participating in charity work may put lots
of pressure on the participants. One can easily be criticized for a small mistake when taking part in this
kind of work no matter how much value they have created.
On the other hand, I strongly believe that the good points of this trend are more significant. On an
individual level, the younger generation could become more mature. In other words, they can be a better
version of themselves. For example, helping the blind or elderly could help them to be more patient,
which is a crucial quality for them in their future life. Moreover, it is a valuable opportunity for the youth
to heighten their sense of responsibility as they have to be accountable for every single action that they
take. On a social level, the fact that the younger generation takes part in community service activities can
have beneficial effects on society. Generally, these young people are indeed enthusiastic, so a lot can be
done with their help, especially when there is a problem. To illustrate this point, in the Covid-19
pandemic in Vietnam, the young volunteers play an indispensable role in distributing medications and
food to people in areas which are isolated by the virus.
In conclusion, it is undeniable that there are still several drawbacks when young people do unpaid
volunteer work. However, it is my firm belief that the positive effects of this trend are more considerable
than the negative ones.
5. (Thà thất nghiệp còn hơn làm cv k thích )It is better to be unemployed in jobs rather than
to be employed in jobs even if they don’t feel happy or enjoy.

In recent years, the issue of job satisfaction has ratcheted up public interest, with many people believe that
leaving the unsuitable job is more favorable than adhering to the job that employees can hardly relate. I
completely disagree with the given statement.
On the one hand, there are compelling reasons why workers should resign if they are not cut out for the
The first point worthy of note is that working in an inappropriate working place and doing unstimulating
tasks can adversely affect ppl's working attitude. An explanation for this is devoting their time to jobs that
people loathe would demotivate workers, making them loathe the job more. In the long term, their degree
of productivity would reduce accordingly; therefore, leading to below-standard working quality. Besides,
keeping an inappropriate job may prevent workers from opportunities that suitable offers. For example,
working a nine to five job forces employees to stay at the office most of the day, making it impossible for
them to seek a new career that suits them.
On the other hand, it stands to reason that being unemployed brings several drawbacks in its wake. The
first point worth noticing is that it may create a financial burden for those who experience unemployment.
To be more specific, adults need a salary to meet the basic needs of life. Without monthly wages, one
cannot cover the cost of electric bills or staples to sustain life. Another point endorsing this view is that
joining the ranks of the unemployed makes ppl feel insecure. This is because they cannot have a stable
job while many of their colleagues might have settled down.
In conclusion, it seems to me that the idea of quitting the unsatisfying job is rather absurd.
6. (đạt được mục tiêu là do may mắn) Whether or not someone achieves their aims is mostly
by a question of luck.
People often attribute successes to good luck, and even more often, failures to bad luck. In my opinion, it
is superficial to have the idea that one’s achievements are decided mostly by chance. When considering
the list of factors in one’s success, effort, talent and determination should not be placed under luck.
Generally, as defined, luck is success or failure decided by chance instead of one’s action. It’s often said
life is like a gamble, and so whether we win or not is a matter of luck. In fact, luck is only a human
concept, in order to give a more meaningful reason to random, either good or bad happenings in life, such
as having an accident or winning a lottery. Yet, in any cases, calling others’ achievement luck then is
likely to disregard their personal effort. In term of true success, we should adopt a different perception of
luck. From the simplest achievements like passing an exam to major ones reaching for your life goals,
good fortunes usually accompany with hard work and preparation. The more you review your exam the
higher chance you know the answer to a question. In other words, luck is something that we can make
According to one research, called The Science of Luck, the subject might involve psychology and
behavior rather than probability. It indicates that people who are perceived as the luckier tend to have
skills and talents in noticing and creating opportunities, sharp intuition, positive expectations and most
important, the attitude toward failures. Hence, luck is in this mind-set, a manifestation of personal traits,
talents and labor. In addition, whether one succeeds or not depends on luck, is also an outdated notion. In
both the scopes of human history and one’s life, as knowledge and experience being built, humans have
been depending less on chances and controlling more of the forces that might affect their lives, by
predicting outcomes through past experiences and preparing interventions.
We could say luck is like fruit, if we do not climb up the tree we never get one. Occasionally, it might fall
upon our head by pure chance. Regardless, the chance of receiving such luck is extremely low and not be
depended on to create major successes in life. Furthermore, gaining by pure luck like winning lottery to
me does not worth considering as a success or achievement, but only good fortunes.

While we should appreciate the external elements, we also need to maximize our chance of success by
hard and smart work. I believe the goddess of fortunes would not smile upon us unless we had proved our
effort and determination. To conclude, it isn’t a question of luck, but the question: Are you prepared for
the opportunity?
7. (con người chọn cs k làm việc hơn là cs phải làm vc chăm chỉ) . If people could choose
between a life without working or a life spending too much time working, people would
choose a life without work.
In these days, whether staying jobless or working intensively has aroused people’s discussion. In my
opinion, while I agree that people would choose to live without work for many benefits, I believe that
others would prefer spending too much time working in their growth for equally important factors.
On the one hand, I agree that a life without working will give people plenty of time to take care of
themselves. For example, people will not have to try to get work done on time or think about problems
that need solving at work. They can spend that time working out in order to prevent pains and diseases.
Furthermore, people will be able to have opportunities to strengthen their relationship and broaden their
horizons in my way. Take family for instance, if family members have sufficient time to bond together,
they can share thoughts and interests, take care together and also sharpen the family.
On the other hand, I believe that others are in favour of the idea that a life spending too much time
working is of great benefit to their life. If people spent a lot of time working, they would earn much
money so that they can meet their basic needs. For example, we all need money to pay for housing, food,
bills, health care, and education. Most people consider it a priority to earn a salary that allows them to
cover these needs and have a reasonable quality of life. Moving further, the living standard of our
societies can grow dramatically, if each citizen can give a hand to contribute to economic sustainable
development. For example, in Japan people spend most of their time working, which leads to the fact that
in recent years, this country is one of the most developed countries in the world.
In conclusion, while living not working is the choice of many for its advantages, I believe that spending a
lot of time working is also equally valuable. Therefore, base on their own background and visions, people
need to take this problem into consideration... before reaching to the final decision
8. (lý do duy nhất làm vc là để kiếm tiền) Only reason to work hard is to earn money.
It is the universal truth that moeny plays a vital role in our lives. Thus, diligent people work hard to earn
money therefore, They can fulfill their needs and sustain themselves in modern society. Apparently, There
are also few people who loves their jobs and always be passionate and dedicated towards the given task.
They focused more on achieving their lives goals rather than monetary terms. Hence, My inclination
partially agreed with the statement. It can be supported by the following arguments.
To begin with, This is so evident that every individual have their basic and opulent needs. It can only be
fulfilled by remuneration which they get from their work. Due to technology advancement and
modenisation, Life has changed a lot. Now a days people run after money so that they can buy gadgets,
luxious cars, lavishing homes. As a result , They does extra shifts, freelancing accordingly they paid
double. For exemplify, Mostly multinational companies set a monthly target for their employees whom so
ever achieved that should get the incentives which is icing onnthe cake for them as they already get
handsome saleries. Thus, Employees put full efforts.
On the other hand, Some people works for country and society without showing much concern about
monetary benefits. Their property should always be to serve the nation and the civilians. It gives them the
immense satisfaction. Soldiers , Athletes, social workers, painters they works for long hours and paid less
as compare to white collar workers. For Instance, Mother Teresa she was a social worker and devoted her
life to the caring the stick and destitute people. Many times we read the news that Army officials martyr

during wars, Still youngster have that patriotism they wants to become soldiers despite of having life
threats at borders.
To recapitulate the essay i would say even though earning money is the foremost and primary driving
force behind many peope but still there many of them works for self satisfaction
9. (1 kế hoạch tốt dẫn đến thành công, liệu có cả yt may mắn hay chăm chỉ k) Many people
believe that good planning is the key factor to success in life, while others believe that other
factors like hard work or luck are important.
These days, many people strive for success. It is said that making a good plan is the most crucial skill in
order to be successful while others argue that hard work and luck should be paid more attention to. In this
essay, I will discuss both sides of this argument and give my opinion in the conclusion
On the one hand, good planning skills can be beneficial in our paths towards great accomplishment. If we
can make an efficient plan, it is easier to manage time and prioritize crucial tasks. A detailed plan can be
very useful when we are assigned a lot of them. Therefore, our productivity will increase since we never
have to run against the clock and always finish our work on time. Studies have shown that people who are
good at managing time are more productive than those who are not.
On the other hand, It is undeniable that hard work and luck can contribute significantly to one's success.
When a person works hard, he will spend a lot of time and effort on completing tasks productively. As a
result, he will achieve success more quickly than others. Indeed, a study published by Harvard University
suggested that people who are hard-working have 90% more chances to become successful in their lives
and career than those who are not. Furthermore, luck can play a vital role in one's success. This is because
without being lucky, it is harder for people to be successful. For instance: if unfortunate situations keep
happening to you, you have to struggle for a longer time to reach your goals.
In conclusion, I believe that all factors are advantageous in their own ways. As a result, we need to
combine them to achieve success faster
10. (Sinh viên nên dành tg học k cần thiết tham gia hd khác ) Full-time students at university
should spend time studying. It is essential for them to be involved in other activities
Nowadays, college students can join many activities such as sports clubs apart from their academic
learning. While some people think those activities are time-consuming, I think it has an irreplaceable role
in campus life.
Honestly, it is true that the main mission of a full-time university student is to gain knowledge from
lecturers. For tertiary education, making academic output is the priority for both tutors and students.
Participating in after-school activities could occupy those valuable time which should be spent in the
library or the lab. Sometimes it may even affect the GPA of students, eliminating their chance to apply for
a higher degree of study.
However, involvement in activities such as voluntary services and student union could benefit college
students from many aspects. Relating to social skills, students could make friends in other faculties
through those activities. It helps them to learn how to build bonds and compromise with people from the
various field in the future. More importantly, after-school activities provide a valuable opportunity for
students to have practice what they have learned. Through the practice, students may extend their subject
knowledge based on their personal experience, which has a positive impact on their career development.
For example, those who major in education may have some deep reflections on their understating of
teaching after being a voluntary tutor in a school regularly. It could help them to build a more realistic
view of their subject.

To conclude, I think it is not only essential but also necessary for university students to take part in
various activities on campus.
11. (phỏng vấn kp là cách tốt nhất để đánh giá 1 vị trí) Many people think that interviews are
not the best way to assess the suitability of a candidate for a position
It is crucial for many companies to ensure one's fitness for a job before accepting him. Some people
believe that interviews are not favourable for this, while others think that they are the best option. This
essay will argue why interviews are not as precise and effective and suggest other means to estimate
whether a candidate suites for a position.
To begin with, interviews are the most common way to accept someone for a position for a number of
reasons, including fast assessment of professional skills and ability to express them in a stressful situation
like an interview. The argument goes, that if a person cannot leave a good impression straight away, he
would not likely to meet job criteria in future. For instance, when a doctor, who apply for a job, fails to
perform a simple procedure, it usually means he is not qualified enough for a position. Thus, interviews
are claimed to access one's fitness for work fast and efficiently.
Conversely, there is one substantial drawback in interviews which makes them less precise. They usually
do not consider the human factor which is present in many applicants in a day of assessment. To illustrate,
the candidate's results may be affected by his stress, and interviewers might make wrong conclusions
regarding his professional skills. Therefore, for a better accuracy there should be a period of probation,
when an employee has a chance to show his fitness to a post. This way, the human factor is less likely to
influence his results.
To conclude, ensuring one's suitability is vital for employers, although, despite advantages interviews
possess, they are not the best way for this. The more precise and effective method, in my opinion, is
probation, since human factor is likely to be excluded.
12. (nhiều ng làm vc chăm chỉ và k có tg cho gd,bb) More and more people these days work
harder and longer hours and have no time for family life and friends.
Nowdays people are working harder more then ever and have long working hours. as this has negatively
affected their social life and relationship status. this essay will discuss the following factors causing this
For a number of reasons people are working hard these days as this can be seen from their long working
hours. firstly their is tough working competition as for a single job position thousands of people are
competiting and private companies are firing their employes due to performance issues. further business
competition are increasing so the organizations are fixing higher targets, big budgets. due to this the
working volume tends to increase so employes are forced to do more work taking more hours. secondly,
we are living in a that society where people are respected based on their assets and property so people
work more hours or work overtime to achieve this all.
In todays world people choose to work more as it has negatively affected the family and social life. in
many of the case parents abandon their children due to working condition, some of the childrens are feel
ignored due to which they they have several health issues, many of them get addicted to video games,
even drugs or with bad company. in many another cases long working hours has seriously affected the
relationship status of many young couples as many of them are unable to take time for their spouses. as
this lack proper interaction between them due to this divorse rate had increased in certain years.
furthermore family ties are not very strong as they used to be. now people are living a sedentary lifestyle
due to their long working hours they are having very unhealty diet and they are moving less outdoors.

In conclusion it is true that people are more determined towards there work on the one hand i could
understand as this is due to tough competition but many people does not understand that it is affecting
there social and family life due to which depression and divorse rate has increased. as personally i should
believe that there should be balance between work and there life.
13. (cách tốt nhất để thành công là học đại học) Some people think that the best way to become
successful in life is to get a university education, whereas others say this is no longer true.
It is considered that having academic degrees from institutions is the best way to achieve goals and obtain
more success, while others argue that university degrees are not important things to become successful. In
my view, effective educations in universities prepare you for a better future and getting professional
To begin with, applying for prestigious establishments can assist citizens to achieve their ambitions and
give them the best chances to improve their knowledge. Because the universities have well-known
professors that they have professional experience and can help people to become successful. For example,
when people have gone to universities, they have developed their practical skills such as communication
skills, time management and leadership skills and these skills can influence their future lives. In my
opinion, going to top universities provide students with comprehensive educations that we cannot find in
any place. Consequently, becoming more successful in life can result in effective education in
On the other hand, getting experience or doing something you like can help you become professional
rather than having academic degrees. Sometimes people pursue their ambitions or learn some skills that
they want, and these goals can persuade them to become successful. For instance, C. Ronaldo is one of
the best soccer players in the world that does not have any academic degrees, and just he has endless
effort. In my view, however, this statement can be accurate, the best way to become a successful person in
your life is high-level education in universities.
In conclusion, getting prestigious establishments is the best way that can assist people to become the
professional people in their lives, whereas some others believe that not more important as experiences
and goals. In my opinion, academic educations can cultivate practical skills that obtain more success in
our lives.
14. (Mn nên ở lại trường cho đến 18t ) Everyone should stay at school until 18
It is usually thought that all children should stay at institute until the age of eighteen. Although staying at
school until adulthood can produce a figure benefits, I personally disagree with this idea for a number of
reasons, which will be outlined in this essay.
On the one hand, the idea that children should continue to study at institution until the youth of eighteen
does have a number of benefits. Firstly, most young people under the age of eighteen have very little real-
world experience and have very little intention of what career they will pursue, and therefore staying at
school until the age of eighteen will allow them further opportunity to develop their education and time to
decide upon a suitable career path. Furthermore, forcing children to stay at seminary until the youth of
eighteen will create a more educated future generation of people which may help to reduce some social
and unemployment problems.
On the other hand, there is also a figure of drawbacks that this idea may bring with it. For instance, many
children these days do not fit-in with the current education system and forcing them to participate in
school can cause many problems. For example, these kinds of students are usually very disruptive in a
classroom and this affects other students who are trying to learn. In addition to this, many children choose
to follow careers that do not require them to continue studying in school past the age of sixteen. For
example, for those who wish to pursue a career that requires more practical based learning, such as a

qualified builder, electrician or machinery operator, it is quite unnecessary to remain at academy until the
age of eighteen.
In conclusion, although there would be a number of positive effects of children remaining in school until
a later age, I personally feel that the drawbacks outweigh the benefits mentioned above.
15. ( nên chi tiền dạy nghề hơn học đại học) Nations should spend more money on skills and
vocational training for practical work, rather than on university education.
It is suggested that countries should increase money on skills and vocational training for practical work,
rather than on educational standards' education. Personally, i believe that the benefits of practical work
which include handson experience and collaborate with others, outweigh that of university education.
First and foremost, by doing practical work, people can gain a handson knowledge. If a person expert in
handson knowledge rather than that in theortical way , they can easily solve problems with innovativly
and quickly. To support this, various studies conducted in The USA revealed that even though people
graduated with good score, they are not performing well in the work field. In addition, employee prefer to
hire students who have a handson experience in a particular field. So, it is really good for students by
having more and flexible practical skills.
Secondly, Students can get a chance to collaborate with others by doing practical work. Mostly, practical
work can be assigned as a group, contain minimum three students. By collaborating with other students,
they can likely learn more knowledge apart from academic skills like speaking skills. Moreover, they can
learn their mistakes by exchanging their ideas to others as well as they can learn others idea.
To conclude with, i believe that there are clear advantages for students by doing practical skills. The main
benefits are they can gain a real working experience and make them to gain knowledge apart from
studies. Making their country people innovative is really pivotal for government, if practical work is one
of the way, then they should pay attention to it .
16. (nên tập trung học như nhau hơn là tập trung 1 môn yêu thích) Some people believe
teenagers should focus on all subjects equally, whereas other people think that they should
concentrate only those subjects that they find interesting
Across the globe, Our education system has evolved. Teenagers go to school to gain knowledge on a
variety of subjects. This idea is controversial and people opine differently. Some people say that students
should have the freedom to study the subjects of their choice, whereas others say that equal attention to all
the subjects is beneficial. In my opinion, teenagers should learn all the subjects and gain knowledge about
each and every discipline in their curriculum.
On the first hand, high school curriculum is tailored to teach important subjects such as mathematics,
science, English, history, and geography. These act as a foundation for future career. They designed to
provide knowledge and allow the students to select the subjects that they might wish to take up for higher
studies and career. Moreover, teenagers are not capable enough to make the best decision pertaining to
one particular subject that they would want to study in the future.
On the other hand, if a student wishes to be selective, it might be beneficial as well. This would let him
ensure undivided focus on his choice of subjects and help him build a sound foundation during the
formative years. This would provide students with more time and resources to spend on comparatively
lesser and more interesting subjects, leading to better results.
According to me, the option of studying all the subjects enables the students to keep their options open
and possibly widen their range of interests. To conclude, I would say that it is best for them to study all
the subjects.

17. (Cân bằng công việc và cuộc sống) People aim to keep a balance between their work and
other parts of their lives, but few people achieve it. What are the problems in trying to
achieve this goal and how can these problems be overcome?
As society develops, an increasing number of people have begun to feel that it would be extremely
difficult to keep their balance between jobs and daily life after work. It is important to figure out why this
phenomenon would happen and how we solve it.
First of all, many adults fail to keep a life-work balance probably because of their low working efficiency.
By this I mean, not all people are able to be self-discipline workers, completing every job task in time.
Especially in many highly urbanised and technological areas, it is not rare to see that many adults, during
working hours, are usually distracted by a variety of things such as intriguing news on the Internet, phone
calls from their friends and so forth. As a result, these people might need to work overtime or take their
projects home so frequently that they do not have enough time to spend with their family, which would
reduce their satisfaction in other parts of their lives.
Besides, the stresses caused by employment environment and working systems might also make people
feel hard to keep multitasking between raising their family and doing jobs. Nowadays, to acquire higher
profits, some firms are extending the working hours of their employees without enough consideration. In
turn, considering ever-increasing living costs, the staffs sometimes also need to be obligated to their
companies’ harsh discipline to work harder in order
to keep their jobs even though they may not want to do that. Therefore, it is understandable that some of
them would feel disappointed about life; after all, working pressure has forced them to give up much
leisure time when they can rest themselves and accompany their children.
In my opinion, there are many ways to overcome the results mentioned above, one of which is that
employers should promote employees’ s satisfaction through reducing the required weekly working hours
and giving them more flexibility in their schedules since a better work-life balance can lead to
improvements in employees’ health, loyalty and productivity. Another one is that someone who is lake of
working efficiency should be provided with more access to training courses aimed at improving necessary
job skills so as to reduce the person ‘s fruitless work.
To summarise, the reasons why people become harder to maintain a balance between their work and
family life lie in both themselves and external factors, while I am optimistic that employees’ satisfaction
in spare time life can be increased by more humanized administration and more abundant training
18. (Áp lực của học sinh, sinh viên ngày càng tăng) in recent years, pressure on school and
university students has been increasing and they are pushed to work very hard from a
young age.
Nowadays, in modern life, by the development of society, people are required to have higher academic
and experiences than the same level of career in the past. This leads to higher pressure on intermediate
students that they must work hard from an early age so that they can meet those requirements. In my
opinion, this development brings both negative and positive effects and my reasons will be explained in
the next paragraphs.
On the one hand, working harder has several advantages. Firstly, facing pressure early helps students
have the ability to face difficulties in future work. The issues which students often face in learning are
competing on scores, solving difficult exercises. Some students even have to balance learning and
extracurricular activities such as volunteer activities, competitions. However, those issues are not as
complicated to handle as difficulties that employees find in working such as risks of firing jobs and
dangerous working environments, which might adversely affect their mental health. Therefore, students

under high pressure have a chance to practise and prepare for a better future. Secondly, withstanding work
pressure is also a plus point in job records that companies prioritize for their recruitments. This advantage
can be expressed through the students' studying process. Students having high scores in learning as well
as achievements in extracurricular activities demonstrate not only their ability to acquire knowledge but
also their ability to be under pressure in a specific environment.
On the other hand, pressure on studying also negatively affects students' mental health. At a growing age,
the student has not fully developed awareness and is not strong enough to solve all the difficulties, too
many pressures can affect spiritual health that leads to stress, depression, and feeling bad about
themselves. Interruption in learning or using stimulants such as cigarettes, alcohol to avoid facing
difficulties is one of the results of too much pressure in working. Currently, many students have to treat
psychology caused by school issues.
In conclusion, working hard making students have more opportunities in their future careers can be
denied, but it should be balanced between expectations of their work efficiency and capacity to reduce
health and psychological issues
19. (ít người chọn làm nông nghiệp) Fewer young people choose to work in farming. What are
the reasons? Should young people be encouraged to do farming work?
More and more youngsters are now refusing to have a career in Agriculture. In this paragraph, I will
analyze the reasons for this phenomenon and answer the question of whether the young generation should
be encouraged to participate in the work of a farmer.
With the booming of technology development, the world that we are living in has become more and more
advanced , creating a better living conditions and people, especially the youngsters are becoming too
attached with these comfortable and convenient lifestyle. This is the main reason why young people tend
to avoid working in the agriculture sector because of its effort and hard-work. Another reason that can not
be ignored is that a lot of young people have a firm belief that a career of a farmer has no prospect,
fortune and opportunity in comparison with other jobs.
Due to the lack of young labor in the agriculture sector, many people have raised the question of whether
more youngsters should be encouraged to do farming work. In my opinion, I strongly agree with this
statement due to the fact that the importance of farming should not be ignored by people at a young age.
Let aside all arguments, it can clearly be seen that agriculture is one of the most pivotal industries in our
world. A huge amount of food that people consume daily comes from farming, and also the huge amount
of income that agriculture creates can not be overlooked. Therefore we should raise the awareness of
young people about the importance of agriculture as well as why they should participate in the farming
20. (Lưu trữ kiến thức qua internet) In the past, people stored knowledge in books. Nowadays
people store knowledge on the internet.
With the advent of technology, nowadays it is common to save knowledge on the Internet instead of
books or notebooks which were main means in the past. In this essay, I will examine how the merits of
storing knowledge on the Internet outweigh its demerits.
There are several detrimental aspects of using the Internet to keep knowledge. First and foremost, it is
necessary to buy a digital device which people can use such as cloud computing services. Owing to the
high cost of the device, people might find it a burden to afford it. Furthermore, the usage of electronic
devices can lead to detrimental effects on the user’s body. For instance, people’s eyes are more likely to
be strained while they are staring at a monitor. What is worse, they can be exposed to electromagnetic
waves from computers or mobiles.

Despite those disadvantages mentioned above, there are significant advantages of using the Internet as a
storage. Firstly, it is definitely easy to access knowledge on the web storage without any geographical
constraints. Besides, people are able to find their files from their laptops and mobiles wherever they want
to use them. In addition to this, the process of sharing their knowledge to others is just simple and quick.
What is more, it is cost effective in a long term as people do not have to buy a lot of books, pens and even
shelves to store a substantial amount of knowledge.
In conclusion, even though storing knowledge on the Internet brings some adverse effects in terms of the
budget to buy expensive devices and users’ health problems, there are clear virtues such as accessibility
and convenience. Therefore, as for the purpose of the storage, using the Internet is better than the old way.
21. (nên điều chỉnh bạo lực trong phim hay cấm phát hành) Some people feel that the
government should regulate the level of violence for films of television and cinema. Others
feel that violent films should be not released.
Some people believe that violent elements in movies should be banned whilst others think that the
government should establish boundaries for such violent content. While there are certain reasons why
violent movies ought to be prohibited, I personally think that violence in movies should only be limited.
On the one hand, it is understandable why violent movies should be prohibited because viewers could be
negatively affected. To begin with, watching too many age-inappropriate movies might harm children’s
mental development. This is mainly because they could be desensitized to violence and this may cause
brutal behaviors. Moreover, not only the young generation but also adults could be badly influenced.
Consuming violent content on a regular basis may lead to a misunderstanding that violent actions are
socially approved. This can result in increased aggression in their daily activities.
On the other hand, I am firmly convinced that violent factors in movies only need to be limited by the
authorities. First, action films are considered as a form of entertainment. There are a huge number of
viewers who are really enthusiastic about action films. When prohibiting all violent actions, the
government is taking away viewers’ basic needs and rights. Second, the script might be ruined because
violence is the core element in action movies. If this happens over the long period, numerous films may
become less attractive and viewers may be no longer interested in watching action films.
In conclusion, although there are certain reasons why violent activities should be prohibited in movies, I
strongly believe that they ought to be controlled to a certain extent.
22. (dù có phần mềm dịch nhưng học ngoại ngữ vẫn tốt hơn) Although there is a lot of
translation software available, learning a language could still be advantageous.
The arrival of translation software worldwide due to the advanced technology has made many travelers'
lives more convenient on their trips, but learning a language, in many people's view, play a significant
role and benefits learners. I definitely opine this view because mastering a language is not only provides
more opportunities for the learners but also the translation skills are impossible to be replaced by any
advanced software.
Advanced technology leads to the invention of various applications relevant to translation software, and
modern devices such as smartphones and tablets make these apps more accessible to their users. However,
the availability of translation software is unreliable and depends on many factors like internet and
electrical power. For example, the signals from internet satellites in remote regions sometimes are
affected and not strong enough to make the apps work properly. Consequently, travellers may not always
rely on the translation software. Relying on travellers' own language capacities is more reliable as
comparing to translation software.

Although translation software worldwide has been tested before launching to the market and providing
services to their users, the precise content translated by these software apps remains being questioned by
many scholars or experts. There are so many factors that may affect or disturb these apps from
functioning properly. For instance, the accent of the users, the layman terms, and the noise in the
surroundings often affect the accuracy of the apps. These translation software apps may provide a certain
level of convenience to the users, but users should not rely on them totally, especially during formal
situations suck as business or political negotiation. Otherwise, their benefit may be jeopardised by
inaccurate translation.
Learning a language often benefits learners based on personal situations. First, learners often are kept in a
right pathway and feel more active via interacting with their teachers or language buddies. Moreover,
learning a new language may exercise the learners' brains and helps them to stay healthy physically and
mentally. Last but not the least, once reaching certain level, learners often feel content because they are
able to rely on themselves to communicate with foreign peoples in their own countries or abroad during
travelling. Undoubtably, mastering a language often benefit the learners and enhances the learners'
In conclusion, modern devices and advanced technology provide a wide range of translation software for
ordinary people to apply, but these software may not function precisely and reliably enough to provide
excellent services. Therefore, learning a foreign language should not be replaced by these software and
definitely benefits the learners, especially those who are experts and master the languages
23. (máy móc thay thế con người trong lao động thủ công) Machines are replacing humans in
the manual workforce.
With the industiral evolutions, the people is releasing their labour by the replacement in many kinds of
tasks. In my opinion, although there are some drawback en machines replace human in many jobs, i
believe the benefits significant.
One common cited negative effect of machines handle human's work is the scare of unemployment. It is
true that, machines can do many hard job smoothly in a lower cost and response. As the cost of machines
are now more affordable, many companies have replaced their humans workforce by inovative machines
in the aim of higher profits. As result, many workers becoming unemployment. One example that, many
candy companies replaced their laour by machines in many stage of manufaturer processes which caused
a munber of worker losing jobs.
However, machines have many positive contributions which can compensate for the drawback. Firstly,
Machines are more efficient and durable. In many tasks of work, machines can do faster and more
accurately than humans, moreover, machines can operate continuously days and nights while workers
need time for refreshment. As a result, machines can create more value and higher productivity. For
example, a packaging system can make one thousand products an hour while people handling this task
will need two labours doing in eight hours.
Secondly, machine can help people in dangerous tasks. There are such vastly numerous hazard jobs which
may put humans at risks if doing them due the circumtance is not convenient for people. However,
machines can undertake these tasks well without any harms. For intance, in the rescue of victims of fires,
robots can be use to enter the the fired and smoked building to grab the people out.
In conclusion, despite there are some drawbacks, machines have more significant benefits which can help
to increase productivity and replace humans in many dangerous jobs.
24. (người trẻ học cư xử tốt từ phim ảnh hơn trải nghiệm thực pk) Young people learn good
behavior more from movies and books than real-life experiences.

Nowadays, many people assert that due to advancements in ,technology there are numerous ways of
learning through movies , the internet and books , while the rest of people opine that real-life
experiments make major changes for learning something new.I believe that real experience will teach us
more as compared to other sources .
The first and foremost reason is that people will learn better through their life challenges, they will learn
from mistakes; for example, my cousin was drug addicted, and he went to several rehabilitation centres to
get rid of this habit ,but it did not work at all.One day her mother tried to commit suicide because of his
bad habits.when he saw his mother dying ,he never repeat this mistake again.Now he is working as a
normal human being, which means to say people learn better from their mistakes.
In addition,sometimes stories in books as well as in movies could not be real ;it could have negative
effects on children because ,In these days, most pictures are based on crime and violence;therefore,
youngsters will try to opt for the same behaviour without knowing its ill effects.For instance, pattern
Hindi movie is extremely popular these days ,youngsters make Tiktok, and reels by copying the same
dance moves on social media , how which could be better for youth.
In conclusion, no doubt , many people think that learning through movies as well as from books is
better ,but according to my,perspective real incidents would bring more advantages in order to learn from
mistakes for becoming better human beings and for developing good behaviour.
(nhờ internet con người k cần đi làm hay học đh) Widespread of technology has given people more
freedom to work instead of travelling to work or college.
With the development of science and technology, internet is widely applied in various industries and
fields, which allowed people to work and study at home rather than commute to work or do to school. I
think this change has more benefits.
First and foremost, working online is environmental sound. With the reduction of commute time, less
vehicles will run on the road, which means less air pollution of emissions. Secondly, working and
studying at home is economical. There would be less expenses for corporations if they do not have to pay
office rent. And the fees for online courses are more acceptable relatively because they can be recorded
and sold to millions of students. Furthermore, employees and students can accompany their families
while working and learning at home. This can deepen the relationship between families to a tremendous
extent. Last but not at least, time is saved as individuals stay at home and do not spend time travelling.
As a result, they have more time to do exercise, which can enhance citizens’ physical fitness.
Admittedly, there are some defects regarding to working and studying at home. Students are more likely
to be distracted due to videos and games on the internet. It would also lead to inefficiency working at
home if employees are attracted by other things. However, these problems can be tackled if proper
management and supervision involved.
To conclude, I hold the view that the advantages of working and studying at home exceed the
disadvantages in the long term.
25. (phẫu thuật thẩm mĩ đúng hay sai) Nowadays people have cosmetic surgery to improve life.
Why do many more people choose these operations
In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of people turning to cosmetic surgery.
This phenomenon is caused by various reasons and it has stirred up many heated arguments on whether
cosmetic surgery is a positive or negative trend. Personally, I see myself siding with the former.
People’s recent preference for cosmetic surgery is said to stem from a number of factors. To begin with,
the higher demand for plastic surgery is due to the fact that nowadays, people seem to care more about
their physical appearance than ever before, as such, they develop a desire to look more attractive.

Therefore, when this mindset is taken into consideration, it is not difficult to explain why there is a rapid
growth in the number of people undertaking plastic operations. In addition, the incredible and meteoric
development of technology in recent times further contributes to the widespread use of cosmetic
procedures. The utilization of highly advanced machinery undoubtedly results in increased efficiency,
quality, as well as safety, allowing patients to put more trust in the process
In my opinion, an individual's wish to become more beautiful is not something that should be criticized or
ridiculed owning thank to the fact that
an attractive and pleasing physical appearance can be greatly beneficial, such as remarkably boosting a
person’s confidence and self-esteem, or improving one’s sense of happiness. Consequently, I am
convinced cosmetic surgery is a viable method for those who want to refine their looks. Nevertheless, it is
unwise to abuse plastic surgery, as overusing this method can lead to various health issues. When an
individual undertakes a plethora of operations, an exceedingly large quantity of risks will become
apparent, these consequences include blood loss, organ damage or even more horrifying, death.
In conclusion, in recent times, cosmetic surgery has greatly soared in popularity, mostly thanks to the fact
people are becoming more and more conscious of their outward appearance. In my point of view, the fact
that people can have their ideal appearance through cosmetic operations is a positive development, though
it would be completely inappropriate to heavily overuse it.
26. (Trẻ em nên học cách tái chế, tránh lãng phí ở trường và ở nhà) Some people believe that
children should be taught about recycling and avoiding waste at home, while others believe
children should learn this at school
In today's modern world, there is a significant need for recycling and avoiding waste to keep our
environment clean and pollution-free. Due to this, some people believe that this should be taught to
children at school while others opine that parents should teach at home. In my opinion, schools can
explain better than parents. This essay will argue the same.
Some critics support learning to recycle and avoid waste at schools because children are likely to spend
most of their time in a day in schools so teachers can easily teach them the benefits of recycling items
with some visuals or certain types of activities. Moreover, young students are the best learners since they
can mimic others without much effort. Consequently, they will probably learn from watching other
children doing tasks that encourage them to recycle. To illustrate, recent research shows that children can
quickly grasp 80 per cent of things taught at school. Therefore, some are of the belief that recycling and
avoiding waste should be learnt at school.
Nonetheless, others disagree with this contention. Firstly, parents are considered the best teachers for their
successors since they are the only ones who can explain complex things to offspring with care, love and
patience. Secondly, they can ask their children to make habits of recycling their items and keeping a limit
on waste at home. To give a quintessential example, most children have different habits which can be
either good or bad, coming from their parents. Hence, some detractors opine that parents should teach it.
In conclusion, despite few positives, children can learn to recycle and avoid waste best at school. In my
opinion, parents should also work with schools to facilitate the process of recycling children's belongings.
27. (cha mẹ nên kk trẻ em dành ít tg học để tham gia hoạt động thể chất) Parents should
encourage children to spend less me studying and more time doing physical activities.
Exercise is always playing a vital role in humans life.It is believed that parents should encourage
offspring to invest less time academic and more time devoted to strong workout.I completely accord with
this statement and the reasons for my opinion will be elucidated in forthcoming paragraphs with relevant

To commence with, why guardians need to encourage their juveniles to spend more time in body workout,
the reason behind is that children always live fit if they do more focus on the exercise and never survive
with any health issue.For example, everyone knows that education is very significant for pupils.However,
if students participate in any sports activities, the former could not find any difficulty with a medical
issue.Moreover, if the person will not fit then it is not possible for him to give an examination if he or she
suffering from a fever
To add more, children should participate in sports activities.Due to the fact they could learn many things
from there such as discipline, communication skill and team spirit.For instance, cricket has 11 members
of the team.Everyone knows their own responsibilities over there.People can learn how to play with
teamwork and how to stay calm in any circumstances.Apart from this ,it will help to expand their friend
circle.Therefore, paying attention to strong exercise always crucial in humans lives.
To conclude, owing to the reasons such as children always live fit, fine and strong with the body activities
and always learn teamwork and more socialize in their life.I am in favour of who opine parents should
motivate to their wards to do more focus on physical strength activities.
28. (mục đích của trường học là biến trẻ em thành lao động tốt hơn là mang lại lợi ích cho
chúng với tư cách cá nhân) Some people think that the main purpose of schools is to turn
children into good citizens and workers, rather to benefit them as individuals.
People have different views about/ as to the primary goal of schools. While I agree that schools can
transform children into useful members of society, I believe that they also bring benefits to students
On the one hand, turning children into useful citizens is the main purpose of schools. The primary reason
is that the same core subjects such as math, literature and civic education are present in the curriculum of
most schools. Children, therefore, are expected to share the same moral standards, general knowledge and
skills. If all members of society were to have such criteria, society would become more stable and
civilized as the crime rate would be low. If schools were to fail to equip their students with needed skills
or standards, they would not become productive members of society. Thus, it is understandable why
schools’ main responsibility is to producing good members of society.
On the other hand, it can argued that children themselves can reap of number of benefits. When children
are taught a wide range of subjects, they can have the opportunity to become more well-rounded and
widen their outlook on life. This would help them to be able to adapt to a new environment in their later
life. Another benefit would be that schools are a perfect environment for students to develop their
communication skill. This is largely because they are enabled to make friends with their classmates and
talk to them virtually on a daily basis. This skill is considered / arguably highly beneficial for social life of
In conclusion, it is my view that schools not only produce good citizens for society but also bring benefits
for each individual student.
29. (mn phụ thuộc vào công nghệ để giải trí, tốt hay xấu) Nowadays people depend on
technology for leisure activities.
There is a controversial perspective heating up a debate over the tendency of people to utilize technology
for amusement activities in this day and age. This phenomenon has both pros and cons however I would
contend that its drawbacks may outweigh its counterpart.
Without a shadow of a doubt, with the advent of technology, people’s recreation life has become more
diverse and convenient. For the time being, abundant choice of leisure pursuits can be provided through
individuals’ technological devices like their smartphones or computers. For example, there is a wide range

of methods to entertainment such as listening to music, watching movies or surfing the internet just
through the advance latest phones which can help people to have more options for amusement without
getting tedious. Therefore, technology plays a paramount crucial role in enriching people’s mental lives.
While the redeeming features of technology in recreation are widely acknowledged, their detrimental
influences can not be ignored. Using electronic devices for leisure activities for an extended time can
have an adverse impact on people’s physical health. For instance, spending pastime sitting in front of a
screen for 5 to 6 hours instead of doing some outdoor activities can cause eye problems or obesity which
is one of the main reasons for the recent rise in the rate of these diseases. Hence, technological
development in individuals’ amusement time may wreak havoc on their health conditions significantly.
In conclusion, although the rising reliance on technological devices for entertainment may have both
upsides and downsides, in my opinion, its merits can not overshadow its demerits for the aforementioned
30. (ngày nay tin tức quan trọng trong cuộc sống con người) today news plays an important
role in people’s lives and news media are more influential than ever before.
The role of news and its impacts have become increasingly significant in recent years. Techological
breakthoughs is the main drive behind the phenomenon, and I believe that this is a positive development.
Given the advent of smart equipment and the internet, people nowadays are able to access to news
sources at anywhere and anytime. For instance, travelers, who have internet connection and a smartphone
can check weather news of their destinations before visiting with just a few clicks. In addition , online
media platforms provide people with a greator amount of new sources and category, which can be tailored
to individual needs. This relieves internet users the budern of manually accumulating information. If the
state-of-the-art instruments are not invented, people may find it difficult to attain data conveniently.
Another factor that contributes to the prevelance of news media today is the creation social media. These
platforms allow individuals to connect to like-minded people, and share the information that may be
mutual interests of them. This not only fosters the exchange of information, which make them appealing
to the major public but also enable people to voice their thoughts that encourages democracy worldwide.
Apart from the benefits, there are certain downsides of the ways news is broadcast these days. Some
taboo subjects such as violence, sexuality, drugs are rife on news media. If governments do not seize
control over the topics, they would have detrimental impacts on young individuals.
In sum, technological advances could be attributable to the significance of news and its effects on the
society. I concur with the view that the development brings more good than harm.
31. (công nghệ thay đổi trẻ em sử dụng tg rảnh rỗi) Technology has changed the way children
spend their free time.
With the advancement of novel technology, more and more pupils take their pastime on playing video
games and computers rather than other activities. Personally, I disagree with this phenomenon. This essay
will discuss both sides and provide compelling reasons to sustain my opinion.
There is no doubt that revolutionary technology can offer students a new way to reach out to the world
and communicate with their friends and family members worldwide. It is convenient to keep in touch
with their social network through social media and the Internet. Especially during the pandemic,
connecting with their friends through technology stays social distances and safe. However, addiction to
virtual friendships on the air may not only waste children’s leisure time but also let them lose social
capabilities in the reality. Thus, even if technology provides a feasible method to remain the children’s
friends, they may spend too much time online and lose chances to get along with their friends physically.

Moreover, the adverse effects of innovative technology are detrimental to children’s physical health. For
example, keeping eye on the screen for playing games and watching the iPad will ruin and decrease kids’
eyesight. Meanwhile, pupils miss opportunities to do outdoor activities and approach nature. According to
recent studies, the more children play in the wild field, the happier and healthier they are. It is because
they can watch green vegetation and do physical exercises instead of staying sedentary in front of the
television and computer screen. Therefore, spending too much leisure time on technology is a negative
trend for the young generation.
32. (thay vì sửa chữa mn thường vất bỏ đồ hỏng, tại sao) In the present, people often choose to
throw away things that are broken and buy new ones, but in the past people usually
repaired them
Different people have different approaches to life. Across the globe, folks are now discarding things
repeatedly when they are damaged, hence, prefer to replace instead of repair as compared to the previous
era. There are ample reasons responsible for this attitude, in this essay I will be discussing a few of them
along with the issues it can give rise to.
To begin with, the primary factor could be the easy availability of items. Nowadays, people have flexible
access to shopping such as online with lots of variety to choose from in terms of price and quality. For
instance, China has made almost everything at a cheaper cost which was previously available only on
branded labels. Moreover, the repairing cost is sometimes higher than to replace. Secondly, while some
people are nowadays quite lazy to visit repairing centres others might me too occupied to get it done.
Nevertheless, they find throwing away and buying a new one to be more convenient. For example, mobile
phones are now so conveniently accessible that it is more complicated and expensive to get them repaired.
Lastly, the newer generation does not have much emotional attachment with materialistic things as
compared to the past when people used to preserve things or valuables to pass it on to the next
There can be some issues related to this as, firstly, in order to meet the demands of people the raw
materials are used excessively leading to nature imbalance. For example, the water reservoir is getting
depleted used in manufacturing goods. In addition to this, the use and throw policy is creating huge waste
which gets accumulated in landfills. Furthermore, the majority of the population is losing the importance
of reusable or recyclable goods as everything is so easily available. For example, it is causing a grave
concern nowadays to use glass or steel in their households which were used by the people in past as today
people are finding using plastics as it is more easy and cheap.
To conclude, development in today's world is the leading factor attributed to this whereas in past people
use to travel miles to get some goods.Technology has brought a great revolution in society's thinking
processes and lifestyle. Nevertheless, there is some negative side of each advancement while it is positive
in myriad ways in terms of creating more employment and easy living.
33. (phụ nữ cũng có thể đóng vai trò như nam trong quân đội,cảnh sát) Many people think that
women should have given the same roles to male in military and police forces. Many people
think that women are not suitable for this job.
People have different views about the role of women in military and police forces. While some people
believe that women should have the same job and responsibility as men, others argue that women are not
qualify for this kind of work. My essay will analyze these camps before giving my own opinion.
Some people hold a firm belief that women and men should be treated equally when it comes to job
positions in military and police forces. This can be beneficial thanks to the fact that these forces will now
have a larger number of soldiers and officers since they can choose both male or female for the job,
helping to reduce the workload and increase the work efficiency. Research conducted by the US military

in 2019 has shown that by recruiting both men and women for the same role, they can solve the problem
of lack of labour and increase the overall efficiency in their forces by 20%.
Others stand their ground that women can not be equal to men in the military and police forces. To
support this argument, many people stated that being a policeman or a soldier is a dangerous job and
requires a person with an excellent physical ability. These people claimed that choosing a woman for this
role can lead to the escalating rate of casualties, taking a staggering toll on the security of a whole nation.
In my own perspective, I am more convinced by the former view. This is because of the disbelief about
women's physical capability on the other side of the argument. Many recent studies show that this is the
same for both men and women. Therefore women should be given the same role as male in military and
police forces.
34. (mn sinh con muộn hơn, tại sao) In some countries, people are having children at a later age
in life.
Due various shifts in social value and economic condition, many couples in this day and age decide to
have children at a later age compared to the last generation. This essay will explore some of the reaonse
behind this trend.
The biggest reason of delayed childbearing is that the cost of raising children nowadays, especially in big
cities, is becoming exorbitant and many of young couples choose to live in these expensive area because
of job prospect. Therefore, they often have no choice but to delay their plan of procreation until they are
financially stable enough to raise a child. Moreover, instead of satisfying for being a housewife, a woman
of the current generation often has an aspiring career. It is often the case that woman with a strong career
mind do not want to be distracted by parenting, which requires a huge amount of attention and effort.
In addition, contraceptive methods have become far more robust and the cost of them came down a lot
due to the advancement of the manufacturing process in the decades. As a result, the use of contraceptive
tools became prevalent among couples and young couples who have regular sexual activity can mostly
avoid unwanted child birth.
On one hand, It is true that late childbearing can have some drawbacks. The biggest one being the
increase of medical risk to the woman and the baby. However, such risk can mostly remedy with modem
technology. On the other hand, there are multiple advantage of having children later in life. For one thing,
these parents usually have a more robust financial base, therefore, can provide their children a better
quality of life and most importantly education. For another thing, it is apparent that people of older age
are more mature and less likely to make mistakes in deciding their children's future. As a result, they
would be much more suitable parents, compared to their younger self.
In summary, the main cause for late childbearing of this generation is economic difficulties and the
urgency to become successful in one's career. Modern contraceptive methods also play a minor role in
helping young couples to prevent unwanted births. While late childbearing can cause some medical
problem in pregnancy, overall, I believe the benefits of a more mature parenthood outbalance the potential
35. (giới trẻ ngưỡng mộ các ngôi sao dù họ k phải tấm gương sáng)Nowadays young people are
admiring media and sports stars, even though they do not set a good example.
These days the admiration of media and sports stars as role models is gaining popularity among
adolescents. Nevertheless, some people adhere to the belief that these stars cannot set an appropriate
example. I opine that this attitude can have both positive and negative impacts.
On the one hand, what admiring sports and media do is encourage young people to become successful in
their life. This stems from the fact that younger people are at the beginning of their life and they can

harness different plans for their future. Thus, choosing successful stars as role models could aid them to
accomplish success. For instance, when athlete young generations follow Olympic champions and
observe how these people are successful and popular in their field, they strive to become like them and
can set their goals based on their role models. That’s how admiring stars can assist young people to
achieve accomplishments in their life.
Albeit admiring stars and following their behaviour is advantageous to some extent, it has a negative
impact as well. Admiring sports and media stars can give rise to that, negative traits of stars could become
highlighted for young people rather than positive ones. This is rooted in the fact that younger people are
not mature enough to tell apart and differentiate the positive and negative behaviour of stars precisely.
Accordingly, a negative effect can become bold and seem to adversely affect the younger people life. For
example, media stars appear to smoke a cigarette or drink alcohol for snapping photos, and these negative
traits can encourage young people to kick off smoking which can adversely influence them. Setting stars
as role models, consequently, can have a negative impact on young people.
In conclusion, admiring media and sports stars can encourage young people to acquire achievements in
their life. However, following these sports can have negative effects as well among which bolding the
negative traits rather than positive traits can be one of them.
36. (trong thế giới hiện đại, chúng ta phụ thuộc vào nhau nhiều hơn hay độc lập hơn) Some
people think that in the modern world we are more dependent on each other, while others
think that people have become more independent.
People have contrasting views, whether in present era humans are more relying on one another or they are
self-reliant. In my opinion, although the escalation of life span depicts the existence of dependency, there
are more self-sufficient people in the earth, which can be measured by the current rate of job placement.
However, this essay will discuss both views.
On the one hand, increase rate of employment states the growth of self-supporting people. It has been
observed that the number of job holders has been escalated with the progress of time because of the
awareness and technological advancements. Besides, many adults are frequently aspiring themselves as
an entrepreneur. Moreover, unlike the past, females are incorporating them in the business market. Thus,
all together, humans are more involving them in several occupations and earning livelihood which
resulted in independence. For instance, a survey conducted by Wikipedia reveals that women's
participation in the e-commerce sites as a seller has increased 50% compared to last decades, which led
them to income and not being dependent on the male partners.
In contrast, longevity in many countries defines the escalation of dependent citizens. With the
advancement of medicines and treatments, the average life length has increased ; that means, the number
of senior individuals has increased and many of them are no longer capable to perform physical tasks by
themselves. Nevertheless, the ratio of elderly people is minimal compared to the workable persons.
Furthermore, it is possible to use these elder's experiences and make them independent. For instance, in
Bangladesh skilful seniors are recruited as a consultant in several companies, which not only benefits
them financially, but also less the family burden.
In conclusion, it cannot be denied that the average life periods of humans have risen all over the world
and that defines the dependency has increased. Despite the fact, the number can be ignored comparing
with the percentage of effective people. Hence, there are more self-sufficient individuals in the present
37. (Quảng cáo có tác động ntn,hay qc k ảnh hưởng đến vc mua sắm) Some people find
advertisements amusing or annoying and they are not influenced by this when they

shop/Some people say advertising has positive economic effects. Others think it has negative
social effects
Nowadays, advertisements have been around us in many aspects of our life. It is claimed that customers
are not manipulated by advertising when they shop. From my point of view, I agree that for some people
advertising is not necessary. However, I also believe that advertising still has an impact on shoppers.
On the one hand, it is acceptable that there are a number of various reasons why buyers suppose
advertising is unnecessary. The foremost cause is that some people may find it a waste of time when
viewing advertisements. Hence, instead of spending time watching advertising, they often spend time
doing many other useful activities, such as reading books or exercising. Moreover, besides advertising,
the price of goods has a great influence on customers’ shopping choices. In fact, if the buyer's financial
resources are not enough, no matter how good the advertising is, they will not buy.
On the other hand, I would argue that in some cases advertising can influence consumer buying
psychology. Firstly, by using advertising, your products can be more easily accessible to consumers, and
make them purchase decisions. For example, by collaborating with reviewers and running ads on the
Tiktok platform, fashion shops have attracted a lot of purchasers and their revenue has increased
significantly. In addition, thanks to advertising, consumers can discover many new products with useful
information. As a result, consumers will have many purchasing choices that suit their needs.
In conclusion, advertising may bring both positive and negative effects on our society and economic.
although there are some people who are not affected by advertising, I suppose that advertising still has a
certain impact on customers' purchasing decisions.
38. (QC khiến cta mua những thứ k cần thiết hay đang đưa ra sp mới ) Some people say that
advertising encourages us to buy things that we really do not need. Others say that
advertisements tell us about new products
Advertisement is an art of luring consumers. Although it also forces people to purchase products that are
of no use, advertising new products also make our lives better. I completely agree with the thought of
advertisement as it enhances human life.
The main reason for the support of an advert is that it tells the people regarding the new features and
working on the things. To make it more clear, some companies also use animated videos which explain
the proper working of the product. To elaborate more, consider an example of a smartphone, after one
year, new features and applications have been launched to make a customer happy and that can be easily
explained by advertisement. Thus, advertisement plays a vital role in explaining things more accurately.
Another factor which makes an advertisement most important is economic growth. With the help of
advertisement, people become aware of products and selling more products indirectly boosting the
nation's economic rate. For instance, international companies launch their new gadgets through adverts
and when people purchase an international product, it will raise the country's economy. But sometimes
some companies provide fake details related to the products which become irrelevant to use and waste of
money for the consumers. Therefore, nations government also gets the benefit through advertisement.
In conclusion, advertisement plays an important role in making customers aware of new things. In my
opinion, adverts provide appropriate knowledge regarding the working and installation of the product and
also helps in raising the economy of the nation.
39. (dùng sử kiện thể theo để quảng cáo, tốt hay xấu) Companies use major sporting events to
promote their products

In today's modern society, most sporting events are used by companies in order to advertise their goods
and services. And some people assume that sports in general are adverse influenced by doing so. From my
perspective, I totally disagree with this notion and the reasons for that will be discussed in this essay.
To begin with, the reason why I do not support this claim is quite simple. In fact, promoting products can
be accomplished in several ways, but none of them has the ability to negatively affect the events. For
example, many companies these days choose billboards, posters, online advertisements as a measure to
raise their product's visibility to the customer, which hardly impacts the content of the events.
Another reason why I disagree with this claim is that not only does the promotion have any bad effect on
sports, but also can act as a decoration for the sporting events. In actual fact, the advertisements usually
are uniquely designed as well as have interesting slogans and attractive content. Therefore, most people
find the streets and events better-looking with advertisements. Moreover, it also can have beneficial
impacts on the local economy and tourism as well. For instance, it not only provides locals with job
opportunities, but it also helps the country have more good points in foreign eyes.
In conclusion, if I look at many ways, I would argue that advertising products in big sporting events
positive effect on sports and events because it makes overall appearance much better and improves the
40. (dân ở nước đang pt hp hơn trc đây còn dân ở nước phát triển k hp) In recent times
economic growth has made some people richer in both developed and developing countries.
While studies show that people in developing countries are happier now than before, people
in developed countries are no happier than they were before.
There is no denying the fact that economic growth has improved the standard of living all over the world.
However, growth in global economy may mean different things to different people. To the developing
world, recent growth may be coupled with a rise in standards of living, and thus seen as positive. To the
already developed countries, this growth brings with it increased global competitiveness, and is thus seen
as negative. Both sides will be analyzed in this essay. The lesson we get from this different perception
towards development of global economy shall also be discussed.
For people in the developing world it means better opportunities for personal and professional growth.
More and more people in developing countries such as India and China now earn more than enough to
lead comfortable lives. Now they have high disposable incomes that make it possible for them to lead
luxurious lives. They can now buy the latest gadgets, travel to the most exotic places on earth and own
luxury apartments and cars. Their children now get world-class education and healthcare. None of these
would have been possible if the economy wasn't growing. Needless to say, for people in the developing
world growth in the economy is a positive development.
On the other hand, economic growth has a different meaning for people in the developed world. Majority
of people in the developed world already lead comfortable lives. They already possess disposable income
and the recent growth in the global economy hasn't really done anything to further improve their standard
of living. What is more, they now face stiff competition from their counterparts in the developing
countries. Their market share has started eroding. They are no longer the most sought after candidates for
jobs even in their own countries. Worse still, more and more jobs now get outsourced to the developing
world, where the cost of labour is low compared to that in the West. As a result of this people in the
developed world are now losing their jobs. Needless to say, they aren't all that happy with this sudden
spurt in global economy.
The lesson we learn is that growth of economy in developing world should not hamper the economy of
the people of the developed countries. Jobs and opportunities for the people of the developing countries
should be generate within their countries and not in the developed countries. Governments of developed
countries should not lay-off their people to give low paid jobs to others.

To sum up, the facts given above should explain why researchers feel that people in the developing
countries are happier with the growth in global economy than the people in the developed world. These
viewpoints are not expected to change much into the foreseeable future unless some steps are taken.
41. (Khi tg phát triển, những vấn đề với ng trẻ tuổi là kết quả của sự pt liên tục) As major cities
in the world are growing today, so do their problems. What are the problems for young
people who are living in the cities as the result of continued growth
The fact is that, all over the world, the fast growth of numerous cities has resulted in abundant serious
troubles, especially for young citizens. In this essay, I will examine some problems regarding such issues
and address several possible methods for them.
Unemployment among youngsters and inadequate budgets for daily expenditures are two major
consequences of quick urbanization. Firstly, mass exodus coming to big cities causes a lack of jobs,
mainly for newly graduated dwellers. They need to struggle to gain decent jobs as senior workers
definitely have advantages. For instance, plenty of companies, obviously, will choose applicants with
more work experience than the ones without it. Secondly, the fact that excessive immigrants rushing to
urban areas is the fundamental driver for the increase in renting, food and transport prices. Among all of
those living in these places, younger ones suffer more substantially. For instance, imagine a young citizen
was hired, he was still considered to be vulnerable to this trend as the fact that a new employer more often
than not receives lower pay. That's why a dramatic change in the city population brings about many
The most effective solutions to this urgent matter are to invest more in suburban areas to prevent workers
from running to big cities and to limit the number of immigrants. Initially, the authority had better allocate
funds to rural and mountainous areas so as to create more jobs and improve infrastructure. It is effective
to hold local people back in their original realms. Clearly, it is not necessary to travel far from home while
it's easy to earn a living in a place nearby. Additionally, the regulation on limiting immigrants to urban
cities should be put forward. For example, if people find it difficult to enter such places, they might give
up the idea. Therefore, it is advisable the authority should take immediate action.
To conclude, the rapid growth of big cities has always been a hot potato which brings about severe
obstacles; therefore, more jobs in the countryside should be created and city goers shoud be limited.
42. (tăng trưởng kt là chấm dứt nghèo hay hủy hoại mt) Some people say that economic growth
is the only way to end hunger and poverty, while others say that economic growth is
damaging the environment so it must be stopped.
While the developed economy is believed as the sole solution for the alarming status of hunger and
poverty. It is also considered as the main cause of environmental destruction. In this essay, both views
will be discussed and from my perspective, I strongly agree with the former statement.
On one hand, economic growth enriches the budget for society. As a result, those unlucky people can give
more support such as food or money. That helps them a lot in improving their daily life. In addition,
developed economy has the high demand in the number of employees. In other words, providing a huge
amount of jobs which would reduce the unemployment state. Thus, the poor now not only get job but also
have chance to change their life
On the other hand, increase in the number of factories is an evitable consequence of economic growth.
That causes harm to the environment because factories are the main source of exhausted emission and
other kinds of contaminated trash. Polluted air, water and soil are the outstanding examples for
environmental damage by the factories. Moreover, to expand the industrial area aiming to serve the
development of economy, forest will be destroy to make use of land. That leads to series of negative
effects such as increase in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, green house effect,…

In conclusion, the developed economy brings both pros and cons. In details, the positive results in
eliminating hunger and poverty. In contrast, negative consequences on the environment. However, I
suppose we should take advantage of growth economic rather than reject it. Even we can apply it in
protecting the environment.
43. (ca sĩ k pop kiếm nhiều tiền hơn nghệ sĩ cổ điển) Pop stars earn much more than classical
music performers.
In recent years, musical performance has become a topic of interest. Many have held a view that modern
performers should be better paid when compared to classical while others are strongly opposed to that
idea. From my perspective, both mentioned groups need to be entitled to enjoy equal profits due to their
significant contributions.
On the one hand, modern genres are renowned for their increasing requirement for creativity. Apparently,
the music taste is ever-changing over time, demanding the composers and singers continuously learn and
devise new techniques in both production and performance to maintain the genres’ popularity and keep
their careers overwhelmingly thriving. Therefore, endowing contemporary celebrities with wealth for
their efforts and popularity seems reasonable and worthy. The number of pop vocalists and songwriters
achieving major annual musical awards is a typical example of this argument.
On the other hand, classical melodies are of great value and need preservation. Classical compositions, in
fact, are the legacies of the legendary composers who silently but enormously contributed to the evolution
of music via beautiful melodies and rhythms that stand the test of time and become lessons for posterity
to contemplate and study. Hence, there is no point in denying the pivotal role of classical musicians in
making masterpieces immortalise. A clear illustration of this justification is that there are countless
samples derived from symphonies by genius composers which can be found in today's hit tracks.
In conclusion, the essay has solid reasons to defend the two mentioned schools of thought. In my opinion,
both groups of artists should be equally paid for their importance in terms of music development.
44. (Bảo tàng nên là nơi giải trí hay giáo dục) Some people think that museums should be
enjoyable places to entertain young people, while others believe that the purpose of
museums is to educate.
A museum is considered the temple of our culture and history.Many argue that a museum is an institute
proposed solely for educational needs,while some think it should be more entertaining to attract
visitors.To my way of thinking,an ideal museum should be both informative and interesting.In this essay,
I am going to discuss both views and state my opinion.
Some people believe that like any other leisure activities museum visit also must be fun.Moreover, they
are not much interested in the academic details of the artefacts on display.The general public who are the
major proportion of the visitors may not understand the historical importance of the museums.There are
some measures that can be taken to make sure their involvement while they visit the exhibitions.For
example,one of the museums in Kerala now started to provide audio-visual aids which can explain the
features of the displayed items in many languages.They are also showing documentary films in relation to
the history of exhibits.These kinds of activities help to improve people's attentiveness towards the
museum trip.
However,many visitors including archaeology students and history aspirants search for the information
they need for their profession.Especially for ,the fun activities are not very critical.The provided historical
data and characteristics of a pre-historic tool or fossil are their areas of concern.For instance, they already
know many simple details explained by a guide or an A-V aid.These people only care about the facts and
figures for their studies or projects.

In conclusion,the role of the museum for a person depends on the purpose of the visitor.In my opinion,a
model museum must indeed provide educational and leisure options.So people from all walks of life can
visit museums .
45. (khách du lịch có nên bảo tồn, giữ gìn văn hóa nơi họ đến thăm k) In recent years, tourists
have paid attention to preserving both the culture and environment of the places they visit.
It is argued that there is no chance for tourists to take responsibility in protecting the environment and
culture of host countries. However, I disagree with this view and believe that this is a worthy aim that can
be achieved by various ways.
Firstly, if everyone was equipped with the knowledge of cultural diversity and the vital importance of the
environment, they would be more aware of their behavior. For example, children should be educated to
avoid throwing rubbish into surroundings or touching fragile historical objects in museums when they
travel abroad. Besides that, western holiday-makers who flock to tourist destinations in Asian countries
should wear suitable clothes because they are insensitive to local youngsters there. This could prevent
children from copying negative attitudes such as rowdiness and outbound tourists may set a good example
of good manners.
Secondly, it is possible to promote cultural differences through both local and international media in order
to reduce the risk of having unintentionally offensive actions to indigenous practices. The clearest
example of this is that cow which is an edible animal in most countries is a sacred animal and is
worshiped in festivals in India. Without such knowledge, tourists may bring with them cow meat and this
could leave a bad impression on locals.
Finally, local authorities could enact and enforce strict rules on protecting the environment and core
traditional value, which could act as a deterrent. In Singapore, for example, throwing away garbage, even
a small thing like chewing gum could be fined severely and this rule is widely-known in many nations. As
a result, every tourist coming to this country abides by rules and makes efforts to preserve historical sites
as well as natural scenery.
In conclusion, I would contend that sustainable tourism development could be achieved through
education, media, and laws, and tourists could definitely become culpable for the environmental and
cultural problems.
46. (mn sd ngôn ngữ viết ít trang trọng, thoải mái hơn trc đây) Many people use written
language in a less formal way and in a relaxed way than in the past.
It is true that the written communication is becoming more intimate and casual than it used to be. There
are several reasons for this, and I believe that its disadvantages outweigh its advantages.
The development of online messaging applications is the cause of this issue. These applications help
people can communicate without meeting face-to-face. For instance, Zalo currently is a popular app in
Vietnam, people use it to send texts to each other anytime and anywhere just connect to the internet
instead of having to make an appointment. Furthermore, people when texting usually tends to not care
about formality, they need to write quickly. As a result, using simple and casual language in written form
become popular and it heavily affects the written language.
The benefit of this is to communicate effectively and quickly, especially during short conversations for
information. For example, if you forgot some of the teacher's instructions, you can text and ask your
teacher directly and quickly without writing a long and formal letter. However, this problem brings more
drawbacks. Firstly, people forget how to write a formal letter. In fact, the present generation gets used to
texting, so many young adults do not know how to write a formal email to apply for a job. they write
these emails like they are texting with friends, such unprofessional writing makes employers

underestimate these young people. Secondly, it is easy for readers to misunderstand. While emotions
represent different meanings of the same sentence, written language needs a lot of words to describe that
emotion. Therefore, when you write too short, it can confuse the reader.
In conclusion, the rise of online messaging applications has resulted in less formal and more relaxed
written communication than in the past.
47. (chức năng quan trọng nhất của âm nhạc là giảm stress) The most important function of
music is that it helps people reduce stress.
Music has been the favourite entertainment medium for people from ancient times. It is widely believed
that its most important use is mitigating stress. I partly agree with this notion and this essay will discuss
why bringing happiness is the prime use of music.
It is true that music is a great stress reliever. It has been found that it is caused by the high levels of
cortisol which is required, but increased levels of the same would cause stress. As music can mitigate the
levels of cortisol bringing it down to a healthy level would relieve stress to a great extent. Another
benefit is generating alpha brain waves causing reduced stress levels when low-beat music is being
played. However, the music acts as a stress reliever only when the listener likes the music being played,
and it would cause more stress otherwise. Therefore, it has not been a universal remedy as a stress
Making the listener happier is the profound use of music by many people, including those in the
entertainment industry. This is because it releases the hormone called endorphin, which makes people feel
happy. It helps to fix the mood of a person if they are in an unhealthy mood. It also lifts the mood of a
person who is already in a happy mood. For instance, a lover in a good mood may feel like every word in
the song is written for them. Happiness is the ultimate goal of everybody’s life and thus providing
happiness can be construed as the principal benefit of music.
In conclusion, whereas music has many benefits, fixing the mood can be considered of prime importance
as widely perceived by the entertainment industry.
48. (lịch sử có giúp gì cho chúng ta hay k) Some people think history has nothing or little to tell
us, but others think that studying the past history can help us better understand the
present. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
some people think that knowing our past is not an essential thing, whereas others think that learning the
past history can help one to understand the present. I would like to argue that historical knowledge is
required to study the current world. This essay will discuss both views and conclude with my opinion.
On the one hand, Few communities ignored themselves to show up for the acquisition of history, hence
they think that learning history is not worthwhile. Moreover, some folks are partially interested to learn
about ancient cultures and habitats. For example, people consider very few parts of historical events as
useful, so they hesitate to dig deeper into historical parts. Although these people fail to study their history,
they never feel guilt to live in the present.
On the other hand, the Evolution of traditions, cultures, and habitats are must needed historical
knowledge to be obtained by people in modern days. In addition, Knowing about our ancestors and their
lifestyle are a vital part of our life. For instance, People nowadays are concerned only about their
ancestral possessions and not about their ancestral origin. Despite this, Many people love to explore their
past history to overcome the idea of how people in the past survived without adequate technologies.
Moreover, Our ancestors lived healthier than us by consuming natural ayurveda medicines for illness.

In conclusion, In my opinion, Past history should be acquired by each and every person in the world to
gather more information about their ancestors. Moreover, Ancient remedies such as medicines and foods
should be followed by individuals to achieve a healthy life.
49. (thành viên trẻ nên chăm sóc ng lớn tuổi khi họ k thể tự chăm sóc mk) Some believe that
younger family members should be legally responsible for supporting older family members
when they become physically, mentally and financially unable to look after themselves.
Some people suppose that it should be obligatory for the young generation to take responsibility for the
old when then they are unable to take care of themselves in terms of physical, mental and financial
aspects. While I believe that there are some difficulties for the young to do so, I agree with this notion.
On the one hand, there are several disadvantages when younger family members have to take care of their
grandparents or parents when they get old. Firstly, young people may be overloaded with various issues at
their first step of life, from career development to making a living to marriage issues. Therefore, being
responsible for other family members can place an extra burden on the young, who still lack life
experience and stable financial conditions. Besides, there are several cases in which young people can not
stay beside and take care of their families. For example, during the Covid quarantine period, lockdowns
happened worldwide without flights, preventing people who are living far from home from coming back
with their families.
Despite the aforementioned difficulties, I am of the opinion that the young generation should be legally
responsible for supporting the elder in their family. Firstly, emotional support from offspring may help the
old become happier and more positive, so there is a greater likelihood that they can overcome numerous
health risks and loneliness in their twilight ages. Moreover, receiving care from young family members is
more beneficial than from strangers, when the young can understand clearly the habits and hobbies of
their parents, so they can give better care, especially in terms of the physical aspect. Furthermore, even if
the young are living far from home, they should support their parents financially, for example, by buying
necessary medicines or paying hospital fees.
To summarize, although it is disadvantageous for the young to support older family members, I am more
convinced that it should be compulsory for them to be responsible for taking care of their grandparents or
parents when they are unable to look after themselves.
50. (thể thao đồng đội vẫn tốt hơn thể thao cá nhân) Some people say team sports (football)
have lots of benefits. Others say Individual sports (swimming, tennis) are better.
In this day and age, it is believed by some that team sports are beneficial while others believe individual
sports are better. Although there are many reasons why people should attend individual sports, I
personally think that team sports are more advantageous.
On the one hand, individual sports have several merits. First, people will have opportunities to develop
their skills. When a person participates in an individual sport, they can develop their soft skills such as
stress management, emotion control, confidence and self-esteem. This is mainly because individuals will
have to develop a strong mindset to deal with and overcome any obstacles by themselves/ on their own.
Second, individual sports give participants better chances to push themselves. This means that they have
to establish goals and create new personal records. For example, when swimming, people can set up the
goal they want to achieve and do it themselves without friends or teammates.
On the other hand, it is my firm belief that playing team sport is a better choice . To begin with, people
will improve their teamwork skills. The chance to improve interpersonal abilities, such as cooperation and
communication, will aid people in their workplace as well as in their daily social connections. For
instance, football players not only play a game but also make strong connections with each other since
they learn how to trust and understand each other. Moreover, when people play team sports, they can have

a great chance to meet new people. They not only meet their teammates but also players from other teams
that they compete with. As a result, individuals can expand their network, which is very advantageous to
their career.
Some people say team sports (football) have lots of benefits. Others say Individual sports (swimming,
tennis- are better. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
In conclusion, while playing individual sports can have some advantages, I would argue that team sports
can give people greater results.


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